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3DXChat Development Update 1

Hello everyone! We wanted to update you on the latest developments of our game. We have started a blog to keep you informed and hope you enjoy it.

In November 2022, we did a comprehensive survey with NoirDesire to gather feedback on the game's quality. While we are still processing the results, NoirDesire kindly shared some interim feedback. We have gained insight into players' thoughts on crucial aspects, such as game bugs and features they would like added.

Most players, like us, desire a more stable game. We will make this our top priority.

To accomplish this, we are currently porting the game to a newer version of the Unity engine. The new engine will allow us to benefit from the many improvements and refinements that Unity developers have made over the past few years. Since the game is currently using an outdated 2018 version of the engine, we have decided to update this platform first.

While porting the game to the new engine, some systems have broken. We have been able to fix nearly all of them and even enhance some. For instance, the beer-drinking system was broken; we have entirely revamped it and added new types of drinks and food. As you drink, you will notice the liquid level in the bottle decreases, and bits of food vanish from your plate. Additionally, we have added the ability to toss the bottle out of the character's hand.

We have included pictures/videos of the drink and food system for you.


We plan to conduct a beta test of the new client once we have migrated to the new Unity engine.

Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of 3DXChat development!


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Improved lights? Or am I just seeing what I want to see? 🤔


Posted (edited)

Dear @Gizmo,

This all sounds reasonable and like being on a good way, that's out of question.

Anyway, my concerns if we ever see some of the improvements in the near future are high as ever. I think you are aware of the long ago pose editor survey and that there was a new clothing system, with for instance adjustable length of pants, which was never mentioned again. If needed I can provide links or screens, it was here in the 3DXChat forum.

So without a concrete roadmap I am afraid I am reading just another declaration of intent. I am sorry to say so, because I think in the end you all are of goodwill and I have plausible guesses why features have not been implemented and these would be reasons I understand very well, but the communication still lacks and therefore my doubts stay.

So I kindly would like to ask some question, please:

  1. When do you expect the migration to the newer version of the unity engine to be finished?
  2. What are the main feature people asked for and which of them do you plan to implement and when?
  3. Did the users really asked for drinks and food consumption, the feature you propagate in this blog entry? Can you please publish the resulst of the survey? Of course some whishes are dreams and you cannot fullfill them but anyway it would be very interesting to see them.
  4. Which have been the most reported bugs and which ones will be fixed? It does not really help with the existing, at times really annoying bugs, when bugs caused by the migration to the newer unity version are reported to be fixed. What is with the bugs reported for the current system, please?
  5. Why is the development not forked regarding to continue to upgrade all clothes to the new material system? Female avatars still stay without any customizable panties.

Kind regards
Moon, CEO of the Magazine Virtual Secrets

Edited by Feuermond

Posted (edited)

Gizmo - nobody eats these types of things while exercising!  And let's be honest - still no cell phone in our hands during the phone call pose?   And show us in the survey where people voted for food and drinks - over fixing the bugs and other enhancements.  (That's truly what is puzzling me.) 

I was always under the impression that 3DXChat attempted to stay up to speed with what was going on especially tech wise.  I'm glad you are FINALLY updating the Unity server to one that is not old and undependable. 

Edited by Rand


IDK, Rand. The hidden Wedding Ring cellphone is pretty awesome! Personally, I think this update is amazing. Bars can sometimes be the heaviest elements in a club because we have to make all sorts of items to make it look realistic. These will cost nothing by comparison and they are interactive. I look at updates like this as wonderful because they add depth and creative possibilities. Yeah, bug fixes are needed. But this is still something I'm incredibly excited about. Especially the new not so skinny, SkinnyPenis treats. :P 





Posted (edited)

+ Adding to the beverage/food system
+ Communicating progress and goals to players
+ More features and stability

Needs Work
- Tons of small bugs (can't read colors in World Editor, for example)
- Some new features feel low priority or wasteful, things nobody is asking for
- Overwhelming majority ask for improvements to male avatars (clothes, dick stuff)
- Gold from beer/items disappears, maybe a percent could be donated to the room owner instead to support their cost of running rooms

- Explain that the devs working on the new animations and ice cream cones (artists) are not the same ones doing bugs and features (coders). Who is doing what?
- Announce that the custom pose editor is never going to happen because it is beyond the team's abilities. Too complex.
- Make a public roadmap of plans? Players would know what to expect and when.

