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Posts posted by MidnightMist

  1. That sucks. I only just learned this news on here. R.I.P. Peter Green. The early Fleetwood Mac stuff is great, I like their later stuff as well, but the early blues stuff is also great.

  2. I know only of Alivia who charges for builds. I think for builders who want to charge probably could through Patreon. Probably $1 or $5 a month gets you access to all rooms. $10 a month you can request a custom built room or something. However, given the amount of free stuff available, I am not sure how many would pay unless it was exceptional quality. These builds take a lot of time though, so maybe with some monetary reward then they would be more willing to share their creations.

    One of the issues is though, there are no real protections for room builders, someone could easily just steal it still and claim it as their own. Maybe there should be a watermarking system or something, a lock system which watermarks the original user who built the room or something.

    I am not sure how other games work like Second Life, whether they have technical and or legal protections in place, or whether it is just generally frowned upon, whether creators have to be like a business and copyright and trademark their stuff to protect their stuff. I don't know, maybe it is a big problem, I am just thinking off the top of my head with no real knowledge.

  3. One of my favourite styles of music is British folk music. First up is a song from Julie Fowlis from the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. She sings mainly in Gaelic, a language still spoken in parts of Scotland and Ireland. She also did the soundtrack for the Disney movie called Brave and has a great voice.


    Next is a traditional folk song performed by Kate Rusby from Yorkshire in England.



    9 hours ago, MikeyDee said:

    I suppose what you could here is something I’ve wanted in game from day one is an “accept/decline” option for cuddle/kiss cheek. 

    I am a bit torn on this. I do like the idea of not being "colded", but when I go to a room with lots of my friends it would be quite tedious accepting every single cuddle request, unless it only pops up an accept/decline option for people not on your friend list.

  5. I was just about to make this suggestion myself, but will add to this one. Search would definitely be welcome, being able to search by room title and host name. I will often visit a room with someone or a friend will say they have opened and then it is quite hard to find. Or have the option where rooms are filtered to the top where you are friends with the host.

    Another possible suggestion is to use tags. Even if there are only two tags like "sex" and "music", so you could filter down the rooms depending on your needs.

  6. Scroll down to Mulan’s post here:

    It is for Spotify but I use it with iTunes using Apple Music streaming and it works great. Personally I think this is “more legitimate” than ripping stuff off YouTube. Even people who buy the songs per download are still not legally allowed to stream unless they have a public streaming licence which runs into hundreds of dollars per year. It seems kind of crap anyway. I am not running ads or profiting from the music and promoting artists music. 

  7. I can see what you are saying, but in the case of the retail store, that is private property. The store owner reserves the right to tell people to leave, because they will lose more customers than just trying to satisfy two individuals.

    With a room that has Rape in the title, that was the room owners choice and people can choose to go there or not. In the store example, you would have to go to someone else's room and start roleplaying rape in local chat, then the room owner should ask them to leave if it makes other guests uncomfortable, ignoring and reporting them if necessary.

  8. On 7/3/2020 at 8:09 AM, Derai said:

    I tend to be very vocal in my dislikes and preferences. 
    And my massive red flag is Non-Consent. 
    I often get irrationally angry about mentions of Rape or anything that removes Free Will. 
    Rationally I understand that it’s a kink for some to give up their consent. 
    And that some have the kink to just Take whoever they want. 
    But my irrational lizard brain just wants to rip the head of any Rapist and stuff their own entrails down their throats. They really, REALLY enrage me. 

    I have had debates about this in the past. I think we can all agree that rape is wrong, that making anyone do anything against their will is wrong.

    However, when it comes to 3DX, unless there is some hack, then non-consent in 3DX is not a thing, because you have accept an invitation to partner and pose. Maybe if someone blackmailed another person then they could force them to have sex, but if that happens, inform the developers and the authorities.

    When it comes to rape rooms, they are against the rules and the rules should be enforced. Even if these rooms aren't shutdown, then people still consent to going to them. Does it promote rape or may it be emotionally distressing for someone who has been the victim of rape? I can see that point of view, but I feel the majority have common sense and morals that rape is wrong and if a room title makes them think that rape is actually okay, then they have other issues. Also, especially in an adult game, you are going to see some unsavoury things, so it is just best to ignore them.

    Lastly, what people do in private rooms is entirely up to them. If two consenting adults want to roleplay a rape scene then let them have at it.

  9. 12 hours ago, Overfiend said:

    are we still playing on a test server right now?

    Yes. I also think there is no subscription charge still. There have been a couple of bugs which they are already aware of like the random orange text in chat sometimes, but they was quick to fix the other things like uploading to gallery, loading user worlds in editor, fixed buying xgold, getting daily xgold, and reset password. Plus they recovered quickly from the latest DDoS attack, and the new server solution seems to be doing it's job and not having regular disconnects like we were a few weeks ago.

    While these past couple of months haven't been great, since we got this new server solution then things seem to be improving and thank you to the developers for working hard to get us to this point and being more transparent with updates on bug fixes and offering free game time. It is nice to know that the game is still under active development.

