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Posts posted by IntroNatika

  1. 100%, in fact I have clarified that mine was a speculation, as I do work for a tech company. so I can relate. the only think that I recriminate is the lack of clarity and honest update. that's all. it is a common issues that tech companies sometime forget that are still providing a service to paying customers, resulting with lack or personal touch and emphathy. other than that the game is fantastic and no other competitors are even close to this quality. but it makes this even more frustrating. nevertherless, ther is nothing we can do. I'll go back playing gta 5. ha!

  2. well yeah. it requires good engineers, migration, testing and activation. In my opinion, and I might be wrong, they did not expect such a surge in subscriptions that have overwelmed the current server. This poor planning and proactivity have resulted in this situation. But all I am doin is speculating. @Gizmo and @Lisa are so poor in communicating that we won't really know what is actually happening. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, SamCS said:

    Neither does anger and impatience.

    I guess we see things differently.  You like to be nice and quite and happy to have a non functional system that you are paying for. I like to give my feedback, even if they are sometime too direct. This because I like this game, I believe in it. So I'll fight to get things improved.

  4. 2 minutes ago, DesiLu said:

    With this Information
    yees i think so...between..why everytime a new Topic and not only ONE Topic for Server Crashes? >.<

    Agree that we shouldn't need to open new topics, everytime. this can be fixed with a moderator that actually works. but there is none. It can also be fixed if the admin are responsive and on top of it. instead of waiting for many topics before showing up and then copying and pasting the same message all over.

  5. Just now, SamCS said:

    Guys, I know it's frustrating. But take it easy on the devs. Remember, this is a small community relatively, it's not a multi-million players game. Our resources are limited I think.

    BS. totally. not take it easy, but the opposite. the Devs needs pressure to get things fixed. taking it easy will not solve anything.

  6. @Lisa just read your last post. you guys are reaching a whole new level of BS. From someone that works in the same kind of field, your handling on these issues are so amateurish.

    " does the profile don't load? restart the game" , are you serious?

    You have 1000s of customers that deseve way better treatment than this. Not sure who owns this game, but the message is clear. you guys are lucky that currently there is not much competition. however this might change at anytime, and if you keep on giving this type of servce, I can only foresee your company to go down and fast.


  7. respectfully disagree. not trying to be offensive, but factual. Contructive criticism are given with minor bugs, or features that are not well received. But for this type of major issues, as a customer, I am entitled to give my feedback.

    Once again based on factual issues. When a company releases a new patch, claming that there are bug fixes, but actually quite the opposite, it is fair to give these type of feedback.

    Yes I agree that I can stop my subscription at any time, however it is not the way to go. Companies only get better when there are people that share their feedback, criticism and not leave without saying anything. As a customer, I need to hold the company I pay money for their service, accountable if there are issues that needs to be solved.

    Are you ok with this latest bug? Is it ok for your not being able to look at other profiles and communicate with other users?

    The company can decide to observe or not our feedbacks, rest the fact, that since the latest release and the discovery of this issue, we have not seen any of Gizmo or Lisa response to it.


  8. @Gizmo have to be honest. I am not sure how the team is structured, however it seems quite unprofessional releasing new patches without proper testing. bugs everywhere. Profiles that don't load, disconnections, etc. You have a great game, with enormous potentials, but managed like a small startup. But 3dxChat has been with us for years. so there is no much excuses. The user base is growing, so at the very least we should get a much more stable system. 


  9. not that simple. The DDOS attack are done to the Server IP address, meaning that even if you restart the server, the attack will resume to the same IP, making it crash again. I can only guess that the DEV are working to deflect the attack somehow, but I am not an expert.

  10. Hi Whitesnake. DDOS in essence, is like you have 100s people talking to you at the same time, continuosly.  practically after a bit you go nuts. Same with DDOS, the server is bombarded by 100 or 1000 queries and it crashed. Depending with the severity of the attack, it could last hours or days.

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