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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/25/2024 in Posts

  1. cup of coffee and tea for morning roleplay
    8 points
  2. I've checked this user. It's easy to do since forum accounts are linked to in-game accounts. This user has been permanently banned for severe violations of the rules (underage content). It's audacious of them to ask on our forum how to bypass the ban, isn't it? Now their forum account is also permanently banned.
    5 points
  3. And croissants please
    5 points
  4. Please let us saving loading our avatar's face/body options separately from outfit. When you have just dozen or couple outfits - it's not that important, but when you have like 100+ outfits - it's getting very hard to make any changes to the avi, since you'd have to either make these changes in all outfit files or redo all these outfits.
    4 points
  5. Bonjour chère équipe de développeurs et créateurs, Lors de la Saint-Valentin, vous nous avez ajoutés une valse. Que dire de cette danse, à part qu'elle est magnifiquement bien réussit? En presque 4 ans que je suis sur cette plateforme, je crois pouvoir dire que c'est votre plus belle création. Bravo à vous. Ce fut une très belle surprise. (Au passage, si vous pouviez retirer le bruit de sexe bizarre ça serait top. On dirait un bruit de succion bizarre à chaque début de boucle. ) Voici quelques suggestions de danses de couples supplémentaires : - un vrai slow - Le rock n'roll (grand classique) - la salsa, (muy calliente) - la bachata, (qué calor!) - le tango, (tellement passionnel) - le zouk (humm so sexy) En fait, ce qui serait bien, c'est de mettre les catégories de danses dans des menus déroulants, pour un gain de place sur notre tableau de bord, (ou écran d'utilisateur). Un menu déroulant avec les danses solos, donc il serait marqué quelque chose comme "solo danses". Avec toutes les danses solo existantes, avec les numéros. Un autre menu déroulant avec les danses de couples, qui pourrait être marqué comme "duo danses" avec les nouvelles danses qui pourraient etre des numéros aussi, la valse etc. (Je ne connais pas le nom de la seconde danse que vous avez ajoutés). Voici une petite vidéo de ce qu'est la danse zouk. D'ailleurs vous verrez dans cette vidéos, une combinaison de plusieurs façons de danser le zouk. Vous pouvez les décomposer facilement, pour faire zouk 1 zouk 2 etc et aussi, carrément un enchainement de toutes ces combinaisons. ----------------------------- Hello dear team of developers and creators, On Valentine's Day, you added a waltz. What can we say about this dance, other than that it is beautifully done? In almost 4 years that I have been on this platform, I think I can say that this is your most beautiful creation. Congratulations to you. It was a very nice surprise. (By the way, if you could remove the weird sex noise that would be great. It seems like a weird sucking noise at the start of each loop. ) Here are some suggestions for additional couples dances: - a real slow - Rock n'roll (great classic) - salsa, (muy calliente) - bachata, (que calor!) - tango, (so passionate) - zouk (humm so sexy) In fact, what would be good is to put the dance categories in drop-down menus, to save space on our dashboard (or user screen). A drop-down menu with solo dances, so it would be marked something like "solo dances". With all the existing solo dances, with the numbers. Another drop-down menu with couples dances, which could be marked as "duo dances" with new dances which could be numbers too, waltz etc. (I don't know the name of the second dance you added). Here is a short video of what zouk dancing is. Moreover, you will see in this video, a combination of several ways of dancing zouk. You can break them down easily, to make zouk 1 zouk 2 etc. and also, quite literally, a sequence of all these combinations.
    4 points
  6. Hello, Here are some assets created for my room, I wanted to put griffins in TP but it seems too heavy for the room.
    4 points
  7. Xizi


    Even better if with some kind of sheer / lacy-sheer textures.
    4 points
  8. If they were smart they did this along with releasing cloth racks that worked like drinks where you could buy outfits for s small amount that went to host room, and just decor version of cloth rack. Then people could have some fun making a small fashion shop and stuff like that. EDIT: Imagine it was something both people who want to sell cloth at reasonable Xgold price would enjoy, if some are good at putting together cloth style like some are building. I am sure some would enjoy just being able to buy outfit looks without having to deal with being creative and doing interesting looks themselves.
    4 points
  9. At all parties we see groups of dancers trying to synchronize groups. They should be allowed to synchronize as many dancers as they want. I know this can be done with a command line in a group chat. Please give this opportunity to our talented dance groups.
    3 points
  10. Akeli