Edited by Xaufin
Katrin Vesuvino


Dear Gizmo,,

Hi! My first ever message to you! 

First things first, being fairly new to 3dx (bit over 1 year), i am pleased to see the fairly frequent updates that have been made even during my short time here. They may not always be things i'm looking for, or might use but that you ARE adding new things to the system here i take as VERY positive in this case in particular upgradinng the underlying game engine.  Honestly, cotton candy isn't one of them but i'm sure someone likes that stuff.

Let me make a pitch for some things that it think could really matter here. Coming as i have from a competing "adult" virtual world i can see for myself how significant your game engine graphics are and the animations that come with. However there are many features that i would place in category of "socializtion" that my other "world" has in abundance that are virtually non-existent here. Call them "Quality of Life" changes.

  1. Ability to organize your Friend List:  A modest alphabetical sort would be nice, better yet categories. we all have some association that are "closer" than others, or that fall into groups such as a club owner with staff, clients, and personal friends
  2. Internal Messaging:  Something akin to simple e-mail (text only), perhaps with abiity to send to more than one recipient. That would enable basic "Bulletins" to a Family, or club client list.
  3. Incognito or Do Not Disturb: I thinking here sometimes i've come to "work" on my room and immediately get PM messages. I would be nice to enter world and not be disturbed for a bit.
  4. Wardrobe: Wardrobe is...a weak point here IMHO but it is what it is. Ok but it would be nice to not have to exit a "room" so completely and use a rudimentary "Save/Access" system that is bascially PC file managment. Something as part of the program more easily accessed would be nicee.
  5. Room List of People:  Ability to see easily who is IN a room, at least when you enter it.
  6. Trails/Glowing Sticks: A bit different, and i know others have commented on this but a simple on/off ability would be nice.

All in all, it's a great "world" but i just wish i had some of the simple mostly communiction tools i've had in "that other place".


Katrin Vesuvino




These are all cute ...but what about all the initial bugs that have been there for 5 yrs and more ...like the disconnects ...the bald and naked avatars...the missing friend lists...the water levels that were messed up in the builder 2 updates ago ? When are these going to be fixed ? If ever or do you just keep candy coating them with stuff we dont really need ?



The Number one issue for tha majority of Players were the DeSync issues. ie people seeing different things, people walking into walls who are not actually walking into a wall but on the Dance floor Dancing. People you cant see in a room who are there and it requires restarting the game or re entering a Room a number of times to see them. Then they are Bald and nakid which requires another restart. Walking through a crowded room successfully only to be pmed by some angry person that youve been walking into them for tha last 10 mins when in actual fact youre on the Dance floor having fun. This has been happening for Years and hence the reason it has topped this so called Survey has shown. We are tired of it. I say we as shown from the Survey, it ranked as the top problem. All these little addons are nice n all but no one asked for them. Hoping the major problems are addressed, if not then i can only imagine people looking elsewhere. We have been patient, we have asked many many times the right thing to do is fix these issues. Im sure if you focus you can do it, i have faith in you ah do ah do.




Very impressive and you can congratulate your team for that, but there is one small thing that maybe should have been done before offering glasses that empty when you drink them in different sizes in different colors

 it would have been to make it possible to have hats that we could also modify the textures and the panties, that would not be bad, even very good, because making sets that go correctly with an o in the textures are do to match the bottom and you end up with panties that don't fit or you try to pretend but it's not very pretty so my dearest Lisa this message is for you give us some hats and panties that we can change the textures please thank you, this is a cry for help, just kidding

 anyway it would be good



I hope the beta test will be for everyone who has an account. For i would like to see the future of the game before renew my subscription



Please please please stop putting new poses on top and bring back the partner teleport. We have builders that make toys with poses and every time you put a new pose on top of the list it ruins the toys and it's a pain to renumber them.

Other than that it's great that you're upgrading to a better version of Unity. Hope that will solve most of the problems we have now



This bar update will save a lot of time when building clubs or places that feature bars. I hope the next items on the development list will be more towards music props such as new types of speakers, instruments or different light effects to make our rooms more immersive. 

Plus if we had a tool that would allow us to make signs using a selection of fonts would be great too. Trying to make letters can be very hard depending on what font you're trying to use. 



Wow Great work Devs! This is exciting stuff, very ground breaking!.

