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Posts posted by WylieCoyote

  1. You are offering good ideas and I agree with alot of what you're saying. I question what makes 3dx the wrong platform for this though. It's not great but...if you can name me somewhete better that supports graphic sex with good models with a better system for stat based roleplay Id love to hear about it (like...for real I would. Afaik I have played every sex mmo on the internet and this seems like the best choice given the situation).

  2. That might work, it's a constructive idea for sure. I can see a couple issues though. For example I would be annoyed, as someone who started off at level 1, if characters began to appear who were higher level or much more powerful than me who had never been in the room before. This is especially true because we get so many trolls or people who simply do not read or care about the very obviously stated rules.


    I have had people walk into rooms that are listed as requiring a key, simply run around to every area of the map; including places they shouldn't even know exist and, perhaps most annoyingly, do things to my character without permission that I am forced to then roll with or simply discard. For example: The guy who ran into the employees only room and took naked pictures of me while I was afk for a minute and then proceeded to tell me I had been asleep "because he had said so in his RP". If someone like that started the game with a way to beat me in a fight I would be hella pissed.


    Admittedly though, I am coming from a school of thought where it's new story/game = new character. If you switch from WoW to Lineage you don't get to bring your character with you. If you change from D and D to Vampire it's the same thing (usually). I do know some people who keep the same character but it is such a crap deal for everyone else. I once started as a level 1 human in a game where someone had been allowed to bring in their existing character and it sucked. He was like a level 20 fight/wizard/jedi vampire with a double bladed lightsaber...in a dungeons and dragons game. Then I am immediately in a subservient role to them if I like it or not.


    Anyways Im only continuing to talk about this because I think it's an interesting conundrum. On the one hand the more experienced RPers around the better. On the other hand how can we make a system where everyone feels like they've been treated fairly?

  3. In general I think the problem with the "go play a real mmo argument" is that they don't really support sexual behavior. I know they have eRP guilds in some games or plugins on WoW for things like that, but I enjoy a visual component.


    My options are therefore: play an mmo with very minimal support for sex or play a sex game with minimal support for RPGing. I am just trying the latter for once. I really don't think one way is better or worse than the other, they're just different ways to go about the same thing: The creation of an environment where I can fantasize about going on exciting adventures AND fantasize about my sexuality.


    The rules structure is definitely a WIP but I enjoy having them. Personally I just don't feel the same sense of accomplishment having a cool battle with no possibility of my character's demise unless I will it so. Those are my thoughts on the matter.

  4. I think part of the issue here is that there may be some disconnect between the type of roleplay we're engaged in. I look at this world and system as more akin to a tabletop RPG such as dungeons and dragons than a totally freeform RP one might find on a forum. GottaGo/Suzie is the game master: She's created a world, a story, and a set of rules and is working very hard on it. To play and interact in that world you need to play by her rules. If you take that idea and frame it in the lens of a totally freeform RP I would agree it's godmodding. However, given that there is a sign at the spawn in on the map asking players to read and observe the rules found in this thread, which largely talk about using the character sheet, it seems like we are much more in a system using a dungeons and dragons-esque system; in which case coming in and freeform RPing while everyone else is following a specific set of rules doesn't really work.


    I wasn't there for whatever happened yesterday so I don't know exactly what all went down and I am explaining my thoughts on this more as a general explanation for anyone who might be interested in coming in than as a direct response to that stuff. Anyways, I consider myself to be a decent RPer who has worked in many different styles of the hobby. Given that this is a story-driven experience I think having stats makes sense. I often see people with freeform characters that come into conflict just get into an endless cycle of:


    #1: "Haha! My powers beat yours and I defeat you!"

    #2: "Nope! You forgot about my magical sword which blocks all attacks!"

    #3: "Ah! But you don't remember that I'm blessed with an ability that bypasses any magical sword!"


    And it just keeps going until someone gets frustrated and leaves. Of course that is an extreme scenario and might be different with two people who know each other well and have characters with established head canon about what they can and cannot do. However, in my experience with random players with an established character with powers: They don't tend to allow themselves any vulnerabilities or weaknesses, which seems boring to me. The point is, that because player vs. player combat and player vs. NPC combat are both things which occur in this RP it makes sense to have a stat system and those coming in with an established character might have to accept that they are a weakened version of themselves, otherwise the room might not be their cup of tea, which is totally cool.


    If, on the other hand, we are just talking about the fact that the admin characters are significantly higher level than most incoming players, that is certainly open to debate, but I find it's best to think of them more as NPCs: Kinda the "quest-giver" figures one might find in a game that are more powerful by design. Yes, GottaGo plays them and she is human (probably). There might be times when she does something in her own interests with that power; I've thought about that myself. At the end of the day though she is basically the GM, one who has set up a fairly impressive world and system given the limitations of the platform she is working on, if the price I pay for that is having one of her characters kick my ass every once in a while I can handle that.

  5. You mentioned there is a dark magic theme in the storyline has the storyline been going long? Also how could i catch up on events so far?

    I don't know exactly when it started but I've been involved a couple weeks. My guess is maybe a month? As for catching up that depends on what you mean. No one besides the GM has been there for everything so we all don't know the full story. That knowledge is also best gained in character probably. If you want to play someone already involved somehow you'd have to discuss with GottaGo who can figure out what is acceptable for a starting character in terms of that knowledge (because so far no one has been allowed to start with magical skils or anything). All that said, jumping in is easy, the regular players are pretty friendly and if you are legit interested in helping the story, more of that is always good.

  6. Plenty of grown adults act like terrible people on the internet sadly (or are just terrible people in general).


    People also tend to have very strong beliefs when it comes to sex and relationships. As a good friend once told me "where there are orgasms there are feelings". And for better or worse people do develop real relationships here and can be very defensive when their own concepts of sex and relations are threatened. All you can really do is make judicious use of the ignore functions and don't let other people ruin your game.


    I do absolutely agree we should let people play how they want and I try to always be understanding and inclusive. However to expect that of everyone, or even most people, is sadly unrealistic in these parts.

  7. Yeah I don't know much about either one of you...but I gotta say that's beautiful. It is really refreshing to see such raw honesty and emotion around here, don't let any of the haters take that away from you.


    As someone who has been through many relationships myself I personally don't believe that there is such a thing as a person who will never annoy you...even if they only annoy by being so fuckin' perfect. That said, if you have made a pledge to be honest with each other when that happens...and you stick to it...then I'm sure your love will carry ya through.


    Wishing you both eternal love and happiness!!!


  8. "This is a pussy blow out! All right, we got white pussy, black pussy, Spanish pussy, yellow pussy, we got hot pussy, cold pussy, we got wet pussy, we got smelly pussy, we got hairy pussy, bloody pussy, we got snappin’ pussy, we got silk pussy, velvet pussy, naugahyde pussy, we even got horse pussy, dog pussy, chicken pussy! Come on, you want pussy, come on in, pussy lovers! If we don’t got it, you don’t want it! Come on in, pussy lovers!"


    -Cheech Marin, From Dusk till Dawn (cont' from JSG cause I fucking love that movie).

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