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Posts posted by Twiggy

  1. 2 hours ago, THX said:



    I would disagree.

    Although I agree with your possible scenario. They can easily track the creation of accounts and transfers. It is done in the old worlds where real money is involved. So that shouldn't be an issue. Plus we are talking about fake money of no value outside 3DX.

    Don't get me wrong. Harvesting XGold is an issue that would need addressed - but can be. 

    The referral system here is subpar in my opinion and is NOT enticing enough. It could be improved. You want to bring in new member's? Well, you pay a percentage as some old worlds have proven for new members you bring in per month for every month they stay members. This becomes a big incentive to a webmaster who has a lot of traffic on their cite. You WANT a webmaster with a lot of traffic.  At least I would. They don't give a shit about game time. They want cold hard cash for referrals..


    Unless I am wrong a webmaster gets an ongoing 50% from all they bring to the game. I am only going on memory but I remember reading that somewhere on the 3DXChat site not that long ago but maybe it has changed.

    Just looked and found it.


  2. 1 hour ago, THX said:


    That's interesting stuff.

    I must admit a certain fascination with backend systems of these VR worlds and how they can set the tone for the experience their customer has and how the customizable clothes Gizmo alluded too will work. 

    *If* the ability to create unique clothing customizations that Gizmo alluded to and believes is worth keeping under wraps I tend to believe him.  Anything like the WE In clothing making will be HUGELY impactful.  It would be very cutting edge and as impactful as the WE was. Rember the Doomsayers who claimed it would ruin 3DX?

     And yes, I firmly believe XGold transfer - especially if a system that already existed and didn't need to be scratch made, would be reintroduced it may draw in at least hundreds or more. Those who don't like it are under no obligation to use it and can continue on as things are - but they won't.

    Don't forget that everything to do with the game in the way of clothing and animations is loaded into all of our computers in the games directory. Every piece of clothing, textures and such are and have to be in our own computers for us to be able to see them, same goes for animation. So if he adds a clothing or animation creator then he only has 2 options. Include all the files needed in the next update or make it so we need to click something in game to get those files so we can see them. Some games do it that way, you need to click on an avi to be able to see their custom animations, if you don't you don't have the animation file so you can't see it. If he was to have it so all those files get made available as they get used it would be a huge stain on the server. Each time a player used something custom all in that room would have to receive that file, either from the users computer or the server. Can you imagine a room with say 100 people in it with everyone using their own custom content, there would be thousands of files being transferred every minute. So it is not as easy as lots of people seem to think. Adding it would likely not be that hard, but having so it actually works well and doesn't create loads of problems may not be that easy.

  3. 11 hours ago, THX said:


    I don't doubt you about the reasons it was removed. I wasn't here at that time and that sounds like something that could occur here.

    You may also be right about the scripting, but I can tell you I saw how a similar system - in the Curio project update from Unity 4 to 5 break for weeks if not months. (It's also possible that wasn't a a priority compared to all the other things that broke).

    However, if the ability was already here, they certainly wouldn't have to start from scratch. The thing that concearns me is the security against abuse. These OFFGANG asshats seem to be able to modify some things for their own agenda.  Is the system of transfer secure?

    I haven't been in the game for a long time so I haven't witnessed any of the hacks myself, from what I have read in here it seems they are sending altered strings to have peoples avis do actions only. What I mean by that is there is a difference between how the game sends and receives different commands. Single avi actions are commands that do things like dance moves, walk and such, and there is even a difference between single avi actions and paired poses like sex. When it comes to actions like changing clothes or editing rooms those actions involve commands sent that edit things in the server. I am not sure if it is still the same but single action commands were sent out to each player in a scene from the scene owners computer, not the server. The way Unity works is it places some of the game load on peoples computers who open a scene in Unity. If you open your room you open a new scene in Unity. So you, your computer,  as the scene owner will send certain information to all who are in your room about what goes on in there. I believe single action commands are done that way as they do not involve changing information in the server. 

    So the question is, have any of these hacks shown things that involve changes in the server, such as changing clothes so the next time a player logs in they have different clothes to the last time they played. Or has anyones room changed, or profile changes and such.

