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AvatarDor / XTomX

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  1. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from Luvs in macOS support   
    I play 64 bit on a BootCamp partition and even the camera rotation works fine.
    -PlayOnMac can't handle 64 bit applications until now, thatS true
    -Parallels seems to work, too but the real problem ist the massive extra load for the computer and the machine overheats, espacially the graphic card.
    You will have to fiddle around al lot with keyboard layouts and shortcuts and I know that the real problem on Apple laptops is the missing trackpad or mouse support for windiows of the hardware- that seems to be the reason why camera rotation is a problem.
    But there are work-arounds for that, too.
    Good luck, feel free to contact me if you need more help...although I'm not a real pro
  2. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from jbond in macOS support   
    I play 64 bit on a BootCamp partition and even the camera rotation works fine.
    -PlayOnMac can't handle 64 bit applications until now, thatS true
    -Parallels seems to work, too but the real problem ist the massive extra load for the computer and the machine overheats, espacially the graphic card.
    You will have to fiddle around al lot with keyboard layouts and shortcuts and I know that the real problem on Apple laptops is the missing trackpad or mouse support for windiows of the hardware- that seems to be the reason why camera rotation is a problem.
    But there are work-arounds for that, too.
    Good luck, feel free to contact me if you need more help...although I'm not a real pro
  3. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from jbond in macOS support   
    Hello jbond,
    I think there's still no PlayOnMac version out that can handle 64 bit applications.
    You may think about creating a Windows Partition with BootCamp or other solutions and install the game on it.
  4. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from Nicci in My Friend...   
    Hey, Yvonny
    that was such a strong statement you made!!
    Not only for your former friend or partner but for friendship itself..
    And probably all who read this now know that it was no easy step for you!
    I wish you all of luck that all turns out right for you....both.
  5. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from Vaughan_Rarius in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    Oh, that's so sad to hear!!
    The 3DX community has lost another so importatant member again...and although didn't know him personally I shurely remember so many special moments with him and his music!!
    Even more because he deceased at this young age...!
    My condolenses go out to his famiy and close friends, too...together with "My Way" played up on 10 now!
  6. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from Mar Mohan in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    Oh, that's so sad to hear!!
    The 3DX community has lost another so importatant member again...and although didn't know him personally I shurely remember so many special moments with him and his music!!
    Even more because he deceased at this young age...!
    My condolenses go out to his famiy and close friends, too...together with "My Way" played up on 10 now!
  7. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from SusanLouisa in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    Oh, that's so sad to hear!!
    The 3DX community has lost another so importatant member again...and although didn't know him personally I shurely remember so many special moments with him and his music!!
    Even more because he deceased at this young age...!
    My condolenses go out to his famiy and close friends, too...together with "My Way" played up on 10 now!
  8. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from OLESYA in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    Oh, that's so sad to hear!!
    The 3DX community has lost another so importatant member again...and although didn't know him personally I shurely remember so many special moments with him and his music!!
    Even more because he deceased at this young age...!
    My condolenses go out to his famiy and close friends, too...together with "My Way" played up on 10 now!
  9. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to SusanLouisa in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    Aww my Jersey boy....so much to say but you know my heart.  Anyone who knew you were blessed and better people because of it.  We sure did see it all on this game didn't we?  I wish I had the whispers to share but each of us have had their own with you and know exactly what I mean.  You were a very special man and loved by many.  You will be greatly missed.  I will miss the daily 'Good Morning' messages and the gossip updates....If you were here right now I'd probably punch your arm Jersey style, but I so need one of your big brother hugs right about now.  I am rather proud of the fact that I named you Jersey and it stuck even when you insisted it wouldn't!!  Know I love you sweetums.  See you on the other side.... (blows you some sparkle bubbles)
    Some Jersey favorites to send you off....


    And as you know Jersey would always end his sets with this one so I thought it rather fitting.

