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Posts posted by Derai

  1. 14 minutes ago, Tsela said:

    But I'm not sure this game even can handle a biger audience as it is. The servers sometimes struggle even with the current amount of people. Things need to change quite a bit for this to go big.

    They can’t handle going onto Steam.

    Not without a significant investment in manpower and hardware at the very least. 

    A game on Steam ideally needs active support and someone monitoring it for outages and other disruptions of service. 

    That said, in an hypothetical scenario of 3DX being on Steam, I could see the benefits.

    Room downloads as Workshop content for example.


  2. 34 minutes ago, Silvio said:

    Probably I am completely wrong, but I am wondering if the missing ingredients in that set of comments are: tolerance, comprehension, and love, which give the human taste to all those freedom options.

    Something I know, there are feelings that are not explainable, only lived and shared with our pairs, where the rationality withering alone.

    You are closer then you might think.
    Topics like the ones in that forum thread, go beyond what we can See, Feel and Touch.
    At some point in the back and forth, you get to the point where "I know." becomes "I believe"

    And when that point comes, Rational Thought, becomes hard.
    Irrational Emotions and Beliefs get mixed in.
    And that's when a discussion can become an argument, and temperament sparks.

    Rational thought goes out the window, and just 'winning' the argument becomes important.
    That was my failure there.

  3. 9 minutes ago, JellyJones said:

    I guess they can be called "Booty Jeans."  If you got a booty to go in them!

    It probably comes from the fact that the fading shows off your butt shape in them.  And they're tight AF around the booty.


    They look more painted on then the other ones, true.

  4. 3 minutes ago, JellyJones said:

    I just wanted to say thanks for the new jeans.  I have been wanting dyeable jeans since I started, and these not only look cool, but they actually retain the fading when you change the color.

    AND!  If you take them to full black, they actually look like the PLAIN, MATTE, LEGGINGS I have been begging for for two years.

    So thanks, guys!

    Much Love!

    - Jelly ♥

    Have to admit though, I was confused when people in Chat where mentioning 'Booty Jeans' as that sent me looking for new cut-offs, but it seems these full length jeans are 'Booty Jeans' too?
    Or am I confusing something?

  5. 1 minute ago, JackPine said:

    I want all to feel comfortable with themselves, and with me.  I have met many outside my former comfort zone, and have grown to appreciate their presence in my life, even though it is purely non-sexual.

    Is it okay to still to carry those desires for a specific subset, however 'archaic'?  

    There’s nothing wrong with labels as long as you don’t go out of your way to put one above another. 
    Just because you like vanilla pudding over strawberry doesn’t mean you should be scorned for it. 
    When you start spitting into anyone’s cup just because they’re having strawberry. Then you’re doing it wrong. 

    You’re free to like whoever and whatever you want. But always remember that they’re as free as you are. 

    Or in the way I’ve been chuckling about all morning:




  6. 6 hours ago, AtticusFinch said:

    If you have cats close your door. If you think having one walk in when youre on the toilet is bad... that look of perplexion a cat can give when you're at the zenith of your orgasm is something that will haunt you for a long time.

    Try having one of your dogs ‘helpfully’ lick your toes when you’re distracted and right there on the edge. 

    It scared the hell out of me and I’m lucky my Frenchies are built like little tanks. Because I quite literally launched her a meter backwards by spasming my leg in fright. 

    Lesson learned on both sides. 
    They stay away now, and I put my legs up where they can’t reach. >.<

  7. Monday is here again but I can look back on a good weekend.  

    Met @Silvio on Friday. (Edit, I messed up. Met him on Thursday. Remembered it wrong. But still! The meeting stuck with me so mentioning it fits!)

    Saturday saw me logging in very late in my night to find something to scratch a certain itch. And in frustration with not finding someone or something I went with what I call a ‘hamburger’

    Low effort, low satisfaction encounter with some random dude in a random room. 
    He didn’t even know about purple text for crying out loud. 

    While this sad affair was playing out a friend of mine poked me and I felt caught. 
    Caught in a way like being caught spooning peanut butter straight from the jar because of a craving. 
    Or being caught picking some buds out of an ashtray to scrounge together one whole cigarette. 

    Awkward you know?

    But the feeling passed and after the random got sent on his merry way, I had a nice cuddle with that friend and went to bed nicely relaxed. Maybe not satisfied sexually but relaxed nonetheless. 
    Because I didn’t actually craved the sex at that point. 
    I just craved meaningful interaction with someone. They somehow felt that and provided it with some laughs about the awkward encounter before and just some fun small talk until my fatigue set in and allowed me to sleep. 

    Sunday saw me get poked by @Nektarand we hung out at a club they recommended. Alas the lap dance I was getting got interrupted by real life distractions (on both sides funny enough)

    But it was fun chatting ‘face to face’ for once. 

