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RP can b Exciting or Boring


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most in here have no clue what a role is.  I am strictly a cum slut and anal whore.  Just looking for one quick fuck after another.  Yet guys pick me up in a glory hole room and want to do romance poses all fucking night.  I put a 10-minute timer on my profile but what the hell since nobody reads profiles in here.  Once I stop after 10 minutes, I get called a fucking bitch and they get pissed off.  When I refuse poses, they get bent out of shape.  People need to grow up and learn what they are doing.

I usually host my own room CUM SLUTS DRAIN YOUR BALLS.  Basically, I let them know in my profile that I am here to fuck not write sex novels.  Some take RP to the extreme which is basically totally time wasting and boring.

Edited by BeckySue
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11 hours ago, BeckySue said:

Some take RP to the extreme which is basically totally time wasting and boring

I had a guy telling me in walls and walls of purple how he was breathing on my earlobes ... while i was laying in a free fuck room wearing nothing but heels and a slut collar ... 

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2 hours ago, Malene said:

I had a guy telling me in walls and walls of purple how he was breathing on my earlobes ... while i was laying in a free fuck room wearing nothing but heels and a slut collar ... 

I had one doing walls of purple at the rate of 30 minutes a pose that by pose 4 I fell asleep from the boredom

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let me set the stage.  My profile says colds preferred.  I am in a free use glory hole room which is a cold call room.  I am laying in a glory hole nude mouth open.  A male comes up with his cock out and asks me if I need a cock to suck on.  I hate stupid questions, my pet peeve.  So I said no thanks, try the next one.  I am just admiring the artwork on the ceiling.  The dumb fuck, if he had read the profile, he would have known all he had to do is an invite and he would have gotten a good time.  Instead, he asks the stupid question and ends up with blue balls.

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And for the ones expecting roleplay, I put in as much effort as someone puts into their profile.  So blank profiles get a cold silent fuck.  And if they get pissed off I show them this little item.


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  • 2 weeks later...

🇫🇷 Bonjour à tous,

J'aime bien ce sujet. Il est intéressant je pense.
Etant un joueur de roleplay depuis 2005, je peux dire que j'adore ça !
J'ai commencé le roleplay, à l'époque c'était sur forum. Il n'y avait même pas encore d'univers 3D. Enfin si, Seconde Life, qui était encore à ses balbutiement, mais j'étais encore trèèès loin de ce types de plateformes.

J'ai donc fais mes armes et mes premières expériences de roleplay sur forum.
Moi qui aime les films, le théâtre depuis tout gosse, se plonger dans un personnage, l'incarner, le faire vivre, lui donner une personnalité, imaginer ses aventures, créer une histoire autour de lui, c'était, mais extraordinaire !
Et pas seulement ça. Pour ma part, je trouve que ça fait du bien à l'esprit. Faire preuve d'imagination, de créativité, tout en s'amusant, devoir se souvenir de certains faits d'histoires de votre histoire, ou de celles de vos camarades de jeu, mine de rien, c'est très stimulant pour le cortex cérébral. Certes, on n'y pense pas, quand on fait du rp, mais ça fait énormément de bien. Et attention, je ne parle pas là que de ERP (Erotic Role Play), mais du RP en général.

 En 2010, j'ai découvers les métavers (univers 3D sur Internet). J'étais d'abord sur RLC, puis en 2020, j'avais envie de renouveau. Et je suis venu sur 3DXChat. De base, je ne devais rester qu'un mois, pour essayer et j'ai découvert qu'il y avait des gens, qui faisaient du RP ! Wow ! Trop bien ! Et oui, contrairement à RLC, où le RP est quasi inexistant. Enfin je n'ai jamais trouvé de personnes, pour en faire en tout cas.

