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Everything posted by Lilcal

  1. Again, I have not been rude, or even very argumentative. Only spoke on my opinion which differs from yours. So thank you for also illustrating my point for me. I have no intentions to take over your diary. I have spoken my piece..I will step out for now. Sends out hugs.
  2. Thank you for illustrating my point for me on both counts..are you not doing here what you claim to fight against? Are the comments about my pink glasses and Stockholm not passive aggressive veiled insults? I simply asked, a question regarding the tone of the OP. I then stated my personal opinion and the reason I felt the need to ask the question.
  3. I'm not defending anyone. The "who" in question is no secret. So the passive agressive nonsense about feeling addressed is simply laughable. I simply asked for clarification. You see, it is my opinion, in this public diary on this public forum, that this kind if vague passive agressive poking is as much a problem as anything else. The hypocrisy of complaining about something, while doing the same thing is right up there too. I have not been rude, I have only asked a question and explained why I felt the need to ask said question. As for why I have decided to comment..It's no secret that I like to watch..sex..forums..world..all of it. Sometimes I watch things for long enough that my cantankerous side wins and I decide to comment. Nothing more.
  4. I would think that if you truly want your diary to be filled with good and positive experiences, then you will lead with a good and positive tone! Sounds like a wonderful idea to me, and the perfect start to a new year. Can you please tell me how speaking poorly about someone you obviously dislike is either of those things? I would think that doing so is bait for that person right? For clarification..I'm speaking about your comment.." I think everybody knows who started it. Everybody knows it was started a long time ago. Everybody knows that the person who started it is intent on promoting attitudes that are not supported by most people in the world in 2019"
  5. So..is Rob an update now? This was the update discussion topic right? I find massive hilarity, again, watching the hipocracy of the women who have taken over every thread to talk about him. You ladies do realize that when ya rail on and on about something, that you yourself are doing, that you become nothing but a joke. Right?
  6. I don't know what to do other than just shake my head at this... I was truly in agreement with everyone who says do what ya want! Until I read this post. I do believe that people should do as they wish, unless they are breaking a rule. I also believe that if people do not wish to read your posts, they simply don't have to open them. However, you have to be able to reread what you have said here and understand why people feel the need to poke at you right?? I don't know anything about you. I dont know how old you are, or how long you have been playing these types of games. I do know that Im old, I have been playing these kinds of games a long while. Something that I have learned while earning these wrinkles, that Id like to share with you... All the I am awesome stuff.. darlin being confident is sexy and the one quality that attracts me to someone over all others. But if you have to make sure that everyone notices.. by beating your chest and proclaiming it over and over...that screams the opposite of confidence. It also makes you a target, and you seem to be smart enough to know that. Again, do as you wish! I always do! But make sure that your looking at what your doing, make a sure that you want to be seen in this way, and be prepared for opposition. You should absolutely post all you like, but that same sentiment is extended to the people who choose to post about not liking your posts.
  7. It seems to me that a large point may be being missed here. I am a realist and deal in what is, not what should or could be (and let me say that I expect no one to feel the same). Words mean very little to me, its the actions of a person or entity that I pay attention to. By his actions, both by removing pandora and the account wide iggy function, Gizmo has shown that the privacy of his customers is foremost important to him. I personally applaud this. I have stated many times that I have expectations of the people who choose to interact with me, and personally think some of the things people do to each other using alts are dispicable. However, I dont think the actions of those few should dictate that all others privacy be intruded upon. We have the ability to create 3 characters on our accounts, so having alts, is both acceptable and encouraged by the devs. Or that function simply wouldnt be there. I absolutely get that an account wide iggy function makes it easier to protect yourself from these dispicables. The ability to use it to suss out alts, even of people that are not in that category, however is an invasion of their privacy.
  8. Sends boobie rubs to all... thinks my avi boobies might be goin thru withdrawl about now.