    Later that night I met another fun guy, one who saw me sitting at a RP hangout and politely asked some pointers about RP etiquette and what to expect. 
    I more than happily acknowledged those questions and a nice chat ensued. 

    So yeah. All in all? 
    It was a good weekend!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Nektar said:

    A few days ago I was strolling around the various user created rooms when I noticed a friend of mine was hosting a public room. I decided to swing by to see what was up.

    What was up was her and another friend of mine making love. No, that's not the term. They were fucking. 

    So? That's what everyone on here does! Well, not really. When I'm observing people on here 99% of the time they're making porn. I do it too. We kind of unconsciously follow this script of sex acts and positions we've seen porn. Well, not so with this couple! They were just going at it, carnally enjoying each other.

    If I were to speculate, I'd say it's because they grew up in a time when internet porn wasn't readily available, so they found their own rhythm instead of following the unwritten script.

    Where am I going with this? I'm not sure I have a point, but I'm going to try fucking more on here. 

    This is so relatable. 
    I can’t even count the number of random hookups that followed the exact same script. 
    Chat a bit, flirt, some innuendo, clothes come off, maybe a bit of making out, then a blowjob, possibly some oral in response, then the true sex and you can tell that they pick the poses for visual appeal. Not for how they would feel irl. 

    On the flipside, I get complimented for going ‘off script’ and keeping it real. 
    Sometimes I don’t want to go through all the hoops, sometimes I just want to jump their bones and get bent over a table or chair. 
    Sometimes I might not want to be fucked at all, but I still want them to cum, so mouth and hand is all they get. 

    And that’s not even mentioning my primal fetish, that will leave my partner in a well fucked puddle, scratched to hell and with my teeth marks all over their shoulders. 

    So yeah. I know what you mean. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Leopardus said:

    Oh, I didn't realise, forgive me for providing misinformation.  I haven't seen it for such a loooooong time, and I put on 20lbs since because of lack of exercise.

    Where did you find it?

    Isn't that still on the default silent beach?
    It used to be 'behind' spawn.
    If you zone in, turn around and walk through the 'tunnel' the net is on the beach there.
    At least it used to be... Been ages since I was there.


  10. 7 hours ago, Fvcker said:

    I will pay money, if the devs update the female body texture, adding proper feet-skin and athletic body... Like the female body texture is like a doll (nothing appealing to me)

    If they add something more attracting, horse dildos, body modifications and sexier poses (less robotic)
    Avatars should have waaaaay more customizations, not talking about size or body measurements, just clothes and so on.
    If they add games like... Chess or other easy to create/make/add games..

    Game is just lacking everything, sure u roleplay and chat but gets boring.

    Besides, there is skyrim(oblivion), sims4 and many other games which are capable of sex modification (even MINECRAFT!), spending money on such game, makes 0 sense.

    U cant even customize ur EYES, u cant customize body hair. Game is lacking so god damn much, is better picking Honey Select and just roleplay there... There is no reason to pay (even monthly for such downgrade)


    The game should add tons of animations, roleplay animations like GTA 5, futuristic and medieval items (lightsabers and swords, u name it!), props, avatar customization (condoms would not be bad ;) ), more open rooms, gyms, parks, like dude, the game already stole 50% of what sims4 is, why not steal the rest 50% ? 

    Other games exist for that. 
    Why cram everything into one?

    3DXchat is basically just that. A 3D X-rated Chat program. 
    It’s a chat room with graphics. It doesn’t need cars or guns. 
    We can go play GTA for that. 

    Unless you mean them as props for the RP rooms. Then sure. That could work. But the game is unstable enough as it is. Adding more code to it in the form of vehicles and shit is going to crash it for sure. 

  11. Yesterday was interesting. Got to meet @Silvio in the game for the first time. 

    He sadly didn’t have such a good day that day. 
    But I hope that meeting me, as he had hoped for in these threads, made the day seem a little brighter. 

    Things will get better @Silvio you’ll see. 
    Hang in there!


    As for me, I’ve been getting better. 
    My life still feels hard at times. And my mind eats itself with doubt. But I’m used to it by now. 
    I’ve been down this road before. And I know what to look for. 

    We’re all going to be alright. Eventually. 
    Stay safe out there!

  12. The whole discussion in ‘that other thread’ reminded me of something I read recently. 

    It used the Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter issue as an example. 

    And it stated that often people overlook the implied ‘too’ in that statement. 

    Black Lives Matter (too), but by not noticing that implied Too, they instead assume that they have to matter exclusively. 

    It’s like someone asking for a cookie. 
    “Can I have a cookie” can mean they want a cookie just for themselves. 
    But if they ask for that cookie while everyone else is getting theirs. It means they want one too. Not that they alone want one. 

    Same thing with the Trans issue being talked about in the other thread. 

