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Time for me to go


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Last night, I hurt the most wonderful woman. Her name is OrygynalPsyn. She poured her heart and soul to me, and I froze. Like a scared little boy. You may have noticed I no longer exist on your friends list. In my drunken stupidity, I deleted my self. I am sober now. I have decided this is the right course of action. I came here to have fun, and enjoy friends. I ended up hurting some one special. There is no excuse for what I did, except that I am an insecure little boy, as noted earlier. To all my friends I wish you the best. To you Psyn, I wish for you to find some one who is worth your time and effort. I was clearly not. I am sorry Psyn. Good bye everyone. Good bye Psyn.

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Guest beccie

Yeah I said the same two weeks ago... Returning to game next week lol.


Don't personally know you but better to give the friend in question the chance rather than scarpering maybe? Sometimes in 3dx it's all too easy to assume how other ppl will react and feel - we tend to view the world from our own perception, even when we try to think of others and to empathise with them.

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Yeah I said the same two weeks ago... Returning to game next week lol.


Don't personally know you but better to give the friend in question the chance rather than scarpering maybe? Sometimes in 3dx it's all too easy to assume how other ppl will react and feel - we tend to view the world from our own perception, even when we try to think of others and to empathise with them.

Thank you ever so much! I do not agree with his choice nor did he give me the chance to react or say anything to his actions. Yes Stel  sorry love you are human and oops here is something else in being that human you make freaking mistakes! But you deal with them you do not run from them then apologize for them. OMG this is so not the course of action you take cos you have some cray ass preconceived notion that you aren't worth that same effort and time you gave to me through the bad ugly fun and ofc pretty times lol!!! What makes you think I would not return that same effort to you? That would have made it a one sided friendship which aint much of a friend if that was the case! But duded its so not!! LIke your friend up above has said you are not going anywhere so bring your ass back so we can at least talk about this as adults do hell even better than that as even besties would do! as i know you would be doing to me if this was in reverse. MMMHMM and you know i am 100% right. SO SMILE AS YOU ALWAYS DO and get it back here ASAP! and be the bestie i wrote about cos that is the man i know and care about! NOT anything else matters than that to me....bad ugly good or pretty lol..its you my bestie flawed and all you are a kind  man and as we both have said we are proud to be jus that for us both! SO I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR RESIGNATION ON SUCH A EVENTUL AND COLORFUL JOB of being one of my best friends sorry motion DENIED!  {{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}

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Stelio I have said I was leaving many times, give yourself a day or 2 sometimes we need that, and as for deleted your friends we all have done that in anger or sadness, we love and care about you, and anyone that still does will forgive you, time heals all wounds , you are a great friend and I don't want to see you go, 

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I find it upsetting that you would just leave me and all other friends because of a mistake that isn't relative to us... We love and want you here. Even if OP was not OK with what happened and wasn't being as cool with it as she is, you don't just jump ship on everyone else who has come to care about you. THAT is being a bad friend... 


I wish I could be supportive but I expected more from you... I can't have this personal convo with you since you didn't even bother to tell me and give a headsup first, but rather came to the forums with it in a thread. 


Sigh. Been through a lot with you, you don't just run away, you work it out...


If your reasons for leaving are different than what you say, then good luck and I hope to see you again. If they're 100% what you're claiming, then all I can do is shake my head.


I'll be here if you come back and want to talk. I would never push you away when you need a shoulder to lean on (and I think there's a lot of others that would do this for you too, so it makes even less sense to leave????)



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I don't really know you, and I'm sorry for that. We have only interacted a few times but the times we have I found you extremely affable, polite and very funny. It is obvious that your friends really love and care about you. For what it's worth, this place is poorer for losing people like yourself. I hope your decision isn't final and that we all see you again. 



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I find it upsetting that you would just leave me and all other friends because of a mistake that isn't relative to us... We love and want you here. Even if OP was not OK with what happened and wasn't being as cool with it as she is, you don't just jump ship on everyone else who has come to care about you. THAT is being a bad friend... 


I wish I could be supportive but I expected more from you... I can't have this personal convo with you since you didn't even bother to tell me and give a headsup first, but rather came to the forums with it in a thread. 


Sigh. Been through a lot with you, you don't just run away, you work it out...


If your reasons for leaving are different than what you say, then good luck and I hope to see you again. If they're 100% what you're claiming, then all I can do is shake my head.


I'll be here if you come back and want to talk. I would never push you away when you need a shoulder to lean on (and I think there's a lot of others that would do this for you too, so it makes even less sense to leave????)



Im not cool with his decision as I have stated and he was and IS A GREAT friend to me as well! I am none too happy about this for we have been friends for a while and I would never encourage this form of handling it nor did I know this was the course of action that was going to be taken until made my post. So please understand I had no knowledge previously and I do not feel anything cool about his pain and how he has chosen to deal with it; this is not been our way of our friendship ever we both have and do encourage and support each other and I will not stop that for I would not be a true friend! Regardless what you or any other who assume anything about me matters not to me...what does is my bestie is hurting and I am as well right along with him and you are correct this is so not his way. BUT I will not give up on him as he has never given up on me. Unlike those who have called me friend and known me longer but has had their daggers and such implanted  deep into my back! He is very important to me as any other here, if not more in our own differences of ways.

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SK... Psyn has forgiven you. How about you show that same forgiveness to yourself? You are loved and valued and respected and would leave this giant SK shaped hole in my heart if you left.

what kind of friend would I be if I didn't? I would be as fake as the ones who did that to me, that isn't at all who I am. Stel don't go.

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dont make me throw you in my jail dude. guys arent generally allowed. You are one of the collest people here so give yourself a break and stay. The true measure of a man isnt the mistakes he makes, Its how he deals with them that make him who he is.

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Stelio, you are one of the most fun peoples here to talk to in WC. I definitely think you should stay, you apologized, she accepted, work through it, and keep things going. It sounds to me like you had a wonderful relationship, and that's not something to be thrown aside so easily! Please stay with us, and especially with Psyn!!!!


<3 Karla <3

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