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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2019 in Posts

  1. Torax

    ROOMS Ranking system

    So people just have to stay open 24/7 to be on top. If someone opens just for one hour a room, he will never reach even the first half ot the list. I dont see it as a solution but even worse. People go where are people. It is right to say there is a snowball effects and large rooms get more and more peeps thanks to actual ranking. I still wish to have tabs for diferent type of rooms. At least one tab for sex rooms and one for non sex rooms. This would already allow 2 rankings and better view of rooms open.
    3 points
  2. White Breeze proudly presents a new chapter in its history. White Breeze Berlin will open its doors officially on September, 11th. We will start with an Opening Party at 20:00 CET.
    2 points
  3. Why place trust in eyes That are easily deceived Seeing what I want Why rely on ears Made for sound, not truth telling Hearing what I want Why not trust my heart? Let feelings replace senses Following instincts We all have a force... That can be felt by others When true to yourself I don’t need to see… Don’t need to hear or touch you To know I LOVE you
    2 points
  4. This is our schedule so far: 19-20 Warmup with Northleaf 20-21 Pandorra 21-22 Nesy 22-23 Wednesday 23-24 MaYuki 0-1 Serissa 1-2 Sinthea aka DJ Huntress
    2 points
  5. JMLjett

    Your Mood

    Rhino beetle, many different species but I'm not sure if it's really what is showing up in his hand
    2 points
  6. Hjkghjkghjkghukhbj hjil hjilh jkl hjkln jkl njk lnjkl njklhjklh ji lhjk lnbjkl hjkl hjklh jklh jkl hjk lhjk lhjk lnbjklhujilg hjkfgh jkdfgjdfgh cghkvbhj lkhbjk lnmkl ;mkl ;/nkl. njkl. bhjk vhb k vhgjkvbn jk bhjkbhn jlbnjkl njklnj kl;jhk;l. Ghjkghjklhjkl. Basically whenever you press Enter to start a new paragraph it increases the space between lines. Note that she wrote in a single paragraph, whereas you wrote in two.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. β–²LuxTowerβ–² Top floor apartment inspired by the Illuminati faction from the game The Secret World. The main room is actually just my Pre-World Editor Room 2 expanded upon. SLUT_LuxTower.world
    2 points
  10. I come here to read what is coming up and what are the people suggesting, not some people argue about chicks with dicks, men with boobs or dick nipples. Keep the off topic aside or make another topic as "What we should call the unusual genders?". Thank you.
    2 points
  11. Aliviax

    ROOMS Ranking system

    Hello , today i wanted to talk about room ranking from 3dxchat buisness point of view and new players point of view . Many people complain about rooms rankings mostly the newer ones. How does the current room rank works now ? The room with the most people in it is higher on list this ranking tho isnt fair for newer people they are always doomed to be down on the list . The more known people always on top no exeptions and i put my self in this i nver had issues i never spend much gold cause people know me same applies to other known people but its not fair for new players . So my suggestion is the room ranking be by time open, the earlier the day a room has opened the higher in the list will be n so on . This will make it more fair for all people (new players side ) and ofcourse will allow people to spend more xgold (3dxchat side) its known fact that all known people including me dont spend xgold and newer people spend way more and i think its not fair . So my suggestion covers 2 sides i care 3dxchat side to earn more money from xgold and new players side to have a more fair game and more chances. will also help reduce spam ...who are those that spam ? ask ur selfs its rooms that dont have people so they spam to get more attention changing the room ranking system will change all that in a better way giving everyone same oportunities have fun everyone
    1 point
  12. Maxinejuicer


    Step around any ladders, open your umbrella outdoors, don't put your new shoes on the table, try not to knock the salt shaker over and be careful of any mirrors! Now.......do you feel lucky? Join us at the 'Sip and Dip Tiki Bar' for a fun unlucky 13 themed evening. Can you find, hidden in the room 13 playing cards? If you're feeling lucky enough and find them all, then you need to add the face value of the cards together. But wait.....there's more. Each card has a letter on the reverse. Rearrange the letters to spell two words. More clues will be given at the party. Try your luck whilst listening to our DJs playing a varied collection of 'Music from the Movies'. Plus, find out some really pointless unlucky 13 facts. So, bring some four leaf clover, or some lucky heather, or even rob a horse of a shoe. The Bare Bunnies will be dancing as good luck charms so get your lucky panties on and come join us. Black kitty cats are allowed......but no crossing any ones path please.
    1 point
  13. Leeloo

