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Posts posted by JuIsMu

  1. Due to desync issues, you might come across "invisible" people a lot. Their avatar simply doesn't load for your client, this might even happen with people you've actually seen before... they vanish.

    If this is the case, you can fix this issue by having the affected player perform an action of any kind, like hugging someone. The other option is to have either you or the affected player rejoin the room until it's fixed.

  2. Guys, the current ignore system and a potential ban feature, aren't the same at all. A ban would still allow communication between you and the banned person.

    Like i stated several times, troublemakers should be dealt with in a SUITABLE manner. Why you have to put everyone on ignore is beyond me...

    Wanting to get rid of troublemakers in my room, doesn't mean I personally want them on my ignorelist and thereby "banned" permanently from my content.

    Even if they cause trouble, you don't know why... sure, most of them are probably trolls, but it could be someone else typing on their account, them having a bad day or simply being drunk beyond reason.

    Point is, ignore is permanent, kick and ban isn't and those would still allow the culprits to justify themselves... to get a second chance and whatnot.

  3. 30 minutes ago, SusanLouisa said:

    Without at least a temporary ban after a kick you leave them the opportunity to immediately return rendering the kick totally useless.

    That's basically what I stated in my post too...

    We should have all possible measures available to deal with troublemakers in a suitable manner.

    For most people a kick should be enough to make them understand they're unwanted.

    But if you ask me, we should be able to dish out temporary and permanent bans aswell, for the persistent bunch.... even down to the decssion if only that avatar or the account is affected...


    Oh and for that "ignore is enough and does exactly that"-faction...

    I don't necessaryly want everyone, I want gone from my room, on my ignorelist... Neither do I want to stop people, I don't want to deal with personally, from joining my rooms. 

    The ignore function should do what it's supposed to do... stop me from seeing their messages and vice versa. Right now it does that AND ban people (without actually kicking them though).

  4. 54 minutes ago, SusanLouisa said:

    Some games ban for 15 minutes after a kick/boot, others permanently.  It would be nice to have an option built into the kick.

    A kick is nothing more than the instant removal from a certain location. 😜

    When you're prevented from using the service after a kick, it's referred to as a ban. These measures in todays games and the like originate from IRC, the mother of modern socializing in the internet. I think we can quote @THX on that real quick.

    16 hours ago, THX said:

    IRC (Internet Relay Chat) which started this whole online social thing - and is still around and used by millions worldwide still,  has used the the Kick. Ban, Kick/ban, De-voice, Founder(Owner), SOP (Super Op) and AOP (Assistant Op) system for over 30 years and it's levels of power.   RLC (Red Light Center) which adopted this system has used it effectively for 15 years. STEAM uses this system.


    As I said, this system has been around for over 30 years. It is tried and true - and effective. Just implement what has been tried and true for over 30 years.

    The kick is simply the most harmless of any measures, instantly removing disturbing people from your moderated space. They're able to continue joining and keep bugging you though afterwards. For stubborn people like that, you use harsher methods like temporary, permanent bans or even something like z-lines, which block your ip adress.

    And yeah, it would be nice to have all those measures available to deal with troublemakers in a suitable manner... not everyone (should) deserves a ban.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Whitesnake said:

    You probably misread my comment, or maybe I wasn't clear enough.

    The difference between ignore and kick/ban is that ignore denies someone access to your person, whereas  kick/ban on the other hand denies access to game content and the rest of the community which may be in that public room. Whatever problem you have with the player you wanna ban, it is just between you and them. You can refuse them access to your person and to your private room, but not to game content like public rooms and the rest of the community. That player pays just as much as you do to be here.

    I am against banning or kicking from rooms for any reason, no matter who owns the room. the option of "deputizing" certain friends of the owner to also perform this function already sounds like OP is on a power trip. Sure, let's weaponize the others against some tiny prick because Ignore is not enough, yes?

    Grow up.

    When you put someone on your ignore list, they won't see your rooms in the public section anymore, thereby you banned them from game content and the rest of the community, like you said.

    A kick would simply remove them from the room immediately, not actually cutting them off from that content permanently though.

    EDIT: well, ignore this post since Lux was faster and stated basically the same thing. 🤪

  6. 18 minutes ago, Whitesnake said:

    It is public for a reason. You can also make private rooms.


    The power of kick or ban, even just temporary, is too great to be handed to one person alone. I suppose an disgraced individual needs to be a nuisance for more people at once to deserve such punitive measures. So on principle I do not agree with kick/ban from public maps even by the owner. You can just add them to Ignore list and they'll be gone for good.

    Seriously guys....

    ONCE AGAIN: How exactly is a temporary kick, which you claim to be too powerfull, worse than a permanent ban on a whim, for every room the banning player might host in the future?

    You're basically against a less harsh alternative for banning, because it's too harsh?! That doesn't make sense... 😑

  7. 59 minutes ago, Cruna said:

    Vsync (Virtual synchronization) is synchronizing the framerate to your monitor's framerate using top values like matching your monitor's framerate, or locking it at half framerate when that drops. Usually is used to prevent screen tearing but also prevents the game running on much higher framerate than your monitor can display anyway.

    The FPS limit is similar, only that simply locks it at a set value.

