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  1. Gizmo

    Summer 2024 Update

    Summer 2024 Update (Patch 450) Greetings to all 3DXChat players! We are excited to announce the long-awaited update that introduces a revolutionary modular hair system, along with a significant content update. What's New To enhance security, we've added a special system to the game that blocks third-party applications that may attempt to access the game memory (like FPS Monitor, Reshade, Discord Registered Games, Discord Share Activity Privacy and etc.) The game may crash when using such programs, so it’s best to disable them or avoid applying them to 3DXChat. Introducing New modular hair system (Hair Editor), offering an incredible number of hairstyle combinations. Read our blog for a detailed description of the new hair system: 4 new sets of women's hairstyles for the new hair system (including over 28,000 hairstyle combinations!) 87 new sex positions (including variations) New men's clothes: Bomber (37 styles), Jacket (7 styles), T-shirt (10 styles), Turtleneck (37 styles) New women's clothes: Bra-13 (41 styles), Panties-13 (30 styles), Bra-14 (45 styles), Bra-15 (41 styles), Top (71 styles), Panties-14 (22 styles) Women's panties now support the new material system (see screenshots below) 1 new set of tattoos for men and 2 new sets of tattoos for women The quality of all tattoos has been improved 7 new eyebrow options and 20 new eyelash options for women In-game overlay that displays FPS, time, and several other parameters (see details below) Fixed radio playback (chunk and buffer sizes have been increased to 128) Radio playlists on general locations have been updated (thanks to Lussian) The texture of some lips has been updated Fixed pose animations and typos in the pose catalog for group poses New Hair Editor Video Trailer Watch on YouTube New Sex Poses Video Trailer New Content In-game overlay that displays FPS, time, and several other parameters. It can be conveniently dragged to any location on the screen. fps_overlay.mp4 Panties have been updated and converted to support the new material system. Update 3DXChat now to explore fresh content and new features. Dive into the ultimate virtual experience - don’t miss out! Join 3DXChat through the official website Add 3DXChat to your wishlist on Steam and help the game attract more players at launch. The more people join, the more opportunities you'll have to meet new friends and enjoy exciting dates Best regards, The 3DXChat Team
    26 points
  2. Gizmo

    Updates 2024

    Mini patch 453 Fixed disappearing underwear Fixed background artifacts in general locations without a sky when flying out of the room using the fly cam Tattoos on male and female characters now display the same Compatibility between the mohawk and hat has been corrected Fixed the <a> tag (blue chat) Fixed ears compressing hair like a hat
    12 points
  3. Hello community, hello Devs! We all (girls) appreciated the last update. This hair styling system is really great. The new very sexy bikinis are also great and the item corrections so that they support the double-texture system were almost mandatory and I hope that ALL items will end up being corrected in this mode. But there is one thing that I notice and that we all notice, guys are the big forgotten ... again... Yes, it is important that we girls can make ourselves beautiful and as “unique” as possible. It would be nice if we took care of the boys a little. I imagine the devs are working on new hairstyles for the guys with the new system, I hope... and more clothes / shoes / accessories for them. WELL ... PLEASE ! FOR THE NEXT UPDATE, TAKE CARE OF THE BOYS ! kof kof kof... arrrh my vocal cords... Please, Boys needs : - Chest hair !!!! we want hairy mens ! haiiiiir ! WE WANT BEARS ! (oops i write Beer at first time ) - Eyebrows and eyelashes (the look of a man is important ... and 90% of eyebrows look like fart faces) - More mature faces (for the same reason as for eyebrows and more mature faces... it whets the appetite) - Beautiful beards, more varied and of different lengths, short, long, silky, which will really tickle our vulva... - HAIRS ! (with the new system, but I think it's in progress, it would be illogical if it wasn't) - A little more charismatic idle poses - Clothes Clothes Clothes ! ripped tshirt, looser shirt, baggy jeans, harem pants ... Open any catalog of guys' clothes, it's not difficult. - Accessories and DICK ACCESSORIES (cockring, piercing, condom, penis sheaths, chastity cage ... why lack so much imagination, plus it would also go for “girls” ... double satisfaction) - and everything that could be done for them... the more, the better. We should also think about Femboys and Sissy, cute accessories will certainly delight a lot of people. Come on girls, participate, give a thumbs up, other suggestions for them, we can't leave guys like that !!! We want handsome guys between our thights ! PS : I am informed that Chuck Norris approves my post. With and , Eve.
    9 points
  4. JustJonny