    From what I have read they seem to be only single actions in these hacks which is likely done by people who have opened the rooms where these hacks have happened. It would be a much different thing if peoples rooms started changing or the clothes they had on the last time they played are changed the next time they logged in. They would involve things that change information in the main server.

  4. 23 hours ago, THX said:

    You could be right about things. If Gizmo listened to the Doomsayers about WE this game wouldn't have grown and evolved.

     I also suspect if Xgold transfer occured in Unity 4 it broke in the upgrade to Unity 5 and would require some type of fix. Many things broke in anything built in Unity 4 upgraded to 5.

    Obviously I am speculating, but it is based on what many of us have seen elsewhere happen during that engine upgrade.

    The scripting wouldn't take much work to add it and very likely as it is mainly scripting to access the database would not have been effected by the change to Unity 5. 

    It was there for only one day in 2014, well before the change to Unity 5.

    It was taken away mainly because of some people that had some pull with Gizmo bitching about the sudden rise in the number of prostitutes. My opinion is it wasn't given enough time to see that rise in numbers of prostitution will have died down.

  5. 2 minutes ago, THX said:


    So, the backend for gold transfers already existed? Interesting.

    Not sure I see why a problem with those industrious enough to accumulate gold and sell it for less is problematic. It is a common practice in some of the older worlds and has not been a problem in the least for nearly a decade.

    I'm curious as to why you think this is problemtic?

    I personally find this topic fascinating. I hear so much Doom and gloom but no valid arguements to support that.

    It's a problem because I believe that is at least one of the reasons Gizmo won't do it. Personally I couldn't care less if people did it, but I believe Gizmo does.

  6. Years ago they did actually have gold transfer, it lasted a day as some complained about prostitution. Like other things it wasn't given much of a chance as some of the people that complained had a lot of pull with Gizmo. 

    I don't think that making people competitive is in any way a decent argument for several reasons, one is people are already competitive in the game in many ways and another is if you don't want to compete in anything you are not forced to. So saying it can't be introduced because you don't want to compete is saying you won't give the opportunity to those who do want to.

    There are so many positive things that gold transfers can add to the game, tipping for things like strippers, DJs and Dancers would be good to have.

    One decent argument that has been presented in other threads on this is that if gold transfers were added then people will do things to accumulate gold and sell it for real money to others at a cheaper price than Gizmo. My opinion is that is the main issue that needs to be solved before it can be added.

  7. I saw somewhere where I think it was Alivia who said that Lisa had stated that clothes were not getting added because it needs a script writer to add them. Having been around for a long time and seen how the devs say things and what is actually meant by what they say my opinion on that is she was more likely trying to say that is is not just creating clothes that needs to be done but they also need to be scripted into the game. And that Gizmo who does the scripting has to find the time to do that.

    Now before you Alivia go saying it does not involve much scripting I know that, very little in fact. The problem is that it appears for what ever reason Gizmo either does not have the time to do the tasks or is lacking motivation to do so. It has been that way for a long time. 

    The amount of work done by the devs shows they do not spend much time in adding to the game, very little. My opinion knowing a good deal on how long it takes to do at least certain things in Unity is we would be lucky if they spend one day a week on average.

    When you have a business that is making good profits as your bank account grows you find yourself having to make choices on what to do with that money. You can just leave it which funny enough is not that easy to do, or you can find ways to make that money work for you. Some invest in the stock market and little else while others find new projects to invest in. I myself don't like the stock market, seems to risky to me so I started other projects mostly with friends. Although these partnerships I set up made it so those friends would do most of the work it still does take considerable time of my own to make it work. So my opinion considering the amount of profit they would be getting  is it is likely that Gimos time is spent mostly on other projects and his motivation to keep working on the game is low.

    Now I am not trying to make excuses for the devs, my opinion there is they are letting anyone involved with the game down badly. They now need to get creative with the business side of it to allow it to keep growing and stop a lot of the complaints. For us with our business that did the same for us with profits we no longer need to give it much of our time. We now have a third partner who we had made our manager before. She now runs the business very well where we only need to apply a small amount of time to keep things running smoothly. We did that by offering her a third of the business where she did not have to find the money to buy into it. We came to an agreement on the value of the business and made it so her share of the profits go towards paying for that share. She is still paid the very good salary she was on and her share of the profits until the amount is reached are paying us for her third share. That has allowed us the time to venture into other projects and still have our main business running well. I think Gizmo and Lisa need to do something similar. Time is the key to building the game further and for what ever reason they do not seem to have the time, they need to find a way to have someone there that does. After all isn't taking some of the profits they are making from the game and putting it towards setting something up that can help it grow also an investment they can make. An investment in the project that made it all happen for them seems a good investment to me. I think that even just one person working diligently full time on the game with motivation would make a huge difference and the numbers would grow quickly where the devs would get a lot more return than they do now.


