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3DXChat Community

Introducing Varz - 3DXChat Community Manager

Hi everyone!

My name is Varz and I am the new Community Manager for 3DXChat. My aim and the aim of the developers is to bridge the gap closer together in communication between SGD and the community. 

My aim is to provide more transparent feedback, and updates, organize official community activities and take in your top-rated suggestions and forward them to the team. This has been a long time coming and I have been playing in-game a little recently to get an understanding of the current mood and the consensus of what the community is about. Some of you have said hello and have been super welcoming!

I hope to see many of you in-world and to be able to meet and say hello! Please keep a look out for the character named “Varz” in-game and please say hello! I would like to hear from you on what you would like to see 3DXChat become, but also where you feel the key areas are that need fixing and resolving, but also just for some general chit-chat as I’m always up for a talk.

Please do bear with me as there is a lot to get through, I’ve seen some of your suggestions already and I am happy to see how creative the community is. I have a lot of work to do, and I hope I can live up to the expectations of the community I’ll do my best to really improve those relationships between the community and the team. And I am super excited to get started!

In addition to the above, I will also be starting up a new blog series called “Community Corner” on the 3DXForum where we highlight some cool events that transpired in-game, but also general projects by community members and discussions/interviews with different members of the community that come from different communities within the 3DX world. So, if you’d like to be one of the first players to be interviewed, please send me a DM on Discord Varz#6531 or a direct mail on the 3DX Forum. You can find my account under the “Staff” section.

I am very excited to get started and build some great times with the community. It will take some time, yes, but let’s make 3DXChat the best Adult 3D online game it can be!


Recommended Comments



Hi Varz, nice to meet the new manager. Please, if you read this, inform the developers that the character editor lacks the ability to put a mole/beauty spot on the avatar. I would really like to see my cute mole in the game.



Posted (edited)


On different places of the body



Edited by SashaFoxy
Diana Prince


Hi @Varz and welcome.
Good to hear that the 3DXC got bigger and has a community manager now.
As you said yourself, you have seen some of the players suggestions. Here on the forum we have a "suggestions" area for some years now, and on Discord for several months. There are literally thousands of suggestions put down there. I think what most people want to know is: what happens with the suggestions? Have they been noted somewhere, which are in consideration, which are even in work, which won't be considered. What is the rough roadmap for 3DXC?
Thanks for any information!



Welcome @Varz, it's great to have you!


I'm thrilled that 3DX Chat is investing in their community and has an official leader for engagement. This is an exciting step for 3DX Chat! I know many of us are curious about the scope of your work, beyond feature feedback and general game updates. I'm sure you're quite busy organizing at the moment, so I won't bombard your with more questions or suggestions. But I'd love to chat with you sometime, so I'll keep a look out for you in game. Or, if you prefer, I'll reach out on Discord. Again, welcome and looking forward to your future updates.





Posted (edited)

Hi Varz

Would be nice to see when you cancel subscription model for the sake of in world shopping, Introducing internal currency . That way you would attract more people to this game and motivate your design team to drop items on a market more often. It would be beneficial for both sides and finally i could "hoe" my way up (what a turn on ;) ).




Edited by Ravell


Hello Varz,
I too would like to commend that we now have a community manager and say welcome. I can only agree with my outposter Diana Prince, it would be nice to hear something about this.



and when this guy gets his fill of everyone complaining ( including me ) he will go silent too just like lisa and gizmo do .....


Posted (edited)

Welcome Varz

I hope you will find most people are nice even if there sometimes some who are a little on the harsh side, as sometimes also evidence of in world chat. But generally also many who just want to see 3Dxchat grow and expand with ideas feature and generally just be a nice place to be at.

I do agree with Ravell that more external system for earning xgold by being active and involved be nice, think it would make more feel engaged in at least to get currency to spend inside. I think what 3dxchat could use more of is activities and staying power, it generally feel hard to really make use of things like hosting rooms besides sex rooms with just casual sex like swinger club basically, because its very difficult to maintain anyone interest. Feel as if some more activities or way to engage with 3dxchat would help some of that, as one questions you sometimes get making a really nice room or great looking one is what is there to do? And you could really say much is possible within current possibilities beside clubbing and swimming or texting RP.

EDIT: P.S While I don't think clubbing or sex swinging club should essentially be seen as bad, I think too much of the same thing is just going to lead into excess and eventually get people to become tired and bored, not because 3dxchat is any different than it was prior when you enjoyed it. But just repetition and over indulging in dopamine highs will probably eventually make you less able to enjoy things in the long stretch. So really think most activities beside sex would be great both for RP but also in general sense.

