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Everything posted by xMaceyx

  1. Thats ok Olesya, you can only do stuff when RL permits, huggs ans kissess.
  2. Maybe she joined when updates were promised, before been swiftly removed off their home page when they failed to deliver.
  3. I would like the moving lights from the old nightclub in editor.
  4. This is a good idea, I have friends who are getting married here next month and are creating new characters with the same last name.
  5. Dead by Daylight would be a great location, although recreating all the mist would be a lag fest for some.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJlTI8gdYbo&index=12&list=PLDwlBPkKuPMszNXDCDremoQp-JwwP6fIq
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8RhkoTBKzA&t=0s&list=PLDwlBPkKuPMszNXDCDremoQp-JwwP6fIq&index=4
  8. I don't think the so called issues you point out to be the reason women don't play, I think if you go to any sex game the ratios of women to men would be the same.
  9. I will happily tell anyone that asks me my real gender, I don't need a big white flag over my head announcing it to the world. Quite frankly I know a lot of females here are really males, some of my best friends are, will it stop me fucking them or been friends with them.....no. I think its best you don't still play this game Twiggy, because if I had as much paranoia as you about who is a real female, and who is an alt, and who is telling me the truth and who is not, I could never enjoy the game. I pay to have a good time, not stress over fantasy shit you could stop with a simple ignore or by pressing the log out button on your menu.
  10. You don't have to show proof of anything, and nobody has the right to demand you do. Play the game as you want to play it, as long as it doesn't have a negative affect on others its not their business what gender you are unless you decide to tell them.
  11. Looks cool, with have to drop by if its ever open in my timezone.
  12. Maybe pm a couple of people from the workshop thread, they may be able to help out.
  13. i do the same as Rob, save to desktop and load from there works every time for me.
  14. The character editor thing worked once for me, since then when I click it I just get the endless loading screen.
  15. If you go into World editor on the topics page, and then find the Workshop thread, there are a few bdsm things you can download for your room there.
  16. Can anyone tell me our the servers down again? I just got booted at a really inconvenient time and now cant get back in.
  17. xMaceyx


    I just want to say a big thankyou to everyone that is willing to share their creations, I have used and incorporated a lot of them into my own world, so please take that as a huge compliment because they are amazing. Keep up the good work all.
  18. I was wondering in the future if it would be possible to have more than one teleport pad in our room. I have a nightclub I downloaded off forums (ty to that person) that sits in the clouds, I also have a home at ground level. The problem is whenever I want to use one or the other I have to keep moving the teleport pad back and forth and repositioning. If I had say 2 pads I could assign one to my home and one to my club, and then say when you click on my world it would then come up with and give you the option of say 'location 1 home' and location 2 Club' or whatever you have titled those areas. Sound possible?
  19. I love the cloud club it was a great addition to my room, only I have to go into every toilet cubicle and change the toilet rolls over lol, as the paper goes under not over as it should be.
  20. I don't see anyone at the Saloon... oh wait that's because no one goes there.
  21. xMaceyx

    3dx records

    I am pretty sure I would hold the record for most consecutive days without ever wearing a pair of shoes. 1,167 days and counting.
  22. Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course we want it.
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