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Posts posted by Heden

  1. Heden I've always thought, and I still think, you are one of the best builders of the whole game.

    Again another masterpiece <3

    I already love it just by seeing the screenshots you made.

    An incredible attentions for details and ... yes wth you're amazing


    Excellent work as usual <3

    Thank you so much :)


    I have a lot of pleasure building in game. I really hope many new things will be possible along future updates (soon). :P

  2. Resident Evil Mansion


    The Resident Evil Mansion (Hall + Underground) is now ready and opened some days in the week!. :)


    You can discover it below with screenshots or come visit it and play some roleplay to fulfill many of your fantasies:

    - classy on floor

    - relax upstairs

    - sexy underground...



    - Idea by Eomer

    - Build by Heden

    - Guillotine and Cage (underground) built by someone else









  3. I totally support the idea and it’s very dumb to have to create our own letters to really write messages.


    What would be awesome to complete the idea is:

    1) An “area” object which displays a message on screen of the player entering the area asKimmy suggested.

    That message would be formatted with size, bold, stroke, italic and colors


    2) A “sign” object on which the message would be visible. Only the letters would be visible so builder would be able to display it anywhere in World. That could be to display a message on a computer, or on a door or a wall, etc...


    3) A button on which the user would be able to click so a message would be displayed directly on chat in bleu (to differentiate the message from other, like if the room was talking)

  4. To fix what you all mention, that would require devs to enable shadows on lights (easily possible in Unity) but then everything would be laggy as hell for complex rooms (the more objects, the more shadows calculated and so the more lag)...

    Could be a nice feature however to let builders enable shadow per light (with disabled shadow by default as it is currently).

    It would be up to builder then to optimize its own room.

  5. This is so fucking stupid in every direction so i almost pee in my pants, are you for real ???


    I was thinking of replaying in a mature way with examples and why even rp rape or for example under age sex is forbidden. But i dont, and the only reason is that someone who are telling others that rape is okey will or cant understand the point. ( the replay from this persons will be, we do what we want, its just a game)


    I dont like drama in any way, but when it comes to rape, even if its a rp the drama is needed..


    The short replay to your post Heden is just F**k off !!

    You probably don’t understood me right...

    What I said is:

    1) devs should not « block » contents or tools by themselves but give more tools to the players so people auto-censor them a bit more and take care a bit more of the others

    2) no drama is required actually because you can already move on or ignore the ones you don’t like or who act badly in your opinion (ignore button + report button)


    The game itself should not be censored because of potential bad behaviors => that’s my point of view

  6. I read « rape » and some « bad bdsm rp » or whatever here and there... and drama appears on such things?


    Seriously, that’s a game, moreover a sex game, everybody should be free to do whatever they want without restriction. It’s up to players then to move, kick or ban the players who are abusing and it’s up to devs to give more tools to « punish » annoying players.


    You don’t like someone who wanted to do a rape RP or a sex pose without your consent? Ignore him/her... No drama required. Nobody care!


    Of course there will be shit poses and animations with such tool but there will be also piece of art! As we can already see with World Editor. That’s exactly like a pen... you can draw a dick with it and/or you can draw a beautiful landscape with the same pen! Is that the fault of the pen?


    Should we ban pens because we can draw nazi symbols with it?

    Should we validate the draws of people because they can write offensive words with it?

    Should we reserve the right of using a pen to people with some sort of high position in hierarchy because people could use the pen to draw a cock?


    Naaa... Just give the pen to everyone, and give the tools to help promote the good contents vs the bad ones.

  7. Hi


    I realy like that school RP idea. The location looks very nice. We need more RolePlayers and more RP releated stuff on 3DX so thanks for sharing it!


    I don't speak french but like to visit some time. What time you open your university usualy?


    Greetings MrPow

    Thank you!

    There have been plenty of School RP rooms now. Some are better than others.

    For my University Room, I generally open it at least once a week. Not only french people can come in of course ! And if a classroom has one or more non speaking french, we all try to speak english then. ;)

  8. I don't think any poses should be disabled in any room. If poses are well classified and knowing people could get banned from rooms if they do not respect room rules, very few people will do "bad" pose in "bad" locations in room. Even now, we do not see a lot of sex in RP rooms (most players who want to do sex poses go to BBC/Gangbang/Sluts/etc rooms)...


    Players should be free to do anything they want at their own risk. Having one or more signs in room explaining rules (or just in title as of now) is enough to tell what is authorized or not. People tend to respect that already, that will be even more respected in the future when we'll be able to kick and ban players from our room.


    I also think making poses binded to worlds is a good thing so nobody we'll get flooded by "bad" or "unwanted" poses... If someone wants a pose from a author, just visit his/her room and pay him some xgolds to get the pose in your "inventory".