Edited by TashaTight


Welcome to the 3DXChat community, Varz! As a dedicated and active member for nine years, I'm excited to have you as our new Community Manager. Your commitment to improving communication and transparency between SGD and the community is highly appreciated. I look forward to meeting you in-game and participating in the upcoming "Community Corner" blog series. Let's work together to make 3DXChat the best adult 3D online game possible!

Best regards




Welcome @Varz,

I think the majority welcomes and appreciates your aims and goals for better and open communication with the community. There is much to be improved but I also believe it is possible. I am looking forward to read more form you and will look for the according communication channels.

Kind regards



Hello Varz

It is a pleasure to welcome you as the new "manager" ... I guess it will be a difficult task for you to read all about the requests and complaints that were made on the forum but I do appreciate you engagement



Michael Iwish


Welcome, Varz.


I hope this role will satisfy the very requested communication that 3DX community been asking for. Good luck with this job.





Welcome to the 3DXChat community, @Varz!

Great to meet you. Hope this initiative by the management turns out to be as expected.


Diana Prince


12 hours ago, TashaTight said:

Feel as if some more activities or way to engage with 3dxchat would help some of that, as one questions you sometimes get making a really nice room or great looking one is what is there to do? And you could really say much is possible within current possibilities beside clubbing and swimming or texting RP.

I strongly believe that there are a lot of people who enjoy non-sex related stuff in 3DXC. Look at how many people constantly attend Arsinoe's classic music concerts.
There are some incredible art gallery rooms, but I agree, that they have not much "staying power". You have a look at all the exhibitions, but there is not much more to do when you have seen everything. So I always encourage them to have a party zone somewhere, too.



Hi Varz! 👋
I would really like a change in the editor:
- new texture sections, as many as possible ) 
- the same scaling slider as in the dressing room
- new, and possibly ready-made objects of appliances, interiors, etc. to coloring, which would help reduce the weight of the rooms and improve the interior
- a bottle of plain clean water for gyms or for those who don't want to drink alcohol )
- fonts, numbers
- upgrade the TV, appliances and let the TV work (put a picture or broadcast YouTube) ))

As I wrote earlier, builders need everything! )) A million ideas of what to build, but our hands are tied by a limited editor.
I admire all the builders who have already created grand and incredible rooms, objects! Can you imagine what would happen if given more tools? )) 😊🤭



Hello Varz 👋

Nice ideas were already posted. One more nice function would be to sort the friendlist and give us the ability to create groups to our friendlist, where we can move your friends by drag and drop or however to do that 🙂



Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome! I am looking forward to meeting you all and discussing the game and what needs improvements so that I can funnel that feedback directly back to SGD.

Let's make 3DXChat the best Adult game of 2023! There are some really awesome suggestions here already and I am going through some of the suggestions on the Discord as well.

If you see me in-game, please say hello!



Welcome, Varz! I hope you will enjoy your new post, and that your contribution will help bring the community and developers closer together, hopefully resulting in great developments of the game. 😊

Diana Prince


what time zone are you in, @Varz? That would be good to know for the chances to see you in the game, or when to expect communication.



Welcome Varz!

Many people here want to keep making this game THE game no matter what other options exist.

One of the aspects I appreciate the most is the "realism" of the avatars, I mean, I don't want to look like a car, or have muscles the size of a fridge. Some additional customization can be done, though. I know its not easy to have different heights or lengths, I guess we can all live with it. But at least let us smile 😉.

I'm sure you will easily find a lot of ideas or suggestions. This may be a good starting point as well...




Not sure why some of you welcome Varz as a new member of the community, he has been a forum moderator here for years, he just got additional responsibilities.



Hi Varz!

Thanks for taking responsibility for the game I have played now for, well, forgot, maybe 8 years 🙂 


My suggestions would be:

- definitely would love to have some tattoos who make freckles and moles (maybe at different levels and spots and amounts) on whole body 

- maybe some possibility to make the breasts more hang realistically

- some possibility to make my avatar more curvy/chubby 


Thanks a lot and regards and kisses

mei 🙂 



On 6/18/2023 at 12:41 PM, Whimsy said:

Not sure why some of you welcome Varz as a new member of the community, he has been a forum moderator here for years, he just got additional responsibilities.

Perhaps because he was silent all the time and so most people did not (could not) know this. I was not aware of that either. 



Welcome to the team and the community Varz! Thank you for what you are doing for us, and yes this was a long time coming/needed.

Great idea and job Gizmo, brilliant idea!

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