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Where are the Men with Men?

Guest MrRob

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This again is the two different approaches to the game mixing badly (as discussed in the Why alternative characters? thread).


One side of the community approaches in a way that here you can be anyone you want to be and act who you want to be without fear of any real judgement or repercussions. And the other side of the community approaches in a way that you need to be truthful about who you are with the goal to build genuine relationships. I truly believe that neither one is more correct than the other, they are just different and they don't mix well. The problem seems to be becoming more and more distinct in 3DXChat.


Also, this wasn't what I really meant about men with men when I started this thread. I meant men, as male avatars, openly and comfortably being with other men in the public areas. This issue of men pretending to be women is a whole different thing I think.


As for the reasons why men hide behind the character of a woman, there are probably many and of course some men do find it more difficult approaching women than others, but I would suggest that many women are also more comfortable talking to other women than men. I have found some women quite curt and belittling when simply trying to start a conversation. There will be a reason for that of course, perhaps because of men's ability to objectify women. I'm prattling on but I think being a female avatar is one way for a guy to be able more easily...reach out (couldn't think of a better phrase)...to a woman. The trouble is the consequences that follow.


The Anima thing is interesting.  :)

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Also, this wasn't what I really meant about men with men when I started this thread. I meant men, as male avatars, openly and comfortably being with other men in the public areas. This issue of men pretending to be women is a whole different thing I think.


. thank you Rob .

. let's get back to the correct topic at hand instead of secretly stating a long and unneeded and unrelated opinion just to point fingers at certain individuals just to embarrass them .

. i think that would be much wiser . 

. :) .

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The topic was placed here, because these are part of the  *men on men*, just not doing it openly. For whatever reasons..... Thus where are *men on men* ?

The the focus on  the *lie* and not being a role play of another character as a fantasy, as these were/are their main chatacters, and only one played. So where are the *men on men*  this is just another answer where they are.


"...need to be truthful about who you are with the goal to build genuine relationships".

I think the thread is very clear on this thus the focus on the lies...


Ofc its not on the role play of different characters, sexes, etc but all those have time limits and tale limits, as the word says,,,fantasies.


"...secretly stating a long and unneeded and unrelated opinion just to point fingers at certain individuals just to embarrass them ."

Thats uncalled for Jena and you should know by now I dont function that way, so please take care in what you say .


"..I don't care about it, I don't want to be told the truth. Nothing serious in this game for me."

I also beleive the thread was very clear " For those who feel this is *JUST* a game and  one can do whatever one wants, than this post does not apply to you, as its directed at ppl to build relationships, friendships ...."



If for some game is just game( where everything is permissible (is ok), and no relevant friendships /relationships are intended , its perfect, but keep it that way. The issue is when both are mixed and ppl are hurt, thats all the thread was about.  And more important the fact that ppl dont have to hide, to play or be who they want to be...like I said, this is an open community, people have open minds. Would do i say hide ? Because once its known , they choose to play male avatars, their own genders. Its ok to be men on men, thats whats its all about, no need to hide !!!

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Most men on men are hiding, because they're worried that they wouldn't be accepted. Contrary to common believe not all men want to be with men as men, if that makes any sense. They wish to be treated as women, and live their lives as such, so the question now remains, should they declare that they're men or not. 


Personally, i don't think so, and i don't think any of you would walk out to a complete stranger and tell him/her his secrets. Part of the appeal of being online is the anonymity behind it, after all I don't see many who use their real names or put their real life information on their profile. 


Imagine if you were secretly gay, lesbian, a cross-dresser, or someone who wishes he was on the opposite gender (Transsexual.) Do you really think it is easy to come out and say hey I'm gay? Society puts pressure on people to be who they are born not who they actually are, and the internet is the breathing ground. Most people here would say yes, but we are open minded we would have accepted them! Well, they just did come out and guess what you folks did, you shunned them out. 


How many here are willing to share their deepest secrets and shames, and god knows we all do have them. 


He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at them!

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"...Well, they just did come out and guess what you folks did, you shunned them out."

Take care with the accusations. This is NOT a personal thread.

This is not about anyone in particular but about another side to where men are hiding....and not on alternative characters either, thus why its been posted here.


".. Part of the appeal of being online is the anonymity behind it"

Totally agree, the problem is when the rules are changed halfway along the line. And the people that felt close feel hurt, cheated of  the choice also to choose.....




Basically ones choices in life or game have consequences and people should be prepared to handle them.

Thats what life is all about :P

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Take care with the accusations. This is NOT a personal thread.