    ROOMS Ranking system

    I see. Another weird setting in this new forum. Now we can't no longer decide by ourselves when we change of paragraph.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Leeloo

    ROOMS Ranking system

    Here are few ideas for additional tabs for rooms: - Sex/Adult - Rock/Hard rock - Gothic - Chill - Pop etc... etc... This way, everyone will be able to find what they want.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Slut

    ❀ Free Stuff ❀

    ✚Classic Car✚ Basic car design, parts grouped for easy editing. Includes 3 variations. SLUT_ClassicCar.world
    1 point
  19. β˜†TheDirtyPixelβ˜† Bright bliking lights, melting neon and (for no real reason) arcade machines and cars. Small bedroom upstairs behind balcony, 8 more upstairs in main room. SLUT_TheDirtyPixel.world
    1 point
  20. Just wondering... is there -any- way to stop Alivia posting? Her head is so far up Gizmo's arse, she can lick the back of his teeth. It's pathetic, sickening and annoying. We have opinions and points of view that do not need her two cents worth, just so she can brown nose him even more. Alivia, you are not one of the devs, so stop speaking for them... in fact stop speaking altogether. K thanks bye
    1 point
  21. SusanLouisa

    Your Mood

    Fantastic evening with friends leaves us tired and happy. Night all.
    1 point
  22. Hey there, Only 10 days left until Fucktoriced. Thanks to Aylina I can present you a little teasing vid. See you there Pan
    1 point
  23. KarenKH


    I rarely read these forums because of the childish troll rants. I came here hoping to find some intelligent info on why the service is down. Silly me. All this waste of energy could have been avoided with one simple post from management: "We will be taking the service down for the next (insert number) days for (insert reason). Please bare with us while we improve the service." How EASY is that? Everyone wants an improved 3dx. However, paying subscribers don't appreciate service outages and then getting total silence from management. Whoever runs 3dx needs a serious lesson in customer relations. Some lessons in actually LISTENING to the wants and needs of their customer base would be nice too. Sadly, I don't have high hopes for any of that,
    1 point
  24. Gizmo


    3DXChat World Editor Documentation Table of Contents Introduction The Gizmos Camera control Hotkeys File menu Tools Objects Materials Helpful links The Builder's Corner discord server by HotKitty Tutorial Videos by Xanar Other German documentation by NiceKati
    1 point
  25. Gizmo


