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Lit·tle Fri·day @ Ab·so·lute


The Urban dictionary defines Little Friday as the nickname for Thursday. In other words, Friday just called, it said it would be here tomorrow and its bringin' the alcohol!

Whether you are struggling through your week, just cruisin', or you are ready, willing and desperately waiting for Friday, join us in Absolute where the hard rock will help carry you through the most challenging part of the week.


Given the overwhelmingly positive response to this event, Thursdays are now officially known as "Little Fridays" here at Absolute.

Rock starts at 8pm EST with DJ Rae.


* This is the official (and continual) thread for Little Fridays. Stop by for weekly updates, time changes or cancellations.



Average of 50 people.

Great rock. Amazing requests.

Good time had by all?  Priceless.


It seems Little Friday was a success and everyone enjoyed. (minus the crash at the end). I want to thank everyone that came, visited or stayed to enjoy LF at Absolute. 


Rock on people. Rock on.


This is now the official Little Friday thread for updates, time changes and cancellations. Please refer back to the first post.



Yes, my friend... it is now definitely a thing.  <3


Great theme and title - Great Room - one of the BEST 3DX DJs.....no way this weekly event can go wrong for ANYONE who attends.


Rae, YOU give everyone what they need, want, and desire!


You have been and always will be my muse and model of what is needed to become a truly great and known DJ in the world of 3DX.







Little Friday is almost upon us and you know what that means... music and mayhem, but this week it is with a surprise. We have a guest host that has offered their room for this weeks LF.

So be on the lookout for the call sign, "LITTLE FRIDAY with DJ Rae" in the list. If you love classic rock with a purpose, you will not want to miss this week.


See you all tomorrow!

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