    Summer 2024 Update

    Echoing what other guys have said....where is the male hair editor?! Great to see you improving the game with new content and well done for implementing a totally new feature BUT maybe it's about time you offered more of a fair balance in gender content? Woman already have 2/3 more content in closet....yes I counted a while back....more clothes options and of those options they always tend to have more layer options on top of this... and now 100's if not 1000's more hairstyle options too, as if the gap wasn't large enough already... Seriously......this is just getting silly now..... Please put some time and effort into male avatar content and not just the hair. Thank you
    6 points
  5. Gizmo

    Coming Soon

    Hello everyone! We've built a brand-new in-game messenger from scratch. We've kept all the best features from the old messenger and added several dozen new useful functions. Almost all visual changes can be disabled in the settings, allowing you to revert the chat to its previous look. We’re planning to launch an open beta test soon, so stay tuned! Trailer Chat Window_3.mp4
    5 points
  6. BaddiBunnii

    More Male items

    We ladies get a lot of awesome things in each update. I'd like to be able to see my Hubby wear customizable Suits and Ties, maybe chain necklaces, long coats(opened and closed), and More customizable pants, and shoes. Also if we could have more options for dresses even down to wedding ones would be awesome too
    5 points
  7. think if that were to be a thing it would need to be something optional, because I can see how that would be used as a means for others to control or stalk others. Since we don't really have any complex social profile systems like say Facebook friends are bottled in one category which may be people you may want to stay in contact with but may not necessarily be close friends, it could be hook up buddies etc.. Which means may not necessarily be all "Friends" you'd want to know where exactly you are every second of the day. Just saying, even if the idea otherwise may be fine as extra edition feature to the game otherwise.
    4 points
  8. Would it be possible to add playable poker games to 3DX. I think the people of 3DX would love the opportunity to gamble a little. It doesn't have to be for real money or credits just the feeling of risk or adventure.
    4 points
  9. Jin

    Summer 2024 Update

    Would be nice to have the hair editor for male
    4 points
  10. Medeia

    Summer 2024 Update

    looks amazing, great job! I will experiment
    4 points
  11. As title said could we get seductive somewhat skimpy nurse uniform similar to the one from snowbreak?
    3 points
  12. Hi, I've only jumped into this game as recently as two weeks ago and was really enjoying it. I am a Linux-only user and have been using it as my main OS for more than 20 years, even for gaming. I also work with it professionally. Since you are aiming at a Steam release soon, I though I'd open up a separate thread for this. The anti-cheat tool you have added with version 450 breaks Linux support. I know that you are not officially supporting this OS, but I can say that 3DXChat was working on Linux and Wine previously with like-native Windows performance. I have had absolutely no issues. Which means that the game is fully capable to run on Steam/Proton (and though the Steam Deck) as well. Steam has a Linux user scale of 2%, which might not be a userbase that you'd want to miss out. I have checked with the lead developer of the anti-cheat tool and he confirmed that it has never been tested against running on Linux with Wine/Proton and probably won't work. I fully believe that it's worth your effort to figure out a solution for this problem, as it would definitely help to boost your Steam release (and make your current paying Linux users happy as well ). If you need more information on this issue, or someone to do tests on this, I am more than willing to help. Looking forward to hear from you
    3 points
  13. hotmaya