  8. Again we see something that keeps getting asked for in these forums. Categorising the room list has been asked for many times before and I agree is something that is really needed. Not only will it make it easier to find what you are looking for but will also make it so we don't have to see rooms like rape rooms show in the list when we are just trying to find a good dance room to go to.

    Everyone is entitled to play the game the way they want but seeing loads of rooms listed for things I find off putting was always a bit of a turn off for me. Likely it is the same for people who were looking for those rooms having to scroll past dance and party rooms.

    Categorising the rooms list would not be hard to do.

  9. I went on about this for a long time in these forums and I feel it is something that is a lot more important to the game than people say. If you are not a DJ or a builder there is very little for you to do in the game other than sex. At gatherings all you can do is press a button to do a particular dance move and chat. There needs to be more for people who don't DJ or build which I think you will find is the majority.

    I haven't been in the game for a while but from what I have seen in these forums dance groups seem to be getting popular. Wouldn't it be good if they had a tool to be able to create dance routines?. 

    I once pointed out a dance pack that was available in the Unity assets store where each dance loop finished in a position where another dance move could start, so it could look like a constant flow between moves. I even drew up a UI to show how it could be set up including a tab to enter a sequence of numbers where dance loops could follow on from each other and routines could be created.

    Just recently I posted a thread asking that there be a way to be able to set the dance moves to finish its loop after clicking a new move, like I think the pole dances do.

    My opinion, if they were to do this you would see a whole new resurgence in dance parties and a lot more people would want to participate.

    Likely you would see things like dance competitions and more dance groups.

    It could only add to the amount of time people stay in the game.

  10. I just looked at the new update and noticed 12 new dance moves, well done devs, I think this update is a good one as it has a variety of things for different people in the game.

    One thing I think could make a big difference to the dancing in the game is to have it so the dance loop will finish before the next selected dance begins. Maybe have it a setting we can select to have it either the way it is now, which is as soon as you select a different dance move it starts, or it starts after the loop for the present dance move is finished.

    This will make it so dance groups can build routines from several dances in sync with each other.

  11. What you just talked about can and does cause major problems for people in the game, it did for me several times. Often I found myself not wanting to log in because I knew a someone would be demanding on me and just waiting for me to log in. These people tend to do nothing wrong other than wanting you to be their best friend and play your game as their best friend. They don't seem to understand that because they count you as their bestie that it does not mean you see them the same way. No matter how hard you try to explain it to them nicely it never seems to sink in and they just continue to have expectations of how you should be with them. Like I would tell them I have had friends in this game for years that I count as my best friends but they would still get angry when I spent time with them or even just seemed to pay more attention to them. They would not only cause problems for me with my time in the game but also cause problems for my friends around me. Often I would get involved in a game or something with other friends where these people would get angry because they had logged in and I didn't want to stop what I was doing to spend time with them. It almost always ended up where I had to get serious and tell them to fuck off and leave me alone. For me to get to that it had to be so badly effecting my time in the game. Then when that did happen most of these people would then go the revenge route, spreading lies and rumours. 

    A lot of people need to understand that others in the game are not there to just to be there for yours. That your expectations of what people should do for you can badly effect their game.

  12. 1 hour ago, Aliviax said:

    lemme say this simple thing ....

    1) i think you are missing the point of the game ...its a porn game meant for ppl to have sex in short 

    This is one of the bigger reasons people stray away from this game, to many people in it see it as how you have put it here, a porn game.

    It is not meant to be a porn game, for those who do not realise it there is a difference between seeing it as a porn game and seeing it as a sex game. If I play in a sex game I do not expect to have to play as if I was in a porn movie. Yes some people will want that from their game but it does not mean that because it is a sex game that everyone should have to see it as porn and play as such.

