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Posts posted by AeshyaTG

  1. Your wellness is a gift; treasure it. Make friends with the present moment. No, make love with the present moment. The cancer diagnosis came too late to give me at least a tenuous hope for a long life, but I realised that the most important thing about death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions .Cling to it as your most beloved. Don’t ignore, skip over, miss this precious moment. Don’t think you will give it attention later, when you have time. Don’t think that at some point in the future, you will give this precious, beloved, present moment the loving care that it deserves. Don’t believe that something other than this present moment, right here in front of you, can give you something more or better. Don’t waste it, don’t fill it, don’t carelessly dismiss it.

    What if, in front of you, right here, right now, is all the love and fulfilment that you need. All you need to do is be with it. All the things you’ve ever wanted, all the things you hope to achieve, all the things you know and can do, they all depend on this present moment in front of you, right now. “What can I make of this moment?” What if you loved your breath and your heart beat; felt the life in your limbs; felt the sun on your back; loved the rain on your face. There’s a person beside you, a child in front of you, a task to be done. What would happen if I fully, mindfully, gave my loving attention to that thing and to this moment? What if I were to drop the heavy burden of the past and my anxieties for the future? What would that feel like? Might I connect with the joy, relief and freedom that is mine, but which I have ignored and forgotten? Why do we wait to die to value having one more moment?

    Appreciate the people around you Your friends and relatives will always be an infinite source of strength and love. That is why you shouldn’t take them for granted. It is difficult for me to fully express my feelings about the importance of these simple realisations, but I hope that you will listen to someone who has experienced how valuable time is.We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box – a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realise it.


    You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life. I hope you will make the right choice.


    Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it. The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that flies with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count!

  2. Hey guys, thanks for your reports. If you have any graphics issues then please post here what's your system specs (Windows version, processor, video card etc.)?

    Also let us know if you have no of these issues on locations without water please.

    Name Generic PnP Monitor on Intel HD Graphics
    Current Resolution 1366x768 pixels
    Work Resolution 1366x768 pixels
    State Enabled, Primary
    Monitor Width 1366
    Monitor Height 768
    Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
    Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
    Intel HD Graphics
    Manufacturer Intel
    Model HD Graphics
    Device ID 8086-0106
    Revision A
    Subvendor ASUStek Computer Inc (1043)
    Current Performance Level Level 0
    Driver version
    Count of performance levels : 1
    Level 1 - "Perf Level 0"
    Currently Direct X 12 with Pixel shader 5.1 
    Black room in home 1, to get it to work i use simple water and low graphics, also physidellic colours at beach and outdoors in daylight mode, when switch to night mode all is fine. Purple bloom in 3dx nightclub floor or frescos.
  3. As a TG i find the same thing frustrating. Often two tgirls dont have access to 69 position. It seems the devs have options for MF FF and MM but nothing for TG TG. A massive oversight when these options and in fact many more poses available in RLC and SL.


    This game has the best graphics, but seems to be limited for sex options. Who knows if the devs will ever pay attention to the paying members.

  4. ... and then somebody tells me that 3dx is "just a sex game" ... kudos Aeshya for speaking out and being so real inside this allegedly virtual only world!


    From the bottom of my heart I so very much hate it when people get hurt because of something sexual ... Sexuality is life in its very fundamental form and I never understood the arrogance of some people claiming that there was "right" and "wrong" sexuality or that some forms of sexuality are treated like an infectious disease.


    Thank you for sharing your story!


    Thank Darren


    I share because I hope it inspires and helps others who might be experiencing the same behaviour. smiles to you

  5. Sometimes its easy to forget that you have the ability to choose how your life unfolds. How you deal with relationships, friendships and how you choose to become better or bitter through the circumstances of your life. I've always been a happy girl. I try to smile each day, offering a smile to friends and colleagues. In fact it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. So i choose to smile.