Concernant mon expérience de RP dans 3DXChat, c'est intéressant, ce pendant c'est trop restreint. Il manque certaines fonctionnalités, comme :
- une fenêtre, par exemple, avec un nombre de caractères plus conséquent, pour faire des répliques plus consistantes.
Ici malheureusement, il faut raccourcir... Si on veut faire des répliques longues, il faut trouver un autre moyen, comme écrire sur un bloc note, ou un outil de texte à part, puis C/c ce que vous dites. Sinon les gens auront le temps de lire ce que vous écrivez en direct et peuvent vous couper l'herbe sous le pied, pour un peu que l'un soit trop pressé...
- un traducteur. Ca aiderait beaucoup pour interagir avec les autres, surtout que nous venons tous de pays différents et ça serait super de pouvoir écrir dans sa propre langue et que cela soit traduit automatiquement en anglais par exemple, (si on choisit cette langue), plutot que d'avoir un traducteur à coté, de C/c ce que les autres disent. J'ai beaucoup galéré ici à mes débuts en rp ! Mais le point positif j'ai amélioré mon anglais !
- bon après ce sont des trucs comme : plus de vêtements, accessoires, et d'interaction avec les objets, mais bon. Ca reste encore gérable, puisqu'on fait du rp.

Bien évidemment, je sais et je suis parfaitement conscient que cette plateforme, n'a pas été étudié, ni conçu à la base, pour ce type d'activité. Faire du RP.
C'est d'ailleurs toute la difficulté. D'une part, d'en faire, d'autre part de faire du RP sérieux, et surtout d'avoir des rollistes sérieux, qui connaissent et respectent les règles du RP.  
Et ce qui est dommage, c'est que beaucoup de personnes ne respectent pas ça. Quand tu ouvres une room et que c'est marqué RP, les gens viennent et prennent la room pour une room de baise et se mettent n'importe où pour baiser... Voilà.. C'est chiant...

Enfin, le sexe à travers 3DXChat. Très clairement, je préfère le faire en ERP, prendre mon temps. Créer l'ambiance dans la salle, aussi, afin d'être en immersion. Imaginer ce décore, ma partenaire, la musique, l'ambiance, les parfums... C'est tellement exaltant.

L'enchainement de poses, sans échanges ni rien... Personnellement je trouve ça froid, plat, nul, incipide, inintéressant, sans intérêt. Autant prendre Betty ou Bob, ça revient du pareil au même, en fait.


🇺🇲 Hi everyone,

I like this topic. It's interesting I think.
Being a roleplayer since 2005, I can say that I love it! I started roleplaying, at the time it was on forums. There wasn't even a 3D universe yet. Well yes, Second Life, which was still in its infancy, but I was still very far from these types of platforms.

So I learned my skills and my first roleplaying experiences on forums. As someone who has loved films and theater since I was a kid, immersing myself in a character, embodying him, bringing him to life, giving him a personality, imagining his adventures, creating a story around him, it was extraordinary! And not only that. For my part, I find that it is good for the mind. Showing imagination, creativity, while having fun, having to remember certain story facts from your story, or those of your playmates, casually, it's very stimulating for the cerebral cortex . Of course, we don't think about it when we do RP, but it does a lot of good. And be careful, I'm not just talking about ERP (Erotic Role Play), but about RP in general.

In 2010, I discovered the metaverses (3D universes on the Internet). I was first on RLC, then in 2020, I wanted something new. And I came to 3DXChat. Basically, I was only supposed to stay a month to try and I discovered that there were people who did RP! Wow! Very good ! And yes, unlike RLC, where the RP is almost non-existent. Well, I never found people, to do it anyway.

Regarding my RP experience in 3DXChat, it's interesting, but it's too limited. Some features are missing, such as:
- a window, for example, with a greater number of characters, to make more consistent replicas. Here unfortunately, you have to shorten... If you want to make long replies, you have to find another way, like writing on a notepad, or a separate text tool, then C/c what you say. Otherwise people will have time to read what you write directly and can pull the rug out from under you, if someone is in too much of a hurry...
- a translator. It would help a lot to interact with others, especially since we all come from different countries and it would be great to be able to write in your own language and have it automatically translated into English for example, (if you choose this language), rather than 'have a translator nearby, to C/c what others say. I struggled a lot here when I first started in RP! But the positive point is that I improved my English!
- well then it's things like: more clothes, accessories, and interaction with objects, but oh well. It's still manageable, since we're doing RP.

