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Posts posted by Bran

  1. as Bran grabs Loki from his reach and put him behind her, shielding him with her body. Rob continues to walk towards them, looking pale, longing to be near his friends again, when suddenly Loki start singing "Mama...." still possessed with the Elvis spirit. Bran turns to him gently and whispers "Not now son". Loki looks into Brans eyes, his lower lip quivering slightly "But when Dad, when you going to tell me who my mother is?" As Bran was about to reply, there was a tremendous loud noise, the room filled with a nausiating stench, the windows blew open, Bran grabbed Lokki and ran to the others, but as she was about to reach them....

  2. Courage is doing the right thing when the wrong thing seems to produce better results. Courage is looking past your personal goals and dedicating your life for the betterment of mankind. Courage is doing what you were born for, against the odds. Courage is leaving behind those things you value with the hopes that they will return to you. Courage is taking the first step. Courage is getting up to ride again after a really bad fall. Courage is standing up for your future when your past keeps knocking you down. Courage is one more day..



    it gives my soul courage
    to know
    the impossible
    is achievable
    and i need
    neither to be the strongest
    nor the wisest
    i need
    only to be the best i can be

  3. Server is down, although you can log, the Map Button  is greyed out, so you unable to get out your apartment.


    As it is about 5:30am for our developers, I think it will take at least another hour and a half to two hours before its up and working. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


    Thank you for your patience.

  4. Codfish Cakes

    Bolinhos de bacalhau (name in Northern Portugal and Brazil; literally "codfish cakes" or pastéis de bacalhau (name in Central and Southern Portugal, are a typical dish in Portugal.

    After moulded (before frying) they can be frozen, to be fried at any time later.






    500 g cooked cod (Boneless)
    300 g potatoes (s)
    3 dl milk
    4 eggs
    chopped parsley
    ground white pepper to taste
    salt to taste




    1. Crush the cod in a mortar or by-pass grinders machine.Make sure there are no bones (use your finger. easier).
    2. Pour into a large bowl, mixing with a wooden spoon , add the mashed potatoes, milk and egg yolks and pepper until everything is a well get homogeneous mass.
    3. Add four beaten egg whites and the chopped parsley.
    4. Add the seasoning to your taste (salt and pepper).
    5. With two soup spoons, mould (shape) oval balls.46un.png

    6. Fry in very hot oil , leaving them to drain after cooking in a sieve or ontoop of a paper towel.
    7. Serve with a salad of lettuce, cucumbers, raw tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil and vinegar, or tomato rice or greens.

    It can also be eaten as an apperitive.

  5. Create a Sentence/Questions with the following word:     MASTURBATE / MASTURBATION


    All the slang words for masturbation: bashing the candle, Bleeding the weasel, bleedin the weed, buffing the banana, bopping the baloney, burping the worm, choking the chicken, cleaning your rifle, corking the bat, cranking the shank, cuffing the carrot, fisting your mister, flogging your dog, floggin the frog, flogging the hog, flogging the log, flute solo, jerkin'the gherkin, looping the mule, manual override, painting the pickle, pocket pinball, pocket pool, polishing the banister, polishing the rocket, pounding your flounder, pumping the python, roping the pony, spanking the monkey, teasing the weasel, tossing the turkey, walking the dog, whipping the willy, wonking your cronker, yanking the crank.

  6. Sex Positions

    Mmmmmm yes

    I always thought it was a myth that there are certain sex positions that can help a woman climax faster and better. Say it isn't so? Or better still, add yours on here with a description ...


    The butterfly position or modified missionary

    "With the woman on her back and her hips on the edge of the bed, the man penetrates her while standing. She then puts her legs over his shoulders and tilts her hips slightly upwards. This gives a wonderful angle for cervical stimulation with deep penetration that can produce some intense vaginal and uterine orgasms. With more shallow penetration, a man can stimulate the anterior vaginal wall to hit the G-spot."


    Modified coital alignment technique

    "A couple starts off in missionary position. Once a man penetrates a woman deeply, he allows her to bring her legs together between his. He then shifts his weight slightly forward so that the shaft of his erection is producing firm pressure and friction on her clitoris as he moves. This works very well for women that prefer to have clitoral stimulation during penetration to reach a very powerful orgasm."