    3 points
  11. I had a guy telling me in walls and walls of purple how he was breathing on my earlobes ... while i was laying in a free fuck room wearing nothing but heels and a slut collar ...
    3 points
  12. Xizi


    3 points
  13. Malene


    Still waiting for sheer fabric.
    3 points
  14. It also depends on your partner a lot of guys try to inmediatly jump to bed and that is not Rome playing at all
    3 points
  15. Love to have more bodysuits in differnet shapes of bust and leg cuts, also bikinis need another update. PLEASE
    3 points
  16. Peggy2004

    Auf der Suche

    Suche eine liebe Partnerin oder einen lieben Partner, der mich zu sich nimmt und mir die Möglichkeit gibt, ganz loszulassen und bald auch nichts mehr denken zu müssen. Möchte, dass SIE/ER mir zeigt, wie man in 3dx glücklich wird (nämlich, indem man erkennt, dass es in einem Sexspiel nur auf Sex ankommt), beginnt, über meine Kleidung zu bestimmen, mein Aussehen neu gestaltet (bin bereit, meinen Ava über discord zu schicken), mein Profil neu gestaltet, mich zu seiner Fuckdoll ... oder Bimbo ... oder Sub macht. Schreib mir hier oder unter peggy3dx2004 Lieber Gruß - Peggy
    2 points
  17. In RP I prefer to go slowly, as if it were real, most of the time there isn't even sex on the first day, of course it all depends on the type of RP and how the story unfolds. but everyone has their own way
    2 points
  18. This didn't age too well, nor quite a few others in the thread.
    2 points
  19. HelloAmy

    Tan Lines!

    Sexy tan lines would be hot. I would think this would be an easy design and skin customization option. I add this to my wish for: BBW, Pregnant, and age in the face.
    2 points
  20. Would it be possible to have options for body details like the "damage" marks and tattoos to be separate? It'd be cool to not have to choose between red spanking marks and tattoos
    2 points
  21. MissD