Obviously, I know and I am perfectly aware that this platform has not been studied, nor designed from the ground up, for this type of activity. Do RP. That's the whole difficulty. On the one hand, to do it, on the other hand to do serious RP, and above all to have serious roller players, who know and respect the rules of RP. And what's a shame is that a lot of people don't respect that. When you open a room and it's marked RP, people come and mistake the room for a fuck room and go anywhere to fuck... That's it.. It's annoying...

Finally, sex through 3DXChat. Very clearly, I prefer to do it in ERP, to take my time. Create the atmosphere in the room, too, in order to be immersed. Imagining this decor, my partner, the music, the atmosphere, the scents... It's so exhilarating.

The sequence of poses, without exchanges or anything... Personally I find it cold, flat, pointless, incipid, uninteresting, without interest. You might as well take Betty or Bob, it's the same thing, in fact.

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On 4/12/2024 at 1:34 PM, Khallum Troy said:

The sequence of poses, without exchanges or anything... Personally I find it cold, flat, pointless, incipid, uninteresting, without interest. You might as well take Betty or Bob, it's the same thing, in fact.

The difference is that Bob is a bot, while every avatar has a human behind them, so even silent pose jumping with a stranger can be fun.

Well, assuming they have a sense of rhythm and don`t jump across a lake and fourteen buildings to get to a new pose ... and the ones you feel are semi afk can also sod off.

I had a guy from Japan that wanted to play "Time stop" from some anime, (as in him stopping time so i would "freeze in the moment" and then he took ages to just grope me) no words, but it got me going, and i know he had fun, so yeah it happens :)

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On 4/20/2024 at 4:55 AM, Malene said:

The difference is that Bob is a bot, while every avatar has a human behind them, so even silent pose jumping with a stranger can be fun.

Well, assuming they have a sense of rhythm and don`t jump across a lake and fourteen buildings to get to a new pose ... and the ones you feel are semi afk can also sod off.

I had a guy from Japan that wanted to play "Time stop" from some anime, (as in him stopping time so i would "freeze in the moment" and then he took ages to just grope me) no words, but it got me going, and i know he had fun, so yeah it happens :)

🇫🇷 Mais... C'est le principe même, du rp. Vous étiez dans un rp, mais silencieux.

Si ton partenaire du moment, voulais avoir une expérience tiré d'un animé, pour moi, cela s'apparente à un rp, et ce même s'il n'y a pas eut d'échange verbal.
Lui, était dans un univers bien précis, dans la peau d'un personnage existant, voir fictif. Il y avait toute une dynamique autour de votre échange.

On ne peut pas dire qu'il n'y avait rien, comme les utilisateurs qui s'adonnent au "froid" pur et dur.

Maintenant, attention, je ne juge pas les gens qui font du "froid", ou qui aiment ça. Je donné mon impression, mon ressenti. Comme on dit, chacun son truc et je respecte.
Moi, je m'amuse à travers le rp, alors du moment que les gens s'amusent c'est le principal. ;)


🇺🇲But... It's the very principle of the rp. You were in a rp, but silent.

If your partner of the moment wanted to have an experience from an anime, for me, it is similar to an rp, even if there was no verbal exchange. He was in a very specific universe, in the shoes of an existing, or even fictional, character. There was a whole dynamic around your exchange.

We cannot say that there was nothing, like users who indulge in pure "cold".

Now, be careful, I don't judge people who do "cold", or who like it. I gave my impression, my feelings. As they say, to each their own and I respect that. I have fun through rp, so as long as people have fun that's the main thing. ;)

Edited by Khallum Troy
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Of course it was rp, i love playing dress up and games, i just don`t like to read "400" lines of purple describing how my earlobes look when all i wanted was to gag on a cock... 😜

12 hours ago, Khallum Troy said:

as long as people have fun that's the main thing. ;)

It is.

