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Posts posted by Angelqueen

  1. 2 minutes ago, Torax said:

    Well, building can be hard work, djing too, maybe escorting too yes you might be right. But still, noone force anyone to build, to dj or to play an escort. I assume if people do those things, it is because they like them, and any reward should be a bonus but not a must be.




    You are right... at first get a huge LOVE in it... and motivate to more work. But at some point, lose this focus, and people believe it so NATURAL to have your work... and blame you, if you not do all the time! XGold help not just in the "reward" .... thats a good tool to handle this unbalanced situation, and guide people to trully reward what get from the hard work.

  2. Take, for example, my in-game friend ... a famous DJ, many people visit the rooms where he plays music. He puts a lot of energy into putting together his music and then performing it for the players! And you put not only energy, but real money into his work...
    He’s called a lot for “free” DJs and loves to do it. But the more famous it is, the more places it is called and the less energy it has. BUT if he give up an invitation, HE WILL BE TRASH AND EVIL, and they will start to hate out, gossip about him, etc ... and this will get him really bad. If they paid him with XGold, he wouldn't try to call EVERYONE except those who want him serious ... he could spend xGold to maintain the room ... and it's a win-win situation.
    People must learn to spend efforts to help each others.... not just enjoy other's work. And if you cannot add "work" to this... give xGold. Simple...

  3. 3 minutes ago, Torax said:

    While i can receive the argument that builders, djs, dance groups or hosts do some extra effort, I have really hard time to see it about escort ><  I mean it is a sex game and people come for sex, so I dont see what is the extra effort for an escort :x

    Just try out... of course many players who do escort job, dont really do... just dont speak english and want a COLD sex, thats it! But there is so many "real" escorts... who liek to play this RP game, but also "serve" people... liek builders, just use her own body! Really hard work to serv others fantasy... again and again.. isnt so easy, try out, and get it...

  4. 21 minutes ago, Xizi said:

    Well, we'll see if it will be added in game. I honestly very much doubt so because it's already 1.5 years since that poll and I heard that they already were adding xgold transfer before and then closed it. So devs basically already know how to do it – yet did not do it despite the poll. 

    And aslo, even if they will add xgold exchange – its still not going to be same way as in a worlds where you can buy poses, clothes and other stuff for ingame currency, xgold does not have such a high value, luckily. 

    And take out another dimension as well, ruining the atmosphere of equality that currently is in game.

    No one forces you to keep your room on top. I logged right now to check - HAVASU FALLS on somewhere 30th position in a list and has 57 people inside. Because people love this room. Just an example.

    You don't need to push your room up with xgold to get in top 20. I mean you need, if you need it RIGHT NOW. But that's exactly your ego and your problem. 

    There are a lot of people who build beautiful rooms because they love to build, not for reward. There will be more of them without any kind of market. Same about services. If doing something is not fun enough for you on itself, without getting paid for – just don't do it. It's not your job. 



    You just a cheap guy... thats it... I wish you hundreds of thousands of gold, but you can't spend it ... because you simply regret the gold from those who actively use it.

    I was there when Havasu ran up ... a beautiful room, there’s a lot of work in it ... but it ran up because people love it and THEY GET USED TO IT.  It took months to open in 0-24!

    So enough of the bull-shit ... it’s not about competitive game, or that evil people are robbing XGold, and used badly people... the community isn’t collapsing from having someone’s more gold with lots of "work"... 

    Its so pity, meet many people who miser one, and prefer - “for free may come, others don't have to" - attitude.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Torax said:

    On the other hand, by doing this, the ones who wanted to be dj or hooker just for fantasy and nothing else might not be able to cos everything will be taken by the "top" ones, no?

    Why this way of thinking, that anything done should be rewarded, there wouldnt be anymore people helping homeless for free, and so on, cos hey they should be compensated. If what you do is a hobby there shouldnt be automatic compensation, if what you do is a job, then yes it should be paid.

    When I played World of Warcraft as raid leader, spending 2 hours before and after raid to prepare the raid 40 and then calculate dkp and other stuff, who should get a loot or not, noone ever thought that this time should be compensated...why? cos it is a game, cos is was a choice not an obligation, cos it was a hobby. 

    If you give some help to someone, do you expect compensation?

    I am not fighting with you, I just give my point of view. Bringing in some economy might not be as bad as I see it, or it might be worse than you see it lol. When they introduced Patreon, I was real worried and at the end nothing much happened. Might be the same with a new economy.

    Here my answers:
    I build and open my rooms, because i like it to do.... and its really frustrating to not get "pay" for it... i mean, not any reward from the people, maybe a "Thank you". BECAUSE SO NATURAL to get better quality than next room...
    Build again and again, and only matters to stay on TOP and spend lots of xGold to be good for the people... i build the room, i build a huge attention, and i give many xGold for that! (specifically, I spent more than 10,000 ret now just for room maintenance)
    So what do the casual player , who come in? What they do to be better this communitys? Work for it? Pay for it? Or just enjoy it?
    Its time to reward jus ta little bit this huge free work... and this what i ask it, not huge things... deserv the builders, escorts, DJ-s and dance groups to!!!