    Baring the scepter

    "Either partner can perform this technique, although the bottom person's hands may be more able to pull it off. Form a ring with thumb and forefinger around the base of the penis. Then, pull down so the skin on the shaft is taut. This exposes more nerve endings and increases the penis' sensitivity -- it can also help maintain his erection. Engage in intercourse with your hand still encircling the base to send his pleasure soaring."


    The counter top

    "This is  when the woman is laying on her back on the counter or table while he enters standing. It's rough. There's pushing aside of papers, pepper shakers which add to the sense of urgency and inappropriateness. It's easy to maneuver and move the woman to slide along the counter. There is still contact. He goes deep and feels in control. It works all the way around. The keys are clothing, stuff in the way, and being in an open space. Still allows for connection while feeling dirty. It just works on so many levels. It's not about acrobats. It's about context."


    The seated scissors

    "This position allows the woman to have the control in order to determine the depth and angle of penetration, as well as how much clitoral stimulation she gets. With the man laying flat on his back and his knees bent, she straddles him with one leg to the side of his hip, and the other leg between his legs. The woman can then find just the right spot to grind against his pubic bone with him inside her. She controls the pace, the depth, and the amount of pressure and friction she receives. This is definitely a prescription for mind-blowing sex!"


    Get off, stand up

    "I'm no [pro], but whenever I've had sex standing up and holding my partner in the air or up against the wall, it's been mind-blowing for both of us. I suspect it taps into some of our innate gender differences: the strong man and the small woman, which in turn heightens the sexual experience. It also forces us to be in a full embrace, which furthers the emotional connection, as well as our physical one. It's physically demanding and not for all couples but for those that can, it's highly recommended."


    Uncloaking the clit

    "Given a woman's clitoris is buried under the clitoral hood and cushiony mons pubis surrounding it, it's no wonder this tiny nub rarely receives enough stimulation during intercourse to catch the O-train. Your hands, though, can help change that. Form a 'V' with your index and middle finger and point your fingers toward your feet. Press this V onto the mons pubis, with a finger to each side of the clitoris. Then, pull up, moving the skin with your hand. This should unveil the hard-to-reach clit in all its glory, exposing this little love button to a lot more action."


    Shake 'n' bake

    "If you're craving a quick-but-stimulating break from intercourse, this move is the perfect titillating timeout. To do it, the man withdraws and rests the tip of his penis on the clitoris. Then, hold the base of the penis and shake it quickly from side to side so that the head hits the clitoris with every wiggle. In doing so, you'll be stimulating both heads at once -- that of the clitoris and the penis -- which should send you both into paroxysms of pleasure."


    Pushing tush

    "If your guy enjoys having his back door explored, reach around with both hands and grab both cheeks. From there, you can do 'Butt Yoga' (a technique whereby you spread the cheeks apart, then together, one up one down then vice versa) or 'Anal Yoga' (a technique whereby you place your middle fingers to the sides of the anus then spread them apart, then diagonally, then up and down). If that gets him hankering for more, feel free to delve deeper."


    Happy scissors

    "Heating up hot spots aren't your hands-only talents. They're also great at moving body parts where you want them, and this technique is a prime opportunity. During intercourse, raise your legs, then have your man hold an ankle in each hand. From there, you can spread her legs apart, hold them together, part them at 80 degrees, the options are endless. And since the tendons of the legs pivot deep in the pelvic cavity, moving them around will subtly alter the below-the-belt sensations for you both. Talk about getting a leg up on a little variety!"

  7. "Not really trying to prove any point, just sharing my thoughts on topic:)"


    Thats the wayayayaya I like it umumum thats the wayayayaya I liek it lalalal......