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On 4/25/2024 at 6:20 AM, Malene said:

Of course it was rp, i love playing dress up and games, i just don`t like to read "400" lines of purple describing how my earlobes look when all i wanted was to gag on a cock... 😜

It is.

🇫🇷 C'est un peu long, en effet pour décrire des lobes d'oreilles 😅
Il y a aussi rp, et rp. Il y a des gens, qui parlent beaucoup, pour ne rien dire. Ils aiment juste se voir écrire plein de choses, tourner et retourner les mots, pour pas grand chose au final. J'ai connu quelqu'un comme ça. C'était super chiant de rp avec lui. Ca n'avait aucun sens et surtout tu te demandais quand est-ce qu'il allait s'arrêter. lol Et pourtant, je suis rolliste aguérit comme on dit. Je peux écrire beaucoup, mais il faut que ça ai du sens et que les autres autour ne s'ennuient pas.
Après chacun son truc. On aime, ou on aime pas.
Sur 3DXChat c'est un environnement pornographique, donc c'est difficile de mettre en place des rp sérieux, qui ne s'orientent pas forcément vers le sexe. Et beaucoup de personnes ont du mal avec ça.


🇺🇸 It's a bit long, in fact to describe earlobes 😅
There is also rp, and rp. There are people who talk a lot, without saying anything. They just like to see themselves writing lots of things, turning words over and over, for not much in the end. I knew someone like that. It was super annoying to RP with him. It made no sense and above all you wondered when he was going to stop. lol And yet, I am a seasoned rollist as they say. I can write a lot, but it has to make sense and the others around don't get bored. After all, everyone has their own thing. We like it, or we don't like it.
On 3DXChat it's a pornographic environment, so it's difficult to set up serious rps, which are not necessarily oriented towards sex. And a lot of people struggle with that.

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We are all role playing in here in some form.

People role play all the time in real life, even if they are not aware of it, we adapt to our surroundings and are more like a lump of clay than a statue, so it is only logical that we also do it here.

We change persona according to the situation we are in, you are not the same with your friends that you are around your mom. You are at your best when you meet people for the first time, people you admire, someone that scare you, people you like, have a crush on and if you are in love, you are really not the same person anymore. When love fades you become someone else again, and so it goes this thing called life ...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Edited by Atle
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18 hours ago, Atle said:

We are all role playing in here in some form.

People role play all the time in real life, even if they are not aware of it, we adapt to our surroundings and are more like a lump of clay than a statue, so it is only logical that we also do it here.

We change persona according to the situation we are in, you are not the same with your friends that you are around your mom. You are at your best when you meet people for the first time, people you admire, someone that scare you, people you like, have a crush on and if you are in love, you are really not the same person anymore. When love fades you become someone else again, and so it goes this thing called life ...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

🇫🇷 Non. Je ne suis pas totalement d'accord avec ce propos.
Il ne faut pas confondre, s'adapter à des situations et le roleplay.
Evidemment, dans la vie, nous aprenons, nous évoluons, nous sommes influencés, ou non, par ce qui nous entoure, ce que nous apprenons, nos expériences de vie. Il y a la société, à laquelle nous appartenons et à laquelle nous sommes confrontés. Il y a également la pression sociale, et les valeurs qui y sont véhiculés, qui jouent également un rôle, dans notre personnalité et la façon dont nous allons nous affirmer.
Certes, lorsque nous rencontrons des personnes, ou lorsqu'on postule pour un emploie, nous essayons d'être dans de bonnes conditions. Nous tentons d'être à notre meilleur, de montrer le meilleur de nous même, mais cela n'efface pas notre personnalité. Vous ne changez pas de personnalité, à moins de souffir d'un trouple de la personnalité multiple, (je ne pense pas que cela soit votre cas).