    Yes please
    2 points
  22. I had one doing walls of purple at the rate of 30 minutes a pose that by pose 4 I fell asleep from the boredom
    2 points
  23. Two new couples dances have been added and thank you, it's very nice. I suggest they be moved from Forplay and put under slowdance so it won't be necessary to be a partner to invite someone to dance. A Rock&Roll style dance would be great too.
    2 points
  24. LOL... I see this other typo all the time, but I take it with a fun attitude.
    2 points
  25. Please tan lines! They are sure to be very popular! Thank you very much!
    2 points
  26. Bonjour à tous, J'aime bien ce sujet. Il est intéressant je pense. Etant un joueur de roleplay depuis 2005, je peux dire que j'adore ça ! J'ai commencé le roleplay, à l'époque c'était sur forum. Il n'y avait même pas encore d'univers 3D. Enfin si, Seconde Life, qui était encore à ses balbutiement, mais j'étais encore trèèès loin de ce types de plateformes. J'ai donc fais mes armes et mes premières expériences de roleplay sur forum. Moi qui aime les films, le théâtre depuis tout gosse, se plonger dans un personnage, l'incarner, le faire vivre, lui donner une personnalité, imaginer ses aventures, créer une histoire autour de lui, c'était, mais extraordinaire ! Et pas seulement ça. Pour ma part, je trouve que ça fait du bien à l'esprit. Faire preuve d'imagination, de créativité, tout en s'amusant, devoir se souvenir de certains faits d'histoires de votre histoire, ou de celles de vos camarades de jeu, mine de rien, c'est très stimulant pour le cortex cérébral. Certes, on n'y pense pas, quand on fait du rp, mais ça fait énormément de bien. Et attention, je ne parle pas là que de ERP (Erotic Role Play), mais du RP en général. En 2010, j'ai découvers les métavers (univers 3D sur Internet). J'étais d'abord sur RLC, puis en 2020, j'avais envie de renouveau. Et je suis venu sur 3DXChat. De base, je ne devais rester qu'un mois, pour essayer et j'ai découvert qu'il y avait des gens, qui faisaient du RP ! Wow ! Trop bien ! Et oui, contrairement à RLC, où le RP est quasi inexistant. Enfin je n'ai jamais trouvé de personnes, pour en faire en tout cas. Concernant mon expérience de RP dans 3DXChat, c'est intéressant, ce pendant c'est trop restreint. Il manque certaines fonctionnalités, comme : - une fenêtre, par exemple, avec un nombre de caractères plus conséquent, pour faire des répliques plus consistantes. Ici malheureusement, il faut raccourcir... Si on veut faire des répliques longues, il faut trouver un autre moyen, comme écrire sur un bloc note, ou un outil de texte à part, puis C/c ce que vous dites. Sinon les gens auront le temps de lire ce que vous écrivez en direct et peuvent vous couper l'herbe sous le pied, pour un peu que l'un soit trop pressé... - un traducteur. Ca aiderait beaucoup pour interagir avec les autres, surtout que nous venons tous de pays différents et ça serait super de pouvoir écrir dans sa propre langue et que cela soit traduit automatiquement en anglais par exemple, (si on choisit cette langue), plutot que d'avoir un traducteur à coté, de C/c ce que les autres disent. J'ai beaucoup galéré ici à mes débuts en rp ! Mais le point positif j'ai amélioré mon anglais ! - bon après ce sont des trucs comme : plus de vêtements, accessoires, et d'interaction avec les objets, mais bon. Ca reste encore gérable, puisqu'on fait du rp. Bien évidemment, je sais et je suis parfaitement conscient que cette plateforme, n'a pas été étudié, ni conçu à la base, pour ce type d'activité. Faire du RP. C'est d'ailleurs toute la difficulté. D'une part, d'en faire, d'autre part de faire du RP sérieux, et surtout d'avoir des rollistes sérieux, qui connaissent et respectent les règles du RP. Et ce qui est dommage, c'est que beaucoup de personnes ne respectent pas ça. Quand tu ouvres une room et que c'est marqué RP, les gens viennent et prennent la room pour une room de baise et se mettent n'importe où pour baiser... Voilà.. C'est chiant... Enfin, le sexe à travers 3DXChat. Très clairement, je préfère le faire en ERP, prendre mon temps. Créer l'ambiance dans la salle, aussi, afin d'être en immersion. Imaginer ce décore, ma partenaire, la musique, l'ambiance, les parfums... C'est tellement exaltant. L'enchainement de poses, sans échanges ni rien... Personnellement je trouve ça froid, plat, nul, incipide, inintéressant, sans intérêt. Autant prendre Betty ou Bob, ça revient du pareil au même, en fait. -------------------- Hi