  10. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Vaughan_Rarius in DJ SHOVELHEAD aka JERSEY. RIP Our Friend.   
    It is with great sadness and sorrow, I have been asked by BrandiWine to inform the 3dxchat community  via forum that our Great Friend, and DJ and Writer - ShovelHead - also fondly known as Jersey to his friends, has passed away today.
    Jersey had spoken to Brandi this mornng as usual but as the day wore on, no further contact was made and  following enquiries, it revealed he had not contacted his other friends either for some time, not even his online girlfriend, Lishy.
    This was highly unusual and out of charachter for him.
    This heightened Lishy's worry for him and so suggested his address should be checked.
    Due to the collective concern of all his friends for him now, the police were informed by Brandi & xDeax. The Police were asked to do a welfare check on him at his home and the reasons explained for their alarm.
    Jersey had recently been unwell and had undergone surgery, although this seemed to have gone well.
    It was shortly after these calls to police, Brandi & Dea both received calls from police telling them the sad news that Jersey had passed away at home and that his next of kin had been informed.
    Jersey lived on his own so it was admirable that his friends had been so concerned for him they took the intiative and informed the authorities. These actions no doubt led to Jersey being found earlier than he might have been and his next of kin informed.
    As you can imagine, we are all devastasted by this shocking news. We have lost one of our dearest friends.
    BrandiWine was his online sister and I knew him through her. From this, our friendship grew.
    He did us the great honour of giving Brandi away at our wedding in January of this year.
    He was an amazing DJ  having played at our Soap Factory many times.
    He opened his own place The Dive  most Saturday nights and of course whenever he felt like it. 
    He loved his Blues Music and Classic Rock and his rooms were always packed out.
    He was also an amazing writer. He published one erotic story on Literotica and Brandi and I were always teasing him on writing more
    His story can be found here. Please give him a 5 rating.
    Here are some pics to remember our amazing friend,
    We miss you Jersey.
    Knucks Bro and God Bless.
    Mr May in The Soap Factory Calendar.









    BrandiWine has asked Police who contacted her about this sad loss to pass on her contact information to his next of kin.
    She has asked if there is a place he would have wanted donations to be made in his name.
    Brandi will share that information with all when she has it here in this topic for those interested.
    JERSEY it was an honour knowing you my friend.  Rest in Peace.
  11. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from OLESYA in MUSIC IS YOUR SOUL.   
    Hey Olesya,
    this is a really nice collection of songs now!
    But i think one is still missing....naturally: "F.U.C.K." by the Bloodhound Gang!! It's still played very frequently on the radio here still and made me turn the volume up to 10 in my car again!
  12. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from Rodin in A HEARTFELT GOODBYE FROM DJMIKE   
    sad to read that you leave but all the best for you and your dad!
    Thanks for many sets of fantastic music, my good wishes for the  future are not only meant health-wise for you both
    Greetings from Tom.
  13. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from DJMikeBurleigh in A HEARTFELT GOODBYE FROM DJMIKE   
    sad to read that you leave but all the best for you and your dad!
    Thanks for many sets of fantastic music, my good wishes for the  future are not only meant health-wise for you both
    Greetings from Tom.
  14. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to LaraF in Size matters? - Game need a Penis Size Slider - They are not the same size everywhere!   
    I recently found this study on the Web and immediately thought "ok, they are really different in size"          
    So it's scientifically proven and we have to make a point out that 3DX needs a penis size slider!
    After all, that would be better than specifying the size based on the table and the country chosen by the user,
    although I could certainly sympathize with the idea ...
    Here the results of the research:
    Keep in mind that a blue column for 3DX Land is missing on the right side.
    The column would be necessary if they had evaluated all the profiles of the guys here.

