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Posts posted by TashaTight

  1. Think they used regular night sky with a dim tone to make white stars pop, then manually added starts in either by using objects with light texture. Then probably photo editing would be my guess only they used some firework effects. Doesn't look to me like the new background.

    Something along these lines: 


  2. 22 hours ago, Diana Prince said:

    Can you give us an example of a model that meets the required quality? And what are the essential points?

    Kinda agree with that, probably nice for creators to have something to go by. Way it was worded "Thanks you for trying" followed by "I like the designs of many things" To me at least says it's probably not everything that would pass the bar among the items, so maybe would be nice if people who actually wanna contribute with things to have solid examples or guide parameters for what meets the standard for it being included into the game?

  3. You could probably put in some kind of streaming tag when software is connected if it's collaboration work, it should be possible to make that happen? But essentially making some overhaul of profiles may be another idea, so you can hide profile About informations or gallery maybe for people who are not friends, sure probably other ideas that may work but wouldn't wanna see another situation where overly nervous people, causes it the collaboration work to fall through. Like Plexstorm disappeared from being talked about or seemingly used much after people went completely nuts over it, think people doing streams will help get more people coming to 3dxchat much like Twitch done for many regular games.

  4. On 8/7/2021 at 9:24 AM, Diana Prince said:

    I think it would be best to put the cam model video screen over the 3DXC chat window, so nobody can read what the model is chatting.
    And she could turn off the display of names. Of course viewers could still see the bio of a player, when she opens it.

    Agree but at same time, if people put things in their very public profiles they don't want disclosed or RL pictures, they should probably not be there in the first place. Since you'd have to assume anyone in a public accessible room could view those too. However agree things in PMs or other wise happening outside public area should probably be shown courtesy of privacy respect.

  5. Not familiar with that one, but do know there a bug that has not been fixed in ages that remain at large, where if you're in a pose with another player and that player disappear while still in the pose. Then it usually bug lock when you set down into object, it can be avoided if someone you're partnered with is leaving and you get up from object, remove partner before saying goodbye.

    Think you usually have to rejoin room to fix it when it happens, kinda annoying it's still around and they have not worked on a fix for it.

  6. Really love your builds and creativity, would there be a chance in future doing your shared builds that you might try doing one with few more bedrooms. Would be really nice to have for roleplaying purposes, notice many your builds only got one bedroom, I don't know if that's been intentional by design or not. But just thought was something I would mention, appreciate all the nice builds you shared publicly.

  7. Imagine some the things that are gonna be brought up have probably been said under different post already, perhaps they gone lost, forgotten or overlooked but nevertheless I think it's important to bring them up. I feel like 3dxchat really need to move on to a newer version with more added functionality, some things you'd consider to be normal base functionality for a social simulation with sex, feels very absent in here from base functions to quality of life stuff.

    1. Profiles: Think there need to be more options in profile, stuff like hobbies maybe sexual interest given the sexual aspects of 3dxchat. Think you need to have options to search for profiles, interest or hobbies you share with other players. Some option to click on a check box for being publicly visible in search or not, so those who don't want options have some way of opt out on it. It feels a loss you can't search for people with shared interest or just search up a person you meet but may have DCed on, but have to run chance at somehow landing online same time as them again or bump into them again in some room. Again for a platform that has chat in it's title and focus on social elements it feels like a big oversight.

    Then add to that I think need to be some way to have a inside mailbox or something in profile, where you can receive offline messages. Outside online message less by people you may accidentally lose or miss if you log in and instantly DC. It's not often it happens but there is the chance, would be better to have some inside function to receive messages look at them and delete them after or keep them.

    2. Rooms: I think you need to have more options for telling what type of room you're hosting, from theme of room, dress codes or maybe other rules or roleplaying aspect for the room, right now only options we have is either trying to bump in as much we can in title or making walls of text on arrival hoping some it may be read. Also think there should be some option to put up a feedback box that could be a optional thing to put up, so visitors could leave you comments or desire changes ideas or what not they think could improve the room. Forum isn't a very reliable resource for that since few actually seem to go here and read your posts.

    3. Sex poses: Think sex poses need a better system some bisexual poses overlap into heterosexual pose list and is hard to tell which are what with the small pictures, sometime seems things get lost too because of it, like one reason anal poses for instance only has a bisexual version, despite only difference far as I can tell is having strap on equipped for not. Maybe is time to place in that 3rd gender option so many those poses would just go into that gender category and leave the rest under bisexual tab? Maybe some other idea would work too.

    Then you still have the problem been asked to be addressed for ages now, where the Tgirl and girl poses can't figure out who is wearing strap on and who is not, but constantly require for right person to invite the pose not to bug, which is kinda annoying since it leaves the whole exchange very one sided. Less you're gonna constantly try to explain which pose you'd like to have to other person so they can invite it.

    Will probably be many other things to bring up but feel like these at least for me are some most important ones that should be worked on in future.

