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Hello everyone I decided to do a small website to share my work, and finally decided to open it to other friends and builders. I totally know some excellent forum exists about it and there is topics here as well. My Idea was just to make a display website, gathering rooms and objects. Just galleries, no forum, nothing, to keep it simple. Also I want this site to be totally free, all contributions are given away. All we ask for, is people not to take credits for what they didn't do So far the objects section is quiet empty as I made the site yesterday, but I will load more files in the coming days. Any builder wishing to share their work on the website, please contact me! Last point: this is a showcasing/downloading website. There is no group attached, there wont be any event and parties related to it, just people willing to share their work for free. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to contribute too!
Undersea Bullet Train Enjoy
- 232 replies
Welcome and thank you for step by and read / see this. For longtime i have wanted to show some of my creation's here, but i have just been to lazy and i am not one there use the forum that much also But first i will show you some of my free giveaway house's / Homes OBS: You can't download them here on the 3DX forum, they all are on the Modz site. You find it here: (yes i know the link looks weird, but i am not the one there have choose that )
Hello Everyone I will share some of my 3dx art work in here. Everything created in 3dxchat(by "World Editor") is for free. You can use it in any way you like if this is not against our community rules rules2. Some of my work isn`t optimized but I`ll show the file size and how it looks by pics. Every object will be uploaded on google drive. Every object will be included in starter post. Every object is marked (high glass column) for easy detection. Find an object by marker, delete marker, use your object. PS: object isn`t connected to the marker. Some pictures/announces can be here Let me know if you find any mistakes. Guitar File Under Contrabass File Under Contrabass (steampunk ver.) File Under My lazy side doesn`t give me a chance to create something fast, so the process can take some centuries time.
Blaze is one of the most advanced DJ Mixing Software. It can be downloaded & used completely free. Get it & mash up the EDM train ENJOY UND HAVE FUN
Hello guys, from today i will post some free stuff made by me and my wife for you ) all screens will by under the spoiler ) And first build is ReM Express ) enjoy! Touch for download
I thought it would be fun to display some Signature Banners for Forum Profiles with instructions how to display them. I'll include the instructions first what to do. Then upload some Banners. Please feel free to use if you like them. ****************************************************** 1. Log into Forum. 2. Go to your Forum Profile by clicking on your name, top right and choosing “My Profile” Option. 3. Then click on “Edit my Profile” in a black box, on the right, towards the top. 4. On the Left is a menu, Click on Signature. This will lead you to your Forum Signature / Banner page. 5. You will see the rules for signatures and a text box for uploading your signature url or http address. Your signature may contain: • Up to 1 images • Images up to 800 x 150 pixels • Up to 2 URLs • Up to 1 lines This is used the same as uploading any pic to forum. See below if unsure. When you are happy “Save Changes” under the text box and your personal signature should show. ******************************************************************************************************************* Useful FREE Downloads. Down Load these 2 free programmes and open a free account with imgur to upload your pics too. Useful FREE Downloads. 1. For taking images - Light Shot Http:// 2. For storing images and giving them a http address - Imgur ******************************************************************************************************************* REMEMBER YOUR SIGNATURE HAS TO BE UP TO 800 x 150 pixels Uploading a pic to imgur. 1. Log in to your free imgur account. 2. Click on your name to show drop down menu. Click on Albums 3. Click on “New Album” 4. A box appears. Choose a name, maybe your partners name, the subject etc… Make sure you click on “hidden”. You don’t want the public to see your obscene pics – you could even get kicked off the site. 5. Click on “Add another image” and a box appears. Click on “Browse” and it open a box to your PC. In the Pop up box, look for your pic/signature. Save pics in an area you can find easy such as - “Documents” in your menu and then your “User Name” Specials Folder, then “Fave Internet Pics” folder or “Screen Shots” folder. 6. Choose the pic you want. Click on the pic to populate the box , then on “Open” and it will upload to your imgur album. This uploaded pic in your album will now have a “http…” address. You need the http address to post in forum either in a PM or a Topic. To upload a pic to 3 DXChat forum. 1. Right click on your chosen image from the internet or in your imgur album you wish to post or pm in forum. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “Copy Image Address” or “Copy URL” or similar. OR Control / Ctrl + C. This is to copy the http address of the pic. 2. Open up Forum and the topic or PM (Private Message) you wish to answer or send or your Profile“Signature Box”. Paste it by right clicking and choosing paste from the drop down menu (OR Control / Ctrl + V) in your Forum "Message" or " Reply" box. The URL will appear. 3. Sometimes this will take by itself. 4. If it doesn’t click on the icon “image” box above the text box - 2nd Line where B for bold is and I for italics, 11 across is image icon. This will open a box to paste the http address in. Paste (Ctrl + V ) & Click OK. 5. The image should now show. 6. Click Post to show in the topic. Or Save if its your profile. The Signatures are below :
yes i know you think i gone crazy n give free stuff well im in good mood and as a big thank you to all ppl that so far has requested me stuff and ofc the rest ppl here are some free stuff i give you Bottles-glasses chair individualy grouped so u can grab w/e u want gothic style sofa and ofc a bed download link on my blog ..on the right u will see pages and under home page u will see free furnitures etc link will be on comment section.