everyone, I like this topic. It's interesting I think. Being a roleplayer since 2005, I can say that I love it! I started roleplaying, at the time it was on forums. There wasn't even a 3D universe yet. Well yes, Second Life, which was still in its infancy, but I was still very far from these types of platforms. So I learned my skills and my first roleplaying experiences on forums. As someone who has loved films and theater since I was a kid, immersing myself in a character, embodying him, bringing him to life, giving him a personality, imagining his adventures, creating a story around him, it was extraordinary! And not only that. For my part, I find that it is good for the mind. Showing imagination, creativity, while having fun, having to remember certain story facts from your story, or those of your playmates, casually, it's very stimulating for the cerebral cortex . Of course, we don't think about it when we do RP, but it does a lot of good. And be careful, I'm not just talking about ERP (Erotic Role Play), but about RP in general. In 2010, I discovered the metaverses (3D universes on the Internet). I was first on RLC, then in 2020, I wanted something new. And I came to 3DXChat. Basically, I was only supposed to stay a month to try and I discovered that there were people who did RP! Wow! Very good ! And yes, unlike RLC, where the RP is almost non-existent. Well, I never found people, to do it anyway. Regarding my RP experience in 3DXChat, it's interesting, but it's too limited. Some features are missing, such as: - a window, for example, with a greater number of characters, to make more consistent replicas. Here unfortunately, you have to shorten... If you want to make long replies, you have to find another way, like writing on a notepad, or a separate text tool, then C/c what you say. Otherwise people will have time to read what you write directly and can pull the rug out from under you, if someone is in too much of a hurry... - a translator. It would help a lot to interact with others, especially since we all come from different countries and it would be great to be able to write in your own language and have it automatically translated into English for example, (if you choose this language), rather than 'have a translator nearby, to C/c what others say. I struggled a lot here when I first started in RP! But the positive point is that I improved my English! - well then it's things like: more clothes, accessories, and interaction with objects, but oh well. It's still manageable, since we're doing RP. Obviously, I know and I am perfectly aware that this platform has not been studied, nor designed from the ground up, for this type of activity. Do RP. That's the whole difficulty. On the one hand, to do it, on the other hand to do serious RP, and above all to have serious roller players, who know and respect the rules of RP. And what's a shame is that a lot of people don't respect that. When you open a room and it's marked RP, people come and mistake the room for a fuck room and go anywhere to fuck... That's it.. It's annoying... Finally, sex through 3DXChat. Very clearly, I prefer to do it in ERP, to take my time. Create the atmosphere in the room, too, in order to be immersed. Imagining this decor, my partner, the music, the atmosphere, the scents... It's so exhilarating. The sequence of poses, without exchanges or anything... Personally I find it cold, flat, pointless, incipid, uninteresting, without interest. You might as well take Betty or Bob, it's the same thing, in fact.
    1 point
  27. I'm a 4k user (3840x2160) who prefers to use UI 1.5 scale. When doing so, the Yes/No box is off screen. I have to change to UI 1.0 scale for it to be on screen. Requesting to make this box moveable like the chat box, so can be manually centered or moved to preference.
    1 point
  28. Hello everyone, I present to you a room heroic fantasy project where I am working on game mechanics for a treasure hunt. It will be a huge room with lots of places to see and explore. I've been building for 3 years and I finally decided recently to come to the official forums. For this project I want an open world where many people from the world of heroic fantasy are represented. Humans, high elves, wood elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs etc... The room will be punctuated with various places in the form of spots but also teleportation points to move at the speed of the wind.
    1 point
  29. Awsno