    1 Introduction This document explains how you can start using World Editor. It provides information about all the gizmo properties and system settings. 2 The Gizmos In this chapter we will take a look at how the gizmos work and all the properties which can be modified for each gizmo. We will also talk about transform spaces and transform pivot points. 2.1 The Translation Gizmo The translation gizmo allows you to move objects around in the scene. The following image shows a screen-shot of the translation gizmo: 2.1.1 Using The Translation Gizmo If you click and drag one of the gizmo axis you will perform a translation along the corresponding gizmo axis. The gizmo also has a set of squares. Clicking and dragging one of the squares will allow you to perform a translation along 2 axes at once. If you hold down the SHIFT key, a square will be shown centered around the gizmo position. Clicking and dragging the mouse while the square is selected will perform a translation along the camera right and up axes. This is a little bit like performing a translation in screen space. Note: The move gizmo can be used to perform certain special operations, like the camera axes translation discussed above or vertex snapping etc. When a special operation is being performed, a square will appear in the center of the gizmo. I will be referring to this as the special operation square or special op square for short. Mesh Surface Placement The move gizmo can be used to greatly speed up mesh surface placement. With it you can place an object (or collection of objects) on the surface of a mesh and also align the objects' axes to the surface normal. Here are the shortcut keys that allow you to do this: SPACE – the special op square will appear and if you left click the left mouse button inside the square and then drag while hovering a terrain/mesh, the object(s) and the gizmo will move along the terrain/mesh surface and the objects' Y axis will be aligned with the surface normal;SPACE + X – same, but this time the X axis will be aligned with the surface normal;SPACE + Z – same, but this time the Z axis will be aligned with the surface normal;SPACE + LCTRL – with this combination the object(s)' positions will be snapped to the surface, but no axis alignment will be performed. Note: In this case, because no axis alignment is done for the bjects, the objects will most likely become embedded inside the surface because the system no longer knows how to offset the object accordingly since no reference axis is specified. Grid Surface Placement The move gizmo can also be used to place and align objects on the grid surface using the same combination of keys discussed previously. Note: Grid placement will only be performed if the hotkeys are active and if no terrain or mesh object is hovered by the mouse cursor. Snapping The translation gizmo supports 3 types of snapping: Step, Vertex Snapping and Box Snapping. Step Snapping Step snapping allows you to perform translations in increments of a specified step value. For example, if the step value is set to 1, this means that a translation is only performed when the accumulated translation amount is >= 1. In order to use step snapping, you have to keep the CTRL button pressed and then manipulate the gizmo as you would normally do (using the axes or the squares or pressing the SHIFT key to translate along the camera right and up axes). Vertex to Vertex Snapping Press the V key on the keyboard and then move the mouse around to select one of the vertices of the selected game objects. This is the vertex that will be snapped to the destination position. Once you found the vertex that you are interested in, press the left mouse button and move the mouse around to snap the selected objects. The objects will be snapped to the vertex which is closest to the mouse cursor. Vertex to Grid Snapping This works in the same way as vertex-to vertex snapping, but this time the source vertex will be snapped to one of the grid's cell corner points. Box Snapping Works in the same way as vertex snapping, but it applies to the center and corner points of the objects' bounding box. 2.2 The Rotation Gizmo The rotation gizmo allows you to rotate objects in the scene. The following image shows a screen-shot of the rotation gizmo: 2.2.1 Using The Rotation Gizmo The rotation gizmo has 3 colored circles that can be used to rotate around a single axis. You can rotate around a single axis by clicking on one of the circles and then start dragging the mouse. As you can see in the image above, there is also an outer circle (the one which encloses the rotation sphere and which is also slightly bigger). Clicking on this circle and then dragging the mouse will allow you to rotate around the camera view vector. If you click on a point on the imaginary sphere (not on any of the components that we have discussed so far), you will be able to rotate around the camera right and up axes. Snapping The rotation gizmo supports Step snapping which allows you to rotate in increments of a specified step value (expressed in units of degrees). For example, if this step value is set to 15, a rotation is performed only when the accumulated rotation amount is >= 15. In order to use Step snapping, you have to keep the CTRL button pressed and then manipulate the gizmo as you normally do. Note: Step snapping works only when you are using one of the 3 colored circles. 2.3 The Scale Gizmo The following image shows the scale gizmo: 2.3.1 Using The Scale Gizmo The scale gizmo has 3 colored axes. Clicking on of these axes and dragging the mouse, will perform a scale operation along the specified axis. As you can see in the image above, there are also 3 multi-axis triangles. Clicking on one of these triangles and than dragging the mouse, will perform a scale operation along 2 axes at once. If you want to perform a scale operation along all axes at once, you have to keep the SHIFT key pressed and then drag the mouse around. Snapping The scale gizmo supports Step snapping which allows you to scale in increments of a specified world unit amount. For example, if the step value is set to 1, a scale operation will be performed only when the accumulated scale is >= 1. In order to use Step snapping, you have to keep the CTRL key pressed and then use the scale gizmo as you normally do (drag the axes or the multi-axis triangles or press SHIFT to scale along all axes at once). 2.4 The Volume Scale Gizmo The volume scale gizmo is another type of gizmo which allows you to perform object scaling, but it works a bit differently than the standard scale gizmo. Instead of using axes that can be dragged, you can use handles to resize an object. This in combination with the step snapping functionality can provide a much more intuitive scaling interface in some scenarios. 2.4.1 Using the Volume Scale Gizmo The gizmo is composed of 6 drag handles which can be dragged to scale the object. There are 2 drag handles for each axis. Dragging one of them will scale along the corresponding object local axis. When you drag,the size and position of the object will be affected. Holding down SHIFT before dragging will cause the scale to happen from the center of the object. This key can be modified from the gizmo's inspector. Note: The volume scale gizmo only works when a single object is selected and that object has to have a mesh attached to it. When more than one object is selected, the gizmo will be hidden. Snapping If you hold down LCTRL while dragging the handles, the gizmo will scale the object in increments of a specified step size. 2.5 The Hand Gizmo In fact, this is the Translation Gizmo. But it works as if the Space button is constantly pressed (Mesh Surface Placement mode).
    1 point
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