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- free
- furnitures
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AWESOME BUILD COMING SOON... when you're feeling tired again ^^
chloe posted a topic in World Editor
It's not 50$ not 20$ not 10$ NO NO NO IT WILL BE FREE... how awesome is that?- 16 replies
- coffee
- world editor
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Myth No. 1: It’s on the Internet, so Anyone Can Use It. Legal Truth: This one is unwaveringly and unequivocally false. Claiming that all online content is free is like saying, “Hey, the front door of your house was open, so I just came in and took whatever I wanted.” Just because you find an image or blog post or article or video and you like it, you may not have permission to share it. “Folks run into problems when they do more than just link to something online,” Koustenis says. "When you directly copy or display the actual copyrighted material—in whole or part—even if you also provide a link to the original content, you're likely engaging in copyright infringement.” And what if you share content from a friend or a brand you follow that they didn't have a right to share? If they posted stolen content and you share it, Koustenis says you’re guilty of copyright infringement. “Knowledge or intent isn't required for copyright infringement liability,” she says. “Your right to share is only as good as the right to the original post. Know your source before you share.” So how do you figure out what’s OK to share and what’s not? Koustenis has a few smart tips:Look for built-in sharing options. Many professional photographers, like Gerard Tomko, keep multiple social media profiles that enable their fans to share images they’ve approved (and watermarked) for sharing. Matt Inman of The Oatmeal has social media sharing buttons at the bottom of every comic he creates. Blogs and news articles have share buttons, as do YouTube and Vimeo videos. When those social sharing buttons are present, you know it’s OK to use them and share the content.Share within the same social network. Similarly, the terms of service for a particular social networking service may permit sharing as long as it's contained within that service. Twitter’s terms of service, for example, state that anyone posting content on Twitter expressly agrees to permit “re-tweeting” by others within Twitter.Share licensed content. Use sources such as Copyright Clearance Center, Creative Commons and Wikimedia Commons to find content that's already been licensed for sharing. Google and Flickr both provide ways to limit your image search to licensed images only.When in doubt, ask for permission. See something floating around the Internet you love but don’t see how to easily share it? Reach out to the content creator/publisher/artist/reporter, and ask for permission. Be sure to say how and what you’d like to share, and agree to provide attribution. Myth No. 2: No Copyright Notice Means It’s Not Copyrighted. Legal Truth: “By U.S. copyright law, copyright is granted to a content creator the moment an idea is fixed into any tangible form,” Koustenis says. In plain English, that means that the moment a photographer clicks a shutter, a writer pens a story or an artist creates an image, it’s protected by copyright. The work doesn’t even have to be published to be protected by U.S. copyright laws. With regards to content published online, this means that every blog post and news article out there is copyrighted as well; images, music and videos are, too. Koustenis advises every website owner to put a copyright notice on their website. The footer is the most common area to do this, and you can do it today if you haven’t already. Registering a copyright is only necessary if you’re going to take legal action against someone for violating your copyright. In cases such as those, an attorney can help you expedite the copyright registration process. Myth No. 3: You Can’t Copyright Words. Legal Truth: Actually, you can. I once encountered three websites that had stolen, nearly verbatim, a single page of my website. After a brief fight, two of those pages were taken down. The other page never made it to publication because the copywriter who was asked to “polish” my stolen content by his client said, “Hey, I know this writer. You can’t use this.” (Thankfully, he had contacted me and let me know—I’m forever grateful.) “People may be confused here because they've heard you can’t copyright facts or ideas. This is true. But one’s expression of those facts and ideas is protected," Kousenis says. "When it comes to written expression, copyright infringement is determined by a measure of substantial similarity.” That means if you compare two pages—the copyrighted, original work and the potentially offending work side by side—they need to be substantially different in order to avoid copyright infringement. Even if you paraphrase, and change some words and the order of sentences, you can still be found guilty of copyright infringement and assessed the penalties you see cited below in Myth No. 5. Your best bet? Write