  6. This free getting good stuff is a pretty convenient solution for 80% of players. So I, who makes a quality room, keep it on TOP to create a good environment for visitors. To do that, I have to spend thousands of XGolds ... but whoever enjoys the room, spend 0 on anything! Sure, my EGO wants the room on the TOP, but that’s not true. If a visitor sees people, he stays... if he sees the room in the top 20, he stays ... if he doesn't, he goes to the 2-bit rooms. It is in everyone's interest to have quality rooms, "services" ... but that's why you should spend it to have at least value. This logic is true for all "work" in the game.

    If you wanted to sell your rooms for real money, you could have done so in a variety of ways. (PayPal, Patreons .. etc) Why is it bad to take a room from you for XGold? In fact! Why is it bad to have access to more demanding rooms? I think it's really fair to those who spend DAYS / WEEKS / MONTHS building 1-1 rooms. Unlike those who put 8 beds in one place and are ready ... Yes, value is the room that those who pay for it can go to. (This may be the case that the price of drinks and gifts brought into the room will be paid to the room opener)

    Escort work:
    Do you really want to pay for these types of players with gifs? A lot of the stingy guy, this can be experienced all the time ... but why not get the escort player to use "pay" after spending HOURS serving others. It's pretty comfortable for more shy or undemanding players to use escorts ... but do we condemn escorts anyway? This is a pretty two-faced behavior / opinion ...

    Dance groups / DJ work:
    They both take HOURS from the player and don’t get much back in return. There are very demanding DJs and dance groups whose time would be worth rewarding with real value.

    XGold has the ability to add real value by keeping it in the game. It is not possible to build a business on it in such a way as to generate money in real life, as it can only be used in the game, so it is not as harmful as many explain here on the forum. IMPORTANT: you can use XGold for meaningful things in the game as well .... this needs to be expanded and then a value-creating game can be played. Without it come those who do nothing for the game, but get "everything" thanks to the hardworking players ...

  7. 6 hours ago, Lunarelf said:

    As long as the players can't use that xgolds to buy anything "useful", we'll still be okay. but there's one thing I'm afraid of is if there's really a player market in future and we achieved this option to send golds to other player, there will be a lot of scammers asking ppl to buy them golds..... or even worse. Unfortunately, prostitution/escort it's currently a part or an element of game, and it's hard to tell a people it's a escort or a scammer......

    But on the other hand, thing about something positively: if scammers can't use those money to buy anything "really useful" such like game times, it will not hurt the whole game. Just there's one thing have to be notice: the official have to make the xgolds "non redeemable" for the real money, or it could only bought by real money, and can't redeem back. this will limit the gold/pass seller's further action, which maybe will avoid the game's market became secondlife marketplace no.2 : D

    I think if the gold transfer and escort system were introduced, the rating system would also have to be introduced. A scale of 1 to 10 would ensure the scammers with a consistently low rating after a while no longer gains trust from others.

  8. Like much in the game, the possibilities of using gold are very lacking. It would be worthwhile to expand the use ... but how and for what?

    Possibilities of using gold and other options

    Buy in hand something:
    - buy more type of booze (+ cocktail, whiskey, champagne, martini - different type of glasses - after drinking it all, get drunk walking and iddle)

    - Buy roses and gift boxes
    - Be able to buy or pass on what we bought to someone else

    Other usable options
    - Buy a mobile (permanent) in the caracter editor, it appears in our hand if use "phone" pose, the pose can only be used when buying a mobile
    (customization for mobiles ??)
    - Buy a "car" in the wold editor (for personal customization cars ??)
    - Hire a escort (open personal window -> click on "hire escort" -> type in the cost -> the escort can accept or refuse) (escort status and rate system???  1-5 stars)
    - gold transfer without limits

  9. 4 hours ago, Lunarelf said:


    well it's just a joke... but I'm kinda worried about this game's future...

    as you see, if the game developing team are just ran by gizmo and lisa, there's might not enough for a VR game ... just maybe. And due to the requirements changes, there's not very much things that player could help devs to do if the game really turns to VR... I mean: we still can't make clothes by clothes editor, we can't make poses by pose editor, and 8 year passed... we still don't get what's xgolds usable for other than buying some image gifts , a bottle of booze, and up your room...

    I'm sorry for saying this... but ain't we need to make more elements to the game, then change to VR?

    If this will be the future..... i will delete my account!

  10. 1 hour ago, Arran said:

    Alright, just got this and now be patient... give him some time... I am looking forward :) He is doing his best working for big update


    I try my best to keep calm and believe in mirracle 😉 .. but sure... just take time much as he need!

  11. 5 hours ago, JenC said:

    "We want to release the first big update in about a month."

    The key words are "want to" .  😜  Lets hope all goes well and they can achieve what they want. 

    Exactly ... I note here that Gizmo did not write his message as a announcement at the usual forum point ... or would have used the discord for this! No, He remarked this in a side topic .... that is, he had no intention of announcing anything or informing the players ... no, it was just a sudden benevolence.

  12. What’s very annoying is that the developers test how long the players tolerate the lack of improvements ... why improve the game if the players don’t speak for its lack? Because the developers are so cheeky and don’t even bother to keep us informed about the future ... that’s my last subscription for me. I won't renew anymore ...

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