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3DXTools.net create assets for your next build project


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Update 16th June 2024
Duplicator Tool is now online and can be used




Update 11th April 2023

Update for the Move Tool which can now rotate a world file

Update 04th February 2023

New tool to get the color code of a object, because of the bug that you wont see the color code of the selected object in the editor

Update 24th Januar 2023

New tool added to the app, World mover.
Upload a world file, set the coordinates by which the objects should be moved or select to move the objects near a point and let the tool move your things around in your world file.

Update 13th December 2022

Updated the Terrain generator with new rocks 

Update 07th December 2022

Trees and rocks from Tropical Pack have been added to the tree randomizer tool.


Update 14th November 2022

I am looking for people that would like to do a bit of beta/stress testing for a part of 3dxtools that I want to add, which is a radiostream service for 3DX Chat
I dont want to make a radio service for each and everyone out there it is more focused on the userbase of 3DX Chat. Means no huge and expansive website or backend panel, no advertisement just your personal stream channel which you can add to your room and stream from your own devices. 

Therefor I would need some people to stresstest my idea. Preferable people with larger public rooms and many listeners. 
If you are interested please contact me via email: 3dxtools@gmail.com

Update 6th November 2022

Small tool added to give some info about a world file for those who wanted to always know how many objects and groups are in a world file
Can upload a file which will be analyzed and then deleted, the file does not stay on the server at any time. 

Update 28th October 2022

6 new Trees added, the 6 new conifer variants can now be used as well
New grass will come soon as well


Update 08th August 2022

New font for the Text Tool was added Times New Roman by @Diana Prince

Update 24th June 2022

Added a Terrain Tool to the side. Its experimental
Fixed a bug in the Tree randomizer the rocks now are selected properly


Update 20th June 2022

Added a Text Tool to the side, now you can simply create text in different fonts.


For a long time now I use my self developed software to create assets for the World Editor.
Most of the time those little pieces of software helped me create things like a forest or some terrain, work that can take a while if you do it by hand 
Placing trees and such things can get frustrating if you copy paste them move around scale and rotate them to get a somewhat random look.

So I came to the idea to share those tools with the community, should be easy to use as by now and I will go on and put more tools on the page over time. 
Hope someone may find it useful in their next project.

If you find any bugs or maybe have a idea for a feature just leave a comment.


Happy building

Some examples:

2000 trees placed in a ring inner radius 100 outer radius 150 


Different tree and shape variant


Rocks in a square 


Palm trees in a square with a random scaling with up to 2 times the size of the default tree and random rotation


Rocks in a ring



Edited by Halderim
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Added a experimental tool to the side, which generates terrain.
Unlike the trees this is not randomized in position, this placed rocks in a field you can select, 10 x 10 or 100 x 100 or what ever size you wish
rotates the rocks randomly scales them and places them in a set distance to each other

Caution with the size and length and width
In a area of 100 x 100 and a gap of 1 the tool places 10000 rocks 
Don't go over the top with this and crash 3DX with it. 


Edited by Halderim
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4 hours ago, Halderim said:

Caution with the size and length and width
In a area of 100 x 100 and a gap of 1 the tool places 1000 rocks 

You mean 10000 rocks 😉 This represents a file size of almost 700kB.


It's a great tool. Thank you so much for sharing! 😊

Edited by CatKatW
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  • 1 month later...

🇫🇷 Bonjour @Halderim,

Tout d'abord bon dimanche à tous.
J'ai vu ce sujet hier soir. Curieux, j'ai été regarder l'outil que tu proposes et là ! Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise ! C'est extraordinaire ce truc ! Super simple d'utilisation. J'adore ! 👍👍👍
J'ai essayé l'outil de police d'écriture et c'est génialissime ! 😁
Le premier type d'écriture et le troisième ont bien fonctionné, pour ma part. Seul le deuxième n'a pas trop fonctionné.
Mais peut-être que c'est moi, qui m'y suit mal pris. J'avais configuré un regroupement des lettres, par mots... Et quand j'ai mergé le fichier dans 3DXChat, ça bloquait et mon avatar bougeait partout sur le spawn point.
Je n'ai pas essayé, par contre, de le refaire sans cette option... 🤔
Les deux autres types d'écritures, je n'avais pas choisis de grouper les lettres par mots... C'est peut être de là que vient le soucis... Je ne sais pas. Je devrais essayer de nouveau.
J'ai d'autres questions.
Est-ce qu'il y aura d'autres polices d'écritures ?
Est-ce que c'est possible ?

Je te met un exemple de ce que j'ai fait hier. Ca, c'est pour le club de ma copine.