Please tell us you are fixing the VR also! 🙏🙏🙏

But awesome work. I hope you guys get it working for us.



bonjour c'est bien tout cela , mais pourquoi ne pas créer plus de poses entre femmes , des poses qui concernent les seins, les masser , les lecher, etc....ce qui serait formidable c'est d'avoir la possibilité d'un swap personnage quand ils sont plus que deux , en trio un swap serait super ,plutôt que de sortir des poses et se reloguer dans un autre ordre c'est pénible, les poses slow boguent tout le temps  

hello that's all that, but why not create more poses between women, poses that concern the breasts, massaging them, licking them, etc.... what would be great is to have the possibility of 'a character swap when there are more than two of them, in a trio a swap would be great, rather than exiting poses and logging back into another order, it's painful, slow poses bug all the time.




9 hours ago, Rand said:

Gizmo - nobody eats these types of things while exercising!  And let's be honest - still no cell phone in our hands during the phone call pose?   And show us in the survey where people voted for food and drinks - over fixing the bugs and other enhancements.  (That's truly what is puzzling me.) 

I was always under the impression that 3DXChat attempted to stay up to speed with what was going on especially tech wise.  I'm glad you are FINALLY updating the Unity server to one that is not old and undependable. 

Another excuse to bitch and moan about the feature they didn't get which they bitch and moan about  in front of women  regularly in order to look like an intellectual



35 minutes ago, Feuermond said:

Maybe you should read again the answer again too? It just asks to show the results of the survey. Neither the answer assumes the food update is related to it nor that it is not.

Maybe you should re-re-read the answer given and I'll even bolden it for you. The initial answer did in fact assume there was a survey for food and drinks. Whether they assumed that the update was related to any other survey is irrelevant since the initial thing you yourself answered to, was just stating that there was no survey mentioned. "Show us in the survey where people voted for food and drinks" in case you aren't fluent in English, means that the person assumes there is a section in a survey to show for said feature. 

9 hours ago, Rand said:

Gizmo - nobody eats these types of things while exercising!  And let's be honest - still no cell phone in our hands during the phone call pose?   And show us in the survey where people voted for food and drinks - over fixing the bugs and other enhancements.  (That's truly what is puzzling me.) 

I was always under the impression that 3DXChat attempted to stay up to speed with what was going on especially tech wise.  I'm glad you are FINALLY updating the Unity server to one that is not old and undependable. 

Answering to Rand now:
There doesn't have to be a survey to just add some new things on a whim. The post says that they aren't releasing the Unity upgrade until they fix the bugs they produced by working with it, they just added some new food and drinks because they had to overhaul the beer drinking feature to make it work anyway, so they just added new stuff as a little goody, maybe even as tests. 
Adding new stuff doesn't have to mean the people asked for it. Appreciating some new stuff doesn't mean it has to have been demanded.

Patience. They already said they're working on the bugs, this is just a dev- blog letting us know their progress.




As a builder, this update is huge and so exciting! As for the bug/fixes that many have mentioned in this thread.... Read Gizmo's post, do not just look at the pictures! 

I personally would HATE to see a "who is in the room list". One of the things I loved about 3dx was my privacy here. If I want to be found, all I have to do is open to friends only. I do not want stalkers! I came from another Virtual World that allowed you to ignore but could find you in those room lists. They also could see and hear you. I would hate for that to happen here. 

This UPDATE 1 post from Gizmo is just that. That means there are more to come. Before we judge what is or isn't being done. Let's wait and see. 



23 minutes ago, CattDavidson said:


As a builder, this update is huge and so exciting! As for the bug/fixes that many have mentioned in this thread.... Read Gizmo's post, do not just look at the pictures! 

I personally would HATE to see a "who is in the room list". One of the things I loved about 3dx was my privacy here. If I want to be found, all I have to do is open to friends only. I do not want stalkers! I came from another Virtual World that allowed you to ignore but could find you in those room lists. They also could see and hear you. I would hate for that to happen here. 

This UPDATE 1 post from Gizmo is just that. That means there are more to come. Before we judge what is or isn't being done. Let's wait and see. 

I agree. We don't need a list saying who's in the room. I already have to deal with stalkers sometimes that somehow can track alts attached to your account. I can't even go to an alt without same people bothering me sometimes. I don't need people checking rooms for me too.

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