    3dx Update

    regarding the latest update i like to submit a few collected requests : the new hair editing is something really good and hopefully extented in future. Still a few hair styles missing and will come up next hopefully. Also more hair & beards for males (on body too). Also the new poses are great. Is there a chance to get more 3 or 4 sum actions in future to enjoy group fun ? Sliders in game for action ? penis limp and hard ? nipples?, body dry to hot & sweaty, cum and squirt intensity ? and always needed new clothes for men and women
    3 points
  14. O! M! F! G! I got it to work! Guys, what you need is VANILLA WINE 8.2 (8.3 seems to be the last version that works)! I managed to install it for LUTRIS with ProtonUp-Qt. You need to install it from the ProtonUp-Qt repository "Kron4ek Wine-Builds Vanilla" (also available inside Bottles itself). Besides the launcher, I've left all other default options for Lutris untouched. I have no idea what's different in that Wine-Version that doesn't trigger the anti-cheat. But for now, this seems to be the solution. One minor issue remains for me: Mouse Wheel and Camera Rotation don't work for me, yet. But I'm sure I'll figure something out for that as well. Camera zoom and rotation works if I start the game without virtual desktop. But then I can't tab out of the game, otherwise the UI will not respond after tabbing back into the game. Edit: Fixed the focus issue in Lutris. You need to set a registration key within the Wine-Prefix for 3DXChat: Open Regedit, e.g. with wine regedit.exe Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver, creating it if it does not exist Create a new entry named UseTakeFocus with value N I don't have any more issues running the game. I'm using Vanilla Wine 8.3 as provided by Kron4ek. Wine 8.4 and upwards do not work (Launcher starts, Game doesn't). I'm going to gather some information on this and will open a Wine bug for this. There just has to be a way to make this work on current versions. As for now: We do seem to have a functioning workaround!
    3 points
  15. While this new bed cum shot looks really good and a good job was done with in my opinion it is missing the application of cum layer to the body the previous versions had, is it something that is possible that could be fixed and updated in a feature patch. So you don't have to go through hoops to do a work around to have it applied onto the body? Thank you.
    3 points
  16. TashaTight

    More Male items

    Think if they update cloth models for men like that done with some the female cloth selections, I do hope they consider adding variants or maybe extra toggle options where men can choose to add bulge to their pants like with the underwear currently has on some the versions.
    3 points
  17. Maybe show a little bulge in front of the pants for the man, also man need some chest hair
    3 points
  18. JohnThick

    More Male items

    Being able to wear a Tie with my suit would definetly be nice, also maybe a Tux for the guys getting married with a hankerchief in the breast pocket, or you could use hiders for different options
    3 points
  19. Nikki

    Summer 2024 Update

    Its a nice update afterall, just someone needs to explain me how some of the old tattoo sets are an improvement. Before looked like a tattoo, now it looks like paint. Would be happy if you could undo the changes for existing tattoos. Some people like the stuff they had. BEFORE: AFTER:
    3 points
  20. Quadrist

    Summer 2024 Update

    As usual, men get 4 new shirts and that's all. When women get a whole new hair system... Thanks 3dx
    3 points
  21. I tried it with wine-staging 8.1 and it now works for me and I didn't need to use a virtual desktop.
    2 points
  22. I'm so happy to hear you got it to work! It is indeed very strange that it doesn't work with the new versions of Wine. I'm very curious about what changes in the new version are causing this issue.
    2 points
  23. ------------- HEY I MADE IT WORK! ------------- After a lot of troubleshooting I made it work. It works flawlessly. Here's my setup: (You don't need to replicate the OS, Kernel, DE, etc.) OS: NixOS 24.11 Kernel: 6.10.4 Desktop environment: KDE Plasma 6.1.4 Display server: Wayland Memory: 14 GB RAM CPU and GPU: It's a weak AMD APU (AMD Ryzen 3 PRO 3300U w/ Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (4) @ 2.100GHz | AMD ATI Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series) Application used: Bottles (usebottles.com) Steps: 1. Click on create a new bottle. And in environment choose "Gaming". 2. Once it's done launch the main .exe, this will download several gb of game data. 3. After that's done, change the executable to 3DXLauncher.exe inside the Launcher folder. 4. Now we are going to tweak the settings of the environment, inside the bottle, go to Settings and replicate the settings I have, I will put in bold letters the most important ones. The ones that are not in bold letters I think are up to personal choice, but if it doesn't work then replicate every setting. 5. Now simply run the executable, and that's it. I recommend clicking on Add Shortcuts first and adding 3DXLauncher for more ease of use. That should be all, I hope it works for everyone! Resist! You don't have to use Windows Spyware OS!
    2 points
  24. Lewd9708

    Anklets anyone?