En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour cet outil, facile, pratique, et très simple d'utilisation ! 😃🤗👍


🇺🇸 Hello @Halderim,

First of all, good Sunday to all.
I saw this topic last night. Curious, I went to look at the tool that you propose and there! What was my surprise! This thing is extraordinary! Super simple to use. I love it! 👍👍👍
I tried the font tool and it's great! 😁
The first type and the third type worked well for me. Only the second one didn't work too well.
But maybe it's just me, who did it wrong. I had configured a grouping of letters, by words... And when I merged the file in 3DXChat, it was blocking and my avatar was moving all over the spawn point.
I didn't try, however, to do it again without this option... 🤔
The two other types of writing, I had not chosen to group the letters by words... Maybe that's where the problem comes from... I don't know. I should try again.
I have more questions.
Will there be other fonts?
Is it possible?

I'll put you an example of what I did yesterday. This is for my girlfriend's club.


Anyway, thanks a lot for this tool, easy, practical, and very simple to use! 😃🤗👍

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@Khallum Troy

Thanks for the message and the feedback. What you describe happens when the world file that is created is faulty. Will take a look at the code again to fix that. I think this does happen when you use a character in the text that does not exist in the font. 

I will add more fonts to the side in the future. I will port more of AlexaDarkness fonts to the tool as I got permission to use them. 
It is a bit time consuming to do. 

Beside more fonts I am working on more smaller and bigger tools or at least have some ideas which I would like to add. Depending on if it is doable.

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🇫🇷 Bonjour @Halderim,

Aucun soucis, avec plaisir. Alors voici deux screenshots.
Le premier. Quand je laisse les configurations standards et que je marque juste le texte, et que je le génère, tout va bien. Aucun problème.

Mais quand je fais cette configuration, pour regrouper les lettres par mots, (je penses que c'est ce que ça veut dire ?), une fois que je le génère et que je l'ouvre dans le world editor, ça reste figé, je ne peux rien faire et mon avatar se déplace sur le spawn point.

Autrement ça fonctionne super bien j'adore.
Enfin, c'est une super bonne nouvelle si tu arrives à y ajouter d'autres polices d'écritures. Je crois que ton outil aiderait beaucoup de gens comme moi qui ne m'aitrisent pas super bien le world editor ou les autres outils, et tous les autres utilisateurs, aussi je pense.😄

Je te remercie et je te souhaite une bonne journée.😉👍


🇺🇸 Hello @Halderim,

No worries, with pleasure. So here are two screenshots.
The first one. When I leave the standard settings and just mark the text, and generate it, everything is fine. No problem at all.


But when I do this configuration, to group the letters by words, (I think that's what it means?), once I generate it and open it in the world editor, it stays frozen, I can't do anything and my avatar moves on the spawn point.


Otherwise it works great I love it.
Finally, it's great news if you can add other fonts. I think your tool would help a lot of people like me who don't know the world editor or other tools very well, and all the other users, too I think. 😄

Thank you and have a nice day.😉👍


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15 hours ago, Halderim said:

Going to release a update soon with a new option 
Characters not in the font will either be removed or replaced by a space 
Remove will be the default option 


With those settings the result will look like this 


Thanks @Khallum Troy again for the feedback

Bonjour @Halderim,

Avec plaisir, aucun problème. Au moins, cela a permi de déceler un problème, de le réparer et tu as trouvé un moyen de l'améliorer. En tout cas, cela en vaut la peine, car ton outil est génial. Super simple, utile et rapide.

Encore merci de partager avec nous ton expérience, et ta création. J'ai hâte qu'il y ait d'autres police d'écriture 😉👍

Bonne fin de journée et bon week-end.


Hello @Halderim,

With pleasure, no problem. At least it found a problem, fixed it and you found a way to improve it. Anyway, it's worth it, because your tool is great. Super simple, useful and fast.

Thanks again for sharing with us your experience, and your creation. I can't wait for more fonts 😉👍

Have a nice day and a nice weekend.


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I am looking for people that would like to do a bit of beta/stress testing for a part of 3dxtools that I want to add, which is a radiostream service for 3DX Chat
I dont want to make a radio service for each and everyone out there it is more focused on the userbase of 3DX Chat. Means no huge and expansive website or backend panel, no advertisement just your personal stream channel which you can add to your room and stream from your own devices. 

Therefor I would need some people to stresstest my idea. Preferable people with larger public rooms and many listeners. 
If you are interested please contact me via email: 3dxtools@gmail.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello :) your tool is very cool, especially the landscape randomizer, because it a real time saver when it comes to simple randomizing.

I would wish myself that the stoneshape which you can use also with textures would also find his way into it. i think it can look good having snow f.e and you change the color just a little bit between grey and white. (as long as it's possible to do it without flickering, not sure but i thought i throw my thought in :))

Happy Saint Nicholas😇🎅


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