    But, hey guys, don't worry, we Girls know, that size doesn't always matter!
    Source:  https://www.bodyrock.tv/new-study-shows-country-biggest-penises-world/
  15. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to darkangel in The typology of forum users - a documentation of horror/Die Typologie der Forenbenutzer – eine Dokumentation des Grauens   
    You have a question and need the advice of an expert, but don´t know one, and you ask in a forum. You will regret this step!
    Du hast eine Frage und brauchst den Rat eines Experten, kennst aber keinen, und wendest du dich an ein Forum.  Du wirst diesen Schritt bereuen!

    Suppose we have a banana in front of us and we do not know anything about bananas. Since we do not know any banana experts, we write in an imaginary fruit forum:
    Angenommen vor uns liegt eine Banane und wir kennen uns mit Bananen nicht aus. Da wir keine Banenexperten kennen, wenden wir uns an ein imaginäres Obstforum:
    Hello everybody,
    I hope you can help me here. I bought a banana in the supermarket and I do not know how to eat it. Can someone tell me how to peel and if i can eat the peel?

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich hoffe hier kann man mir helfen. Ich habe im Supermarkt eine Banane gekauft, und weiß nicht wie man die isst. Kann mir jemand sagen wie man die schält und ob man die Schale mitessen kann?

    At least 90% of answers can be assigned to one of the types described below and are of course completely useless. And  these characteristics are everywhere, no matter whether it´s about teddy bears or GDR devotional:
    Mindestens 90% der Antworten lassen sich einem der unten beschriebenen Typen zuordnen und sind natürlich völlig nutzlos. Und es gibt diese Ausprägungen überall, egal ob es um Teddybären oder DDR-Devotionalien geht:

    The elite

    Buy fruit only at a specialized dealer, because he also explains  how to eat it. Who buys his fruit in the supermarket did not deserve it otherwise, but the main thing stinginess is cool!
    Der Elitäre
    Obst kauft man nur im Fachhändler, da wird einem auch erklärt wie man es isst. Wer sein Obst im Supermarkt kauft hat’s nicht anders verdient, aber Hauptsache Geiz ist geil!

    The elitist uses only the best, or at least that's what everyone  believes, so he does not miss any opportunity to bother newbies and low-budget users. His comments are never helpful.
    Der Elitäre benutzt nur das Beste, oder zumindest sollen das alle glauben, und daher lässt er keine Gelegenheit aus um Newbies und User mit wenig Budget vor den Kopf zu stoßen. Hilfreich sind seine Kommentare eigentlich nie.
    The old hare

    If you have no idea what to buy, you should better keep away from it. I recommend seedless grapes for entry.
    Der alte Hase
    Wenn man keine Ahnung hat was man kauft, sollte man besser die Finger davon lassen. Ich empfehle kernlose Trauben zum Einstieg.

    The old hare knows a lot, and he has accumulated all this knowledge through painful experience. So why would a dumb beginner get the wisdom presented on the silver plate?
    Der alte Hase weiß eine Menge, und er hat all dieses Wissen durch leidvolle Erfahrung angehäuft. Warum also sollte ein dahergelaufener Anfänger die Weisheit auf dem Silbertablett präsentiert bekommen?
    The fanboy
    I don´t buy bananas on principle, I only use mango products.
    Der Fanboy

    Bananen kaufe ich aus Prinzip nicht, ich verwende ausschließlich Mango-Produkte.

    The fanboy doesn´t need a god, his religion is a brand, a specific system or a product. You can often find it in IT forums (Apple, Linux) but in principle everywhere where you can decide between different things (Coke-Pepsi, cats-dogs, etc.). As soon as fanboys engage in the topic everything is lost, the further discussion becomes a wild slugfest of fanbearings.
    Der Fanboy braucht keinen Gott, seine Religion ist eine Marke, ein bestimmtes System oder ein Produkt. Man findet ihn häufig in IT-Foren (Apple, Linux) aber im Prinzip überall wo man sich zwischen verschiedenen Dingen entscheiden kann (Coke-Pepsi, Katzen-Hunde, etc. ). Sobald sich Fanboys in das Thema einschalten ist alles verloren, die weitere Diskussion wird zu einem wüsten Schlagabtausch der Fanlager.