  8. 12 hours ago, Maxx said:

    What about adding our own textures?

    Suspect they wont let us probably out of a mix of worry about DCMA is people use copyrighted uploaded textures and then I think they're not willing to compromise quality control. Would been nice for sure if we were able to do something more than current or we at least would get some requested texture we been asking for a long time.

  9. On 6/6/2021 at 4:37 PM, Tankard said:

    Maybe you need that if you are not good at this. Not the Game.

    Creative people can use the tools they have. Not everyone is equally creative though.

    Learn to become a better builder.

    Well not a question of being a good builder or not, but if the world builder really uninviting and draining to use to make nice things, then it will only be the very few people where adding interesting things will come from. What will you do if some of those decide to leave and there not as many interesting places to go. The way things stand user rooms I think safe to say stand for largest amount of room traffic, don't think you will see as many people in the official rooms as around user rooms. Right now while you can indeed make many things just being creative with problem solving to some degree, it kinda zap some the joy out of doing it with too many unneeded obstacles to deal with, less you really love building creatively with problem solving and somewhat challenging set of tools.


    22 hours ago, Diana Prince said:

    Are you serious? I can show you a lot of stuff that is simply impossible to build with the objects we have in the WE.
    Just an example: who can build a 1:1 replica of the nose of the Space Shuttle? And I'm not talking about an approximation. We simply don't have these curved objects.
    You can't do it? Why not? You just have to become a better builder...


    Yeah not only that things which should be simple takes a large amount of time and energy to do, just to pick a example out the top my head. The Slutmoore school I made having those 3 colors on the walls required making 3 different objects on every wall, since you couldn't just paint across the texture or anything like that with a color coat, even if we can actually apply colors to the textures.

  10. I was wondering if anyone else are starting to feel wear and tear with RP and few options we have to create RPs that are interactive, by that I mean things that allow for interacting with objects and create more diverse RP sceneries that don't require large chunks of loading due to few premade objects available? I mean while it can be fun to text describe things that don't necessarily have implemented interactions or mechanics for, it also feels like it is potentially excluding many who are not that serious or experienced RPers from participating or feeling engaged into the RP in my opinion.

    I feel as if we RPers get left behind with updates, I suppose you could argue it is fine if they really don't care about RP community part and see us more as a welcome addition if were contempt with what is there but not ask for anything else. But to me I feel like the clubbing and sex in itself which feels like only alternative to just chatting, get kinda old and boring after a while maybe I am in their minority group of people sharing those thoughts.

    But just curious how to everyone else feel about it? Do you feel like options currently available to do RPs creativity are starting to be exhausted out by lack of content to expand into new things?

  11. Like title says would be nice with some breast physique slider, where you can choose level of intensity current could be max for instance and then you can adjust it lower. Stand to reason breast would jiggle less depending on the level of fat and tissue inside like every other part of body based on level of fat, tissue and muscles.

    Slider could be places either below nipples menu under shape customizations or under body shape itself, think it be appreciated currently I am not a huge fan of the amount of boob jiggle so I turned physiques of for now.

  12. May sound kinda brutal, but think majority of male subscribers are just not as invested in complaining about, I recommend to take a walk in second life where there is actually a micro currency and see how many males invest a lot into their avatar apparences compared to females there. I dunno if it changed but a large portion of skins and meshes were primarily focused at female users, because they apparently bought the most. While male audiences seemed to spend most investment into stuff like clubs, housings, cars and other stuff.

    Think male are just more interested in functional stuff for their activities and status things, while most females like to invest more into themselves and how they look virtually online. While I am not gonna try generalize too much in saying that's all guys it just been my observations, think for something like 3dxchat I think guys mostly interested in what will get the sex and using their creativity in building cool rooms or DJing and other stuff like that. Opposed to sitting nearly as much in character editor and playing around with character appearance, that and sit mix match colors and other stuff like that.

    But I really hope you get more stuff as seems most characterizations come for female AVI here like it or not, that is probably gonna be the case for a while less male users complain enough to get devs attention.

  13. Dunno what point would be to it, if they're not many Lovense users yet. Is it likely they would go to a room with few people there or one with many. Since makes not difference if other party has it or not?

    1. Since the Lovense toy is synchronized with the sex animation, it does not matter whether your partner has a toy or not. Your toy will work along with the speed and intensity of your chosen sex position.
  14. Well I dunno why people so persistent around this, I know it be nice. But is pretty obvious that many pose editor will only allow you to maybe move existing poses around it into other objects. If they're being really quality demanding with Loruna when she made poses, there is no way it's gonna allow you to make poses directing into 3dxchat.