your own stuff from scratch or hire someone to do it for you, if you’re not so great with words. Myth No. 4: If They Didn’t Want It Shared, They Shouldn't Have Posted It. Legal Truth: C’mon. You’re smarter than this. While the Internet makes is easy to share, that doesn’t mean you're granted a right to share just because you have an Internet connection. “There's plenty of public opinion today in favor of a copyright-free or at least a copyright-less Internet, and further evolution of copyright to keep up with the Internet age is almost certain,” Koustenis says. “But that doesn’t discount the importance of protecting and encouraging creative expression.” Myth No. 5: I Didn’t Know I Couldn’t Use That Content, so I Can’t Get in Trouble. Legal Truth: Use that same argument with the cop who pulls you over for running a red light or driving under the influence, and let me know how that works out for you. Ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse you from the law. When you steal stuff online, there are several actions that can be taken against you: The content creator can sue you. Are you ready for a lawsuit? Costs can be hefty. You may be liable for damages that run into the thousands of dollars—this photographer won almost $250,000 in damages.Your website can be shut down if you host stolen content. If you post stolen content on your site, the copyright owner can file a DMCA Takedown Notice with your hosting company. Not only can they force you to remove the content, but your entire site might be shut down if you don’t comply. So many people these days are most likely sharing content that's protected by copyrights. For additional reading and resources related to this topic, Koustenis recommends the following: The U.S. Copyright Office has useful guides and FAQs such as this one on fair use.Copyright & Fair Use from the Stanford University Libraries Mediashift: Your Guide to the Digital Media Revolution a site. Source: Comment: I didnt write this article but I find it useful to post here as reference because people dont click links anyway!
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HI TO ALL YOU DJ's AND LOVER FROM GOOD AND NICE SOUND MUSIC FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD This music platform has been created new and for you all whether you're old dj hare, or the new DJ beginners. every once started small. for questions about technique or stream, all that has to do with music, you are allowed to ask me ore one from here.
The next freebie in Ubisoft's ongoing series of monthly game giveaways will be the 2014 online racing game The Crew. Ubisoft said The Crew is an important piece of its history, “as it is the first fully connected open world we ever created.” “Through the Crew, Ubisoft proposed a way to reinvent driving games by offering features that were traditionally dedicated to MMO or shooter games,” Ubi wrote. “This is also the first game Ubisoft developed and keeps on nurturing with constant community support and regular content update. Released in 2014, the game has since then welcomed more than 9 million players on its playground.” The Crew is far from perfect but still provided "enduring enjoyment" and "one of the most exciting racing game environments for years," and Ubisoft has indeed stuck with it since: A new cops-versus-criminals expansion called Calling All Units is set to come out in November. Ubisoft is giving away a different game each month (at the mid-month point) to mark its 30th anniversary of operations. Previous giveaways have included Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Splinter Cell, and Rayman Origins, which is still available at no charge from the Ubisoft Club. The Crew will take its place on the zero dollar podium on September 14 until October 11th Source: PC Gamer My personal experience with The Crew is overall positive. I do enjoy racing games alot since several years now and this one is one of the most beautifulst racing games I ve played. Its not the best graphics nowadays but taking a look at its age it is still untopped with the size of the map and possibilities you have. Overall it is free for a limited time now so cant go wrong with this one. I carried a small roleplay part into this world as beeing member of the West Coast 5-10's (as stated in my ingame profile) and I want to extend the roleplay experience soon for thoose that are interested. I think its kinda a good combo to drive around the US and dive into 3DXChat as soon as the racing action is over to socialize with some team members or extend the stories a little further. Also the game beeing for free is a good thing although the internet is split on this as many purchased the game for good money back in the day which leaves a salty taste in the loyal customers mouth. At the other hand it might refresh the player base of the game and also its a good opportunity to spread the word about the most underrated game. Stay tuned on details.
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- TheCrew
- CruisingUSA
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