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Shanti last won the day on March 27 2017

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About Shanti

  • Birthday 05/01/1986

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  1. They surely meant host (as mentionned on the update post) .... just bad translation in game I guess If it was only gold transfer but no... its buy gold for others, patreon and real money transfer... just what this game was missing... good luck lol
  2. I feel like this has been answered already, tho no specific ETA, and it has been like a month or so from what I'm reading but it is being worked on. They just wont keep reposting the same answer over and over, that's not how things work with 3DX, and quite frankly that's already more informations than the game had gotten in the past on other issues lol. Take what you get. Just gotta be a lil more patient, as frustrating as that is Just two cents from an ole granny !
  3. Yes who has time to scroll forever through who replied to what, and who reacted to what and blablabla. I quickly looked through the Activity stream tab and there wasn't a setting that only showed the latest created topics, without feeds on who joined forum and who reacted where, and who commented where (I repeat it cause I just find it annoying lol). So yeah I agree with Torax that little window was useful, or at least add sharper activity feed tools . Ps : About time the forum had an update ! Could still use some more efforts tho .
  4. 148452976,width=500,height=500.png

    I Love your Profile... 😍

    1. Shanti


      Haha thank you ❀️ !

      Gotta freshen it up a little I guess πŸ˜‹


  5. Shanti


    *If you mean the spoiler option, then : 1- Click on Special BBcode 2- Pick "Spoiler" and then type your text in the box. PS : if you have already typed your text, you can always select the part you want to hide and then click special BBCode > Spoiler > and press ok *If you mean it the way ExHaran, just showed on the post above, the font color has just been changed to white.
  6. Oh yeah that wasn't targetted at you, just picking up on that line that made me chuckle. Just a general remark pointing out that it's impossible to satisfy everyone and things will just escalate until each side feels vindicated, as is human nature, more so on the internet. And surely the lack of consistency in moderation doesn't help either side.
  7. The same way it was accepted and respected when it was removed in the first place ? But yeah this is just an endless back and forth, until someone reports it again, and "Moderating Team" changes its mind again, and so on ! Happy weekend y'all !
  8. My opinion on this hasn't changed after going through the latest pages. For me it's still a private matter to be taken with a pinch of salt when broadcasted on such platforms. So I won't try to get into a debate about it with anyone or try to change anyone's mind. To each their own. Just wanted to point out something, as a then mod, since it is being brought up. Indeed this was never added to the actual rules but it was certainly a common agreement between members and moderators. As far as Gizmo is concerned, he was also notified of it, and saw no reason to object it. So from that point forward all death announcements were immediately removed up until the moment the last of the 4 mods left (Achilles, Ash, Skar and myself). It may not have been an "official" rule, but it was certainly a common agreement that was enforced. And there sure were a lot to remove. After the last of us left, I cannot say. The initial rules of the forum were written by a game member mod as well, and then in 2015 another mod corrected and rearranged them for gizmo to repost. So gizmo did trust his mods, and from there it's nothing but a simple step to add them to the rules, had we then thought was needed. I'll also say that I don't quite see that trend around as it used to be, at least in an open fashion. Or they just get reported and removed quickly (lol), before my eyes get to them since I don't roam this forum as much I used to. God knows who actually mods this forum now and how, but that's a whole other endless discussion lol.
  9. Smart move ! Now hoping this moves forward and doesn't remain a fruitless tree. Rochi has been a member for a really long time, and you know very well that she isn't ill intended at all with her work. You can tell from the time she has spent before helping people in your technical support thread, to creating these mods to help improve the gameplay. Improving user gameplay to a level I can't even express, as some are very basic features that we should already have in game after 6years of existence. She listens to user feedback and does her best to follow through. So you'd gain in finding a way to work with her, or whatever sort of compromise you can come up with to add her features. Also her mod often ends up fixing actual game features that your updates break and go unnoticed, and I know for a fact that her mods have kept some people from leaving the game at times when updates were inexistant. As an example, I have tried the world editor when it came out, then I tried it with Rochi's mods. Now ? I wouldn't bother using world editor without her mods as it makes it much more user friendly. But her biggest contribution comes with the character editor, where game lacks the most, helping me not be a clone, sort of lol. Just see the features listed on her blog and on that list... I'll say... EVERYTHING ! Thanks for listening !
  10. Sent this on the bug report link, but I'll leave it here too. Since the update, the hair shadows got messed up, almost like the hair is floating.... quite triggering X.x See below (sorry if you recognize yourself, you may contact the copyright service) Edit : Ps : thanks for the face fix
  11. Although they get many things wrong, it is great that they now offer the possibility to delay an update while in game. That being said, it's not their duty to warn anyone of an update at login, since we are using third parties (not provided by the game) at our own risk.
  12. Okay ! Usually I'm a person that thinks all updates are good to take as long as they keep coming and dont overthink about them. But this just pisses me off. When I started the game back in 2013, the faces were actually much prettier (too annoyed now to go looking for pics) ... Yes they were better in 2013/2014, I stand by it. Then two or three years ago, you changed them without warning and turned them ugly with one or two that were still usable. Then you added a few more years later that were just in bad taste if you ask my opinion. And now this ! You ruined the faces that were still usable (to not only my taste but many people's I'm sure). As much I was happy that you were adding faces more representative of different cultures, what happened to the stylistic part of it ? The truck driver jaw lines coupled with the overly disproportionned facial parts are just not visually attractive. Women of color are actually beautiful, and you are doing them so wrong that I find it boderline disrespectful. Ps : The pictures you were showing before release, the face looked much better (to my taste) for women of color, I can't even find it now in the live version ? I must have disappeared inbetween or changed. Ps2 : I was just now shown the new male face, and it's just as bad. Having a beautiful game and doing so poorly when it comes to the actual characters ? You can do better 3DX.
  13. That's most likely because you have miniature trees on your map. For example, my friend had the same issue with a snow globe that had a tiny tree inside it, which in consequence showed that bugged inflated tree in some camera angles Edit : I watched further into your video and I can see that you have flattened your trees as well, to make the leaves disappear. That's a cause too, since we can clearly see the leaves flash and reappear when you zoom out.
  14. Another Xmas prop. Wanted a simple illuminated tree. So here it is if anyone wants to use it You can play with the lighting pattern as you wish. (with 127kb, this might be bit heavy tho ) DOWNLOAD This item is merged in four different parts : - Tree (made of bushes lol) - Tree lights - Outter stars - Inner stars
  15. A little companion for the winter... cause who doesn't love Olaf ??! (I call mine Creepy Oly ... not you OliU ) DOWNLOAD
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