    The communicative:

    I don´t know about bananas, but I have a kiwi here, which is best cut in the middle and spooned out.
    Der Mitteilsame

    Mit Bananen kenne ich mich nicht aus, aber ich hab hier eine Kiwi, die schneidet man am Besten in der Mitte durch und löffelt sie aus.

    The communicator likes to talk about himself, and takes every opportunity that comes with it. Even though he can´t do anything about the subject, he always has a personal anecdote ready. Often his posts lead to the discussion completely changing direction.
    Der Mitteilsame erzählt gern von sich, und nutzt jede Gelegenheit die sich dazu bietet. Auch wenn er zum Thema eigentlich nichts betragen kann, hat er immer eine persönliche Anekdote bereit. Oft führen seine Posts dazu dass die Diskussion im Anschluss völlig die Richtung ändert.

    The annoyed

    Did you already use the search function or Google? The question has already been answered 1000x.
    Der Genervte

    Hast du schon die Suchfunktion oder Google benutzt? Die Frage wurde schon 1000x beantwortet.

    No one has forced him to look at the question, he has done it anyway, and he is now in a bad mood because he was stolen 20 seconds of his life. His answer is often only a mere idea, he gives a concrete indication of an already existing solution. An answer à la "I have already done, there was nothing" he mostly ignored.
    Niemand hat ihn gezwungen sich die Frage anzusehen, er hat es trotzdem getan, und ist nun mies gelaunt weil ihm 20 Sekunden seiner Lebenszeit gestohlen wurden. Seine Antwort ist häufig nur eine bloße Ahnung, einen konkreten Hinweis auf eine schon existierende Lösung gibt er nicht. Eine Antwort à la „habe ich schon getan, da war nix“ ignoriert er meist.

    The businessman

    I have some apples lying around here, they are great, do you want to buy them?
    Der Geschäftsmann

    Ich hab hier noch ein paar Äpfel rumliegen, die sind super, willst du die vielleicht kaufen?

    His apartment is full of things he once bought but eventually replaced by something better. Because his girlfriend would like to use the living room again, he has to get rid of the clutter, which he tries regardless of topic or question.
    Seine Wohnung liegt voll von Dingen, die er mal gekauft aber irgendwann durch Besseres ersetzt hat. Weil seine Freundin langsam gern das Wohnzimmer wieder benutzen würde, muss er den Krempel loswerden, was er unabhängig von Thema oder Fragestellung versucht.


    The sham expert

    Which variety is it exactly? If you want a good answer you also have to ask precise questions. It is best to take photos of the banana as well.
    Der Schein-Experte

    Um welche Sorte handelt es sich denn genau? Wenn du eine ordentlich Antwort haben möchtest musst du auch präzise Fragen stellen. Am besten du macht auch noch Fotos von der Banane.

    He actually has no idea about bananas, but he only has seen ome on the cover of a magazine or once read the name. In order to be able to show everyone what a super Duper professional he is, he demands details in the hope that they will not be delivered. If you can provide him with the info but he usually asks for even more detailed description or alternatively leaves nothing to hear from himself.
    Er hat eigentlich keine Ahnung von Bananen, sondern nur auf dem Cover einer Fachzeitschrift mal den Namen gelesen. Um allen Anwesenden dennoch zeigen zu können was für ein Super-Duper-Profi er doch ist, verlangt er Details, in der Hoffnung diese nicht geliefert zu bekommen.  Sollte man ihn doch mit den Infos versorgen können verlangt er in der Regel nach noch genauerer Beschreibung oder lässt alternativ gar nichts mehr von sich hören.

    The networker

    Please introduce yourself first. We have the sub-forum "Introductory Round".
    Der Netzwerker

    Bitte stelle dich doch erstmal vor. Wir haben dazu das Unterforum „Vorstellungsrunde“.

