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Found 24 results

  1. I would have a question that might seem a little complicated at first. Is it possible for a player to marry a different partner with different avatars? Take player # 1, which has an avatar marked A, which is female, and has an avatar marked B, which is male. Player # 2 also has two avatars of different genders, be they C (female) and D (male). My questions: 1. Can same-sex avatars, i.e. A-C and B-D, get married? 2. If A married D, can B still married C, for another 10,000 Gold, of course? That means, can there be two separate marriages of the two avatars of a player? 3. Finally, if A marriage C, can she also marriage D, for another 10,000 Gold, of course? That means, can a player have multiple marriages of an avatar, either with another avatar of another player or with a third player?
  2. Agant and Amora's Wedding! Sunday, August 30th @ 1pm eastern Officiant OOLisa , Wedding invitation done by AlphaWulf , Room name: To be announced - hosted by AlphaWulf Djs - Lillian, SexyCoyote, SusanLangtre,
  3. Engagement: Hosted by Maya and Kalmin Sunday, August 23rd @ 2 pm eastern Engagement invitation done by Winter Room name: Grand Opening - Howlin' Hooligans Djs - Wolf ,Kei, Night,
  4. Okay, first off let me just say that I realize that the feature I'm about to suggest may sound silly to some that aren't here with a spouse, but some of us actually are. I think it would be an excellent feature (only accessible to married avatars) to be able to enter public rooms in an invisible state to others if you so choose. This would be a switch on/off feature. 1. Who hasn't had the invisible man/woman fantasy 2. For swingers/cuckold and even some bdsm adventures it adds a bit of thrill 3. Allows for cheating fantasy scenarios 4. Gives more incentive for couples to tie the knot (so yes 3dx...you win too) I understand that you can accomplish this by creating an alt (kind of). It's just not the same and I bet it wouldn't be that difficult to implement considering what the ignore does (or used to do).
  5. MariaFun(Germany) and Genevie (Colorado I think) are getting married. They have graciously asked me to host the Wedding at my Goth Ballroom. Friday evening September 27 at 8:00 P.M. (U.S. Central time) the festivities will begin. Please stop by and congratulate the lovely couple.
  6. Are you in a relationship, or even a marriage, that exists solely on 3DxChat? Or did your relationship/marriage start out on 3DxChat and move into the real world? If so I’d really love to chat to you. I’m working on a documentary about virtual relationships and really want to make sure the programme ends up being an accurate and authentic exploration into dating and relationships in the virtual world. In order to do this I need to speak to as many people as possible with experience of virtual relationships. There would be no obligation to appear in the programme, I just want to learn as much I can and hear about as many different experiences as possible to make sure that we deliver a responsible documentary. Please send me a private message if you would like to chat to me. Thanks! Hannah
  7. Sometimes no matter how fast and hard we may run away.....our "fate" catches up to us.... in the lady's own words.. "He chased me and I ran....he chased me again and again I ran...finally he chased me and this time I ran into his arms and there I remain! Our love knows no boundaries and he has shown me the true meaning of unconditional love and on the evening of the 22nd we invite you all to the wedding of a lifetime where two criticized and tortured souls become one and mend together."
  8. A few good friends got married this weekend and I thought it would be interesting to hear what people think about 3DX Marriages. I don’t know where I am going with this, but when you look at it seriously, the average length of knowing each other before getting married I am guessing is about 1 month on 3DX I understand every 3DX year is like 3 real life years or perhaps 7 years for some; but even if we use dog years - should people really get married after 7 months? Yeah, you can argue the consequences are far less then in real life - true. Do you think its about: Possessiveness – A clear message to others... the right of ownership and to keep others away from your partnerTrue or Fools Love – What do you thinkJust something to experience in this fantasy world of ours – a long term roleplay if you willHelps Prevent Lonelinesskink a cuck experienceSpend your XGold and Make Gizmo Rich FundI know this topic can go much deeper into the whys of 3DX Marriages, but I think it would be best if we can keep it on the lighter side. Although not my personal believe, I chose possessiveness becasue I think its the primary reason for most guys on 3DX. Am I wrong. Vote!
  9. Just wondering if we anyone would like to forward names of couples that have been together the longest on 3DX. Rules: Time spend on 3DX only – meaning, if you have been together for 3 years and only 6 months on 3DX then only 6 months counts. Some people don’t like the concept of marriage so couples count. Non-exclusive couples count as long as you guys are the primary couple. I guess we should allow couples to add time together. So, if they have separated and gotten back together again, the time together only counts. Couples have be active players. If you don't play the game on average at least once per week you really shouldn't count I would like to forward xCandy and Deelicous… AKA CanDee – Sep 10, 2015 (14.5 months) Feel free to mention couples that have been together for a while... they should be commended.
  10. It is with great pleasure we invite our friends to the wedding of ❤ ❤ ❤ Feuermond ❤ ❤ ❤ & ❤ ❤ ❤ MissPlaced ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Feuermond & MissPlaced ❤
  11. Heyya everybody Me and my beautiful darling decided to get married on 24th September 2016, 8:00 PM (GMT) We know or not, everybody invited. Party will be on version 2.0 Date : 24 September 2016, 8:00 PM (GMT) Place : Diamond Wedding Hall (CosmosCookie) Game Version : 2.0 Guest DJs DJ Fae DJ Kiwi DJ Lechy We want to see everybody there )
  12. It pleases us a lot to invite our friends to the wedding of ❤ ❤ ❤ KristinP ❤ ❤ ❤ & ❤ ❤ ❤ Madde ❤ ❤ ❤
  13. Ladies & Gentlemen.. We decided to get married and you are invited!! )
  14. To all our dear Friends, we are getting married!! Its a Double Wedding ! Wedding will be held in a Friends or Group only Room Date: Feb 5th 2016 Time : 1500H GMT Wedding Party At NightClub (NC) hosted by Dj Nixxx Gift Invitations will be sent out.Hoping to see all lovely good friends. In the event of a Group only Room, PM me for an invite Special Thanks to Biene for the lovely pics!
  15. Liebe Biene & QueenLilith, ich wünsche Euch von Herzen alles Gute zu Eurer Hochzeit ​Möge Eure Liebe jeden Tag mehr erstrahlen und Euch jeden Tag ein Lächeln auf die Lippen zaubern! kisses, Vero
  16. Chris and I would like to invite you all as we celebrate our friendship and love as we pledge our love for each other this Saturday, September 12, 2015. Live party with DJ Ash to follow. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
  17. I posted yesterday asking to hear about people's experiences of relationships on 3DXChat and am really grateful for the responses I've had so far! I would also really like to speak to a couple who are considering meeting in real life. I'm working on a documentary in the UK about virtual relationships and we what to explore what happens when these relationships move into the real world. If this applies to you it would be great to hear from you - by responding you wouldn't be under any obligation to appear in the programme, it would just be to chat more about your story and allow me to speak about the documentary in more detail. Please feel free to send me a private message. Thanks! Hannah
  18. Welcome to the new breed.... I want your money! Holla, we want prenup, we want prenup!
  19. I decided with the weddings taking place that it would be nice to offer a room for those who wish to use it as well as the other services that seem to be needed. As you can see, it's decorated nicely, loads well and can handle a group of people comfortably without issues. Also offered, wedding ceremony packages, music and much more. Please contact me, MarMohan, if you wish to use the room.
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