    Think it would work more as a means to do custom furniture by moving existing poses over to other object and adjusting them, assuming it will still happen at all.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Gizmo said:

    Guys, I have realized that it is necessary to explain how the Lovense toys work with 3DXChat.
    1. 3DXChat supports all current Lovense toys. Please make sure that the firmware of the toys and the Lovense Remote app are updated to the latest version, details are here: Connection Guide.
    2. Lovense toys work with all sex positions that have a speed control slider, from single masturbation to threesome sex and in any gender combination.
    3. The vibrations of a toy (as well as the rotations or contractions depending on the model of the toy) are synchronized with sex animations in real time. By changing the position of the sex speed slider, you also change the intensity of the toy's operation.
    4. During in-game sex with one or two partners (twosome or threesome), the toys of all the participants are synchronized and controlled by a sex speed slider in real time.
    5. Since the Lovense toy is synchronized with the sex animation, it does not matter whether your partner has a toy or not. Your toy will work along with the speed and intensity of your chosen sex position.

    Shouldn't this be under FAQ in tech support, pretty cool you put it up but how long until this post will be several pages in the back on tech support where nobody see it. Unless it get a sticky or is added to something like the FAQ where some may look for it or at least can easily be linked to?

  16. 5 minutes ago, Diana Prince said:

    Yes, it should be a closed beta, not a public one. And with people who know 3DXC very well.
    But we are daydreaming...

    That probably be only way it would work, don't think it would as a public test server. But to that end probably been ideal to offer free playtime on it, screen participants and add some daily task with goals for testing. Then maybe revoke the free play access if some participant were not living up to doing their task but just fooling around in it enjoying free playtime.

  17. 1 minute ago, Diana Prince said:

    Ah, I think we have a different approach to what a test server should be.

    For me it would be like this: when the devs have finished a new function on the dev server, this version goes to the test server. Only a few dozen people will have access to this server. These people will have to "stress test" the new functions and give feedback to the devs. When everything works as it should be (no missing lipstick, no clipping, no zero-g breasts), this version is transferred to the live server. If there are still problems, the devs will make a new test version and the cicle begins new.

    The test server should never become the live server, that's not best practice.

    Yah I know about concept, Diana. Just saying that way test server run in past the there is no connection between test and live server, so if enough people go and stay most time at test server, rest are gonna follow where people are at. They may complain about bugs there but they will still go, also some will because they don't wanna wait for new content.

    Only times I have not seen this being case is if new version is very unstable and unplayable for most parts, then tester may go a few hours there report bugs, wait with staying there more hours until it go more stable.

    Another good example is Carnal instinct, people be crying whining about patreon getting test version content first. While developers been saying updates would come quarterly when it was tested and as bug free as possible, but also have more content in a bigger chunk that small releases. So much as people always like to complain about bugs, they usually still take bugs till they're fixed if it means getting new content sooner.

  18. 5 hours ago, Diana Prince said:

    I was more thinking of a totally seperate beta server, just for testing purposes.
    This would be the normal way in software industry. You have a dev server, a test server and a live server.

    Yah I know what you meant Diana, my point was just in past seems way that many would look past bugs on test servers if they were not crippling the experience in favor of the new added content on test server, then people would migrate with their friends until test server actually absorbed community and went into live. Much as people like to complain here about the bugs they're usually impatient enough most time to still go to new content, then look past it until it's fixed to get all new stuff poses etc.

    So not really sure if there is any point to having test servers unless it's so severely bugged that most make a pass and only few really go there, otherwise community is eventually gonna migrate their anyways to be where new feature and people are at anyways.

  19. I liked cloth and the poses(except maybe one wall poses, I feel like was some issues with rig. So not really sure is any fault of animator it probably needed a better rig for it around hip area). I don't really see much use for lovense and cage thing personally, but positive other community members are likely happy for those. So not my place to complain about it just because it was not for me 😃

  20. 5 minutes ago, Diana Prince said:

    And I guess many of us would volunteer as beta testers. For free, for god's sake, lol.

    Think that be kinda pointless, been done before where it moved from 32bit to 64bit, most naturally migrated over anyways before it was shutdown the old version. Because many wanted to be where their friends were and the two different versions were not synching together, so think while some complain it wouldn't be long before they were over at test version server too.
    Once they see their friends moving over there, since usually not like bugs are going to be game breaking most the time. So many who are gonna just wanna hang with friends, will move and not care about the bug like we seen before.

  21. 1 hour ago, Neur said:

    From the Mixamo Faq:

    "You can use both characters and animations royalty free for personal, commercial, and non-profit projects including:

    • Incorporating characters into illustrations and graphic art
    • 3D printing characters
    • Creating films
    • Creating video games"

    As far as I have understood you can freely use their material embedded in commercial projects but you can't resell their animations or characters as separate products.

    Was thinking too that those sharing parts is in reference to using it outside of a game, like redistributing and asset sharing it as a 3rd party outside of game project itself. But of course I am not a lawyer so of course can't say for sure. That and maybe co sharing assets within development team where only one person sit on the license, but not for game itself. Would make no sense as a creator to cut yourself of from customers who make mmo or multiplayer games, since they're obviously gonna be more involved into using the assets once project is done in a finished state.

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