    Of course, a new pose MUST be tagged with right tags (like "anal", "bdsm", etc.) and each tag should be a tab in pose selector menu. Players should also be able to add or remove tags from the pose they get from others.

  9. I'm not sure to understand the issue here... What's the problem with broadcasting how our avatar looks, our nickname and even our profile? I see a bit the issue with the photos however, especially if you posted photos without blurring your head. or if something personal in those can be recognized easily...


    A dedicated room to broadcasters would be welcome and an option for World builders to allow or not broadcasters (so a popup would be displayed when entering saying if broadcast is authorized or not in the room).

  10. 1. How to ensure the quality of these user made poses? will the devs review them or we can we just create whatever we want?


    No need to review anything, especially if poses are bind to rooms. Rooms are not reviewed and that’s why they are cool to visit (most of the time).



    2. What if someone made some poses directly aimed to mess with other people?


    Why would anyone do that? And if that’s the case, just ban/ignore the author of such poses or never come back in his/her room...



    3. How to ensure that everyone gets access to them? I mean of course could just say the creator of the pose gets to decide who gets it and who doesnt, but i see that becoming an issue when eventually some people have very nice poses and the rest just have the stock ones provided by the game.


    If poses are bind to rooms then everybody would have access to those by visiting the room. Would be nice as well to be able to “purchase” from the author (via xgold) the poses you liked by visiting the author room so ou could use them anywhere else later.



    4. Related to the last point i made, we have already seen its easy to steal rooms if you really want to, this i imagine, will there be some security set in place to stop things like that then?


    Security depends on devs... maybe they don’t want to increase security. Maybe they want but don’t know how.


    Honestly in the end id rather have pose updates from you the devs, could start by making sure every pairing has every pose, and then release some new ones for everyone after that. And clothes, god damn ive been wearing the same things for years now, its time for new stuff, perhaps ask the community in a vote what kind of clothes they want, cause honestly that coat we got i doubt very many actually asked for.


    That’s exactly what is happening with poses... no update to the game = no new content. Opening the game to the community is the best way to get more content in game and make it better avouer time.
  11. For the room description I think the World Editor should have some sort of a sign object. When user clicks on it, the message wrote on it would be displayed in a pop up.


    That way we could describe places in the room and welcome players.

  12. Default size is 1m and all objects are based on that default size.


    If you create a stairs object, you should do in 1m size so the stairs directly look good with right step sizes ;)

  13. Not everyone is in "public rooms" made by users.....

    Not everyone are staying in public rooms made by users NO but most are always visiting those, because some are just mind blowing, some are interesting, some others are nice to stay in, listening to custom stream and some others are crap... Ever way, I'm sure everyone visited a lot of custom rooms since the World Editor update and that's just making the game heavier to release new "officiel" public rooms...

  14. Related to the new props in 373:
    @gizmo: This is a good idea but it's a nightmare to use! Would it be possible to change the orientation of those props so when we use "space" to put prop on a wall, it is directly flat on the clicked wall and not perpendicular? And they should be renamed "sprites" or "decals" instead of "props" ;)


    And btw, knowing you want to add decals, would be more than welcome to add letters as decals! something like 2 fonts (hand written and Verdana) with most used symbols: A-Z a-z 0-9 ?!/:;,@_+-*¨^$€£#()[]{} :D

    And graffitis :P

  15. @Gizmo Gizmo Please enter this location: HQ Abandoned School :rolleyes: :wub:





    Thank u


    I think 3DX devs should only add props now and stop adding pre-made locations in a hard-coded way... It's now longer to load such rooms, takes data to download, such rooms are not presented like others and few people are coming in (look at that saloon one or the old club for example)...

    New props are welcome (imo) but not embedded rooms.... just my two cents (don't take it personnaly, I would love all the props in that location you linked). ;)

  16. We have fixed the bug with lighting on the locations (brightness change), and improved the accuracy of the positioning of objects in the World editor.

    Implemented a new radio plugin and fixed some radio bugs.

    That's very cool!


    Please don't forget this bug: http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/1875-development-and-suggestions/?p=274373


    You can probably find the issue with the Unity Profiler. The game activity spike only happens in World Editor every ~4 seconds (causing the camera jumps if right click is pressed and freezing particles). Whatever is the reason, it should be disabled in World Editor to avoid that problem while building (like removing the cause while building and enabling it while playing).

  17. Well, I would like to see those items added as well, but i think much more important is either a "bend-object" function in the editor, colored fires, or generel performance improvements.

    Every builder that values details cries rivers because of the loss of performance when many small objects are being rendered.

    I would love too ^^

    Editing my world starts to be impossible because of that weird bug of jumping camera ^^

    That might be the case with your forest as well (a wonderful one if that's the one I visited).

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