    I've found some wonderful supportive people in this virtual world. Some more so than in real life itself. As a trans-gendered woman, I've previously spoken of some of the nasty and prejudicial fleeting comments made by those who are either intolerant or blatantly ignorant towards any other gender or sexual choice from the "norm".


    I've wanted my time here to be meaningful. Fulfilling and fun. When i was 17 and  transitioning from male to female, mainly because from the age of 5 years old, i looked like a girl, felt like a girl, was a girl in a boys body, I went out to a local nightclub. For the first time i was "woman". Free to have fun, laugh and be myself. Sadly that night was not to end in a hangover of cocktails and finding a boys phone number scribbled in mascara on my hand.


    I was raped by three men. Two of them held me whilst the other did his thing. Then they took turns. Often saying "Tranny Slut", you "trannys just love sex dont you? Sex yes! Rape no!. I had felt that I had made such a wrong choice. If i was a man I wouldn't be getting raped. If i had only rejected the strong feelings inside to be the girl i knew i was, this wouldn't have happened.


    The event was of course hurtful both physically and mentally. My perpetrators were caught and taken to prison. It was at this point I realised, with depression and fear hanging over me, that I could choose. I could choose to let this affect me for the rest of my life, or I could choose to be better through this circumstance, rather than bitter. I wanted to smile, to let those men know that I can be in control, I choose to be happy. So I visited my attackers in prison, and hugged them and smiled. Told them I forgave them for their actions, and that despite their sentence, I truly hoped they could find a happiness inside themselves like I have. To want to rape someone means you have a low self esteem. A low positive self image.


    A positive self-image comes from forming reliable and lasting relationships with others. When a person is immersed in a vibrant and healthy community, there is no room for self-doubt. In the West there is an increased scepticism about happiness. The view that happiness doesn’t really matter, or that it’s not really that important. Happiness has been associated with the commercial – ads telling us that we will be happier if we have lots of nice things, if we are wealthy and powerful.


    Recently I was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and some metastatic cancer that has spread to my brain. 5 tumours have decided to take up home in my head. Whilst I've been fortunate to have treatment and my primary tumour in the lung has shrunk by 5%, the tumours in the brain haven't been so accommodating. Again, I could choose to be better or bitter through this circumstance. I mean come-on...I've been raped, diagnosed with cancer and been inflicted with this awful "tranny disease" right?


    Wrong! I've not been inflicted with anything other than life. A wonderful , happy and fulfilling life thus far. And my choice to be part of the 3DX community has proved to me that humans can be really special people. I've found a very special group of people here that I'm super proud to call friends. People that really care.


    In our Western industrial society, because of a whole range of things – the lack of deeper connections between generations, for example – we have ended up quite neurotic and unhappy. And now we are enshrining the idea that happiness is not that important. Indeed, happiness is not an isolated state but happens to us within a physical setting, within particular circumstances. Our state of happiness can be limited by our prejudices, thoughts, behaviour and habits, which are as much about us as the world we live in.


    Ive always wanted to live a meaningful life. Not superficial, not for money nor fame, not a good life. But for happiness and meaning. My time here in 3DX is meaningful. The meaningful life approach to living, is similar to the good life insofar as it may require the development of one’s “signature strengths”. But whereas the pursuit of the good life can be self-focused – the athlete or musician perfecting their skills through years of training and achieving “flow” – the meaningful life entails a commitment to something greater than oneself, a higher cause. Those committed to a meaningful life are not, in fact, committed to their own lives, but to social improvement, or to living in a register that transcends the personal.


    So when someone here in 3DX choose to berate me for being a "tranny", or decides that I'm just an object for their gratification, I'm fine with that. I smile knowing that I live a meaningful life, filled with happiness, caring and loving friends and I have the ability to choose. To choose better or bitter, good or meaningful, happy or sad.


