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Everything posted by Leopardus

  1. Oooo, I haven't said this for about 52 years....... Are we nearly there yet???? (joking!)
  2. Literary spares Synonym redundancy Words that can be swapped E.g.: Falsification Mischaracterisation Lying and "Fake News"
  3. I don't have the brains To create a good Haiku So I won't write one
  4. "You should never tell a psychopath they are a psychopath. It upsets them." quote Killing Eve, BBC America. https://twitter.com/killingeve/status/967201122812342278
  5. Unfortunately, I am sure you are right. Still, no harm is spelling out expectations. If nothing else it will give the developers/owners something to discuss during their Annual Performance Reviews and Personal Development Planning sessions I wish I had the money to make a hostile take over bid of SexGameDevil, and to try to run the company better. 3DXChat has the potential to be SO much better and not just on the game content front. To stay ahead of the market, things WILL need to change, else I am sure it won't be long before the customer base makes the easy switch to a new and better game when one becomes available. The customers won't be the losers - they will be busy enjoying the competitor product - but the game owners will have nothing much more to say except, "Well, it was good while it lasted", and maybe, "But we made good money while it lasted too!". I guess one way to look at it will be that no-one will really be the losers, except the investor that failed to spot the opportunity to take the business over. Did I mention I am looking for work at the moment? Lol. Crowd-funded take over bid anyone?????
  6. Sorry, I can't agree with that statement. An explanation will always be relevant. Btw, my post above about an inadequate response wasn't made from a personal trauma about a lack of access to 3DXChat, as I rarely spend more than about 2 minutes on the app each day. My response was made more from a position of having over 35 years IT experience, and having sat on the IT leadership teams of leading UK companies. What I suggested was required is just the way any company caring about it's customers would deem appropriate to respond.
  7. I am usually a patient and understanding person, but in this case, I am prepared to speak out and say that the lack of support exposure and the pathetic response from Gizmo with the weak message on the sign-on screen, are completely inadequate. In addition to compensation from a contractual perspective, I also think the following are required: A full and frank explanation here on the forum as to what happened and why there was no customer communication during the outageA promise of a full investigation from the game owners into the major service failure, with lessons learned identified and a plan of action to prevent recurrence put into actionA promise of a follow up response to the customer base to explain the actions to improve the customer service that are going to be taken.It might be a small company with limited resources, but the sub's are real, and the customer base needs to be respected and valued, and evidence should be shown of that. On a related note, I have cancelled my annual recurring sub after 3.5 years of continuous membership. I do indeed feel well and truly stuffed, and not in a way that I might usually enjoy.
  8. Damn Now I have no excuse not to spend all those xgolds I was meticulously saving.
  9. As we approach the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month here in the UK, 100 years on from the end of The Great War, I am mindful that at near retirement age myself, I have never been called upon to fight for the freedoms and liberties that I have always enjoyed throughout my life. I consider myself privilaged to have lived through times in which conscription has not been required in the UK, unlike the call for duty before I was born that was made for the two World Wars. Whilst recognising that there have been conflicts in my lifetime, and I am grateful to those that chose to make military duty their career to protect us all, I am at the same time immensely privilaged to have lived through relatively peaceful times, such that I have never had to serve for my country and for my fellow countrymen and woman. But it is at times like now that I am reminded that my situation is not a result luck but of a result of incredible sacrifice. The great sacrifice that all those brave men and women made when they fought and died to protect the freedoms I have enjoyed. I am eternally grateful to them. Today I remember you, I thank you, and I honour you.
  10. Nope, I'm fairly certain that one got covered too.
  11. The last time 3DXCHAT went down like this was in 1944. Not panicking worked then, so it should work now too.... https://youtu.be/nR0lOtdvqyg
  12. Well that wasn't very clear based on your post immediately following PAGOS's, but obviously anyone wishing another person dead is wrong and ClockworkHeart is indeed sick for saying that. Luckily I have ClockworkHeart ignored so I don't see any of his vile contributions.
