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Guest Doll

It won't let me start a thread in the development and suggestions thread so this is what u get lol...


Ok...this is gonna sound bad but please treat it objectively...I am interested in thoughts on the subject it's not a bitch/moan/whine/complain excersise.


Q - what is the point of all the threads in the Development and suggestions category?


Explanation - Ash has his answers from devs thread which is awesome...and the development and patch notes thread which is too...no critique of those meant or implied...but...


...there's an update details thread (which gets updated less than the game...stop it Doll...lol)...there's I think a channel for those with the most friends to get stuff sent to the devs (if that still exists?)...and more importantly a myriad of other threads in that category...with masses of good ideas and awesome suggestions in them. Some unlikely propositions but also some really cool ideas for adds to the game.


However - much as I love all these ideas and have even added a few half baked ideas of my own from time to time...I personally don't feel like any of this is really paid attention to. Might just be me...but I'm starting to feel like there's no point posting to these anymore. Maybe this bit of the forum should be removed or moved...if people want to discuss game adds it could just be a sub category of the open forum so it doesn't give the impression it's gonna go anywhere...I dunno. Can we improve it...what would we all like?


I want to be told it isn't so or it's just me that feels this way.

I don't have a solution...just rambling and thinking out loud


Love u all *goes back in her toybox*


Hello Doll!


The Update Details, might still be updated, just waiting back on a reply. :) That I will merge my development and patch notes topic with that one if required as it is indeed the same thing in essence, just I will be posting patch notes and such.


The other topics I see do still get viewed by the developers, when I see them online at the bottom of the front page when it shows they are viewing a thread. I am sure an answer might come back soon, will see what is done. :)


Yeah the thread posting for that forum place is disabled as it was once flooded with duplicate topics so they just merged the topics together and put them in one singular place to avoid duplicate posts and keeping everything into the same place. For ease of viewing! :D


I do like your suggestions though and will forward this topic on. :)




Guest Doll

Ty Ash - and helloooo *waves*


I guess where I was coming from is that there's just soooo much in these threads (which is a good thing) but...If I was the devs I might dip in and pick off a few easy to do things but it's gotta be impossible for them to gain a sense of what the community most wants...


...so us randomly spamming cool ideas into multiple threads is great but not gonna help them...and just going to make us think they may well read em as you say but simply can't or don't act on any of it. There's gotta be a better way right?


Appreciate everything all u mods and the devs do for us...just trying to crowdsource some ideas :D


Hmm I see your point, they do have tons of pages full of ideas ^^ Some may even be repeated ideas, I am not sure! Well I've forwarded this thread onto them for them to read, see what they say on it. :)


Q - what is the point of all the threads in the Development and suggestions category?


My personal opinion from year back A - To keep us in belief.

I don't personally think they take the time to get into those threads, especially after they've gotten really messy ^_^ 


I don't think the threads should be closed though.. I don't really find it hurtful to give people a place for their wishful thinking and dreaming ^^ Taking it away at this point seems way worse :P


Hello there,  I have been on here for a couple of years.  I  can only think one sure i can think of others also.  Ok , here it goes.  This is a chat game, right.  So why can't the the cursor default to the chat box when you are chatting to ppl.  I find it hard to also have to fit the enter key to post a comment to someone before i start to chat. ​please default the cursor to the chat box 

  • 1 month later...



Wasn't sure where else to post this so I wanted to bump this thread with some ideas/information that regard the entirety of development and features/ideas within the game. I know we have plenty of threads regarding what people want, but there is already a game that has accomplished many of the things 3DX is currently struggling to achieve (from my perspective). I'm not sure if anyone has looked into it or if it's even a thing to consider in terms of "development", but instead of asking what we would like to see, etc... Maybe take a page out of their books and see what's going?


For example:

  • Being able to kick people from your rooms that are bothering you.
  • Being able to change the room name without having to remake it entirely.
  • Being able to have a "teleporter" that people can move from one of your rooms to the next (can also link to someone ELSE'S room).
  • Spawning in the doorway where they do not interfere with others already in the room (lots of people join and then just afk).
  • Being able to edit the room without requiring being in edit mode (move furniture).
  • Having "groups" where you can design your own badge and wear it within your profile. Also able to make a profile for said group.
  • Allowing a room description.
  • Having a customizable pet.
  • Different room sizes and customizations.
  • Interactive games within public places.
  • EDITED: Being able to give people "rights" so they may also edit your room or kick unwanted members.
  • EDITED: Allowing rooms to have a lock/unlock feature where they can remain open to public at all times, or be closed at owner's discretion. (Allows people to join in rooms they like even when owner is not around)
  • EDITED: Allowing a "doorbell" feature where people have to request entry. Essentially open to public but being approved first.

