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Everything posted by Cyra

  1. I know that people find ways to get in if they want to so badly. No reason to make it easier. Well fuck it. I gave my two cent and am out.
  2. It is disgusting that’s why I bring it up. You can’t just suggest free open for all trails without considering that this is gonna happen. I’m totally against having miniors here,that’s the only reason to even bring it up. If I remember correctly there already was such a problem with the public test server, which anyone could just register to.
  3. Well. Your last sentence sounds to me like you don’t care but fine report me, not that I care about that
  4. Free trail on a sex game? How are you even gonna make sure all people are legal age? I can already see the disaster haha
  5. Yeah stocking/socks fix would be nice and since we are at cum shots.... You know the squirting looks so bad and so much that you look like you try to water a garden
  6. Nearly the whole update was a downgrade. From faces, to shitty afro, to weird looking dreads, cum shots. stocking textures and so on... and so on.... I mean wtf?! Are you for real? Do you even test and let other people look at the stuff to have a second or third opinion?!
  7. I already stated my displeasure of some of the changes, especially Face 1, on the respective thread. This is not accaptable, not in the slightest. Ask us first! Maybe you should show off stuff before you add it! Vids? Animations? Not only pictures! It's not that hard! (Realy. The afro is a "paper snippet" joke!) So reverse the changes which so many don't like and look awfull! ASAP! And with "as soon as possible" is not meant a month later, not even a week, THIS week! Or better next two days at latest.
  8. Yeah sorry. That patch today just ruined my mood.
  9. Allie it's the face i am wearing since FOUR FUCKING YEARS! I think i have the right to be upset! If they want the same face with fatter lips, fine. Make an extra face not edit the existing one!!!!!!
  10. They made new faces and the face 6 is.... no i better don't descripe it. All rage aside this is unacceptable. Shizmo seems to really try and scare his little longtime customer core away... whith actions like that. Not only the lips. The afro is a fucking joke made of paper snippets! The dreads look not better either.
  11. We should pay shizmo a visit, knock him out and inject his face with botox while he naps. Wonder how he likes it when he wakes up!
  12. Yeah with those lips its fucking ugly and i use it since pretty much the beginning....... Shizmo fucked it up once more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 3DX on drugs! Joke aside. That is odd. Have seen lots of graphicle bugs for 3dx but that one is new to me. Whats your configuration exactly? Did you try turning off and on different options ingame?
  14. It's not like tattoo's, piercing's and so on haven't been asked for for literally "YEARS" Instead we got cheap salloon garbage from the unity store for example. Way to go shizmo *claps sarcasticly* And i know you fanb*** and fang**** will hate me for being like i am, but world building solves no fundamental problems and lack of content and silence and what not from the side of the "dev's" (Someone said the fan word which i would call some of you is insulting. Thats why i censor ) I say it again. The pricetag they put on the games subscription isn't reflecting the content really. Sure the game improved. To the good or bad thats something everyone has to decide for themselfs. And where are those stability updates and what now? *laughs* The server still acts up every second week. How about a weekly server-restart? Would solve quite a few issuses, but no. Shizmo and the rest are too good to do some basic works and maintance. Not to mention to keep an eye on the server at all or some of the problems that pop up wouldn't go unnoticed for days! The only luck they have is that there is no real alternative for a sex game when it comes to the looks. Contentwise there are and some can partly rival with the graphics. Ok. One more hate post from my side or such would some assume. I am long enough here to have seen enough of the up and downs, too allow myself some egoism. So i rant and don't plan to leave too many good hair on the dev's side. They don't communicate, stay in the shadows, don't inform if they know and work on problems and so on and so on.... And some of you are really still defending them? I say, tell us what's going on! Well. I am done with my two or three cent (Any typos and/or sentence construction errors can be kept by the finder. I am not in the mood to make a flawless post )
  15. Noticed it too before I quit. Seems to also have to do something with the grass. Reducing the setting for it to medium or lower helps too.
  16. Well well well. It hit me too again ^^ Guess I will quit for now. No reason to renew for an nonexistant service.
  17. How do you know? That coward has his status set on privat lol
  18. Well. None of the tips here help. I can't get in anymore. Guess thats the final nail to my decision to not resub. Have fun people.
  19. Would like to see it but 3dx isn’t letting me in.... anyway. Have fun folks
  20. Anyone else having a constant reconnect window problem after some time?
  21. Hope you added a way to view previous names of people that changed theirs...
  22. They never do.
  23. Happy B-Day Brodie. And sharing is easy. Just post the stream link here ^^ We can use webbrowser or other progs you know Also have the sad feeling you might not be able to party in 3dx today
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