    There are lots of different ways people look at what sex is, porn is just one of them and to many in the game think that because it is a sex game then it has to be like porn. 

    The game description says  Multiplayer Online 3D Sex Game, Community & Virtual World not Multiplayer Online 3D Porn Game. So for those that think because it has the word "sex" in its description means porn please stop trying to push your ideas of what sex is on everybody else. Plus also note that the description also includes community and virtual world and that it is included for a reason.

  13. 13 hours ago, serylice said:

    i guess you're right, it's just that i handle abuse of power very badly. but thats something i got to deal with from now on it seems.

    I doubt there would be many would abuse the kick/ignore function that way, where there had always been lots that abused that the owner did not have the power to remove them. As Xizi said, why would you want to stay in a room where the owner is like that anyway, I feel pretty sure their room won't be that popular.

    There are always pluses and minuses with everything added, I think with the kick/ignore function the pluses well outweigh the minuses.

    Good job Gizmo with finally adding it.

  14. I can't believe some of the opinions people have on this. One being that a room owner should have no right to boot and ban people from their room because it doesn't belong to them but to SGD. What a load of crap, people spend months sometimes building their rooms, DJs spend months learning how to DJ and creating mixes. Each event involves hours of planning and hosting. All done to not only get enjoyment from the game for themselves but give enjoyment to others. Some may think, I think very few though, that it does not give them any right to be able to stop people from upsetting to often destroying what they have worked so hard for, but I and most do. Shop owners and bars in shopping complexes don't own the shop, but they do have the right and do remove anyone causing a disturbance, so where is it different in this game. People not only pay their subs they also invest often a huge amount of time and work into their games. The room is their room, they pay for it as part of what they pay for when they pay their subs, just like a shop owner pays rent. When a player opens a room, no matter if it is for friends only, group or public. If you go to that room you are the owners guest and if you do not like what the owner has to offer you have the right to leave. No guest in any room should have the right to dictate to the owner how they should handle things in their own room. 

    Implying that people who get trolled likely deserve it because they aren't that friendly, because you have never been trolled so there must be something they are doing wrong is also absolutely ridiculous. There are dozens of different ways you can end up with people trolling you where you have done nothing wrong. It could be as simple as someone having a thing for you that another person likes and they then go after you. There is always people who get jealous of others just because they have become popular, I saw that happen so many times with DJs. Others go out to destroy a persons popularity just because they are not. Then there are cliques that go after each other. I have seen some give others hell just because one time they opened a venue at the same time as they did. Another one that happens a lot is when you decide you don't want to have sex with someone because you haven't really clicked and they take offence to it. Then there are those you have put on ignore because of them doing some really shitty things like using alts to try to manipulate you to do what they want, who then create other alts to just mess with your game and reputation. I could fill pages with shitty things I have seen people do to people that have done nothing to deserve it, and that is not an exaggeration. The game offers very little protection against it. Everyone knows they can hide behind anonymity and because of that the game can often create ass holes out of normal people. Far to often I heard the term "it's only a game" used to excuse some really shitty behaviour. I saw and knew so many people that had worked hard to create fun in the game for everyone, that had earned peoples respect and had gained a certain amount amount of popularity for their efforts, saw them end up playing the game keeping a very low profile because of the crap they had copped.

    The way the game is set up at the moment and has been for a long time, it is far to easy for people to be ass holes and made hard for people who generate the fun.

    The report system is far to slow and can even be gotten around by simply creating an alt, creating problems with it and deleting it before the report is picked up. The ignore system is almost useless against people who set out to upset your game. It is far to easy to just keep creating alt after alt. It needs to be account wide.

    At the moment the game is a haven for ass holes and because of that is attracting more and more of them to the game.

  15. This has been brought up hundreds of times before and yes twice Gizmo has said it will be added but has not followed up on it.

    People have argued that any room opened to all makes it public and that room owners should not have the right to boot people from public rooms. Well night club owners, public bars, sporting events and very much anywhere in real life where an event is held if someone miss behaves they get thrown out. It doesn't matter it the event is open to the public or not, the event organisers have the right to remove people who cause a disturbance. So why should it be different in the game. I use to see people who just made their game going into events like weddings and such and causing problems, it was their way of having fun, but would upset so many other players in their games. Why is it that Gizmo seems to want to support these kind of players, is it that he thinks that everyone should be able to play however they want, including those whos game is being as big a pain in the ass to everyone else as they can. Maybe he doesn't realise that by doing so it allows one ass hole to stop many others from being able to play how they want. 

