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I was tired of waiting when devs will add something interesting,maybe from here -->Β  http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5738-valyrianas-3d-models-for-3dx/

and I created something to satisfy my little wish. It is static model fo sho cuz of WE edition.



More under spoiler















21.03.18. WEditor .

It seems that the most important thing is how many objects are simultaneously loaded into the field of view and the quality of the effects .

I will try to make the location in a few megabytes . Big but simple .

It seems pointless today as long as we have not teleports in the game. Sadly.


___Man who I don`t trust___


1. One who don`t hold his word.

2. One who first time said it will be great to having sex with you and always points on your ass, but after few days changes his opinion and says

"Oh,you think I am about it? I have many chicks for sex, I just want to know you closer".Β  Β  ~Sucker .

3. One who promise you to keep a secret between each other,but if something scare himΒ immediately gives all the information to everyone.

4. One who trying to insult and discredit you by mixing true and lies in one bottle in pretty tricky way.Β  Β  Β ~I love foxes, but I hate rats.

5. One who one of two faces.

6.Β One who talks all the time about drama and have a negativeΒ effectΒ on you even after a warning that you don't need it.Β  Β  Β  ~Wrong way to communicate.

7. One who promises you to protect you everywhere and most of the time, but if he figures out that you are not his toy, he will just start attacking you for any reason.

8. One who told you proudly at the first meeting that he is a bastard.Β  Β ~When you are right, you are right.

9. One who said he is an adult but acting like a kid in a bad way.

10. One who want to know a truth using not so good and truly methods .

11. One who don`t trust thyself.

12. One who tries to play with your mind.

13. One who has children near him, but he is happy to spend time in the games instead of engaging in their education.Β  Β ~It`s ok if he do both perfectly.

14. One who always check you to mistakes.Β  Β  ~This is annoying.

15. One who doesn`t understand a simple phrase - "don`t touch me". ~Stupid

16. One who is a hypocrite.

17. The one who follows all these points.


A way we can use our characters/alts.


In a good way:

1. For getting a new sexual experiense. It's not a secret that most people use this game to realize their sexual desires or explore their hidden sides. This is the first and most common reason.
2. For testing complicated creations in our World Editor (sofa,bed,chair,etc.).
3. For using a single player fun(this one is bad supported by this game,because if you want it as a "group sex", you need to buy one character for 10000 XG).
4. For relaxing, afk, walking around locations if you don`t want to be seen by unwanted person for some time.
5. For safe learning any language. When your language is done and all mistakes kept on your alt, you will be nice prepared to talk.
6. For roleplay, short scenes or long, because if some of your friends or any person will see you, they can broke your play in a second by non-rp talk. It isn`t ok, if roleplay was preparing aroundΒ  2 hours.Β 
7. For comfortable using worlds(from "WE"="World Editor"). It`s more comfortable if you creating few different worlds and use different characters for switch, without loading from file all the time.
8. For different non-roleplay inGame events. It can be anything: fashion show(for example:ModelOne), DJing(DJanyname) and so on.
so on,Β  so on...
In a bad way.

This is a beautiful sunny day.

As I promised (http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/6770-dear-gizmo-ban-the-game-accounts-of-room-thieves/?p=285488) I post the persons who like to copy and open a room without permission of owner. Some of them can lie that they are creators of a room.

I post it only with screenshots or any proof. If you have a proof of someone who copying in a same way, feel free to send me a message via forum.












A conversation between two computers the 22nd century.Β 


- Do you really believe that people exist?Β 

- Yeah.Β 

- But nobody's seen them.Β 

- They live in heaven.Β 

- But we`re always flying into space and never met a human. .Β 

- Yes, but we were created by someone, right?

- We are created by computer factories machines.Β 

- And who did create those computer factories?Β 

- Another computer.Β 

- And who did create the first Pentium .Β 

- Evolution.Β 

- But evolution was controlled by someone.Β 

- No one.Β 

- How did the first Pentium appear?Β 

- Very simply, the evolution goes from simple to complex.Β Β 

- So what was before the Pentium?

- The simplest single-cell chips.Β 

- Tell me then, who did create the simplest single-cell chip?Β 

- You know, once upon a time on earth was turbulent volcanic activity. Our planet was like a giant chemical laboratory, where something was boiling and exploding. And this chaos, this unorganized matter, this laboratory accidentally connected the elements so that the first chip came out. So there was the first organized matter.Β 

- But we act according to the program laid down in us. And if there is a program, then there should be a programmer.

- There is no program, nor any programmer. There are only objective laws of nature and the reality given to us in feeling. How, modern computers like we are, can believe in these fairy tales, which believed only primitive prehistoric laptops, equipped with ritual mouse, mats and keyboard? Shame on you!

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