Par exemple, pour un entretien d'embauche, si votre défaut c'est d'être addict aux jeux d'argents, quand on va vous demander quels sont vos hobbies, vous n'allez décemment pas dire : "J'aime claquer mon fric aux casino tous les weekend, au point que je suis endetté et je dois de l'argent partout." Non, car cela peut vous porter préjudice. Si vous aimez la cuisine, la lecture, ou le sport, vous irez plutôt parler de ces choses là. Et c'est normal. Mais cela ne change pas, qui vous êtes. Vous ne jouez pas un role, en agissant comme ça.

Le jeu de rôle, lui, c'est endosser une personnalité que nous ne sommes pas du tout. Tel un acteur de théatre, ou de cinéma, dans un thème, un contexte précis, un univers, fictif, ou qui s'inspire de la réalité. Vous ne vous incarnez pas vous-même, quand vous faites du roleplay. Vous ne vivez pas votre vie, quand vous faites du roleplay.
Le personnage que vous incarnez, vous pouvez lui donner des traits de votre personnalité, comme : bagarreur, ou pacifiste. Extraverti, ou timide. Courageux, ou peureux. Etc... Ou alors, vous pouvez lui donner des traits de personnalité, qui ne correspondent pas du tout aux votres, qui sont totalement à l'opposé, voir des choses que vous détestez. Mais, c'est rôle. Vous savez que ce n'est pas vous. Une fois votre session terminée, vous redevenez vous même.


🇺🇸No. I don't completely agree with this statement.
Do not confuse adapting to situations and roleplaying.
Obviously, in life, we learn, we evolve, we are influenced, or not, by what surrounds us, what we learn, our life experiences. There is society, to which we belong and to which we are confronted. There is also social pressure, and the values conveyed there, which also play a role in our personality and the way we assert ourselves.
Of course, when we meet people, or when we apply for a job, we try to be in good conditions. We try to be at our best, to show the best of ourselves, but that does not erase our personality. You don't change your personality unless you suffer from multiple personality disorder (I don't think this is your case).

For example, for a job interview, if your fault is to be addicted to gambling, when someone asks you what your hobbies are, you are not decently going to say: "I like to spend my money at the casinos every weekend, to the point that I'm in debt and I owe money everywhere." No, because it could harm you. If you like cooking, reading, or sports, you will rather talk about these things. And that's normal. But that doesn't change who you are. You are not playing a role by acting like that.

Role playing means taking on a personality that we are not at all. Like a theater or cinema actor, in a theme, a specific context, a universe, fictional, or inspired by reality. You are not playing yourself when you roleplay. You're not living your life when you're roleplaying. The character you play, you can give him traits of your personality, such as: fighter, or pacifist. Extroverted, or shy. Courageous, or fearful. Etc... Or, you can give him personality traits that don't match yours at all, that are totally the opposite, or even things that you hate. But, it's role. You know it's not you. Once your session is over, you become yourself again.

Edited by Khallum Troy
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36 minutes ago, Khallum Troy said:

Once your session is over, you become yourself again

What are yourself ?
An average person contains about 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion bacteria and then there is cell replacement that occurs on a regular basis.
About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells, making you a brand new you in 80 to 100 days.
So who are you if you are constantly changing ?
Is an exact replication of you every now and then still you ?
How do you know that you are still "you" ?
Your self awareness, your ID ?
Or what your sense of self is based upon, your inherent accumulation of knowledge, your thought behavior, your memories ?
They can`t be trusted either as numerous neuroscience researchers have proven over and over.

You have roles you’re born into, such as a son, daughter, brother, sister, man, woman, father, and mother. Then there are roles you choose to take on, like a student, employee, boss, entrepreneur, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, and wife.

Additionally there are roles with labels that you may resonate with, such as a charity worker, environmental advocate, political party supporter,  a sports fan or a person that role play as a cop in a sex game, making your role play in the game a part of a role you play in real life.