    He does not really care about the subject, he wants to get to know people, and best of all, those who do not only exist in his imagination. Throughout the day, he keeps an eye on his forum mailbox and he has at least 28 threads on the subject of "user meetings", all of which have remained unanswered.
    Das Thema ist ihm eigentlich egal, er will Leute kennen lernen, und am besten welche die nicht nur in seiner Fantasie existieren. Den ganzen Tag hat er ein Auge auf seinen Forum-Postkorb und von ihm stammen mindestens 28 Threads zum Thema „Usertreffen“ die alle ohne Antwort geblieben sind.

    The admin

    You've posted your question in the forum "Fruit - General", but it belongs in the category "General questions about the consumption of yellow fruits". I moved the thread there.
    Der Admin

    Du hast deine Frage im Forum „Obst – Allgemein“ gepostet, es gehört aber in die Kategorie „Allgemeine Fragen zum Verzehr gelber Früchte“. Ich habe den Thread dorthin verschoben.
    He is already a member of the fruit forum in 1998 and proud of it. Since 2008 he is also Admin and he takes his role very seriously. He periodically scours the forum for new tasks for organizational talents like him. His job as a child was a village policeman.
    Er ist bereits 1998 Mitglied im Obstforum und mächtig stolz darauf. Seit 2008 ist er auch Admin und nimmt er seine Rolle sehr ernst. Er durchforstet in regelmäßigen Abständen das Forum nach neuen Aufgaben für Organisationstalente wie ihn. Sein Berufswunsch als Kind war Dorfpolizist.

    The Troll

    Quite simply, you have to squeeze the banana and squeeze the mash out, then you can eat the peel!
    Der Troll

    Ganz einfach, du musst die Banane quetschen und den Brei rausdrücken, danach kannst du die Schale essen!
    The troll is a silent representative who does not want to argue with anyone. First, he helps Mommy with the dishes, and then his little brother with the homework. Unfortunately, his mind turns as soon as there is an Internet forum between him and the rest of mankind - from this moment on, he becomes a dark lord, feeding only on dark matter, anger and hatred.
    Der Troll ist ein stiller Vertreter, der mit niemandem Streit haben möchte. Erst hilft er Mami beim Abwasch, und dann seinem kleinen Bruder bei den Hausaufgaben. Leider kehrt sich sein Gemüt um,  sobald zwischen ihm und dem Rest der Menschheit ein Internetforum steht – ab diesem Moment wird er zu einem dunklen Lord, der sich ausschließlich von dunkler Materie, Wut und Hass ernährt.

    The Google / Wikipedia type

    According to Wikipedia, the "pulp" of many varieties of Musa × paradisiaca and other hybrids is eatable.
    Der Google-/Wikipedia – Typ

    Laut Wikipedia ist das „Fruchtfleisch“ vieler Sorten der Musa × paradisiaca und anderer Hybriden essbar.

    Also, the Google / Wikipedia type has no idea of ​​the subject, but can enter the question in a search box and transport the result by copy & paste back to the forum. Often he has a Ph.D., but he does not know why.
    Auch der Google/Wikipedia-Typ hat keine Ahnung von der Materie, kann die Frage aber in ein Suchfeld eingeben und das Ergebnis per Copy&Paste zurück ins Forum transportieren. Häufig besitzt er einen Doktotitel, weiß aber selbst nicht genau warum.

    The spellkeeper

    You forgot a comma after the word "peels". Please try to get a correct punctuation if you expect us to take care of your problems.
    Der Rechtschreibwart

    Du hast ein Komma nach dem Wort „schält“ vergessen. Bitte bemühe dich um eine korrekte Interpunktion wenn du erwartest dass wir uns um deine Probleme kümmern.