    Not sure about other people but personally I think adding anklets into the game would be super nice. There could be choices of lace and metallic ones just like bracelets. And we can choose to put it on or take it off during actions.
    2 points
  25. Ghouley

    Shine slider

    Aloh all! Here come the idea!! In character editor there is a body shine slider. I think this is not a regular used slider , but is handy to have it. I think this slider will be much better when come together with the speed slider when u partner up. This can give more spice for rps or everything, cause not need always go back to character editor to make your avi shine. Pool party , saunas , gyms , naughty action , and so many situation can be more spicy when u can make your avi shine with 1 slider. I think is not even a impossible idea, cause the slider is in the game already, just need to move to a different place. Ofc i know nothing, just thinking
    2 points
  26. Keatin

    Summer 2024 Update

    I am in total agreement with Jonny here, I have been on 3dx for well over 10 years and men still lack multiple clothing options, cool you gave us a high school jacket, nah we want clothes that actually have style(maybe do some actual research on style). Men have been needing new hairstyle for years. Also, when you ever going to give us men more solo poses for bed and bar stools, we don't have a single relax back or sitting pose on the bed, all we have is laying down, 2 sitting submissive poses and a standing pose. maybe after you fix the update work on bringing men more things!
    2 points
  27. OscaRDj

    Summer 2024 Update

    Thank you JustJonny for sharing your thoughts in such a constructive manner and for highlighting an important issue. It’s crucial to recognize the effort and dedication the team has put into enhancing the game with new content and features. However, I fully agree with your observation regarding the need for a more balanced approach to the content available for male avatars. The disparity in customization options between genders is a matter that deserves attention. As you pointed out, the customization options for female avatars have significantly expanded, offering a wide variety of styles and combinations. While this is positive and enriching for the gaming experience, it is equally important that players who choose male avatars have access to a comparable range of options. Customization is a key aspect of the gaming experience, and every player should feel that their preferences and styles are well-represented. I believe that dedicating time and resources to expanding male customization options—not just in hairstyles, but also in clothing, accessories, and other elements—would greatly enhance player satisfaction and foster a more inclusive and fair environment. A more balanced approach would not only enrich the gaming experience but also demonstrate a commitment to diversity and equity in the options available to all users. Thank you again for your comment, and I hope the team considers this feedback for future updates. I’m sure many players would greatly appreciate these improvements!
    2 points
  28. Lunarelf