  9. My heart is not good enough to part with a month sub...I need my money for booze, for Rae's party!
  10. Thats pretty damn awesome!! You rock Rae! That posters so cute! And you are one of my very favorite djs!! Love your tunes..love the fox den! Love Absolute! Ty!
  11. I am loving the show "Alone" on the history channel right now! Its way better than naked and afraid in my opinion. It takes out the drama factor of putting two strangers together. If ya like the survival shows.. check it out. and something strange just happened.. if this ends up being a double post I apologize
  12. I would just like to reiterate my post about drama and the people involved here. Points to the post of the last few pages. Again if that's your thing.. rock on! I like to read it. But c'mon at least admit what the rest of us see already. Id also like to add that I find it completely hilarious that people think they hide themselves in their alts here. It doesn't really take more than a post or two to tell who is who generally. I am absolutely sure that the devs., who have the intelligence to build and run this entire game, can see it too.
  13. I admit I am a wuss when it comes to movies. Any movies about animals make me cry. Lassie and benji were torture for me as a kid..and omg when they showed old yeller in class. As an adult it hasnt gotten any better.
  14. I don't know how the test server post turned into a post about iggies and drama.. but since it has I will add my two cents. Of course I can only speak for myself and how I tend to handle things in game. I cant and wont try and tell other people how to play theirs. I keep reading all this stuff about rights... I have the right.. they have the right.. we have the right... Is there a 3dx Constitution that I don't know about? Unless it falls under something that is illegal in the real world.. we only have the rights the devs give us in this game. We do have to power to walk away of course if we don't like how the devs operate their game. We have the power to use the tools that said Devs have given us to try and enforce their own TOS. Beyond that.. I think people are reaching. You want the devs to eliminate a sect of people that are inherently drawn to this type of game.. Its simply impossible. Not only impossible but illogical.. they bring money just the like rest of us. Even more money really since they are willing to pay for more accounts... I highly doubt the devs developed this game so they could get virtually laid.. they developed this game to make money. More accounts equals more money. Seems simple to me. I have been playing these types of games for a very long time.. It is my personal observation as well as my personal opinion that the iggy feature simply does not stop people from their drama. Not because the devs aren't doin enough. But because the people involved in these dramas like it (for the most part.. I do realize there are a few extreme exceptions). I do not, nor have I ever had the kind of drama that people continuously complain about here, even when some nut tries to bring it. Why? I'm just too boring to that kind of person. I simply do not interact with them unless I choose to do so. MY choice, they can do nothing to force me to do so. I surround myself with other adults, people who would not concern themselves with some random coming up with lies and rumors. I rarely use iggy.. usually its against someone who is hugging or kissing me excessively, or dancing on me and I simply do not want to see them anymore. I do not need iggy to erase someone from my existence.. I simply stop interacting with them. They get bored of typing to the wall and go find someone who wants to play.. Very adult of me huh? I'm not saying that the iggy feature isn't an important one. It certainly is.. I (notice I said "I", my very own opinion) just don't think its the huge deal that its being made to be here in this thread. I mean its really not that much effort to push down that iggy button a second or third or even the fifth time. Or to simply stop interacting with someone. Its not like they are yelling in my ear.. they are typing in a box that I can stop reading or replying to. We had the account wide iggy for a long time.. seems to me it didn't stop any of the drama that I love to read here or in world!
  15. My whining even annoys me! Lol..probably wont be the last time I do it though..
  16. The most annoying thing to me game wise is, that after all this time we are still getting booted when a room closes with us inside. The most annoying thing to me people wise is, no one fucks in local for me!!! Lol..its not really annoying, I just felt like whining...
  17. Ty Rob darlin...keep bein sweet Im going to get used to it!!!
  18. Oh I don't like colds.. I don't accept nor do I send them.. But I get enough, and I see enough people who have colded me end up finding someone.. that I must use common sense and come to the conclusion that there must be people who do enjoy them. I don't like pink either.. but I'm betting there are lots of people here who do! So I'm thinkin I shouldn't ask for pink to be removed from the world.
  19. I've said it before.. I'll say it again.. it is my opinion that people should play however makes them happy. I am now and forever will be way more offended by people telling others how to/not to live or play, than I ever will be by a cold invite in a sex game. I like to hang out in the cold rooms sometimes.. there are always lots of profiles to perv!!! Must mean that all those profiles are attached to ppl who have chosen to be in that room.. Your right though.. I'm a 42 year old woman, a grandmother even, but I might just get corrupted by that cold room. I might learn to send colds and forget all about the fact that I like to fuck ppl who turn me on with their words or that I love to run my mouth. lol.. in case that didn't translate in writing.. that last sentence was dripping in sarcasm.
  20. Lilcal

    3DX Marriages

    First...hugs to you!! I didnt vote..because I think the reasons are different for each person who chooses to enter into marriages online. But I thought I would share a very sweet story here..of an online marriage.. Back in my rlc days I met and became close to an amazing young woman. Long story short..this amazing young woman was dying of cancer..she was 20 years old. She met a man online..fell in love..and got married. We all knew it was the only wedding she would ever get to be the bride in. Shes long gone now..but never forgotten. I have never enjoyed weddings, my own rl wedding was 10 minutes long, but I will always remember fondly the joy of that night. It was only an online marriage, but brought such happiness to my young friend and her man, who gave her something online, that she would never get to experience in rl.
  21. Accept that its nuts and block the nutters as they pop up! Then its nothing but smiles, laughs and good times.
  22. I love WC! I dont participate in there often, its simply not my thing. Im a local kinda girl. I do however love to read it! When I dont..well..I stop looking. Its like it doesnt even exist then..
  23. My helping advice for men in this game?? Play how you want and dont pay attention to how anyone else thinks you should! Lets face it..if your not doing that..the relationships you form wont be authentic. No matter how ya play, you will eventually find someone that enjoys the same things. Something and someone for everyone in here.. These points listed above are the likes and dislikes of the people expressing them. Nothing more.
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