    He sees spelling errors as an attack on his intelligence and this in turn as above average. At school he was a darling of teachers but hated by everyone else, little has changed, but he does not have teachers anymore.
    Er sieht Rechtschreibfehler als Angriff auf seine Intelligenz und diese wiederum als überdurchschnittlich. In der Schule war er Liebling der Lehrer aber von allen anderen gehasst, daran hat sich wenig geändert, aber Lehrer hat er heutzutage nicht mehr.
    some of you may recognize yourself in one of these types

  16. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to DJMikeBurleigh in ************Petition For Ban/Eject Button for Room Owners*********   
    Petition For Ban/Eject Button for Room Owners
    Hello, I Understand I am Newer here, but i think for those that I have spoken with and interacted with this is something that is way overdue. Personally i am sick of putting up Rules for My room (Usually Two 1. No Colds 2. Have fun) and then having zero control if someone breaks the rule. As a room owner and DJ I am asking for those that support this to get behind Me , and show Your support in hopes that the Platform Creators can make a change ASAP. I know some here think they have the right to just abuse others, but I frankly have had Enough. Yes i am new, but this isn't My first rodeo so to speak. I have been in Virtual platforms 15 years, and i have never saw a platform without these simple controls. There are lots of room that allow colds its posted normally, and that is their right. It is also my right to not allow colds, and have simple tools to prevent it. So please get behind Me on this, and for the Platform Creators if you are listening Respectfully please listen to Your paying Customers. 
    DJ Mike "The Magic Man " Out for Now See ya in world 
  17. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Coldheart in Gone With The Wind....   
    Remember all the people that said 3DX would come crashing down in flames after the end of Pandora, and all characters being tagged separately instead of all under one account would be the doom of us all? Hmmm, does anyone know when that is still supposed to happen?? So far it hasn't.
  18. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Rodin in Disrespectful   
    people who can see their faults and are able to appologize here have my respect...and will always have ..shouting it out...here and now..RESPECT
  19. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to XXXJessikaXXX in Gone With The Wind....   
    Oww my Dear yep.. :lol:
    In the Old Times of the Pandora, We discovered one player with 103 alts already.. and that was his MO...
    pic some one, with any alt, any gender...have fun one night and next day.. POOOFFF avatar deleted
    Is more for them like  "to play free, no attachements, no explanations"
    Thats why Ppl hate some Alts...
  20. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from XXXJessikaXXX in Gone With The Wind....   
    Have you experienced the same like I did repeatedly?
    You met someone in 3DX to whom you feel a certain connection, it simply clicked in a roleplay or meeting, maybe you both had fun dancing the whole night through or simply had a long and interesting chat on the beach? Or just an outstanding sexual encounter?
    And when you met him or her the next time probably a few days later it happens again and when you say good-bye this time you agree that you both want to meet soon again.
    And then?
    Gone!...Nada, never to be seen again!
    That Avatar seems to have vanished without a trace forever.
    We all know that many play with multiple avatars, changing between them from time to time or leaving one in the closet for quite a while, ok.
    Fine with me!
    And a few simply expire due to a monthly membership, loose interest or don't have the time to play anymore.
    But there seem to be quite a few who delete their characters and build new ones on such a regular basis that they don't even have to wash their underwear.
    Am I right with that?
    At least i envy them for their gold! 
  21. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Nikki in Disrespectful   
    Here is an advice from someone who tried to fit real-life standards into a place like this for almost 3 years.
    If you really want to enjoy the game, and get the best possible experience out of it (Lovers n Friends) I recommend you drop some of the limits you would naturally have in your real life.
    The probably most common and highest drama-factor is created out of jealousy. Eliminate jealousy. Be easy on your friends and lovers. While the step into that direction can be hard, I can only recommend having an open relationship where you can be with you partner whenever there is time. Its totally up to yourself or you partner how much time you can / would like to dedicate to each other without putting a certain pressure wich leads me to the next point on my list of SNSFG (Standard not suited for game)
    Pressure. Yes, most people put pressure on their partnersm or theirselves. Actively or passively. I ve been there too... putting pressure on myself to show up ingame to see my beloved ones (Even if it wasnt necessary)