    Body Hair!

    Yum. I love my men hairy and masculine.
    1 point
  30. Don't laugh because I think I already think I know the answer but just want to confirm so I don't get into any Trouble lol. I am starting a very small club just for fun and want to know if it is okay to pay Gold for Dancers (and of course whatever side gold they make is theirs 100 % of course) Anyways, Do I have to make that offer here in the forum or can I offer members in the game person to person and is it allowed ? Grateful ahead of time for all responses and if it is allowed and lady here is willing to Dance for 1 Thousand Gold per hour please feel Free to let me know. It will be a no colds small apt club That my in game wife Raven will run and I will only be looking for Two to Three Dancers once a week if interested. Kind Regards, Mystic
    1 point
  31. there are lots of ways to earn gold now. You can work as a stripper or escort and have them send you gold for your services. You can host your own room. You get 90% of consumable sales. Anyone can send you gold as a gift. You get your daily log in gold. I made 400,000 gold in a month stripping and escorting at Annas strip club and escorts. I made 7000 gold last week hosting my CUM SLUTS DRAIN YOUR BALLS ROOM from consumables sales.
    1 point
  32. most in here have no clue what a role is. I am strictly a cum slut and anal whore. Just looking for one quick fuck after another. Yet guys pick me up in a glory hole room and want to do romance poses all fucking night. I put a 10-minute timer on my profile but what the hell since nobody reads profiles in here. Once I stop after 10 minutes, I get called a fucking bitch and they get pissed off. When I refuse poses, they get bent out of shape. People need to grow up and learn what they are doing. I usually host my own room CUM SLUTS DRAIN YOUR BALLS. Basically, I let them know in my profile that I am here to fuck not write sex novels. Some take RP to the extreme which is basically totally time wasting and boring.
    1 point
  33. Oh thank you. I now have a prototype working that meet my needs (And it does not alter files)
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Hey everyone! The Roll the Dice game returns on Saturday, March 23rd! The room will be open to the public but the players will be in group chat, so let me know in local if you want to join in! We found last time that 6 guys and 6 girls is really the optimal number. So be there early on to have a spot Here are the rules: Girls are in the middle, guys around them, on the couches. Guys roll the dice one after the other in a clockwise order. 1 or 6 - ACTION. A girl of your choosing takes off a piece of clothing or if she's already naked, you can pick a position for the two of you to do. If you already have a partner, you can change positions, or swap her for a naked girl in the middle. 2 - SUDDEN DEATH / SUPER SWAP. A girl of your choosing looses all her clothes! If everyone is naked, then every girl on the sides shifts one spot clockwise. 3 - SWAP. Pick two naked girls that switch with each other. One of them can be from the middle. 4 - LADIES' CHOICE. Pick a girl that chooses a number for you (except 4) and decides what you do with it. 5 - BAD LUCK. Pick a girl who puts a piece of clothing back on or if she was doing naughty stuff, stops and goes back to the center. There's no real win condition, the goal is to have fun and make new friends (with benefits) Shoutout to LaraMera who came up with the original game! If you want to play, the room will open on Saturday (March 23rd) at 9pm EU central / 8pm UK / 4pm US eastern / 3pm US central / 1pm US pacific. Also, this will be the first ever event for a new club I'm starting called the 3DXChat Sex Games Club (SGC for short). It is a group for people that enjoy casual sex games, orgies and group roleplays. If you're interested in joining, please check out our Discord server, I'd love to have you there! https://discord.gg/aFcu56raGW
    1 point
  36. The game was a lot of fun, thank you to everyone that joined!
    1 point
  37. hotmaya

    3dx Update

    1 point
  38. Yes please and when a couple around me is dancing one off these dances i hear a sex sound ..pls can u take that out? TY
    1 point
  39. Sexypaige


    Recategorize this piece to the bra section so girls can wear it as lingerie and worn with a skirt or pants. Rarely do you see it being worn and by being able to use it in different ways the piece might get worn more. Its a cute piece, but needs to be more versatile. I think a lot of girls want more sear and lace fabrics.
    1 point
  40. I need to get something off my chest, I see so many negative comments after an update that I think why? We only pay 50 dollars a year and for that you have everything free...go to another game and you have to pay for everything, clothes, Room Moves, poses etc. I've been playing here for over 10 years now and there have been so many updates in the last 2 years that have made me happy, we have good graphics...and of course there are bugs but every game has that. Stupid dances? stupid couple walz? not everyone has the same taste and there are people of different ages playing here who like it...don't you like it? then you don't use the dances. there is plenty of choice. Let's stop criticizing everything and post your wishes somewhere else on the forum, who knows, maybe they will come in the future. Thank you Lisa and Gizmo for your hard and beautiful work...I enjoy it!
    1 point
  41. Xizi


    1 point
  42. Dakota


    It would be nice to add this
    1 point
  43. Correct. To be nitpicking, it is either OR the other. As long as one of those conditions applies, the room stays open. The owner doesn't have to be online, as long as somebody is in the room, the room stays open.
    1 point
  44. Tali

    Body Hair!

    I love my big bears! Perfect for cuddling after a good fuck
    1 point
  45. KipTheMan

    Body Hair!

    aren't these just basically the same thing as tattoos? i'd volunteer as an unpaid developer to help get this feature!
    1 point
  46. Dakota


    Please backwards hat
    1 point
  47. 8 Materials You can apply materials only to objects of the block type. To apply a material, first select the objects. Then click on the material icon on the materials tab.
    1 point
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