    Totally agree with the sublime message *I think* you trying to get across, yet, this has been a never ending centuries study, last few years a lot of progress has been done, at least ppl are not being cast as demented for having dif. sexual desires. But forgive my pertinence is saying , the problem lies  in the very basics, the education we get , the moment we pop out. It starts right there. This brings me to a music, which I can't remember the title atm, but it basically says, a child is colour blind untill he hears his parents refer to a person as *black* or *coloured*......, I think the same pretty much applies to anything or anyone else that makes a different choice from our parents. I am very proud when I say I am a mother of a 6 year old boy, who has a *black* uncle ( adoption) whom my son loves, and sometime ago when askd if he saw any difference in uncle Danny, he said *NO*, and beleive me, he did not, for him it was so   natural that he saw no difference, the same applies to mommies gay friends. So.... what do we need to do ??? Re educate ourselves in order to educate the next generation, cuz my friends, it dont matter  what colour, religion, sexual prientations, etc,,you are or have, we all come from the same and go the same way <3

  8. I would take a closer look at 3dxchats advertisment banners, I've found one and it features heterosexual couple, so guessing that's not appealing to gay community. And second thing I would look at the sites 3dx advertises it self at? Gonna speculate over here, but probably it doesn't advertise on sites frequented mostly by gay population.

    I know gay people are unfortunatly under some sort of social pressure everywhere, but somehow I don't feel that should be the case within a virutal world? Or I could be wrong?

    I think the answer to the topic question could be found within the advertisment policy. Also a special questionaire could be made for gay population to find out how do they experience virtual world and what can be done for them so they can feel safer if thats the problem.

    3DX has not really advertised much, and finding one advert with a heterosexual couple is absolutly normal, as that is what we have most, the same way we accept  gay couples, we also do not stigmatize the heterosexual ones just to prove we an open community..

    You correct however in your assumption of speculating, we have not really advertised anywhere, besides youtube and a few others but tech. linked.

    It is also a well known fact that the gay community is a very closed one and hard to get into into or atract. Things take take time, however we are open to sugestions and possible advertising links all the time. As for the questionaire, I dont agree, I dont see why the gay community should be treated any different from the heterosexual, who never had any questionaires. In my opnion its prisely when we start offering different treatments, that we start making the differences, I see no difference between them, to me they all people, their sexual preferences is ones private sexual options and should not mark a difference. :)

  9. Groups in your Apartments (More than one person)






    Bran inviting 3 ppl, can be more:


    • Bran invites 1 ( 1 does not accept untill all have been invited).Bran click on floor (to clear counter from inv from screen)

    • Bran invites 2 ( 2 does not accept untill all have been invited).Bran click on floor (to clear counter from inv from screen)

    • Bran invites 3 ( 3 does not accept untill all have been invited).

    • Bran would continue to invite if more...bearing in mind counter time from first.


    • When all have been invited, Bran tells them its ok to hit ACCEPT (Each will then accept Invite).


    And VOILÀ you will all be teleported to Bran's apartment. Have Fun !!!



    If someone crashes or arrives late, or timer ran out and you need to do it in more than one go. Bran returns to the starting point (club, bdsm or...) and invites again.

  10. Groups in your Apartments (More than one person)







    Bran inviting 3 ppl, can be more:


    • Bran invites 1 ( 1 does not accept untill all have been invited).Bran click on floor (to clear counter from inv from screen)
    • Bran invites 2 ( 2 does not accept untill all have been invited).Bran click on floor (to clear counter from inv from screen)
    • Bran invites 3 ( 3 does not accept untill all have been invited).
    • Bran would continue to invite if more...bearing in mind counter time from first.


    • When all have been invited, Bran tells them its ok to hit ACCEPT (Each will then accept Invite).


    And VOILÀ you will all be teleported to Bran's apartment. Have Fun !!!



    If someone crashes or arrives late, or timer ran out and you need to do it in more than one go. Bran returns to the starting point (club, bdsm or...) and invites again.

  11. Has everyone forgotten the use of the IGNORE BUTTON (Block Button) ?




    On a daily basis we listen to and receive complaints that could so easily be solved by a simple *click* on the IGNORE BUTTON!!!

    Someone spamming you cold invites = Hit the Button

    Someone splamming you with unwanted pms = Hit the Button

    Someone spamming world chat and pissing you off = Hit the Button



    All these and many more can be solved in a sec, and its reversible. Making a formal complain is not reversible. :ph34r:

  12. 10 points for u .. 