  10. What I am looking for is just some more transparency. They have said they are working on new server software to meet increased demand. However, it would be nice to know timelines on when this will be fixed. At the moment there seems like no end in sight. Maybe you thought you could deliver a new server solution in a week, but it turns out that it has taken a lot longer than anticipated. Just be honest and open with your paying customers that it is taking longer than expected and make sure customers are compensated, even though it is not extended periods of downtime, it would be a goodwill gesture for people who continue to support your game despite all its flaws because they actually like the game and the community in the game.

    I have been a customer on and off for about 5 years now and for the first time I am seriously considering alternatives, although the alternatives don't look that great either.

    Second Life has a step learning curve, despite being "free" you end up spending a bunch of money on outfits etc, the textures and animations aren't up to the level of 3DX, and lag is a problem. But if you want the ultimate customisation and you can get over the steep learning curve then it is for you. I know people who have moved away from 3DX to Second Life and people who have gone the opposite direction.

    RLC, I have heard that has pretty much being neglected for a long time and a lot of people left RLC to go to 3DX, so RLC probably isn't the best place to go.

    I can't speak on others like Achat or IMVU, but I am sure they also have their own problems. Although, like with RLC, it seems a lot of people moved from Achat and IMVU to 3DX.

    If you are looking for loads of customisation and features then go with Second Life. Personally, I prefer things to be simple. I don't want to invest time and money improving an online character, I just want to come online, hang out, have fun, DJ and log off. When 3DX works, it does that well and I am happy to pay a subscription for that (when it works).

    My worry is that 3DX is going the same way of competitors like RLC, that the developers are just going to lose interest and just do the bare minimum or have some internal issues that mean major new releases are things that just drag on years and never get completed. However, judging by the increased frequency of new releases and apart from this issue, it seems like Gizmo has made some efforts at improving communication, communicating through the forums more often, setting up Discord, Telegram and other social media presence (although social media is probably more a promotional tool than communicating issues).

    Lastly, if you have just had enough and want to leave then it looks like support is quick at offering refunds. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel, but I am starting to lose patience and faith right now.

  11. Two things I would say about the rules. There are two sets. One here (which I think @MeiLing was implying I made up):

    2.09. All types of advertising messages are prohibited in the chats.


    It also says this as the subheading "2. Conditions for all game chats, forums and channels". So if we are going to argue technicalities, why does the Events & Activities forum Channel exist? Although, I think you could make the case that this channel was created specifically for this purpose.

    And then this one:

    2.15. All types of advertising messages are prohibited in the chats and profiles. With the exception that 3DXCHAT related advertising such as platoon forming, company recruiting, clan recruiting is permitted with the following restrictions.


    Why not make both sets of rules like the first one because I agree that "With the exception that 3DXCHAT related advertising such as platoon forming, company recruiting, clan recruiting is permitted with the following restrictions." is vague and no one quite knows what that means. However, like I said, rather than trying to read into what it all means, "All types of advertising messages are prohibited in the chats." is clear and obviously what the developers are following based on their actions, which is not vague and unclear.

  12. Also, when you violate the rules that you agree to when you sign the terms of service, you can’t then expect the developers to compensate you game time for when you was banned. I know most people don’t read the rules. A lot of it is just common sense, don’t be a bully, don’t be racist, don’t talk about or promote illegal stuff like rape and drugs. While this came as a shock that they started enforcing the no advertising rule, most people now know and the reason they got banned and won’t break the rules again and the worst they got was a 48 hour ban, which is really not the end of the world.

  13. Rather than dissecting what is and what isn’t “advertising” why not just play it safe and not post anything in world chat which makes people aware that your room is open, like every host has stopped doing and not getting banned, yet there are a couple who continue to post about their club in world chat and surprised they get banned again?

    We can have some discussions about how much of an actual impact that advertising in world chat actually has anyway. Or whether there should be a separate chat channel for just advertising. Or maybe they should just get rid of world chat all together.

    They added the 60 second rule to try and stop spam. Even after that I still see people posting ads every 60 seconds, or worse, friends getting around the 60 second rule by a group of friends posting on each other’s behalf. Unfortunately, not everyone is respectful and end up ruining the experience for everyone else which is why we have these rules. Given the sheer volume of messages, it is easier to ban everyone who breaks the rules rather than judging each one on a case by case basis, which is also largely subjective.

    @PERL try to stick to topic. This is about bans, not about bugs, which I fully agree with you are not acceptable, but that is for another topic.


    1 minute ago, Partywiggles said:

    whats spamming,, this is all i wrote to advertise my room(Australian Paradise waterfalls all are welcome, make your selfs at home , with best live dj's and streams) and i posted this in 12 hours i was open 7 times this is called spamming )

    Read rule 2.09 again - “All types of advertising messages are prohibited in the chats”

    What part of that rule is hard to understand?

    The crashes and other technical issues are another issue and you are fine to get upset about them, as am I.

  15. The rules are clear and it seems like they are enforcing them, which they haven't done in the past. The account section on the 3DXChat account section explains the reason for the ban, usually something like "WC spam". Yes, they could probably be even more transparent, but if you are going to keep breaking the rules then they will keep banning and I don't know if there is like a 3 strikes and then you are out sort of policy, so I wouldn't just advertise as a protest, and if you don't like the rules then you are always free to cancel your subscription and move elsewhere.

    2.04. Spamming is prohibited messages in chats. This therefore includes excessive use of caps.
    2.09. All types of advertising messages are prohibited in the chats.

    Not to be a dick, but we all have to follow the same rules.

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