    Check both. you don't need higher framerates anyway. Plus monitors display only as many frames per second as they can. the rest is just pointless work on your system.

    It's actually "vertical" synchronization, you're pretty much correct concerning the purpose of it though.

    But it's generally better to disable vsync when you have performance issues already, since it adds an additional strain on your hardware. 

  8. 1 hour ago, James556 said:

    If it's that big of a deal then maybe we can have a separate tab for "managed rooms" and leave the publicly hosted rooms as they are. Will that quench your thirst?

    If it's that big of a deal for you to grant hosts actual control over their OWN rooms, stay out of them and use the official rooms instead. Will that ease your concerns? 🤪

  9. It is annoying to deal with these issues for sure... but they said they're working on it, what else do you people want?

    Constantly complaing about it will neither speed up their work nor help the situation in any other way.

    Just try to be patient or quit the game, that's the only punishment/message you can dish out to the devs  that's sure to hit where it hurts, when enough people do it. 😒

    All you manage with post like this is stir up banter in the forums. 🤪 

  10. 4 hours ago, Jada Sinns said:

    I seen some people say having the ability to boot people from rooms could led to issues of people becoming power hungry and booting people for the slightest issue. 

    This has always seemed like a weird concern to me.  Don't room owners want a lot of people in their rooms to begin with?

    Plus if a troll keeps getting booted from room after room then just maybe they will realize they're aren't someone with an edgy sense of humor but are just your typical asshole.

    This reasoning by a lot of people is utter nonsense though...

    It's the hosts room, if he doesn't want certain people in it, it's his choice... no matter the reason.

    That has nothing to do with being power hungry or whatever... besides, it's not different now, just that you end up on ignore lists for the "slightest issues" and are banned from rooms permanently. I don't see how being able to kick people would be worse than that. 😒


  11. 14 hours ago, R0bT said:



    13 hours ago, SusanLouisa said:


    And WHY not? 😒

    1 hour ago, Alliehotass said:

    Then those of us who use Free Cam with WASD and click to move at tha same time wouldn't be able to. 

    Im in free Cam most of tha time and click to move in this way.

    So NO Ty. :)

    Having keyboard controls doesn't necessarily exclude point and click movement... a lot of games offer both alongside each other, either simultaneously or by letting you choose which one you want active.

    1 hour ago, Leeloo said:

    selected "no" because WASD would only fit certain lands (not france by exemple as we use AZERTY keyboards here) but with arrow keys, why not.

    The keymapping isn't an issue here... it can be configurable and usually arrow keys are an enabled option, the point is being able to move with the keyboard at all.

    As for me, i'd definitely prefer moving with the keyboard... so it's a yes from me.

  12. I get why there are limitations concerning stuff like body height, penis sizes and whatnot... stuff like that would mess with the animations, hence the easy way by having only one type of body for each gender... that's why there's no real boob job pose either, since they're changeable. 🤪

    But yeah, I'd love to have more options too, especially an adjustable bodyheight 👍

  13. Totally agree on most of this. 
    Cum deffinitely needs more attention in 3dx, not just cumshot variations.

    And yeah, some non sex-related stuff would improve the game experience for sure... there are a lot of potential poses that could be done, the new "chatting on the phone" stance is a good step in the right direction at least (even though it's weird that you're talking to your hand 🤪).

    Same goes for clothes, it mostly feels like you're being forced to dress slutty... a few more casual clothes would be appreciated indeed. 

    An offline editor would be usefull even if the servers are up, you get easily distracted by private messages otherwise when you're trying to get something done. 😋



  14. What he's talking about is the ability to communicate with friends through the 3dxchat chatsystem, without actually being inside the game, a feature i've been missing too.

    Other games have it too, imagine you'd have a chat on the website besides the forum, which is connected with the ingame chat. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Tracer said:

    Hiya! Can someone explain what a ddos is? (in a non-nerdy way please) Is it hacking? Are our characters and rooms going to be ok? If someone is attacking the server isn't it just to call the police?

    Non nerdy explanation => Imagine you wanna go into your favorite fast food restaurant or something similar, because you're nearly starving. Before you reach the entrance, a huge crowd storms in and blocks the doorway so you can't get in anymore. THAT's denial of service 😜


    6 minutes ago, Gypsy said:

    Come on guys.

    DDoS protection is well known in the security community (at least by those on a level that need to protect companies and organizations against this) and there are standard ways to it by your own or if you don`t have the required technical skills, use a service provider to offer the service for you.

    We are paying for your service, so do your duty and ensure you offer us the service we pay for.


    Have a nice day,



    Yes there are ways to deal with DDOS attacks, but even huge companies can crumble under an attack depending on how it's done. 
    We might be paying for the game, but it's a small company nonetheless. 

  17. Before considering stuff like foursomes, they should figure out a more obvious way to see or choose wich spot of a pose you'll occupy... i mean, it's not even clear which position you'll end up in when using one on one samesex poses... at least you can swap the position there though.

    Poses should display more information in general, because when you get an invite, the preview image literally tells you nothing... it's weird to end up in an anal pose if you didn't want to or you grow a dick out of nowhere all of the sudden. 😜

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