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Deactivating of the status messages


Poll about deactivating of the Status messages  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. should the Devs deactivate the status messages?

    • YES, please deactivate the status messages
    • no, the Status messages should stay
    • i don't care about it

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Well I don't share the opinion to punish everyone about someone who abuse the status messages permanently to provocate other players would be the solution :)

In the first view makes it more sense to restrict this rights for this persons who abuse it permanently. But this will also be useless because they will come back with new account and do it again.

If I read some status updates I think many times some stuff should be written in PM (group PM) :rolleyes:
There isn't a general solution who made everyone happy! Only if ppl want could it work how it should.
Personal I don't care about this functions and I wouldn't also miss it.


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No offense, but it's always the same people battling on the status messages. Other than that those same groups of people, there's only a few random isolated incidents.

Vast majority doesn't misuse it.


The stars rating was removed, because lets face it, who needs to rate others ? We all on same playingfield... so that removal made a lot of sense.



But remove the status messages ?


1/ You can decide not to post a provocating status that you know will get a reaction. Therefore you are part of the problem.

2/ You can decide not to respond to a provocation, and simply report it. Therefore you are part of the problem.


It's people's attitudes and tempers who need adjusting, not this feature.



You already have the option to lock your status to avoid responses, you already can decide to see only friends' messages.

But you can however ask for a better ignore option on forum that would prevent ignored people to visit your page or ability to post on your status.


Very true Shanti.


Next step would be closing down forum completely, huh?


It simply all depends on ppl and on everyone on his/her own.


Fun fact: some peeps actively participating on status wars now complaining about this feature and trying to get mod rights :rolleyes:


But I highly agree on improvement regarding ignore option. An ignore option that is worth the name and not just a joke :)


Like always: just my 2 cents on this.

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Very true Shanti.


Next step would be closing down forum completely, huh?


It simply all depends on ppl and on everyone on his/her own.


Fun fact: some peeps actively participating on status wars now complaining about this feature and trying to get mod rights :rolleyes:


But I highly agree on improvement regarding ignore option. An ignore option that is worth the name and not just a joke :)


Like always: just my 2 cents on this.



I agree with you about irgnore function. I think no one participate from status war. Its a silly thing to vote about people and now  to complain about it. It´s my sight of thinks. We don´t know who vote for what and which User are a Game Member or a Troll. And its a good decision to deactivate this feature. But active Mods work very good in other boards. We all have rights and duty and Mods monitor it. To get mod rights its a decision of the board owner. And this decision has to applie to all of us.

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because this is a german problem, I change to german language.

In this case everybody has the chance to discus with us.

I know that some important and also affected people do not speak english.


Den Status Update als Dienst einzustellen halte ich nicht für den richtigen Weg, damit bestrafen wir alle Spieler und das macht einfach keinen Sinn.


Aktive Moderatoren die unangebrachte Post regelmässig löschen und vor allem schnell auf Reports reagieren, scheint mir die bessere Lösung zu sein.


Spieler die sich nicht an die Regeln halten sollten gesperrt werden, erstmal z.B. für einen Monat als Warnung, danach im Wiederholungsfalle für immer.


Warum man sich im Status Update 3x im Tag sagen muss wie sehr man sich liebt ist mir persönlich schleierhaft. Das kann man genau so gut mit einer PM machen.

Warum man in anderen Threads direkt oder indirekt andere Spieler angreifen muss, sprich weiterhin Öl ins Feuer giesst, verstehe ich auch nicht!?

Direkte Angriffe oder Verunglimgpfungen im Status Update gehören sofort gelöscht oder gebannt.


Schon witzig, dass die mitverantwortlichen für den Zustand dieses Forums nun hier in dieser Diskussion sich rege mitteilen und sich als Opfer darstellen.

Wenn es nicht so traurig wäre, würde ich lauthals lachen!!


Das war mal ein lustiges, informatives und unterhaltsames Forum. 

Einige wenige haben mit ihrem Realitätsverlust und Paranoia einen Pranger daraus gemacht.

Die meisten haben einfach keinen Spass mehr daran, hier etwas zu schreiben oder sich einzubringen.

Mich eingeschlossen.


Bestraft die Verantwortlichen wenn sie's nicht lassen können, dann haben wir wieder das Forum wie vor einem Jahr.


Und wir alle wissen wer die betreffenden sind, nicht?


In diesem Sinne ganz liebe Grüsse



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still they are/were 2 completetly different features.


And user rating is gone in the meantime.


Don't you agree?


I agree Oli.

This were 2 different features... but the "status war" led to the "star war". that's what i meant to say

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@ Darkangel. Sorry my failure. You want a vote, now its a discussion. I´get back under my stone.

before i made this Poll, i knew that this will end up in a discussion, so no worries Tina.

My intention was to make some ppl here thinking about their behavior in the last weeks. Sometimes this behavior reminds me to a huge "Kindergarden". but thats an other story :D

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Well I've since a long time the opinion some players attack herself with Troll/Fake Accounts :lol:

Because always the same are this "victims"^^


I've also the opinion some status Posting wars are wanted and provoked of exactly this some Members...

What could be the reason? Well for example to show a bad moderation and to get Moderator rights ;)


This Forum had never a bad Moderation, Reports was handled just in time at any time and difficult Topics was handled also very fast.

But about this we should split between true Reports and provoked fake reports :)


Just my two cents about a Forum with 40% off-Topics, 10% Trolling, 30% Provocation and Dramas and 20% 3DXChat Topics  :lol:

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I voted to keep the status messages.


