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Torax last won the day on August 21 2023

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About Torax

  • Birthday November 25

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    3DXChat Sharing - Torax#5469
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    Exactly where I want to be.
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  1. Hello everyone Check out the latest rooms shared, objects and even outfits share by the community! https://www.3dxchatsharing.com/ I will also release some new objects within the next week, hoping it will help and please some of you! Sharing is caring!
  2. Hello everyone, doing a little party on Wednesday the 27th Sept at 8PM CEST, the room used for the party will be then shared as well as all objects in it! Sharing is caring! Thanks to @CardinalCopia, @Oliver Cream, @Harlyn, @kitty and @New One to help for the opening! 3dxchatsharing.com by @Torax 3dxchatstore.com by @SweetTia
  3. Hell everyone, doing a little party and will share the party room and all items in it after
  4. once you enter the number, then hit enter on the numpad, for me it works.
  5. For any builder, those ain't minor but major issue :x
  6. How will you prevent someone to download objects from the shop, and then upload a whole room and sell it on the shop? Also, if all goes through the shop, how will you be able to create something for a friend without making it public in the shop? Some builders do co-building, so they need to be able to send the file to each others too, how can this be managed through a shop? If it stays in house, it means we wont have anymore the possibility to access the world files neither, it means that many tools wont be usable anymore, and sometimes editing the world file is faster than doing it through the world editor. Last but not least, today this feature is managed by players themselves who set up websites, and not even speaking about the tech side of a shop, the moderation and management time is huge, so they would need to hire people to follow this. Today if there is an issue with a downloaded file or people selling things they shouldn't, all these claims are not managed between players themselves and the devs dont have headaches with them :x I dont see any miracle solution to the problem, and every solution will solve some things and create new issues. The less-arming solution is to put a new protection option and let everyone decide to use it or not, let people decide also if they want to download rooms or buy rooms with read only activated. @Gizmo, would it be possible to make a survey on discord (not here cos only a fraction of the community comes on forum, and most of the times the dinosaurs :x here before discord was set up)? To have like a better idea of what people or dont want? Not only builders but also users of created content?
  7. As builders, it is easy for us to say they can build themselves, what looks easy for us is not for everyone. It is like a painter telling me "paint it yourself if you want it", well the result will be real bad cos I suck in painting. I have seen some better rooms made by people mixing shared objects than some fully designed rooms. I think each builder has a different approach of his work, I personally dont give a s*** of what people do with what I shared, as long as they dont try to make profit from it, but I also fully understand that some have a more personal approach and dont want to see their creations altered. I am for a protection option for those who wants to use it. I just dont believe a protection will increase any creativity, it might just increase the number of files shared, and even this, I am not that sure, many people dont share their work because they want to keep it exclusive, and this also I can understand. If some builders reading this now, could you let me know if you would share more of you work if you had this password protection or not? And why would you, or why would you not? Would you share it free or would you sell it? I have for now hard time to see what would be the consequences of it if implemented.
  8. I am fine with the password to block editing a file, why not, but that wont stop anyone to use a room in a video, or stop him to resell it neither. The password will stop people to modify a room, and if they try to resell it will be much easier to find out. But that wont stop people with bad intention. I wonder also, with a password system, if you put a password on an object (which is actually saved as if it is a whole room), then this object cant be used at all, so the password is useful only to had a layer of protection for full rooms bu not objects? Concerning giving credits to original builders, this is a lost cause sorry, some people already claim builds as their own while they editing nothing in them. Maybe what could be interesting, is to have some kind of medata accessible to anyone visiting a room, and you can click maybe on some information icon in game, giving informations like file name, file size, creation date and builder name. This is just a thought.
  9. Well, if it is clearly stated that they buy or download for free a room that cannot be edited, and they still bur it or download, then it is there choice. It all comes to well inform the person. I can create new categories on my site like : Editable rooms / Non editable rooms and people will then know clearly what they get. And same can be done with the store I think, buyers clearly stating if the room can be edited or not. You can also see it this way, without this option, some rooms will never be shared, so I prefer a non editable room but shared, than no room shared at all
  10. Then my bad and again apologies, I think I just got tired by self proclaimed best djs, best builders, and rooms with 40 dancers and so on and got carried.
  11. Sorry but here you are saying that the free world is not about outstanding wonderful designs. Well sorry to tell you, but I saw people sell complete shit while i saw other give for free wonderful designs. I take it personally cos I do share my work for free, and you are kind of saying my work doesn't worth yours cos it is free. Let s be honest, most people asking for some kind of protection nowadays is for one single reason: protect their sales. There is nothing wrong about it, and I find even the claim totally legit, I am myself helping the store. But daring to oppose 2 worlds cos one is free and the other outstanding, I am sorry but I cant hear it. Now this is my personal shoutout: I dont speak about you right now, but the more it goes, the more i feel some builders are feeling themselves like a cast or an elite, who should be above others, again not speaking about, and it is a global trend that goes as well for DJ, host, dancers. As amazing as some can be, they should remember they are not big in Japan but just in 3DX. Edit: if i misunderstood your last message Icarus, then my apologies in advance.
  12. This is my main worry about this password thing. And a password wont stop people to lie and claim they built the room, a password wont stop neither people to resell the room if they want. I understand the issues Icarus is raising, and he is right about them existing, but it is about balance. Password will protect builders up to a certain level, but not fully for sure, but on the other hand it would impact the whole community. Pay for a room that you cant tweak a bit, it would make no sense to me. Punishing all buyers for a couple of idiots, it would be kind of sad. I dont have a solution that would suit everyone, so I will keep doing as I used so far, hoping people have still some dignity, my free items can be used any way people want, except commercial use. This said, i am not naïve and know some will still try to benefit from them, financially or just claiming them.
  13. No, people don't start to sell copy or merged rooms on 3DXChatStore, all the issues we got so far are people who used some items, but there was no room stealing. We try to keep an eye on what is uploaded on store and managed all issues that could raise by removing anything that could cause an issue. I still think store is the safest place right now to buy and sell, since the items are only delivered upon completed payment and the store taking no commission on the transactions. The rules on store are clear, sellers have to use only their own created items, or to be able to prove they got an approval for using someone else item. Any product not respecting this is removed. While I fully agree that some layer of protection would be good, I think that locking files from editing would not benefit the community. What if someone likes a room and just want to add something in it for personal use or simply change a texture? And even locking a file wont stop people to resell rooms that ain't their own. By starting to sell rooms, we have all to accept we also opened the Pandora Box, where there is money, there is stealing. And nothing will be 100% safe.
  14. Next month will the 5th year anniversary of the website To celebrate this, we added a hole new category: outifts! You can now share your preferred outfits or download all for free! Visit us on 3DXChatSharing.com !
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