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What is courage for you?

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Serious answer: Courage is being able to take action in the face of fear.



Not so serious answer: Courage is a really nice beer.  :D



True courage is to face yourself, to discover who you really are and not to cling onto a façade (or a Persona). I believe in Jungian Psychology (or Analytical Psychology) and I could go on and on about it, but that would be terribly boring for everyone but me.





Courage is doing the right thing when the wrong thing seems to produce better results. Courage is looking past your personal goals and dedicating your life for the betterment of mankind. Courage is doing what you were born for, against the odds. Courage is leaving behind those things you value with the hopes that they will return to you. Courage is taking the first step. Courage is getting up to ride again after a really bad fall. Courage is standing up for your future when your past keeps knocking you down. Courage is one more day..



it gives my soul courage
to know
the impossible
is achievable
and i need
neither to be the strongest
nor the wisest
i need
only to be the best i can be


Courage is doing the right thing when the wrong thing seems to produce better results. Courage is looking past your personal goals and dedicating your life for the betterment of mankind. Courage is doing what you were born for, against the odds. Courage is leaving behind those things you value with the hopes that they will return to you. Courage is taking the first step. Courage is getting up to ride again after a really bad fall. Courage is standing up for your future when your past keeps knocking you down. Courage is one more day..



it gives my soul courage

to know

the impossible

is achievable

and i need

neither to be the strongest

nor the wisest

i need

only to be the best i can be

thats beautiful


Courage for me is to look into the black void, to know deep inside that nobody is looking at me, nobody cares, nobody is giving any presents, not now and not in the afterlife, and still do the right thing.


For me, the true courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.


Your picture shows a very brave little boy, but it could also be considered very stupid because the consequences of his act can be very dramatic for him.


I think...


Courage is a counteract of fear. It's speaking your mind, being true to yourself and others, its sticking up for your norms and values, it's challenging life for what it's worth, and having no regrets when falling down on your knees.


When you fall, get right back up again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Courage is a force, which surely acquire when confronted things that offend us and we strive to exceed, in fighting, whether for personal, human or political cause. Being a courageous person is perhaps dare give up easily, dare to take a stand, take risks for themselves, fighting to respect his life and that of other humans.

  • 3 weeks later...

Courage is when you are ready to face adversity even if odds are against you and the cost seen high.


It doing what you know is right intead of corforming yourself to what is expected of you.


Discover your own style. Don't try to repeat what has already been written - have the courage to do your own thing and don't be afraid to do something different.

  • 2 weeks later...
Courage, or to some, Fortitude, even bravery, is a person or persons ability in the face of certain danger, pure uncertainty, abject fear, debilitating pain, or utter intimidation, to overcome and persevere in standing up to it no matter what and regardless of what happens in the aftermath. Everybody has courage and there are many forms of courage. A single mother raising her child alone, a wife running from an abusive husband, the shy boy asking out his crush, soldiers standing their ground in the face of a relentless onslaught. There are countless examples that we can draw upon.


Courage is also very subjective, what some find to be courage others might find to be stupidity. However as I have said many times is it something for us to judge ? To take somebody else's opinion and feeling and shoot it down or belittle it ?

Regardless, to me courage is simply this: (My own opinion not what I think people should see it as)


Physical courage is that in which a person stands up in the face of physical hardship, pain, threat of death or actual death, while moral courage is the ability of a person to act in the way you feel is right in the face of opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. Sometimes it is one or the other that construes courage and sometimes it is a combination of both. Courage is not to do what OTHERS think is right/just/correct/appropriate, it is what YOU think is. Courage is not conforming to the norm.


Courage is forgetting yourself. To be willing to be destroyed, in order for something you value more than yourself to flourish.


I'm part of a group, this group went through rough times. I considered all of these people to be family. During these hard times I was put in charge of getting things back on track. The group decided our goals, I was tasked with making sure everyone did their part. The resentment started, disrespect, hostility; they hated that I held them to their promises, that I did my part and saw to it they did theirs. We had a meeting. They took turns, in front of everyone (myself included), tearing me a new one. Saying how they hated me and they yelled that the group would be better without me. I'm 6 feet tall and getting close to 190lbs of well built man. I could have beaten a few of the more vocal ones up. But that would have finished us. I knew they needed to vent, I knew I was the strongest one of us, emotionally. I let them vent. I let them spew their frustrations, fears and misgivings my way. I even directed some of it, sharpened it with soft words, so that they could fully extricate all the negative emotions they had. I took myself out of the picture in order for the group to survive. We did. We are strong now. I am respected for my courage now that the ones that did this are old enough to look back and understand what I did.



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