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Everything posted by JenC

  1. JenC


    I visited this when you had it open some time back, and its a nice place.
  2. To be fair, this will be a massive job, so I would expect they will not mention much till it looks like they have at least the framework laid out so as to not get expectations too high. THX and myself talked a bit about the logistics involved earlier in the thread and its quite daunting. But I do hope they give us a bit of info as they work some of it out.
  3. JenC


    I started this Submarine a while ago, but it didnt turn out as good as I would of liked, I got the scaling wrong when not taking the wall thickness into account, but I had already spent quite some time on it and I didnt want to waste that effort so I pushed on to tidy it up the best I could and finish it so its usable. Might be fun for some RP or just something different. Submarine.zip
  4. JenC


    A new map for you to enjoy. Someone who liked the cabin map I made said that it would be nice if there were a lake nearby, I started to modify that map but it didn't feel right and was going to be way too much work so I decided to make a new room built with the lake in mind. The water used, you cannot swim in it, I tried the base water, but it looked a bit silly with the waves rolling in on what is suppose to be an inland lake, so I raised the map in the air and filled it with the prop-water, I did place more props(reeds, bushes and rocks) to hide that wave effect so it didn't look as bad in the end, but I still wasn't happy with it. If you would like a swimmable(is that even a word?) version, just ask and I will update this post and add another version to download. This map is designed as a personal room, somewhere to take that special someone. I tried to be as light as I could on detail so it runs well OK notebooks, its 115KB. In the end I am really happy how this turned out, the cabin I made is hybrid of old and new, simplistic design with some modern features. The bed and the lounge are modified so 2 people can use them at the same time. The map has a nice feel to it under all lighting conditions, I have the dusk setting in place and the screen shots are with that setting, but it looks great in all the presets. Lagoon3.zip
  5. That sort of reminds me of one of the lounge settings deco in SWTOR.
  6. JenC


    There's 2 ways to attack this depending on the situation. 1: If you got a map that you only want a specific item out of, you can press and hold Ctrl and click all the individual parts of that item till you have them all highlighted, then group it, then save it as a new item and name it appropriately, then just merge it onto the map you want it on. 2: If the item is intricate with many small parts that make it very hard to do No.1, you can delete all the other parts of the map and just leave the item you want left, then you can just do a click drag over the entire item and group it that way. You probably wont have to delete everything, but everything around and near the item, particularly above and below it as click-dragging works on the "y" axis mainly, so after you've cleaned out an area around it, look down from above and try dragging around it and see what else you pick up while doing that, and keep deleting stuff till you can do a clean drag. Also, after grouping it, make sure to move it up high in the air before saving it so when you merge it onto your new map, its not buried inside the ground/wall/some other object, and if its a small item, its a good idea to make a fair sized cube block and paint it a really bright colour and place the item on that so when merging, its easy to find. After you have merged the item to your map, and you've placed it where you want it, make sure to save your map. save it as "whatever you've name it" overwriting the original. One last thing I thought of, if the entire map or area is grouped already, then you should un-group it then either do step 1 or 2.
  7. A large sphere is fine, it matters not how big it is. The problem arises when/if you resize the sphere and make it into say, an oval. What happens is the sphere will retain its maximum size even though you have shrunk it down on the sides, so you end up with the situation Gman is in.
  8. Something like this would be fantastic. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/interior/complete-home-interior-pack-31049 While the rooms and walls are not that big a deal, all those props would help so much with performance.
  9. I'm pretty sure he reads most of what goes on in the forum.
  10. I think the guys can look after themselves, if they would like some specific clothing items, they can come on the forums and make some posts in the suggestion section, because when asked what they want, most of them go, "I don't know, just something"... In other words, it seems like a silly carry-on from most of them, and not an actual desire or request of specific items. I have a shopping list of clothes I would like to see in game. Silk or fine cotton blouses, short and long sleeve, some nice corsets, not the $2 plastic thing that's in game, same with the plastic thigh high boots.. errrggh. Skirts! too many to mention, but a lot more variation, above and below knee. hot pants, cargo pants, one piece swim suit, some actual bras that can be dyed, and I better not start on shoes. But the thing is, I'm not alone in these desires, many want these things and have asked many times for them, but just how many men have you seen requesting specific items of clothing either here in the forum or in the game? There's very little desire for more specific items for the men being requested and easily understandable why they don't release a lot for them.
  11. I was also sort of amazed at the differences of opinions and misconceptions at first, but as time went on and I learnt more, met more people, I realised that there is no right/correct or wrong way to go about it, just different ways people approach it, and even that changes and evolves for a lot of people. This bugs a lot of people as they don't like it when something or someone cant be easily described or pigeonholed with some buzz word or whatever. The main reasons for this, is that its not a subject that's discussed in wider public forums and as I mentioned, the evolving and very subjective personal nature of it. I don't believe a bible or wiki can exist that's all encompassing on this subject, as by its very nature, there can only be "other peoples" experiences documented as to what they like or don't like, what they will or will not accept and so forth. These could be used as guides, but can never be regarded as an authority. I love this and the other thread Vaughan has been updating regularly, its interesting, the little snippets and quotes and the pics are nice as well.
  12. I don't think you'll find anyone that doesnt want the devs to be the people that regularly bring out new poses and clothing, but as anyone thats been here for any length of time knows, while it was a lot better earlier on, they slowed down to a crawl because of whatever reasons. They may be busy with other projects or something, but it doesn't really matter why, you must face the facts that we have not been getting them with any reasonable regularity for quite some time and it doesn't look like that's going to change. By releasing the tools so the community can do it seems like the only logical choice. While i've not actually counted them, I think its safe to say there are literally hundreds of poses we don't have that people would like, and at the current rate of release, you may well die of old age before you see the pose/s you would like to have. While a good animation, at say 140 frames X up to 10 or 15mins a frame to make is a lot of work, Im sure theres plenty of people out there to be able to do this, I know I'm ready for it. As for charging for it or restricting them in any way, I am dead against any of that. There are tools in place to deal with such rot, and you can take a screenshot and report them if they are not enough. If these can't be readily and easily available to every 3DX user, then the whole thing is a waste of time in my opinion, and we are better off banging our collective heads against the wall complaining(and getting nowhere) to gizmo to make up more animations.
  13. JenC