Just a few things that come to mind from when I played the game so many years ago... This game is nearly identical to that, but we are playing a much more X-Rated version :P

  • 3 months later...


  • Being able to kick people from your rooms that are bothering you.


I accept the the possibility of kick someone can't respect the rules based by the owner.


a exemple I have made with photoshop for kick someone we would use "Mouse 2" for get a menu similair :




Well this seems like a good place for this idea.  If this has been mentioned before I apologize ahead of time, playing with her blonde locks.


Customer service bots or avitars!


I would love to see a male and female avitar in game somehow marked as part of the development team.  The catch is a developer would be running said bots.  Why?  first i feel not all players use this forum.  Second what better way to get to know your paying customers than actually interacting with them!


this would allow us to give direct feed to developers, and let them experience what players are doing..using..not using..and probably improve the game.  This might also let them experience first hand some of the glitches that are recurring problems.  just another one of my silly suggestions...





  • EDITED: Allowing rooms to have a lock/unlock feature where they can remain open to public at all times, or be closed at owner's discretion. (Allows people to join in rooms they like even when owner is not around)



Athene, these ideas are nicely picked but im afraid that i have asked about that before and ash told that every room is hosted on your PC, so when you switch off your PC it will not be available and i think it is hard and expensive for the devs to host every single room in the game on thier servers, it will be laggy and simply unsatisfying gameplay especially some days we have around 20 - 25 hosted rooms with 3 or 4 of them filled with up to 20-30 players. I think what Ash stated is correct. its hard and can effect gameplay.... This game is still under development, u know games with this graphic quality and open world RPG such as GTA take from 2-5 years of development, 3DX is only 3 years old and yes update process is slow and some updates are useless such as the 10K for alts and the ignoring system that was Avatar based.


In my opinion that they should be more organized in updates, what i mean is: we have 12 months in a year if they did only 4 updates in a month, that is 48 updates the whole year which is not bad but......

each month we have 4 weeks, updates must be weekly......


Lets say that 4 updates can be (Clothing,poses,animation,Props & furinture).... if every month they did that we will be satisfied and they will hear less criticism and nagging.

imagine that implemented every month.... and lets us members help with the development!!!! why is a crappy game like IMVU have more options and variation than 3DX??! what is missing? we can be the greatest community but we need to put our hands with the DEVS and they must allow us to help! IMVU is huge cuz its user friendly, the user doesnt only play, they also create.


Lets say that this week we have an update and this week's update is clothing..... one update for females and one for males and one user created update!! that can make it attractive for people to come and join! and besides that on sexgamedevil website in the features page, it is written "Weekly Updates"!! why promise?!


Is 1 whole week (7 days) not enough to implement an update ?

im really getting bored of the game, we got that new club and it was fun and cool for the first 3 days then it became like the old night club nothing there except some people dancing and tons of people having sex.... why didnt the devs add some mini games? its just a place like any other place in the game.... its only bigger and empty..... those big white glass door could be opened and made as poker room, outdoor pool, outdoor terrace with a nice night city view.... alot of ideas to make it more fun!!!! i dont know why are they that slow on updates?!! or are they waiting for the new Unity update? even so, they should post a disclaimer!!!!!!! let us know what is going on!! we have the right to know!


This not all what i have, i have tons of suggestions and ideas and complains but i never post because i know that no one will ever care!


I have quite good knowledges in 3D Modeling, animations and development (in general but also in Unity4 and Unity5).


I would love to contribute to the game to add things. Simple ones first like new Tshirt designs to more complex things like mini-games.


I would LOVE to and I have some spare time for (I'm indie) BUT the game seems totally closed to me.

When a game wants to welcome it's community of creators, the devs release some sort of an SDK.


Why SexGameDevil do not release some sort of SDK for us?

This SDK could be something as simple as a Unity project with basic scripts (just move character), basic room (just empty square room without texture) and basic character (like a dummy with real bones to allow us having scale ingame and having a dummy model to add clothes and animations). The SDK would have some sort of a short documentation detailing what methods are called when the user is clicking here or there and which methods should be called to display a popup with a message or to display a custom dialog.


That kind of SDK is not hard to make. It's something like 2 days to prepare it and same for the documentation (both can be done at the same time by 2 developers).


So why not releasing that kind of SDK?