    Summer 2024 Update

    this looks like a long-existing preview glitch which when you're switching avatars with same clothing parts in character editor(those who's wearing headgears which will not cause the shrink) , it will make the hairstyle shrink . But it only shows at character editor before, not actual game. so this glitch is somehow ported to actual game now...?
    2 points
  29. New Modular Hair System in 3DXChat: Create Your Unique Style! Watch on YouTube Introduction Greetings to all 3DXChat players! We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated update that introduces a revolutionary modular hair system. This innovative feature will allow you to create unique hairstyles by combining different modules and applying a variety of colors. Let's explore all the advantages and possibilities of this new system together. What is the Modular Hair System? The modular hair system is a groundbreaking feature that enables players to create unique hairstyles from various modules. Each hairstyle now consists of pre-designed elements such as bangs, ponytails, base parts, and shaved sections. These modules, crafted by professional designers, come in a wide array of styles, shapes, and lengths. Variability and Module Combinations One of the key benefits of the new system is the vast number of possible combinations. In this update, players will have access to four sets of modular hairstyles for female characters: First Set: Includes 13 bangs, 16 ponytails, and 1 base, offering 208 possible combinations. Second Set: Consists of 8 right-side modules, 5 left-side modules, and 1 base, resulting in 40 possible combinations. Third Set: Contains 5 bases, 14 bangs, 20 left ponytails, and 20 right ponytails, providing an incredible 28,000 possible combinations! Fourth Set: Includes 13 bases and 8 scalps, offering 104 final combinations. These sets open up endless possibilities for creating unique looks. Hair Coloring With the new modular hair system, you can color your hairstyle in any shade from the palette or use a gradient with three smoothly transitioning colors. This coloring method is already familiar to players from the current system, but it is now even more flexible and convenient. Advanced Setup: Coloring Each Module The "Advanced Setup" tab allows players to customize the color of each hair module individually. Each module offers two coloring modes: Custom Color: Allows you to apply any color to the module. Highlighting: A special mode where selected strands are colored while the base color remains from the main hairstyle. These modes provide even more opportunities for creating original and stylish hairstyles. Advantages and Unique Opportunities The modular hair system opens new horizons for creativity and self-expression. Now, everyone can create a unique style that highlights their character's individuality. This expands creative possibilities and makes the gameplay even more engaging. How to Create Your Unique Hairstyle: Step-by-Step Guide Choose the Base Set: Start by selecting the main set of your hairstyle. Choose Bangs and Ponytails: Choose bangs and ponytails to create the desired style. Color the Modules: Use the palette to choose colors. Adjust Colors in "Advanced Setup": Customize the colors for each module individually. Finish and Save Your Look: Save your creation and enjoy the result. Conclusion The new modular hair system in 3DXChat offers players limitless possibilities for creating unique looks. Join the update, experiment with modules and colors, and create your one-of-a-kind styles! Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Will modular hair be available for men? Yes, we plan to implement this system for men's hairstyles in future updates. Can I use gradient coloring? Yes, you can use gradient coloring with three smoothly transitioning colors. How do I customize colors for each module? Use the "Advanced Setup" tab to customize the colors of each module individually. Your time to create has come Install the update now and start creating your unique hairstyles! Join the 3DXChat community, share your creations and ideas, and help us make the game even better. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions! Join 3DXChat through the official website Add 3DXChat to your wishlist on Steam and help the game attract more players at launch. The more people join, the more opportunities you'll have to meet new friends and enjoy exciting dates Best regards, The 3DXChat Team
    2 points
  30. I personally believe you have out done yourselves on this update i love every bit of it thank you for all your hard work!
    2 points
  31. My system is running Windows 7 Ultimate (don't start me on being old etc. etc.), 32GB RAM, i7@3.40GHz, RTX3060Ti. I am not using any Antivirus, Antimalware software or anything else that would be "blocking" the game from executing correctly. I also excluded its installation path on the Windows 7 built-in Defender. BEFORE the update, it was all well. Now the Launcher is starting, checking the files but when its small window disappears and the game login screen should appear on-screen, nothing happens. It is just running as a 3DXChat.exe process in the task manager, occupying 11mb of RAM and a 13% CPU, which is not usual. I even downloaded the launcher from the site and performed a new installation but... Zero. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Peter
    2 points
  32. Redji

    Summer 2024 Update

    /me slaps...
    2 points
  33. Think its something that needs to happen especially now were getting more stuff like eyelashes, so you don't have to change eyelashes on every outfit you made because they're intertwined together.
    2 points
  34. Anaganda

    Summer 2024 Update

    true... but people chose tattoos based on how they look and the colors on them... it is all fine and great upgrading the quality... but changing the color palette of the tattoo can ruin it for the people who chose it based on that.
    2 points
  35. Nikki

    Summer 2024 Update

    I did that. Looks still horrible just more washed out. Doesent fix the core problem.
    2 points
  36. Redji

    Summer 2024 Update

    You can always roll the slider to remove the intensity
    2 points
  37. Manyasha

    Summer 2024 Update

    Yes yes yes.. you're right..I didn’t understand what was painted there before, but after the update I can see what those colored spots meant....
    2 points
  38. Kirr

    Summer 2024 Update

    Very very nice Update...good job...ty Gizmo and team...Love it.
    2 points
  39. Vejur


    Same here, with the exception that I play under Wine in Linux. I started just a week ago and it worked like a charm. I suspect it is the added "anti-cheat" mechanism in the announcement: To enhance security, we've added a special system to the game that blocks third-party programs like FPS Monitor, Reshade, and other applications that may attempt to access the game memory I'd love if you could find a way to exclude the Wine Linux runtime environment from those checks, somehow. I'm happy to support in any way if you need more information on this. I really love the game, it would be a shame if it would stop working on Linux after this update, since you're also aiming at a Steam release and the Linux community there is quite big.
    2 points
  40. GaborX