    You end up wrapping your real life around this game and making a lot of compromises wich can lead, in the worst case to some problem IRL too. I would suggest you only ask what you would be able to give
    Respect that your partners and friends ingame have a job, rl-friends and probably hobbys they want to pursue out of the game. If you put too much pressure on them, they might be seeking ways to avoid you the one or other way.
    Some people I met are really upfront and just tell you they wont show up no matter what. Other people dont want to hurt feelings so they make up silly excuses or even stories (The beloved Hosptial story is top notch) why they cant show up or are able to spend time with you. The third group of people is kinda meh to me. They start to run alts so they can avoid you and be with other folks. Sometimes they let their avi vanish the most silliest way one can ever imagine by faking RL-death, wich is very silly IMHO and usally it all comes out. Problem is, the paranoia fills the pockets of some individuals, that kinda make a living out of it now. Also that might be the same people that run alot of alts and try to fuck people over, so they get more money from people paranoying thru Pandora. Kinda a viscous circle but also a conspiracy theory.
    Real Life. So most important part for some people here. Of course many would love to know who is behind the screen and pursue activities outside of the game too. It is nice but is a two-sided sword aswell. Usually the VR-World can follow you into your RL and if you get hammered with drama theres no way to hide if people know too much things about you. Theres a slight chance stuff will end up in stalking and once you get stalked into the real world you will have a hard time getting rid of the stalker and make them stop (Told from own experience too. Not from this game but yeah it shouldnt be any different here really.)
    Just reveal what you are comfy with. Dont let people push you into a defensive position or even blackmail you. I ve met several individuals here that are never convinced with the proof of gender. So no matter what you throw at them, they wont believe you and demand more (for whatever reason) so to put it as simple as that... you dont need to proof to anyone, especially not if they demand it at all cost.
    Also, and that is my personal opinion... I dont really want to know. I play immersive and imagine the person as they behave and appear ingame. Sometimes gender reveals can kill that immersion and you cant really "unsee" it. So it really depends what you want to do in this game. Some play this as some kind of dating simulator or dating site... but its more malicious then its worth it, and lets be real for a second... the chance for a real life relationship are very low. There have been some exceptions where two people met here and are now a couple IRL but thats like One in a million.
    So what the game does best in my opinion: You can meet fun people, have some friendships too and of course have sex, but you shouldnt put too much heart in it. Of course you can get attached to the people and even love them, but seriously the exclusive real-life rules and living monogamous in a sex-game aint gonna work ever. And yes theres even exceptions for that. I know some people that practise the exclusive relationship for some years now and even sucessful but thats one of a million too.
    Usually it end up in cheating, drama, stories and tears.
    Dont let that come to you.
    Most people in here live in a one-sided exclusive relationship and even if you point out the obvious they wont believe it. In the end as I said earlier... everything will come out sooner or later, and some even might have remembered what I have told them... but usually when its too late. Mostly resulting that good people leave the game because they tried to fit in real-life standards and rules that only apply for them.
    Of course it is your money and your game. You play it the way you want to. So before anyone getting this wrong (or want to)
    This is how I changed my gameplay over the years and this is how it works the best now. I am happy. I enjoy my little time I have here now and you should too.
  22. Like
    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Rob. in Disrespectful   
    Not all people are like that. Sometimes online relationships even friendships are a risk. But you pick yourself up and know it ain't over until you quit. Many good people out there. 
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    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to Coldheart in Gone With The Wind....   
    You answered your own question, though I do hope you are wrong about them not washing their underwear.
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    AvatarDor / XTomX reacted to River in Artwork   
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    AvatarDor / XTomX got a reaction from OLESYA in MUSIC IS YOUR SOUL.   
    The last song i listened to today was "When Legends Rise" by Godsmack.
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