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3dx qrcode generator


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Hello !

Here is a little thing i did for my own needs, but i feel like others could enjoy it too.

It's a QRcode generator. You enter the URL you want to link, you click to save the file and it generate you the world file with the QRcode in the proper 3dx format.


You will notice there is a little extra square out of it. This little square is here to locate the left top of the QRCode.

Only the "black" dots are generated. They are grouped together. You need to add a white background and color them black.

I tested it with my phone right on my computer screen, it works quite efficiently.



Sans titre.png

Edited by GottaGo
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Whatever you want to do with it 🤷‍♀️

I remember old RP rooms with 200Kb of map used to write down rules, or complicated Discord links you had to type back into your browser.

You can basically make a discord link with this you just need to scan with your phone, or link to whatever url you want.

Like the text or the maze editor, i doubt most people will find it usefull, but the ones looking for something like that will be happy to have it.

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To give you some example, here is what i'm doing on the map i'm working on.

When you scan the character, you land on my website and some RPG system i'm reworking (the one that was previously used in Vice City/Police 3DX map some time ago).

It let you land here (which is really proof of concept right now) :

In the future it should let me connect with my RPG system with things like Shops and Quests and such.

But again all of this is probably not for the "core" players of 3dx, not even for all the roleplayers are some tend to prefer something simplier.

But my point is just "the imagination is the limit", somehow 😁

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I'm still testing but with the optimized version i reach 11Kb.

I will look around if there is some free url shortener api i can use which should reduce it even more by providing shorter urls.

I intend to put 20 ~ 30 in the room i'm working on, the lightest the better 😁

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Here it is ! Have fun. I didn't changed the url.
You will notice there is a "minimize" button. This and the optimization on the world file make it drops quite nicely.

You can put a really long url, if you use the minimize feature (which generate a permanent short url) the size of the url doesn't matter anymore and the file will be around 15Kb max no matter what.


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  • 4 months later...

This is awesome!
Sooooo easy now, to have people join your Discord server (using their phone, of course), right from within 3DX !!!
Gonna try it right away!

Edited by Aeliana
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My main domain name is dead. I edited the link and fixed the minify button. It's working again, sorry for the annoyance.

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