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Everything posted by Alliehotass

  1. Naaa Jimbob Jerkweed Johnson is tha new Champ, ah seen his pic wearin da belt and everyting, his Mumma even made him a cape fo da photoshoot Aaaaaaaaaw
  2. Ding Ding! End of round 1 folks.....boi oh boi wot a round! Both fighters looking a little bloody march back to their corners and take their stools, holy Mackerels sports fans this is going all tha way ah can tellz ya. Maxxy Mouth MacReilly started tha round with some cheeky jabs to tha former Champs body, shuffling around and looking for a weak point. Jab Jab Pow and miss, Roberto TeeBag Perkins slides and shimmies, hes all slippery and on his toes and BAM!! A right to tha jaw, Maxxy Mouth staggers back wiping his face and waves Roberto TeeBag forward. Up goes his gloves and back into Jab Jab Pow! another miss, both fighters clinch, some tom foolery goins a foot as Maxxy grabs Robertos buska browns and tha crowd let him know...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! A smirk bah tha challenger and BOOM! an uppercut bah Maxxy connects sending Robertos head snapping back, tha sweat spraying off and a shake of tha head, "NO No!" he implies, "that din hurt meh pip squeeks" and KapoW BiF BooF Pop!! and 4 combo bah tha X Champ sends Maxxy reeling back! AND THA CROWD GO CRAZY!!!! They circle each other meows, blood on Maxxys yapper and his mouth guard half hanging out as Roberto lets loose a BIG Right Hook and MISS!! Maxxy ducks n weaves as Roberto unleashes a flurry of leather pounding his raised gloves protecting his phat head and into tha corner of tha ropes the 2 fighters go, Maxxy pushes tha X Champ back off him and throws a left and then a right MISSING as TeeBag Perkins throws his head back as they fly by SWOOSH SWOOSH!! And that was tha first round fight lovers, man o man this is gonna be a beeeeaudie, grab ya pop corn folks and .. LETS GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE! ROUND 2 next!
  3. BAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!! ErmaahgeeerDs Stawp da pain Hilp meh Tom Cruize!
  4. Wilps this is obvious, anyting added would be great even just extra textures for tings but convince Gizjo not us LOL hes da man with tha plan holmeZ
  5. Ah would say there is more to fashion design than pattern. Mesh as in Wire Frame Model? then you are talking about more than being able ta use 3rd party textures ie patterns. Which is eets?, clarify.
  6. Im talking AV customization Holmez not wallpapers mmkay. Ah had this idea like a year ago long before tha new Editor introduced eets. Mrows weve had a big update fo builders this is troo from a basic build with props to an Editor with primetime shapes n junks wif tha XYZ ya follow. Nows wot we need is something fo everyone, personal shizzles and customization, lets leave da building side alone fo a while and concentrate on something fo everyone, you might be a one outfit wonder but im sure guys...yeah that's them like to dress fancy too so tha wallpapers can be fo another day, ya deeeegs. More peeps are crying out fo clothes and AV razzamatazz than anyting else, ive taken tha polls ta prove this, so tha ship has sailed mah picky frand toot toot
  7. All this game requires is one talented person with a passion fo creating content. Example..Clothes.....meows as long as we get extra clothes fo both Women and tha other....ones.....aaaah what are they called agains, yeah dooshbags ah keed ah keed, that peckerdillo species....then this would make people alot more hap hap. Mrow this person would need thick skin and not care wot tha peeps moaned about, they would create content, high quality that Gizbo would automatically put in game. they would have free license because he would select someone hoo applied and had tha skeelz and right personality fo tha jobbins. One thing people really like about games is customization this is cold hard facts peeps, straight from snoogle and tha history books, troo story Peeps like a selection, to mix eet erps and express themselves. This alone would improve this game and have bajillions trying to get in. If this game purely concentrated on updates fo our AV's fo 6 months, then Holy Tacos Chuck Norris, dis game would be like totes mahgoats level 10 on tha rikkterscales yo. Anybewbs….as a good frand of mine says, Micro transactions are not needed especially with a monthly fee and will only increase tha probs. Ah personally tried 2ndLife and uninstalled after 1 day when a custom skin job that cost meh 20 Dolla, its UI refused to work properly, ie Bugged and eet was a waste of treasure. Boooooooooooooooo. So to tha moon eet was booted, KaBoots Weeeeeeeeeeeeee Plops! This game needs to stay simple and free and find another team member fo tha Devs who will work just fo tha pleasure of creating and ah bets there is one out there too just waiting to make Peckerdillo warmers fo that other species Oh and don't fogets…..