This is not about anyone in particular 


I believe these quotes answer the question. I never made it a personal thread and I answered on the topic of men-on-men.There were no accusations made by myself on anyone or to anyone I'm stating facts about the general life in 3dx. 




Totally agree, the problem is when the rules are changed halfway along the line. And the people that felt close feel hurt, cheated of  the choice also to choose..


I believe friendships should be made regardless of gender (this was not about gender). The matter of the fact is someone wanted to be a woman so he became one of choice, it's true that the other person didn't know or chose because no matter how we put it we never chose the reality of the person but the avatar that he/she represents. 


Another aspect here is the friendship element. If you someone can't accept a friend who makes mistakes then what is the point of that friendship?


This was the point of my original post, he who has no sins.... and are there any?

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"...Another aspect here is the friendship element. If you someone can't accept a friend who makes mistakes then what is the point of that friendship?"


Its a mistake now? Not a choice anymore?

Ofc mistakes are forgiven, when one recognizes its a mistake and apologizes or w.e and friends forgive but not when one still boasts and laughes about it:(



Seems this thread lost its directive and has become a cross fire, it was in no way the intention, i repeat it was to  state where many men on men are, and the consequences of hiding.....and lieing.


The subject is now closed.

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I think there's not many gay players on 3dx. Full stop. There are quite a few bisexual male players on 3dx (both open AND closeted). However, because the gay content is SUCH bad quality (all the gay poses are literally conversions of a select few of the straight poses, whereas lesbian poses appear to be unique altogether). Let's not mention the lack of cumshot option either and there being no kissing pose.


Bottom line:

Not enough gay players

Bisexual players either prefer the straight content (its better quality), or (and this is funny) bisexual guys can't seem to find GAY players to fuck. Yes. That;s how it apparently is on 3dx. Hey bi guys, if you were all abit more open, you'd realise there are more opportunities for you than you think. Try looking for other Bi guys for crying out loud. Especially considering that most gay men don't like bisexual guys (when it comes to sex). So you'd have more luck!

I could list all sort of reasons why, but many of them may be offensive.

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Guest ShirleyE

I probably should tread lightly here, but I would like to point out that even though I am MtF transgender, I am 95% gynephillic (in other words, my sexual orientation is predominately to women), and I think it is important to remember that only a part of the males masquerading as females here are actually seeking to interact with men. I personally find it hard to believe that there are _no_ women masquerading as males here, but my own experience elsewhere does tell me that FtM transgender people seem to be far fewer in number than MtF transgender people.

As far as the issue of lying goes, I agree with Rob that it is pretty much a rehash of the "Why alternative characters" thread. It's not an issue that can be solved by changing the system. It's just something that we have to accept as the reality of the situation and do what we can to educate and enlighten people about the consequences of their actions.

It took me several weeks after I came onto the server to get up the courage to come out. And as is to be expected, coming out strengthened some of my relationships and ruined others. That is on me; I have to take responsibility for having hurt the people I hurt. Because adults take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, whether those consequences were intended or not.  

But I will not criticize anyone for working out their own feelings that way. Personally, and I know this is selfish, I needed to be accepted as a woman by other women before I could find the courage to accept myself. I know that just sounds like an excuse. But 3DX Chat gave me an environment in which I could do that, and having done it, I have benefited from having done so. So I will not deny anyone else the right to go that same route.

That being said, I would encourage everyone to act responsibly, even in your fantasy world. And when people who care about you advise you that what you are doing is hurting others, then you ought to listen to them. It doesn't matter whether what you are doing is lying, just being inconsiderate, or just being reckless. When your friends ask you to listen to them, you should listen.

...stepping down off the soap box now... 

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  • 1 year later...

Now 2 years later things are better :D there is more and more gay men or bi and it's very cool cause in the game there is no reason to hide our sexuality, i mean the game is made for that ! So Dare to be who you are ahah i'm thinking about the "hetero" men that comes into my club ahah. I know that they might be just curious and everything ahah just sayin :P

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Now 2 years later things are better :D there is more and more gay men or bi and it's very cool cause in the game there is no reason to hide our sexuality, i mean the game is made for that ! So Dare to be who you are ahah i'm thinking about the "hetero" men that comes into my club ahah. I know that they might be just curious and everything ahah just sayin :P

Yeah I am good friends with some guys here who are Gay, they are awesome and very nice people to talk to, it's nice to see more and more guys are more confident about their sexuality in this game. As the game is here to live out fantasies and to meet other like minded individuals a place where you can relax and just enjoy yourself with your friends no matter what the gender or sexuality is of those people. :)

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OMG! I completely forgot about this topic. Was cool to read some of the things i wrote back then lol!


Oh Bran, i haven't talked to her in such a long time :/

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