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Posts posted by Abbey

  1. Oh another manhating lesbian. ;)

    The idea is not bad though, so good luck! :)


    On the other hand Im worried about the community as more and more separating is going on here.

    Well I guess thats humans nature...


    I see no man hating here, just a normal post advertising a room they are making. A place for others of same orientation to socialise. I'd hardly call that man hating or are all the F/M rooms out there lesbian and gay hating? All M/M rooms out there female hating? it's an interesting point of view you have taken to this thread.


    Just as in real life the community is diverse and is made up of many people from all orientations. Seperation in the community can not be caused by peoples orientation or peoples want and desire to socially or sexually engage with others like them. It is caused by lack of understanding, lack of respect and prejudice.


    Let me pose this question to you "Do you go to lesbian clubs in real life and expect it to be normal to be accepted inside the establishment as a Man?"


    It is their right to seek the company of those that understand them and completely natural, there is nothing wrong with creating a room for a desired audience. I do not see you making same such statement against any other orientation that also makes their own exclusive rooms.


    Food for thought.


    Abbey β™‘

  2. Xanar said...


    Lol! I spend half my time here defending FB against people who insist they are nothing like each other.


    Anyway, this is a sex game! Look at every dev request for material to use for publicity purposes. Of course, you can play it how you like. I play it how I like, I ignore every person that makes (what I consider to be) nasty comments in WC. I ignore people that hug me/ masturbate over me/ etc.without my consent, I ignore people that make ridiculous comments/accusations about my friends, I even ignore people in this forum who consistently demonstrate that their ideas are contrary to mine and that I find are distasteful. It makes life here so much better. I have so much fun. I have never ignored anyone for having sex in a private room (opened to the public), because this is a sex game! If I didn't like it, I wouldn't converse with them, discuss with them, argue with them, I would ignore them.


    You do realise you just contradicted yourself? "It's a sexgame!" Yet to you it's unacceptable for someone to perform a sex act in your face without consent. However you will defend and cry unfair for someone else performing a 3 way sex act in the face of another user who was dj'ing an event, that expressly did not give consent?

    No one cares if people have sex. People care about respecting each others game. There were plenty of places at said party or any room for that matter to conduct sex publicly.


    Abbey β™‘

  3. I'm not a Suga foot or your Honey or Baby. Lets be clear on that. If your going to attempt to converse with me you either do so with respect or not at all. This issue is

    not about DJ's having an ego. It is about You and your ego This thread and all it's cocky responses make it abundantly clear.

    People have genuinely taken time to give you honest real feed back and all your interested in is your own view point that serves your own requirements.


    As I have already said "You talk about don't judge you before getting to know you first. Don't ignore you before knowing you. But your actions ingame and your

    unwillingess to accept other peoples views speaks volumes about the person you are".


    Enjoy featuring well on ignore lists. Because believe me you will hit mine if we ever cross paths.


    Abbey β™‘

  4. In all honesty OP you are naive and in the wrong here. The DJ had every right to be annoyed at you. They had gone to a lot of effort to be part of creating and

    implemeting a great social event for all to enjoy.


    Having sex on the DJ booth while he/she is trying to concentrate and give something to the community. Can easily be seen as a lack of respect for their efforts, or as borderline trolling of event to derail the DJ. As others have said there are plenty of places to enjoy your desires.


    As Nikki said it's about respect. Just because we are in a sex game does not mean we the users have gone back to the stone age and forgotten ettiquette and respect.

    The sooner you realise and accept that this game called 3dx chat does not revolve around you and you start respecting other users, the happier you will be.

    You talk about don't judge you before getting to know you first. Don't ignore you before knowing you. But your actions ingame and your unwillingess to accept

    other peoples views speaks volumes about the person you are.


    Clearly judging by your responses to every post given to your topic, your too selfish and arrogant to accept advice. Don't ask the community for advice for your hurt

    feelings if you have no intention of listening to it. Was this thread nothing more than to get attention?


    Goodluck to you I am sure your name will feature quite heavily on a lot of users ignore lists.


    Abbey β™‘

  5. The logical step would be to encrypt the data being sent out. It's kind of a large over sight to not encrypt and secure the data. By not encrypting data and securing the games code, all the game data is left wide open to abuse and opportunistic third parties.


    I hope this will be addressed seriously in the future. As without it all we seem to be seeing is a gradual escalation of third party abuse of the game and it's users.

    I'm sorry but no user or non user should be able to scan the entire games streaming data and collect information on every single player & put it up for sale.


    Acceptance of this because they have not physically breached the database is not what I think we should be hearing.


    I personally do not have any alts, but I found it funny how solution offered to maintain alts privacy is to sign up for another subscription Β£$.

    Made me laugh a lot αƒš(Β΄Ϊ‘`αƒš) lol


    Abbey β™‘

  6. after patch i don't see water in the pool!!!! great patch!!! hahahhaaaa


    To see water in the pools of the public rooms you need to have Ambient Occlusion turned on. However Ambient Occlusion is causing some sort of mesh or texture bug on clothing and shadowed areas of Avi. So atm until it is fixed, it's a case of what can you live without more.


    I hope this info helps β™‘

  7. A penis picture on profile tells me one thing. Your mind is most likely on one thing, the priority of what you are probably speaking to me for is to try get one thing.

    At best it will make me more wary of you. If you believe that your big selling point is just your penis, then I have no interest in conversing with you. It is a turn off.


    "Attraction for me is about you the whole package not just your little package".


    Abbey β™‘

  8. Why does everything have to be an arguement, why is it physically impossible for people here to find a middle ground and understand each other.

    Or at least behave like common courtesey and respect matter in society.


    Honestly if half of you brave internet forum posters behaved like this out in the real world you'd permanently be in medical care. There are too many egos on this forum.

    I am not naming or pointing my finger at any individual, however if you feel offended perhaps you should contemplate why you feel offended.


    Abbey β™‘

  9. And this is why I do not belong to a "gang" I prefer to have select friends that have earned my trust over time. Also way to go everyone turning this thread into another borderline drama thread.


    My advice to original poster is just take your time, chat to people, be cautious, go into potential friendships with your eyes open. Take note of this forum and posts from members, you can tell a lot about a persons true personality and thoughts. Then determine who is good for you. The signs are everywhere if you look for them.


    Wishing you luck β™‘

  10. To Twiggy,


    I see, well just do what you want to. 3dx is a game of choice, it's your room and if your not breaking any terms and conditions rules I would not worry about it.

    It seems skim reading a post while cooking is not the best way to get the full post lol β™‘ to you Twiggy.


    There will always be someone that complains, we all have different views and differing levels of understanding and differing levels of reasoning. Open your room!

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