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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Gizmo already said there are plans in a future update to make all clothes compatible
    2 points
  2. It's confusing that only male avatar got their full gloves but female avatar still have to wear those sleeves at least give us a latex stocking with full feet/hand part and neck cover, that won't be hard right?
    1 point
  3. danididit

    3dx Update

    I agree with the one time fee and also bringing the cost down. I don't think it should cost more than a normal name change which I think is like 20k xgold?
    1 point
  4. THIS!!! ALL OF THIS!!! I want the new gloves too!
    1 point
  5. Wonder could this be used to make roleplay public room for use to use, looks like blender plug in that seems to be free. Assume you can import stuff you make in blender into unity?
    1 point
  6. Arran

    3dx Update

    Dunno, it will take time cuz there is many bugs that needs to be fixed before they released on 3dx original
    1 point
  7. hotmaya

    3dx Update

    does anybody know, when is the beta test going to be ended?
    1 point
  8. Xizi

    Bugs on 3dxchat Beta 2.9

    Very nice observation. I was wondering why sometimes I can't use colour palette. Well... It's a question of one's preferences I guess. Doesn't seem like a bug?
    1 point
  9. The new handbags just move through your legs and shoulders. It should be possible to remove it at "clothes" as well. Top wear: Open Jackets or wide cleavage still removes the bra. It should be multi-layered because it´s unrealistic and the new jacket would look much better in combination.
    1 point
  10. Niadne

    3dx Update

    I think that the ridiculously prohibitive prices will drive up the perceived value of XGold, which will primarily increase stinginess in the playerbase - and raise the bar of for example sending people gifts, which in my opinion is a fun social feature in the game that should be encouraged. If you are planning for the game to go free to play, I can agree with the pricing, but for a subscription game, I'd expect to be able to afford at least some of the cheapest options by just playing. The prints menu has for a long time been unwieldly, and is getting even worse with every update that adds prints. Having to click 70+ times to go through them or to remove one is quite a terrible user experience. How about a color picker style popup that shows all the prints in a neat scrollable grid? If you hide the UI while taking a screenshot, and then close the camera controls window, there's no longer any button to get the camera window or any other UI back. The new accessories absolutely demand some way to remove them. Even a single button that toggles all accessories on and off would be infinitely better than being stuck permanently dual-wielding bags.
    1 point
  11. It will be good add a condoms. And add virus. Anyone can take virus and get it at medical post for in-game money. If not health the body will lose weight.
    0 points
  12. A quick search would show that it's been requested since 2015 so I just don't see this ever happening after all these years.
    0 points
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