    I may not have a lot of time left, so why waste it on trash talk in world chat, or berating someone because their choice isn't mine, I'd rather spend my time having meaning, purpose and happiness. My friends know who they are, they are loved and valued, because they make me the girl that I am. 




    A "Brain Tumour Awareness Party" ... This chat is getting more and more crazy ...  :wacko:


    I wish people would start to think about the feelings of others here before they organize "virtual charity parties". 



    It would seem that "R!ck" thinks that raising awareness of Brain Tumours is "crazy chat"! Well R!ck, as someone who has been diagnosed with 5 multiform tumours as secondary tumours from a primary lung cancer, I think it is important to raise awareness of a disease that unfortunately is difficult to treat and equally goes undiagnosed in many areas of the world.


    Of course who would dare think that anyone playing a mere sex game could have compassion, understanding and genuine feeling for humanity right? I mean what feelings do you have here that have caused you to be upset by Mulans decent and noble attempt to raise awareness, a cause which has been close to Mulans real life?


    Of course this is just a sex game with avatars that are devoid of feeling right R!ck? Whilst i need no sympathy for my own situation, because as a proud Trans-gendered girl, who has fought hard to break through the gender stereotyping, label bashing and downright ignorant views of people that i suspect you may fit into R!ck, it is because of comments that people like you make, that lead to the ignorance of such serious issues like brain cancer.


    I lead a fairly simple life, smiling each and everyday, making sure my friends get the chance to smile too. All i can offer you R!ck is a smile, in the hope that your unsympathetic ass feels uncomfortable enough to tell your brain that if you have nothing pleasant to say, then dont say anything.


    Have a wonderful day R!ick and many thanks for giving me yet another opportunity to smile :)

  7. Thank you for hosting this awareness party. Recently i was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and metastatic brain tumours as a result of that cancer and am only too aware of its pain and destructive nature. Whilst the lung tumour is shrinking, the brain tumours are causing grief and I am grateful for the support i have of wonderful friends and a beautiful partner here in the 3DX community. I applaud the hosting of this wonderful event, so that awareness is raised and it will allow so many people to at least have fun, share the common power of love and help those who may be touched by this type of cancer.


    My partner and I will be there with smiles and happiness :))

  8. Maybe those that continually give shit to people in WC should just stop. The same names appear in world chat over and over, to a point its like they own it. Abuse and sexists comments, calling people names, even the trolling has escalated. As one has suggested, turn the WC off. A few have spoiled the WC environment with their negative and sometimes very hurtful and hateful comments. They must be getting some enjoyment from berating and ridiculing others. And i dont agree with RobT..if someone dishes out shit, why should others dish it back? Always takes a better person to not respond. Otherwise thats how wars start. Rise above someones childish behaviour and you give them no oxygen to continue. They simply cease. (AeshyaTG goes back to playing the game and enjoying friends rather than the drama of wc)

  9. I think we can make a conscious choice to be happy. 

    It is a given that life is, by its very nature, extremely complicated and if it isn’t we will find a way to make it so. The trick might be to accept that despite your best efforts you will constantly be dodging obstacles.

    Probably the hardest thing to decipher in this life is how much of the instruction you are given is actually useful and beneficial to you. We are all either privy or victims to parenting that depends on a luck of the draw and we sometimes spend years undoing damage. I don’t think anyone has it easy.

    Contentment comes from within and radiates outward allowing you to filter the blows you receive from life. The perspective you gain then allows for more personal growth to add to your arsenal of weaponry.

    At the end of the day I have very little to complain about and I know it. I can also look at the glass half empty or half full and that is a deliberate choice I make.

    For some strange reason, accepting that suffering forms part of the natural state of existence helps soften the blow. You can choose to become better or bitter in the circumstances that you find your life in. Being happy isnt a state of mind, its a choice that I make everyday, because smiling uses less muscles than frowning and feels so much nicer anyway.

  10. does anyone else get the impression that the developers don't like us?


