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Nektar last won the day on November 18 2023

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  1. Is that Emily Marilyn? Either way, gorgeous
  2. This has been a fascinating read through, MissZee! I've only ever dabbled in bdsm, so getting these insights have been really enjoyable! Please keep posting
  3. "Mind if I check out this portal?" Happened to me in the middle of sex.
  4. What an emotional two days it has been! Yesterday, I'm being hassled by this guy I had a little rendezvous with earlier in the week. "What are you doing?" "Who are you with?" "I bet I'm better than him!" Like geeze, let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll come on by (and no, I wasn't fucking anyone)! Finally, finish my business at Butt Sluts (lovely place <3), and see if the guy is still up for some company. He says yes and asks me to put on something skimpy. Now this is my jam! I'm a sissy, so to me playing dress-up is half the fun. Thankfully, I have some pre-generated outfits that I can tweak for situations like this. It saves time and means the gentleman doesn't have to wait on me for more than a few minutes. So we meet up, and he approves of my hot little creation. Perfect, I think to myself. Let's do this! Only he wants to go someplace else. Fine, you pick. We go there, and he can't find the spot he's looking for. So he suggest we should go to a brothel. Not a good idea, I say. Those places are usually for hooking up with escorts, not to drag your partner to. He agrees, and we go to some lame, empty club playing 80s rap. At this point I've mentally half checked-out. However, he's satisfied. Finally, we can bang! I start making my foreplay moves on him, and suddenly my lips are in all the right places. And then he goes: "I wanna check out that portal over there! See where it goes." Fucking really. Do I mind? No, knock your fucking socks off. So he starts running around while I'm left sitting on my ass, literally holding my dick. I say something IRL has come up, log off and then block the guy. Naturally, this puts me in a sour mood. Next day I'm hopping rooms, being in a general state of pissyness. Then this stranger sends me a compliment. My first thought is: Here we go again. But I respond with a smile and a thank you. Immediately, we hit it off. He's charming, respectful, funny. I make sure he knows what the whole sissy-deal is about (he knew). Next thing you know we're at his place, and I barely manage to crawl out of there three orgasms later. To this gentleman I say: Thank you. Thank you for renewing my faith in the male gender! Amazing what a bit of tact can do! To the other guy I say, perhaps next time, separate sexy time from exploring time. Jesus wept.
  5. I need more of this in my life
  6. No such thing as too much lube indeed. Play safe = play smart
  7. Nektar

    Erotic Comics

    InCase is a legend
  8. To all the daddies out there. Thanks for enriching the lives of us queens
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