It's content would not have anything secret and dangerous for 3DSexGameDevil and would boost A LOT the game and satisfy its community which is asking for new content.


With that kind of SDK, I'm sure the devs would be able to release bigger updates or more frequent ones (at least one update per week as advertised and promised)...


Hope someone in the game dev team will read my comment.


I dont know what SDK is, but seems promising and could be a big help for the game! and people like you can make a big difference! i hope it will be implemented heden....




Yes, that is correct. With your user private rooms, when you open your room to group or public or friends, you are in essence hosting your room on your connection. Meaning if you lose internet connection to the game or you shut down your computer, you will close your room from it.




Hello! I'm happy to see you are interested in creating content for 3DXChat! An SDK is much talked about for this game, but unfortunately I am unsure at this time if there will be one in the near future.


From what I gather thus far with the game development process of user created content is, no matter what you make if you submit it to the devs they will readjust it for compatibility for this game. If you are interested as you say, please follow this thread: http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/2208-user-created-content/and I look forward to seeing what you create. If you get stuck on how it all works at any time Heden, contact other users like xDariax or FrenchTouch on how they went about it to release their stuff in the game.


Happy Holidays!


Hi to the community :)


I suppose many have already asked this before but i am always a curious person. :)

Is there anybody who could tell me the next step in game development after the release of the Fresco club ?

Is there a project ? A general direction ? Anything ?


Maybe i am selfish but my subscription is ending and i would be reassured if i knew a bit more about the future of the game.


I hope i am in the right topic :D


Lysbeth, the method for determining in which direction the game is going is the same as for determining in which direction the wind is blowing, you wet a finger and stick it in the air.

First time that you want to know, use your little finger.

Next time, your thumb.

Then, the next couple of times move in one finger on each side.

Eventually, you will end up with your middle finger ;)


On the off chance of beating windmills again, I'd like to bring the point of User content alive anew. I am sure we'd all appreciate a somewhat steadier flow of updates so I'd like to invite the idea of further facilitating freelance or user commited work and involvement, a dev kit is one way but I am confident that there are other means to attract possible designer and give them a proper incentive for the good of the game.


Advertising through the login screen springs to mind there as well as other social media means, I strongly believe that could definitely reach a larger audience or at least make a pilot project out of it and check if there is any resonance.


Thanks for reading :)


Hmm I see your point, they do have tons of pages full of ideas ^^ Some may even be repeated ideas, I am not sure! Well I've forwarded this thread onto them for them to read, see what they say on it. :)



Waaaiit a minute...

You FORWARDED it to them?


Does that mean they dont even READ the forum or pay attention to it any way?

That certainly explains a lot.

Guest Chriistina

Hello everyone i've already posted a new idea about kind of dance than we should have on 3dx chat and would like have many opinions and why not someone working on my idea it could be appreciate during private moments or for tease men... and appropriate for 3DX CHAT also ...I add the link here hoping to have positives answer...thanks you

the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rccV-PhCm7k




I get 3dx gold everytime I log on...I can spend the gold on gifts to the people I meet.  They can also spend it on the people they meet...smiles.


I can also buy drinks at different places I go.


What I would like to spend it on is things like clothes, jewelery, shoes, lingerie, and tatoos.  If only we had a place in game with shops, stores, beauty parlors, and the like that offered such things.  HHHMMMM taps her cheek..dreaming of such a place...snaps her fingers..like a mall or shopping center!


I would even be willing to work part time at the lingerie shop.  Winks at the devs.


A girl can dream....kisses


I would love to work at a mall and spend my gold on clothes, tattoos and piercings too. Great way to personalize our Avi's and we "workers" could help work that mall


A suggestion to give us guys more clothing options:


Currently us men have the following items to wear :











Now my suggestion is adding the ability to layer the items.


Examples :







You could also be able to toggle the top layer on and off. 


I try to write there  :)))


1. Sex speed = mouse wheel

2. Achat sex speed = + 30 % / - 30 % from current sex speed limits

3. For friends and married couple  - not require confirmation for sex pose change

4. YouTube support (insert YT link) for home TV

5. Rings

6. Dividing wall (height from floor to ceiling)

7. No reset Partner status after location changes

8. For married couple - not require confirmation for Partner

9. If couple partners - from slow dance to sex pose without STOP (dance) pressing

10. Sex bots - cancel partner status (without reenter to room)

11. Sex bots - possibility to use in a room with friends or with multiple players party

12. Sex bots - possibility change clothes (edit my sex bots option)

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