Some of these roles we choose—because they are an expression of our values, or because they seem exciting or pleasurable. But many of the roles are roles that were chosen for us or are ones we fall into unconsciously—because we think it’s “what we’re supposed to do” or because we don’t know anything different.

To achieve success in the role you play, having certain qualities is helpful. Often it is about finding and possessing the right combination of qualities to truly embrace your roles. For instance if you are into sports it is quite helpful to have physical attributes that can assist you, but it is not an absolute and there have been many cases trough the ages that prove this in both ways. The ones that looked like they would do great in sports and did not and the ones that superseded all expectations and their physical short comings by sheer will.

What they have in common is that they both fall into the “what we’re supposed to do” category.

And who pushed them into this category ? Maybe the parents, filling the holes in their own role, by fulfilling their own desires trough their offspring, killing a whole flock of birds with one stone trough the successful parent role, the "i was never any good, but my child is" role and amongst the many others an seemingly altruistic one where you are simply glad your child is healthy and happy, but is it though ? Is there such a thing as true altruism ?

Friends maybe, both conscious to fulfill their friend role and unconsciously trough the "monkey see, monkey do", in this case friends that fill their role better than one self does, or maybe the ever increasing pressure to be ... something.

They are all still roles we play in order to find our way trough life and back home.

Or to use the words of one of my favorite musicians Marina Diamandis :

"We live, we die, we steal, we kill, we lie
Just like animals but with far less grace
We laugh, we cry like babies in the night
Forever running wild in the human race

All the hate coming out from a generation
Who got everything and nothing guided by temptation
Were we born to abuse, shoot a gun and run
Or has something deep inside of us come undone?
Is it a human trait or is it learned behaviour?
Are you killing for yourself or killing for your saviour?

Underneath it all, we're just savages
Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages
How could we expect anything at all?
We're just animals still learning how to crawl
Truth is in us all, cradle to the grave
We're just animals still learning to behave"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/27/2024 at 7:14 PM, Atle said:

What are yourself ?
An average person contains about 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion bacteria and then there is cell replacement that occurs on a regular basis.
About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells, making you a brand new you in 80 to 100 days.
So who are you if you are constantly changing ?
Is an exact replication of you every now and then still you ?
How do you know that you are still "you" ?
Your self awareness, your ID ?
Or what your sense of self is based upon, your inherent accumulation of knowledge, your thought behavior, your memories ?
They can`t be trusted either as numerous neuroscience researchers have proven over and over.

You have roles you’re born into, such as a son, daughter, brother, sister, man, woman, father, and mother. Then there are roles you choose to take on, like a student, employee, boss, entrepreneur, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, and wife.

Additionally there are roles with labels that you may resonate with, such as a charity worker, environmental advocate, political party supporter,  a sports fan or a person that role play as a cop in a sex game, making your role play in the game a part of a role you play in real life.

Some of these roles we choose—because they are an expression of our values, or because they seem exciting or pleasurable. But many of the roles are roles that were chosen for us or are ones we fall into unconsciously—because we think it’s “what we’re supposed to do” or because we don’t know anything different.

To achieve success in the role you play, having certain qualities is helpful. Often it is about finding and possessing the right combination of qualities to truly embrace your roles. For instance if you are into sports it is quite helpful to have physical attributes that can assist you, but it is not an absolute and there have been many cases trough the ages that prove this in both ways. The ones that looked like they would do great in sports and did not and the ones that superseded all expectations and their physical short comings by sheer will.

What they have in common is that they both fall into the “what we’re supposed to do” category.

And who pushed them into this category ? Maybe the parents, filling the holes in their own role, by fulfilling their own desires trough their offspring, killing a whole flock of birds with one stone trough the successful parent role, the "i was never any good, but my child is" role and amongst the many others an seemingly altruistic one where you are simply glad your child is healthy and happy, but is it though ? Is there such a thing as true altruism ?