  13. I realise that English might not be your first language, but I encourage you to read PAGOS's post several times before accusing him of being sick (whoops, too late). He didn't "hope" Gizmo was involved in the fires, not injured nor killed by them. He was just offering a reason (perhaps without much evidence) why the servers might not be working. And to be clear, my sympathies are with anyone caught up in or affected by the dreadful situation developing in California.
  14. Ooooo, an excuse to wear my crotch-less pvc all-in-one
  15. I was wondering how this idea fits with the marketing line that 3DXChat sex poses are animations based on real people. I always assumed that this was one reason that the avatar movement realism was significantly better than other games in this genre. However, I support the idea that the community can help to build content, as long as quality is governed and maintained. Ps. if this Pose Editor idea comes to life, I selflessly offer myself up as a model to participate in motion capture sessions .
  16. Edit: Post deleted as I hadn't read the thread correctly
  17. Er....hang on a minute! I was not arguing or complaining, and I don't think Hisstress was either. I was just providing simple FACTS to the game's official Technical Support forum thread for the primary benefit of the game's developers.
  18. I also have a same or similar problem with the graphics freezing to black screen and the sound continuing, for the past several months. I have also noticed that if I have switched windows to look at something else, eg. on the internet, when it happens then I can't actually switch back into 3dx (I can still hear it) and instead I get a small blue box saying "3DXChat"in the top left corner of my screen overlaying whatever was the current active application. I also only have this problem with 3dx. Regarding the various discussions above, I am not convinced that the problem is due to the spec of the host computer (GPU, RAM, disk speed, whatever) and I'm not sure that a bigger/faster GPU will solve the problem for those expecting that. Here are my laptop specs which are pretty much as high as they could be: RAM: 32GBCPU: Intel® Core i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2901 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, 8GBStorage: 2 x 1TB SSD; 1 x 1TB SATA (I am only using the SSD's)Screen Resolution: 2560 x 1440 x 120 hertzI mention the screen resolution because I have all my 3dx settings configured to the "Extremely High" preset, with FXAA anti-aliasing, No limit FPS, and 2560 x 1440 resolution - yet the graphics quality of the game deteriorated at some point in the past, for example with avatar faces looking extremely contrasty (I think I just made that word up) and somewhat nasty. See the screen shot below. I am running the standard 32bit version of the game with only the standard DLL's. The same problem with crashing used to happen when I tried the 64bit version. (p.s. the graphics crashed in 3dx while I was typing this.)
  19. Leopardus


    I saw that impostor recently (identifiable by the fewer gifts) and set the player to ignore with great satisfaction. Now that scum no longer exists anywhere in my universe/multiverse, and that's still too good for them!
  20. I think anyone "stealing" someone else's hard work and passing it off as their own is morally wrong and I would hope bad karma will come their way, but I personally don't support a proposal that such people should be banned. Rather I think that we all need to act and think as a community, in which we approach all building as being done for the benefit of the community, and not for the individual (that way, does it really matter if someone "steals" stuff?). If on the other hand any person is particularly precious to get the recognition for their own work (which I do kinda understand), then I would recommend they post images of it on here BEFORE they go public with it in the 3DX world.
  21. Btw, how do you find and remove duplicates? And what is good practice to avoid them occuring? I noticed that the world editor seems to create them. Actually, some of those duplicates were required. The bars of all the closed gates are made from water, coloured black and duplicated 4 or 5 times to make them appeared as solid bars but that can be walked through.
  22. Is 8mb big? I have a 32gb memory on my laptop with 8gb graphics card so it wasn't a problem for me.
  23. I have created a full prison, which include some new BDSM equipment and "new" sex positions. Images of it seen can be seen here, together with a link to freely download it for public or private use, and/or enhancement: http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281050 http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281051 http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281052 http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281053 http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281054 http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/?p=281055
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