    Summer 2024 Update

    Looks like an absolutely awesome update, thank you!
    2 points
  41. Ica

    Summer 2024 Update

    Bikini was definitely missing! The girls will applause! Good job admins!
    2 points
  42. I think it have been mentionned and asked before, but for some of us, building is like 50% if not more of our time in game. Also if we were able to co-op build, the possibilities to make even more incredibles map would be awesome. I can understand the difficulty related to this, but there is always a workaround to find or something to make it work, even if it's not perfect
    2 points
  43. Gizmo

    Community Rules

    3DXChat Community Rules IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! BY REGISTERING ON THE FORUM, YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE RULES, PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED WITH REGISTRATION. 1. The Tone of Communication Our community consists of positive, like-minded adults who interact to improve 3DXChat. Constructive feedback, ideas, and suggestions on enhancing the project are welcome. Sarcastic mockery, insults, or bullying of community members and game developers are not tolerated. Toxic trolls will be removed from the community. 2. General Guidelines 2.01. You must be 18 years or older to play 3DXChat and use this forum. 2.02. You are solely responsible for your behavior and messages in all game chats and channels. 2.03. The administration reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. 2.04. The administration may suspend, terminate, modify, or delete accounts at any time without notice. Accounts terminated for any type of abuse will not be reactivated. 2.05. Account sharing is prohibited. 3. Behavior in All Game Chats, Forums, and Channels You agree to refrain from the following: 3.01. Excessive use of bad language. 3.02. Insults, personal attacks, abuse, threats, harassment, mockery, ridicule, or defamatory comments. This includes clear and masked language, as well as links to websites containing such language or images: Insulting other characters, players, the administration, or groups. Ongoing harassment of other characters, players, the administration, or groups. 3.03. Comments or discussions based on race, nationality, religion, culture, sexual preferences, rape, and underage sex are prohibited. 3.04. Spamming messages, including excessive use of caps. 3.05. Transferring or exchanging accounts between users. 3.06. Sharing or discussing a user's personal information without their consent. 3.07. Discussing or linking to illegal activities, such as illicit drugs. 3.08. Discussing or linking to game cheats, hacks, Trojan horses, or malicious programs. Report suspected cheats or hacks to Technical Support. 3.09. Advertising messages. 3.10. Discussing disciplinary actions or bans made by moderators or administrators. This includes creating forum threads to discuss disciplinary actions. 3.11. Impersonating a staff member/administrator. 3.12. Provoking other players to violate the EULA or its additions. 3.13. Creating nicknames, groups, or communities that violate any game rules. 3.14. Using copyrighted, trademarked, patented, classified, or restricted material or information without permission. 4. Names, Avatars, Images/Video, and Signatures You agree not to include the following: 4.01. Profanity, including abbreviated forms. 4.02. Insults, personal attacks, abuse, or harassment. 4.03. Copyrighted or registered trademark elements. 4.04. Racist, nationalistic implications, or comments suggesting supremacy. 4.05. Insults or derogatory comments based on race, nationality, religion, culture, mental stature, sex, or sexual preference. 4.06. Associations with pedophilia or sexual abuse. 4.07. Personal details or credentials. 4.08. Excessive glorification of violence, gore, or obscene/vulgar content. 4.09. References to addictive or illegal substances or activities. 4.10. Logos, symbols, emblems, or figures connected with organizations violating laws and rules. 4.11. Negative portrayals of the administration. 4.12. Any content violating the End User License Agreement (EULA). Violating these rules may result in changes to your account and potential sanctions or deletions. 5. Reporting In-Game Violations Reports must include clear screenshots demonstrating the violation. Submit reports to: 3DXChat Support 6. Important Notes 6.01. Repeated violations of the rules or the EULA may result in permanent suspension from the game and forums. 6.02. This policy applies to all languages. Inappropriate content in any language will be subject to consequences. 6.03. Players can provide feedback or address concerns to 3DXChat Support. 6.04. This rules may change at any time at the discretion of the administration, including adding, modifying, or removing rules without notice. 7. Disclaimer "This forum claims no credit for any content posted unless otherwise noted. Content on this forum is copyrighted to its respective owners. If any content belongs to you and you do not wish for it to appear on this site, please email us with a link to the content, and it will be promptly removed." By following these guidelines, we can ensure a positive and enjoyable community experience for all members. Thank you for your cooperation!
    2 points
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