The reason for this, I don't understand the logic of removing an entire forum feature that is useful, because a select few abuse it. It should be those people themselves who should be blocked from using it. Of course no solution is permanent, meaning, if you block an account they will just make another etc...


But this is the best course of action in my opinion. Just have the mods keep an eye on it as it is a part of the forum and to lock statuses and temporarily remove the right for that user to use the status updates. Don't let a select few ruin it for the rest of us.


But that is just my two cents on the matter.

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a blocking system that only uses the IP is not enough, everyone knows how easy it is to get a new IP. I know other 3dchats where they use the so called HardwareID to block an account permanently. This ID can be changed too, but it's not that easy for a normal user like most of us.


so true Eva, the only effective protection ..........  thumbs up

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a blocking system that only uses the IP is not enough, everyone knows how easy it is to get a new IP. I know other 3dchats where they use the so called HardwareID to block an account permanently. This ID can be changed too, but it's not that easy for a normal user like most of us.


Hmmm the Mac IP isn't typical showed in Internet :)

Mac IP is a part of the Local Network!


Maybe use other games a different identification system!?

Edited by Chilles
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I thought for a long time whether I would write something here again and I did not make the resulting decision easy. I am writing this now in German, because, as Angelina said, it is a clearly german Problem ....


Was ist die cleverste Lösung für das eindeutig deutsche Problem im Status-Board? Ich weiß es nicht. Deaktivierung ist aber nicht die Lösung, weil dann alle darunter leiden. Ich will hier niemandem was vorwerfen und auch niemanden in Schutz nehmen und ich kenne auch nicht sämtliche Vorgeschichten und ich will sie auch nicht kennen. Aber eins steht fest, ob ihr nun meine Freunde hier seid oder auch nicht, Ihr habt dieses Problem gemeinsam verursacht und nur Ihr könnt es wieder lösen. Ich denke die Beteiligten wissen, dass sie gemeint sind. Jeder Kleinkrieg hat mindestens zwei Beteiligte und er wird solange genährt bis eine Seite die Courage hat, damit aufzuhören. Ihr müsst Euch nicht mögen, Ihr könnt Euch aus dem Weg gehen, aber hört endlich damit auf alle anderen unter diesem Problem leiden zu lassen.  

Ich habe heute in der Diskussion, ob dieser Kindergarten, Kleinkrieg oder wie auch immer ihr das nennt, beendet werden soll durch Deaktivierung der Statusmeldungen einen wichtigen Satz gelesen ….“Das war mal ein lustiges, informatives und unterhaltsames Forum … Die meisten haben einfach keinen Spass mehr daran, hier etwas zu schreiben oder sich einzubringen” Genau das passiert nämlich zur Zeit immer mehr auf deutschsprachiger Seite. Macht Euch einmal bitte die Gedanken, ob Ihr das Forum zukünftig für Euch alleine haben wollt und niemand mehr da ist. Dann macht so weiter.  

Als Ergebnis dieser Diskussion von heute endet meine öffentliche Teilnahme an diesem Forum bis auf weiteres und sollte sich nicht grundlegend etwas ändern erfolgt, so leid es mir für wirklich liebgewonnene Freunde auch tut, auch keine Verlängerung meines Abos im Spiel.

Und noch ein Wort an die Admins: In den letzten drei Wochen sind doch nun immer wieder die selben Accounts beteiligt und selbst für jemand der jetzt einen Blick ins Forum wirft …  es ist Sonntag kurz vor 19:00 Uhr , ist … und das ist nur meine persönliche Meinung … der Hauptbrandstifter mit seinen dutzenden bescheuerten und geschmacklosen Accounts zu erkennen. Also warum existieren diese Accounts noch?

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The Facebook model is pretty good for profiles: different levels of access depending on whether you are a friend/friend of friend/everyone, with choice how those rules are applied. It's pretty standard on forums but I guess on a forum for a sex game, devs want as much interaction* as possible.


That said, you can delete replies to status updates, something I actually did for the first time this week when a alt set up to mock a dear friend of mine, saw that she had commented and followed it with their own reply. The problem isn't the status updates, it's just some people here - very, very few I may add - are here to cause trouble. And we'll not ever disabuse ourselves of these types, unfourtunatley.






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It is full of Drama, Fights, Self-adulation, Mobbing and Spam noone wants to see. I am tired of scrolling though pages of endless pages of nonsense that is far away from the intent of the section. I havent seen a real "What's on your mind" status update for a while. (Yes I posted some nonsense aswell but not as excessive as some here)


Also there is no appropiate filters and the ignorelist doesent apply.


As suggested to Gizmo while back


Community Status Updates


Currently this section of the forums is used to bypass the ignore function of the board. What is the point of the ignore function if it can be bypassed by certain invidivduals to flame and grief other users still. In addition this section has been a mess recently. I am not sure if its intent was for chit chat or serve as fighting ground for certain groups or persons. It just became annoying recently.


An idea would be to get rid of this section at all. Status updates can still be viewed in profiles still. Another option would be looking into the ignore settings so the ignore prefernences would apply there too. Also it could use some moderation if it should not go away.


I can only hope we see a serious improvement or getting rid of it at all!

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I pretty much never go to the status updates page. If I want to see my friend's status or post there; I simply click on their profiles. There is always some drama going on and it is mostly manufactured. Those complaining about it creating it when it is really easy to avoid. I vote no. Ignore it. If you continue to get in your feelings about a status message, you want to be there as you are actively seeking it.

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