    Its a really bad look for the company who quote themselves as the "Worlds Number 1", ive never experienced a serious lack of communication from any other company like i do with this one. Not one of my enquires to support have ever been answered. Its like they take your credit card and smile at you knowing that they kinda hide behind an email address, with little to no communication. The best they could have done is actually posted on the forum a reason for the server issue and then they might not actually have frustrated consumers

  11. In a way I dont write this blog because I feel ostracised by being TG. I find some people behaviour interesting. Many men secretly wish they could have sex with a TG but dont want their friends to find out. Take last evening for example. In the new Saloon. I was dancing with friends and i got a cold caller. “Hello there,” he says. “Hi,” I say, slightly confused. “I’ve seen you here before,” he continues. “Yeah, I hang out here at times,” I claimed kind of condescendingly. “You suck dick?” he asks/suggests shamelessly. “Are you kidding me?”, I ask a little outraged. “I’ve been with girls like you before, you’re good at it, I get off on it.” “Umm, yeah, NO you have the wrong idea, I love myself, I’m not the kind of person you’re looking for. I don’t do that,” I said with all of the calm and patience I could muster.“No it’s OK, I won’t tell anybody, specially my guy friends?” he finished. A close friend of mine taught me a secret to the colding action...accept their requests and then leave em hanging. I told him I would meet him in the car park. Lol he went outside to look for it.


    Im only truly happy when I’m with my LGBTQ friends. Or in the house, which is pretty much the same thing. Booze, good music and the people you love can compare with nothing else in the world, I think. We dance, we drink, we kiss and schmooze, all without judgement on how we live our lives. We make new friends, talk to each other, we get happy, forget our worries. I was  approached by a cute gay guy I don’t know who has a twinkle in his eyes, a pep, a spunk. “You’re such a hot trannie!,” he yells to me over the music. Pretending not to be insulted by such a rude statement I simply say, “Thank you” all the while dancing away from his uncouth ass. Who says these things to people? Are we that desensitised as a society that there is literally no filter in human decency and communication? I feel like I was born and raised in the 1920s sometimes. A time where people minded their own business and only spoke such trash in the privacy of their own homes. I don’t know, maybe I’m the crazy one for wanting to be treated as an equal. 


    Its an interesting world we have created.

  12. I live by the belief “live and let live,” so I’ve never understood disagreement or hostility to anyone or anything that I didn’t immediately understand. One shouldn’t judge but should be driven more by the curiosity of it all. That all being said, my day-to-day life never ceases to amaze me with the reoccurring theme of shame and ignorance aimed at me and trans people. Why would anybody audibly insult a human being they did not know or understand? Why would anyone bully or ostracise that same type of person? I can’t answer these questions because I don’t think that way.


    Just like life outside of 3DX, inside the sometimes very friendly and caring community that I now spend hours in, the level of abuse can sometimes be so much more intense than that of the outside world. The bonus of 3DX is that lil button that allows one to ignore the obnoxious, the rude and the plain dumb.


    ​Im all for people to act out their fantasies in a safe and meaningful way. But what gives someone the right to treat you as a slut(such a horrible term) just because you are a trans-gendered girl. There is no sign around my neck saying..hey guys just come and give it all to me...or hey treat me just like the sex toy that I am..


    Ive met some very amazing people inside this world. Kind, caring and sincere people whom are interested in knowing you more for friendship rather than just a quickie...(dont get me wrong I like a quickie just as the next girl) but with people I know. Sex is much more pleasurable from the experience of knowing a person...the build up, the flirt..


    Im on a journey here...exploring my boundaries, broadening my horizons, learning about tolerance and sharing my story. As I find inspiration to contribute to this I will share uncomfortable things about my life and transition, not for your sympathy, but more for my cathartic freedom. Maybe a legacy that I can leave..to help others that I've met here so far that are unsure about the sexual choices they so desperately want to make, but are afraid of the consequences.


     I hope you enjoy the journey too. :)

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