    Hmmm, I wonder what you mean...
  14. I am always building different types of stuff for my friends and I to use for RP scenarios, and I put them all up for everyone to use. I will help where I can.
  15. JenC


    Theres a bit of stuff in the share your creations thread as well, it was probably there. http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/5927-share-your-world-editor-creations/
  16. I would probably be hated as I wouldnt charge anything. So many people want more animation poses, including me. I want to be able to do this without the mucking about we have to do now to get it.
  17. I would not like them tied to rooms, I want to make lots of them so everyone can use them when and where they like. But if they are, I will redo all my rooms with all the poses so at least most can get to use them.
  18. JenC


    Time for another map, an old church. Not a lot to mention about this one as its pretty self explanatory. It could be used for weddings, or modified for anything. All the Pews have a mix of sofa and chair poses added to them, and i've added lighting so it can be used for a night setting. It looks good under all the presets, I have the late afternoon at 0.7 selected for these screens and I like that setting, but play around to find what you like best. There's a crypt around back under the church for a touch of spookiness It weighs in at 376KB Enjoy! Church.zip
  19. You can't really dismiss user content like that. I would think that anything that adds to the enjoyment of the users in 3DX is equally helping the company and game as well. Or am I reading your comment wrong?
  20. I understand what you're saying Xeno, and I certainly agree that if youre streaming, that you should inform the person, any decent person or real friend would, I also did see Kitty Quinn in the game yesterday and she has in her profile that shes streaming, so you dont even have to ask her. I already addressed that nefarious reasons can be and would be preferably done with a screen capture, but its the other concern that I'm not understanding. The viewers of the adult streaming service Plexstorm, are going to see what? A 3D animated character, with a made up nickname, saying things? But, if you are meaning towards personal stuff that you would only say to a close friend, then we've come full circle back to my original point about revealing personal and/or real life things to people you don't "really" know on the internet. I'm sorry, but I just can't see the issue you're raising as any real problem, but a tag like KimmyFox suggested would cool and allay any fears, however real or unfounded they may be, at ease.
  21. While I have not seen this in particular, I have seen similar things like this and its always near a large reflective surface, It looks like it goes to try and draw a reflection of an object then decides not to and flicks off, or something like that? That's what it looks like to me, I just put it down to some kind of glitch with unity. You sort of see it with lights too, as your in camera mode and going through an area with lights to an area without them, it still draws the lighting in the other area till it adjusts. As for trying to fix or find a way to stop it, I've not looked into it.
  22. In regards to your concerns, every issue that you raised and a lot more, could be done since this game or any game like it was released via screen capture. This doesn't change or give anyone any more power than has been possible all along on the internet. This should be fundamental stuff by now, but if you don't want something out there, you don't put it on the internet in any form, on any site, ever.
  23. This is super cool, Gizmo. Looking forward to trying it out.
  24. I had the chance to look at this when you opened it up the other week and its looking real nice, Joker.
  25. While I think this would be a great addition, but as some have alluded to, it makes me nervous at the same time.
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