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Posts posted by HazyRays

  1. If you do like the place and decide to stay after your initial month, it would be best to hold off buying an annual subscription until around Christmas time.


    For the last 2 years, at least, there has been a special offer that is very much cheaper than the normal subscriptions.  They may not offer it this year of course, but it would certainly be worth waiting till then in the hope they do.

  2. Hiya!!


    Next up on our Games Night calendar is ‘Hunting Hunters’ on Sunday 8th September at 7pm UK / 8pm CET


    We’re using the Palace again and adapting the Hide and Seek game we played before because that involved either finding somewhere to hide and not moving or a lot of largely fruitless searching and not finding many people.  We think this will be a little more frenetic and fun.  :)


    The idea is that you roam the many corridors, rooms, battlements, nooks and crannies of the palace and when you see someone from an opposing team, hug them.  They in return will send you a gift.  The team with the most gifts at the end will win.  You cannot consecutively hug the same person twice.


    There will be three teams and you must be wearing something in that teams colour to easily identify you in order to play.  The team colours will be Green, Red and Yellow.  Green team can only hug Red team.  Red team can only hug Yellow and Yellow can only hug Green.  Hence the title of the game, you will both be hunting and being hunted at the same time.


    We figure maybe 15 minutes for a game so we'll do a few throughout the course of the evening.


    Ok, so, this is the first time I've tried to add a pic in this new forum and I struggled enough in the old one so sorry if this goes wrong  :D


    Anyway, whatever you're doing, just make sure you and whoever you're with, are having fun  xxxxxxx


    Fingers crossed the poster comes out ok......


    Hunting Hunters.jpg

  3. Hiya,


    I appreciate this wont interest the vast majority of people here but equally I know there are a few people who it may and those may not realise a metal gang can be this diverse.  :)


    We occasionally open a room where there is something more than just music, dancing and chatting going on and tonight is one of those nights.


    We’ve created a room with lots of passages, rooms, nooks and crannies to play hide and seek in.


    At various points during the evening one person will be nominated the hunter, everyone else goes and hides.  The hunter finds and hugs people and they then join the hunt for the others until everyone has been found.


    It’s as simple and straight forward as that.


    The room was built by PepperPiccolo and if you like fairytale castles it is worth a look purely for that.


    We open at 8pm UK time.


    Anyway, be nice to see you but whatever you do, take care and have fun xxxxx



  4. I doubt there are many people who wouldn't go back and do some things differently in their life if they could.


    All you can do though is learn from it and if your friend lets you, try and make it up to them and then be the best you can be.  


    I hope your friend reads what you've written and is willing to give you that chance.

  5. I haven't worked out how to do posters yet  :)   but....   if you fancy an evening doing something a little different, come and join us for Trouser Snakes and Ladders


    We open Tuesday 28th May 2019 at 7.30pm UK / 8.30pm CET   there's a normal dancefloor and music as well, though you can obviously get those in pretty much any other room 


    Gonna try and put a screenshot in lieu of a poster, not all that confident it will work though, but yayyy if it does   :D



  6. fa10ee3a6717beaaa572b6e67381b22a.png



    I'm a Christmas Special, so here until January.


    Spend most of my time feeling like I don't really fit anywhere but, every now and then, there are moments I feel like I'm part of something.   It's those moments that keep me coming back.


    Same in this forum really, I don't often post and when I do, immediately after I'm like nooooo  what were you thinking....  so gonna get pulled apart and eaten alive  lololol


    Anyway, that's me  :)

  7. I think 3dx needs a World Chat precisely for the spam adverts and the people who like the tone of conversation that occurs there.


    You can choose to read it or keep that tab set to Local Chat.


    I dont see how charging xgold for messages will result in anything other than the likelihood of the current World Chat content spilling into places where it is more intrusive.


    Hands up who wants that to happen :o)

  8. There is one aspect to this I haven't seen mentioned yet.


    There are already a lot of rooms competing for a limited audience and which rely on attracting a big crowd to fully realise their potential as a party room.


    Currently it is rare to see more than 2 or 3 open at any one time and numbers always seem good.


    But if all the popular rooms can remain open effectively 24/7 I could only see this having a detrimental effect not only on those rooms with grand openings, etc but also on anyone else aspiring to open a room and hoping for more than 2 or 3 passing through on their way to one of the 10-15 most popular rooms each with only 10-15 people in.


    I could be totally wrong of course but that was the thought that popped into my head as I was reading through

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