    A boot from room feature has been asked for so many times that it should be recognised as being a very important feature that needs to be added to the game. I brought it up in early 2015 and I am sure it had been asked for many times before that. It has been brought up so many times that I feel Gizmo has made a decision to not add it and I am sure there are many people would like to know why.

  16. 17 hours ago, Aliviax said:

    also lisa said on wc they havent worked on that fictional pose editor and that story goes back 2+ years ..lol its not that they stopped the project due to server issues lol they never had started it :) 

    I doubt very much they are the words Lisa used, it would be more like they haven't worked on the pose editor as they have been working on other things. 

    You have gone from one extreme to the other Alivia, you use to get in these forums making similar claims in favour of the devs, mis representing things that had been said to argue they were working hard on the game and how we could expect things soon. Now you are doing completely the opposite. You add words like you have here to try make your argument sound more convincing but just end up mis representing points that have been made. I would be very surprised if Lisa used the word fictional when talking about the pose editor. The teasers shown were showing work done using the 3DXChat avatars, Gizmo asked and answered questions about the pose editor and he also created this thread "Pose Editor" So calling it fictional is just a little over the top. Yes it is fairly certain they have stopped work on it, but you, I or know one else other than the devs have no idea why or if it has been cancelled or can be expected to be worked on again later. It may be he found something that would make it to hard to add, or use to many recourses, we don't know and that is the problem. 

    Another thing I would like to point out is how people keep expecting things can be done in 3DXChat because it has been done in other games, most of which are games that are far lower in graphics and animation quality. So I thought I should give some examples of what that could mean. Two games of the same genre, one uses textures with 1024 x 1024 texture maps and the other uses 2048 x 2048. Those map files are not twice the size but 4 times the size. Not only does the server have to be much more powerful and its connection to the Internet need to have 4 times the bandwidth but so does our computers to be able to run it. So just because certain tasks have been done successfully in a certain way in lower graphic detailed games does not mean it can be done in 3DXChat.


  17. Yes I know what you are talking about, and I have had said similar things myself about how slow they progress with things and how many times they have said we will get something that never comes. But there must be a reason they stopped with the pose editor after having done so much work on it. The teasers they showed were using the 3DXChat avatars and some things he showed I think were more than what appears to be in the pose editors you get from the Unity store. I have seen where Gizmo gets enthusiastic about things he is working on and he seemed to be with the pose editor. He even said so once when I brought it up in a post. There must be a reason why after doing all that work that he has either put it on hold or decided not to add it at all. I for one would like to know if it has been completely cancelled or not and why.

    A pose editor would make such a big difference to the game, much bigger difference than any other addition there has ever been before. It is about the only thing that would have ne re sub and I know a lot of others that have left that feel the same.

    I think after all the teasers, him creating this thread and very much saying we can expect it by saying the things lost by losing the ghost will be replaced by the pose editor, I think we should be told something more than it hasn't been worked on for however long they said.

    In my opinion if they were to release the pose editor they would see into the thousands of people re sub, and even if a good number of them only stayed for 1 month it would mean very much an instant return of into the tens of thousands of dollars. The numbers would remain higher and the average length of time people remain in the game would increase. 

    So I just can't understand why they stopped with it.

    I understand it could be difficult to implement as I have tried to point out in my posts, but I also understand it would not be impossible. 

  18. 51 minutes ago, Aliviax said:

    Nope. Currently I can open a room log out n room still be open... Log in next day n find it open, unless I decide to close it... So what I said above create a pose in fictional pose editor.. Upload n save upon completion, means everyone can see the pose not use it tho cause they don't have the file... Kinda same when u open ur room ppl don't have ur room but can see it... Cause server send data of the room u have load there to every player along with many other data like coordinates etc. 

    But anyways I don't think we will ever get such a editor... We were shown tattooed piercings 3 months ago.... Not that we liked them but no where to be seen... I mean lol they were ready.. Even tho they said wip... When u make a tattoo n show it its there finished lol. 