  8. Gizmo prolly knows that the Server cant handle a tonne of people. Tha game has tha same bugs as eets had fo years and re writing tha code to fix them is not possible fo what eva reason. Maybe da code monkey who wrote this game is gone and Gizmo was tha funder who knows eets a mystery. Tha game is what eet is and we have history to look back to and see trends and patterns and we all know what to expect. With a thread of ideas for tha game by peeps over 100 pages or so long filled with ideas and clothes etc etc that have on tha most part never been introduced tells you something. Tha hinting of a Pose Editor yet the language used to explain maybeh eet will be looked into is yet another clue about tha Dev/Devs. This game has eets strengths and weaknesses and some tings are done very well. Remember tha changes since Version 1.0. Certainly eet has changed but tings have also stayed tha same. Eets potential is huge and tha content that can be added is vast but is tha vision and passion and need or want to propel eet forward in new ways or expand in areas where people fo years have been asking for, giving ideas and even willing to give their time and creativity in making content for free. Yet we find the game in this current state and ah believe the reasons are out of our control and not being able to read tha mind of tha Dev/Devs we speculate. Ah like this game, ah like most of tha peeps here and at times im grateful fo tha updates we do get but like many im also guilty of being never totally satisfied but hoping what may be round tha corner possibly keeps me interested as ah can see all tha possibilities this game could inject at any moment but eets a shame that most likely none of them will be realized. People will leave and come back to check outs if there have been any updates that they like and if not disappear again until perhaps one does but fo most of us ah tinks we come back over and over for tha simple tings but even they over time fade and so do games unless they stay current and fresh and ahead of tha competition which currently is beyond tha hill but ever slowly getting closer.
  9. Default Speed only, we cant see them make speed changes at all. Why they look so lame LOL, like pendulums.
  10. Heard there was a party in ya Pants!
  11. Mah prediction is tha Devs/ Moderators are going to be swamped with reports to the extent where nothing gets done. When this new Version goes Live Baaahahahahaaa eets gonna be like tha Wild West! YeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaW lil dowgeeeeee pew pew pew!
  12. Halloween 2016 was Soooopa Awesomes! Indeedly so eet was eet was
  13. Baaahahahaa all new playas are gonna be treated so bad they will leave after a month most likely and spread how unfrandlee 3DX is. Every new player is gonna be Suss AF because more than likely eets Mr Jerkoff taking tha game way too serious for revenge and spiteful little paybacks with a countless production of alts off the assembly line. WoooHooooo. Ah can see more and more people now tha freedom has been given to really step up tha harassment and not be able to be caught. We will just see how this works but hopefully the Devs will be on top of reports made and dish out Big Punishments
  14. Wilps we dont know how this is going to work, by avi slots or avis. Luckily some of tha poor me trollers here cant hide their unfrandlee warlike nature and are easy to spot. Basically if ah see one person dissin everyone in WC with this same chip on tha shoulder attitude then ah immediatley igg them. Ah never used to igg anyone, for tha 2 years ive been here ah gave everyone multiple chances as we all have stresses in our lives and can say tha wrong ting. If ah ever did igg someone eet would be fo 24 hours and then id release thems . But there are some here that make eet their mission to continually battle everyone, they say that eets our fault fo getting triggered but poke a tiger in tha face and itll get scratchy. You cant provoke peeps and then use that as a reason to escalate because they react. These provokers immediatley are igged because they add absolutely nothing to mah game or anyone elses but their own warped one. Devs dont do anyting about them regardless of their loooooooooong rap sheets which ah find strange really, are they close frands or something else? Who knows but gets ya tinking why peeps like this can keep breaking tha rules and annoying people and make eet their main game over and over. So with this new igg system ah can only see trouble for some, no real solutions or penalties from tha Devs, itll be totes suprizing if they do act appropriatley and more freedom for tha bullies who come here to vent is theirs to be taken. So play nice or youre going to get igged fast, no arguing no pms no back n forth just vanish from mah game instantly and foeva over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ROFL Uuuuugh! Can we please earn Gold fo every igg we have to make now itll make us Squillions.
  15. With tha new clothes fo men also include a mother to lay them out on tha bed
  16. 3 DX Update schedules coincide with Unity Store Bargain Bin Clearance Sale Events. Eets like Crissmiss, so get excited and leave out sumthin scrum fo Gizz when he slides down ya Chimm, maybeh old Noogles or sum Edible Rubbers "Ho ho ho ho! Aah gots tha Updates ah gots tha Updates" Poor lil Gizz
  17. That and ya gotta wash ya hubbies Vom stains out his clothes Ah keed ah keeeeeeeeeeeeeed
  18. WoooHooo a contest saweeet pickles! Questions...…1/ wot do the Contestants wear? 2/ when is this extraviganzaaaa? 3/ Buffalo NY was famous in 1993 when eet won 1st Prize for what? Sign me erps Gawd Dang eets im all ova dis
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