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  3. After some feedback from friends and such. I've practically doubled the list in size! Really happy there's other people who also have wishes for these things! Glad we can dream together! As always, feel free to send me more suggestions if you feel like! I think I've added just about everything I could wish for. I don't really expect all these to come to fruition, but I had fun making it and maybe the developers could get some inspiration from it!
  4. Hello to anybody that reads this text I am looking for someone that has a 144Hz Intel Core i5-12450HX 512GB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX Windows Gaming PC or Laptop and is genuinely able to help someone out with editing Worlds that the individual owns, if you are someone that owns a 144Hz i5-12450HX 512GB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX Windows Gaming PC or Laptop please don't hesitate to reach out to me
  5. As long as it works.. What about battery life of it? had many different kind of toys, but this have particulary short battery life. Have you encountered the same problem or perhaps my device is faulty?
  6. Valentine`s Day and stuff, huh?
  7. I got it working even on his phone today. Had to download update and delete all app data and cache. Then it started working.
  8. 51й кленовый....52й ледовый...53й канальный ?. А луну разделим пополам .... XDDD
  9. Thank you so much for saying that Peggy. I tend to play the exact same way. I don't enjoy any kind of non-consensual roleplay (even though of course, it has to be consensual at some level, since we can all just log out). But I don't enjoy anything that isn't also enjoyable for the other person. I have had experiences where someone later would say, "I didn't enjoy that." And my reply is, "Well, why didn't you just tell me? I would have stopped immediately!" So, yes ... I'm an extension of my own principles here. I'm not here to really be a whole other person, since I can't seem to occupy a different personality than the one I have. That's just me, however.
  10. Thank you so much for replying Tasha. I think you are right to point out the balance between how much effort they should make towards anatomy and poses, since the large part of 3DX is being able to chat. I think everyone surely has their favorite poses. I suppose it's just an instinct to want more variety. Some people don't really want things to be overly sensual, but I happen to love the poses that have us kissing and also fucking. I think that's somewhat realistic and feel right. That being said, I'd love to someday see a reverse amazon, punish the dog, and lazy doggy pose!
  11. Last week
  12. Миледи,Мы достаточно активно прокачали почти всех местных ''аморфных никто из виртуального ничто'' . Революционных идей не нашли ,скукота для лохопетов ... DIXIE
  13. Заклозили хайпить. Рефы в пятницу: Векторность -НЕ тотал лук ,особое внимание типажности и аксессуарам . ВСЕХ КАСАЕТСЯ
  14. Сказ про то ,как мы в Москве ''живем в землянках,питаемся шишками и запиваем огуречным рассолом '' Сосанкции же ......
  15. Все заметили линии из линейки Tom Ford? наши вдохновились и заэксклюзили . ''Леди Гага ''? нет это Зиверт . Залипла. На репете
  16. Hello, hope someone can help me with this bug, I also tried to send a bug via "Report A Bug" page, but looks like it doesn't send it at all. My issue with the Local Chat is like I cannot see the whole chat, looks like the PMs and the World Chat have no problems, but the Local Chat doesn't show the whole chat, I also cannot see the icons of the Reaction/Reply/Translate while I highlight a text. I attach a screenshot so, maybe, it can be more clear. English is not my first language, so I could be kinda messy on explaining the problem. The time of the local chat shows 22:19, meanwhile I did the screenshot around 22:28. Hope someone can help me, it's pretty annoying to don't read immediately the current Local Chat. Edit: I also tried to use the text size option with no luck. Edit 2: Sometimes closing and opening the application fixes it, but the chat has that bug often and would like to fix it anyway for good. Edit 3: I've noticed it also happens with the WORLD chat.
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