    It sounds like a perfect way of living, also i dont think i want to involved with gorillas and i think if i get t the wrinkle point in my life, i will show them of with pride, cause i dont think i wanna run around with sperm in my face all day ...  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

    :angry: "May your penis hurt when you make love" go say condom in german while you at it .... ;) ;) :blink:

  13. So Moral of the story:


    As I am like a ferret and am not planning to die, Mr X, you better start playing your flute, than tickle my whipple, during 30 minuts, forget the german condom,  so I can loose 200 calories, lowering many risks of my health. Please to not waste your sperm writing home it smells, let me have it as facial cream, and I promise to be your Cohan gorilla. Leave those group sex videos alone, or Ill have to send you to match.com :D:P :P :P:ph34r:

  14.  TWO - DAYS - TO - GO :wub: :wub:


    Come on people , lets make this a Fun Event, we still looking for players who would like to (RP) the barman, maids, servers, dancers... go on pm Gabrielle or leave her a message on the forum.


    :P :P :P

  15. I think we all have hangups, particularly when it comes to our bodies. If we're not confident with our bodies, how can we be confident rolling around naked with another naked body? It's why some will only have sex with the lights off or with a shirt on. But interestingly, while our bodies may have been firmer, smaller, or some twisted form of what we thought was better back in our 20s, our sex lives get better as we age.

    Burn that into your brains 20-somethings! Old people sex is hot! They don't call it your dirty 30s for nothing. And while we're at it, let's call the next decades the f*&king fabulous 40s and 50s.  :P     A new study gives us proof and explanation of these totally sexy and exciting details on why we shouldn't fear getting older.

    Researchers in the US polled over 2,000 men and women and found that sex gets better with age, particularly for men, but also for the ladies. Men are most sexually confident between the ages of 50 and 69 and women reach that peak between 18 and 29. But that's considering the law of averages. It varies, of course, and depends on each person's unique situation. The factors of why sex gets more awesome with age are very telling.

    Essentially we worry less as we get older. When we're young we're sometimes so consumed with how we look and keeping up with the other hot, young boddies who look flawless in push-up bras and mesh thongs. The older we get, the more we have a "take me as I am" kind of attitude. Yes, confidence. This goes for both men and women -- just 34 percent of men are worried about gray hair or any of those physical signs of aging, compared to 56 percent of women. Ladies, we need to relax. Men aren't so worried, therefore we shouldn't be either.

    The less self-conscious you are when it comes to sex, the more you will enjoy it. And I think I can speak for many women in saying that we get more confident as time ticks by. This also translates into how adventurous we get when it comes to sex. A survey of women over 45 revealed that 89 percent like sexual variety and having sex in many different positions and places, including the garden. Sexy! And perhaps best of all is that older women are more likely than younger women to reach orgasm, not just once but multiple times. Now that's something every 20-year-old can look forward to when pondering her 40s.

    What also plays a role here is the ability to trust. When we're young, trust is sometimes hard to earn. With age comes knowledge and long-term relationships, so trust grows, allowing some to really let their guard down and let go, opening the door to the best sex ever. For many women, sex is just as much about the mind as it is about the body, particularly when it comes to reaching orgasm. Sensuality -- isn't that the best word ever? Older women have that. We also don't have as many hangups and we're not afraid to ask for what we want between the sheets. And if you don't already know or ask for what you want, it's time to find out. There are multiple orgasms waiting to be had.


    Top 5 Reasons Sex Can Get Better With Age

    1. Greater Sexual Experience & Expertise
    By the time most people reach midlife, they know what turns them on and how to please their partner.

    2. Experimentation & Exploration
    Liberated from youthful sexual insecurities, midlife lovers can take their sex lives to new heights through various feel-good explorations.

    3. Accepting Change Brings You Closer Together
    By accepting that your sexual functioning (or your partner's) is changing at this time of life, you can start adapting your mind and body so that your sex life stays fresh.

    4. Romantic, Arousing Environments
    Research conducted by Dr. McIlvenna and others has found that the physical setting of intimate encounters becomes more important to our sexual fulfillment as we age.

    5. More Time & Opportunity
    Remember the Rolling Stones song "Time Is On My Side"? Well, with sexual matters, it's often true that you have more free time now than you did in your hectic twenties or thirties.



    What do you think? Does sex get better with age? Why do you think it does? :unsure::rolleyes::wub:

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