    Its not like they showed us the half tattoo piercing n other half is wip lol

    I still doubt that very much, as in people will be able to see the pose without having the file, even if only a temporary file they have to have the animation file to be able to see it. As far as the rooms remaining open goes I am not sure how Gizmo has set that up, it could explain why there was trouble with servers as if he is somehow hosting rooms on the server when the owner logs out. Or maybe he found a way to transfer hosting to others in the room which could explain why they close when the last person leaves. Likely that is what he has done, the hosting side of the room gets transferred. Otherwise it would put a lot of strain on the main server. I know 100% for certain that is the way Unity works, when a scene is opened, which in this case is a users room, then that persons computer does a lot of the work as a sub server, or at least that is how it use work. For the room to remain open when the owner logs out then that work has to be done by some other computer. I will have to have a look at Unity, maybe they have even done something that distributes the load between people in the scene and it was just an upgrade to Unity and nothing Gizmo did. Was there an update to Unity at that time he added to the game?

  19. 26 minutes ago, Aliviax said:

    But... Now rooms are open even if host isn't online ^^ you know what this means

    I haven't been in the game for a while but I think you will find that someone else has opened the room for them, simply has the same room file and opens it. Like can you open your room and log off and the room remains open ? I bet you can't.

  20. 1 hour ago, Aliviax said:

    What I say is.. When I would make something on that fictional pose editor before it would be ready for use I would have to save it.. So what can be done is this.. Upload n save meaning you save the file on ur pc n same time upload to the server... Then if I use that pose ppl would be able to see it casu server would send back as it already sends various data each second. Similar is for rooms server keeps a copy when you load it... 

    At this point I wanna say that I don't believe anymore that this dev team can make it lol as we have seen they struggle to make a simple 3d object piercing lol.... What pose editor we talking about haha



    Olivia you need to read up on how Unity works, the game servers don't send out that much, mainly data from the database servers. When a scene is opened (room), all the room, texture, lighting and such files are sent to each visitor from the room owners computer. It is done that way so the game servers do not have to be so powerful. Plus if things were set up the way you are talking about, lets say there are 5 rooms opened like I said before, all with 100 people in them, each using their own pose. For everybody to see all the poses that would mean in each room 100 files would need to be sent to 100 players times 5 rooms. Every time any one of the players in any of those rooms changed to another of their own poses all 100 people in that room would need to receive the file from the server. That would be happening far to often and the server would need to be able to cater for it. At the moment the game server itself does not have to do that much work, most of it is done by the data servers and the client computers when they open rooms. It is very likely the main server would need to be much much bigger than now just to cater for that. 

    As for the devs not being able to do the piercings, I don't believe they can't do it but rather like a lot of other things, they just can't be bothered.

  21. 3 hours ago, Aliviax said:

    guys its very simple lol dont complicate things ,the said pose editor would work like build editor ,you go you create something u save the file like you do with world files .no one else will have it unless you share it :) so no big menu no scrolling etc you say 

    Alivia I wish it was as simple as that but it is not. When you create and save your room you are able to use it when you open your room because of the way Unity works.

    When you open your room you create a new scene in Unity and the game, each player that then enters your room is transferred in the game to the scene you have created. As they enter your scene they get information from both the game server and your computer. It is your computer that sends them the file with the room information. It is also your computer that then sends all the information of movement, animations being used and other things that happen in the scene you host. When animations are called each player has to have a copy of that animation file in their computer, without it they cannot see the animation. If a pose editor was to do what you say and only store the file on your computer then no one else would see the animation. So for example if it was done in a way where if we were to see all the animations a room host has in there collection, then when entering a room all who do would have to be sent all the room owners animation files. We can only see an animation if we either have the file stored in our own computers or if it is sent to us when called. 

    The biggest problem is if it was able to be done the way you think is for everyone else to be able to see the animation you use. Lets say you go to Love Island and there are 100 people there. You use your custom animation, for everyone to see it your computer must send the animation file to each person in there. Now lets say all 100 are using their own custom animation. All sending their own animation files to everyone else in there. That is 99 files being sent and 99 files being received by everyone in there. They mostly are not big files, but the volume of how may times they will be sent back and forth will create problems.