    There’s people advocating for Equality but not too equal. 
    They keep implying that if a group is equal to them, they lose something. 
    Makes it sound as if they imply that the other group is by default less worthy then they themselves are. 

    While the Trans folks just want to matter too. 
    Not matter more. Just matter too. 

    I hope we can get there one day. Soon. 

    World is a dark place. Let’s not make it darker. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Silvio said:

    I am happy to see you sharing these fine new experiences.
    How amazing will be to meet you? Oh I can't imagine that. Knowing you in this site, and good comments you receive, prove how amazing you are. You are really alive, your texts prove that !
    I hope "easy days" come more frequently for you, flooding the bad ones with good memories.

    I’m sure we’ll meet some day. 
    If our time zones aren’t too different that is. 

  14. Some days are easy. 
    I wake up, go to work, get home, do my chores and sit down to relax. 
    Play 3DX and have fun with my friends, have fun meeting new people. 

    People with mindsets and ideas I can agree with, or whose thoughts I can debate in a friendly verbal sparring session to find a middle ground. 

    Some days these meetings end in sweet steamy and sensual exchanges of sexual energy and lewd interpretations of intimacy and desires. 

    Other days I don’t engage in any of the above myself but instead hear friends regale tales of debauchery and deviancy that make even me blush and secretly long for said experiences. 

    Even other days I hear friends triumphantly proclaim they achieved something they never thought possible. Having overcome hurdles at first thought to be the insurmountable. 

    I long for those days. 
    I live for those days. 

    I long to live again. 

    Some days are easy. 
    I miss those days. 

  15. Let’s ramble for once. 

    Been back for a bit now, and things feel like they used to. Good and bad. 

    Most days on 3DX I log on, wander around a bit. Maybe poke my head into a room by someone I know. 
    But in general I just sit around alone. 

    It is rare for me to be spoken to by someone new. 
    And even rarer still for me to speak first. 
    Instead I just lounge somewhere, reading profiles while PM’ing with folks who I like, and known for a while. 

    Sometimes new people do walk into my life, and the thrill hits. 
    A new person for me to please, to entice, and possibly arouse. It’s a good feeling. 

    The feeling that I also get while streaming my music. 
    Knowing that however briefly, I’ve made someone’s day a tad brighter. 
    Made them feel something, made them smile, made them cum, made their day. 

    The deeper meaning for me though? Is a selfish one. 
    If I’m able to consider someone else’s pleasure and enjoyment. It means I’m alright enough to care. 
    Means I’m alive. And doing good enough. 

    And that. Is something to live for. 


    Stay safe out there!

  16. My first thought would be Both. 
    Because I’ve always believed that the first was because of the latter. 

    The ‘It’s a trap’ meme was the thing that lead to the derogatory thing. 
    Due to the parallels of the scene with (supposed) happenings in life. 

    Something hidden is revealed (super laser or dick) “It’s a trap!”

    I might be wrong though. But that’s where I thought the term came from. 

  17. 28 minutes ago, JackPine said:

    I am perhaps un-evolved.  I am a male who is attracted to those born and remain female.  It's just my thing.  But you are you, and I respect and admire what you bring here, well, you!

    This part right here. 

    That’s the crux for a lot of these issues. Because we’ve all been raised on a certain binary system. 

    Man = Penis. 
    Woman = No penis.

    Any cultures that didn’t follow that binary system got pushed aside. 
    Because many older cultures (for example the indigenous people of Hawaii) have systems where they had Man - Woman - Both/Neither. (Mahu in Hawaiian afaik)

    My point is now that because we’re all raised on the above binary, getting confronted with how things really are. Is confusing. 

    Not all men have dicks and balls.
    Not all women have vaginas and ovaries 

    You can be one, while looking like the other. 
    Or neither. 

    It takes an open mind to actually accept that what you where raised with, might be wrong. 

    Anyhow, rant over. 
    You’re one of the good ones Tim. 

  18. 3 hours ago, The dark horse said:

    So really my question is how often does this happen on this game and are some people there just to mentally abuse peoples lives and minds, Have to say I am probably not going to resub as I am literally annoyed, Confused and a bit hurt to be honest, I wish we had a group on here of names of people who are disregarding this to affect people's lives and minds.

    Why do people do this? Do they get a kick out of messing with people's heads.

    Sadly it’s rather common. 

    There are some that get a kick out of toying with people’s feelings. Pretending to Love someone and sometimes asking them to commit. Be exclusive or marry. 
    Sometimes even try to pretend the virtual relationship might become real. 

    Most often though it’s all lies. 

    I am sorry to hear that you had this bad experience. I can imagine it souring your feelings about 3DX. 

    All I can say is this. Try not to let one bad experience taint the game for ya. 
    Easier said than done. I know. 

    Anyhow, thanks for sharing. And I hope you have some good memories of this place too. 
    Take care. 

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