    In other games where they have pose editors to see another persons animations you have to click on that person and select to see their animations, your computer then downloads their animations and you get to see them. Or they have it so if you go in someones room you download the animations the room owner has to offer as you enter that room.

  22. 1 hour ago, THX said:

    I would disagree with the assumption 'user made poses would overload a menu and render it unusable'.  I would argue, just as no one has all the places built by users now cause they pick and choose what they want, so would it be with poses and Clothing. You only use what you choose to use.

    Creating a world where users could fill the world with clothing, props, mesh and customer scripting was the essence of the Curio project by Utherverse. They wanted their interface to become a portal to worlds built by users not limited to sex, but racing, FPS shooters, etc. It was quite an ambitious project that assumed if the backend was created, users would fill it and they would make money off subscriptions and micro transactions between creator and  buyer. It was quite ambitious project.

    I believe the huge inventory of poses would become a master list users would choose from and add them to their custom limited menu of poses by catagory similar to what some have described Achat to use.

    If Gizmo and Lisa's project is getting ripped off, I can understand their frustration. Security has always been an issue with Unity.

    I dunno the answer to anything. I just know the pros of something can be offset by the cons at some point and become less interesting and cause people to look for something better. The reason why games like Call of Duty have to constantly create new titles in order to stay fresh.



    What you seem to be talking about is not the menu system that we have in the game for poses now. You seem to be referring to some sort of filtering, where we would get to choose which poses appear in our menus. And yes that would make it usable but is not what we have now. Without some sort of filtering system the menu would end up having thousands of poses that we have to try scroll through so finding particular ones we wanted to use would be a real effort and pain in the ass. But yes a filter system where we got to pick poses we would use and those we selected only appeared in our menus would get over that. But that then can create other problems, to have that filter system new databases and scripting to read to and from those databases would need to be added. As there are several categories for poses it would need to be either one fairly complex database or several for each category. How much of a strain that would add to the data server would need to be considered. Then there is also for each pose/animation to work where the pose involves 2 people both have to have that animation file in their own client computers. That would mean either having loads of updates and massive amounts of animation files stored in our game directories in our own computers or loads of file swapping going on while we play. It would also involve creating a system for us to be able to select the poses we want to appear in our menus. So it is not as easy and possible as you seem to think.


  23. There are a number of reasons that Gizmo and Lisa may have stopped with the pose editor and for those that think they were never really serious on it they should think why did Gizmo create this thread. The teasers he gave did very much seem to be work in progress for a pose editor actually being worked on in the game environment. There are 2 or 3 good ones available in the Unity store and it appeared he was working with one of them improving it and making it fit the game.

    Early in this thread you find where several of us were trying to figure out how they could implement a pose editor in 3DXChat, as to how they could have it work. For example they could not have every pose created by users get added to the existing menus and have them appear the same as any new pose created by the devs do now, the menus would just become massive and unusable. We talked about maybe they would have it so you only got poses that a room owner owned when you were in that room or having to click on each user to be able to see their use their poses as they do in other games. 

    The thing is is that it could be possible they are having difficulties in finding a way to implement a pose editor without it being to big a strain on servers or Unity may not supply a way for them to be able to just have it be supplied in our rooms. 

    What would be really good is if they gave us an explanation to things like this and let us know if we could still expect to have it added some time in the future. Saying it hasn't been worked on for 2 years doesn't really say it has been completely dumped or why it hasn't been worked on.

    It could also be that Gizmo has been trying to find a way to stop people from hijacking his script as it seems there are now 2 copies of the game around. From the teasers he seemed to have put a lot of work into the pose editor he was working on so I could understand him maybe being worried about it just getting hijacked if he did add it. Looking at the teasers he had done some very advanced addons to what is around and I could understand him being protective of it.

    I just wish they would let us know the reason it has been put on hold as there are a lot of people that come in these forums that could possibly help find an answer to the problem.

    @Gizmo and @Lisa Can you please let us know why it has been put on hold?

  24. On 10/9/2020 at 4:11 AM, JackPine said:

    Great.  Someone leaked of picture of me onto the web.  Might as well own it, you all will see it soon enough.


    You need to eat more Jack, you aint got no bum. you get picked on when you aint got no bum.

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