Friends maybe, both conscious to fulfill their friend role and unconsciously trough the "monkey see, monkey do", in this case friends that fill their role better than one self does, or maybe the ever increasing pressure to be ... something.

They are all still roles we play in order to find our way trough life and back home.

Or to use the words of one of my favorite musicians Marina Diamandis :

"We live, we die, we steal, we kill, we lie
Just like animals but with far less grace
We laugh, we cry like babies in the night
Forever running wild in the human race

All the hate coming out from a generation
Who got everything and nothing guided by temptation
Were we born to abuse, shoot a gun and run
Or has something deep inside of us come undone?
Is it a human trait or is it learned behaviour?
Are you killing for yourself or killing for your saviour?

Underneath it all, we're just savages
Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages
How could we expect anything at all?
We're just animals still learning how to crawl
Truth is in us all, cradle to the grave
We're just animals still learning to behave"

🇫🇷 Tu es parti dans un débat philosophique qui pourrait être intéressant dans un autre contexte, mais qui n'a aucun rapport avec le sujet actuel.
On parle d'un jeu. Jouer. A la base le jeu de rôle, est un jeu de société, qui se joue autour d'une table et tu lances les dés.
Avec le développement de Internet, le jeu de role s'est propagé sur des forums, et puis par la suite sur d'autres plateformes.
Le jeu de rôle est comparable à un personnage que l'on incarne dans une pièce de théatre, ou un film. Tu l'incarnes et le joue pendant un certain temps. Mais quand tu n'es pas en pleine partie de jeu de role, sur ton ordi et bien tu vis ta vie. C'est aussi simple que ça. Il n'y a pas de débat philosophique, sans queue ni tête à avoir.
Si par exemple dans ton jeu de rôle, tu est dans un univers d'héroique fantaisie, et que tu décides d'incarner un demi elf, avec des oreilles pointues, quand tu as fini ta parti, dans ta "vraie vie", tu n'es ni dans un univers d'héroique fantaisie et tu ne demeure pas un demi elf aux oreilles pointues il me semble?
C'est ça le role play.


🇺🇸 You started a philosophical debate which could be interesting in another context, but which has no relation to the current subject.
We're talking about a game. Playing. Basically, role-playing is a board game, which is played around a table and you roll the dice.
With the development of the Internet, role-playing spread to forums, and then subsequently to other platforms.
Role playing is comparable to a character that you play in a play or a film. You embody and play him for a while. But when you're not in the middle of a role-playing game, on your computer, you're living your life. It's that simple. There is no philosophical debate, no head or tail to be had.
If, for example, in your role-playing game, you are in a heroic fantasy universe, and you decide to play a half-elf, with pointy ears, when you have finished your game, in your "real life", you Are you not in a universe of heroic fantasy and you do not remain a half-elf with pointy ears, it seems to me?
That's role play.

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4 hours ago, Khallum Troy said:

There is no philosophical debate

Si vous le comprenez, il n'est pas nécessaire d'expliquer, si vous ne le faites pas, cela ne sert à rien de l'expliquer de toute façon.

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On 5/11/2024 at 12:26 AM, Khallum Troy said:

🇫🇷 Tu es parti dans un débat philosophique qui pourrait être intéressant dans un autre contexte, mais qui n'a aucun rapport avec le sujet actuel.
On parle d'un jeu. Jouer. A la base le jeu de rôle, est un jeu de société, qui se joue autour d'une table et tu lances les dés.
Avec le développement de Internet, le jeu de role s'est propagé sur des forums, et puis par la suite sur d'autres plateformes.
Le jeu de rôle est comparable à un personnage que l'on incarne dans une pièce de théatre, ou un film. Tu l'incarnes et le joue pendant un certain temps. Mais quand tu n'es pas en pleine partie de jeu de role, sur ton ordi et bien tu vis ta vie. C'est aussi simple que ça. Il n'y a pas de débat philosophique, sans queue ni tête à avoir.
Si par exemple dans ton jeu de rôle, tu est dans un univers d'héroique fantaisie, et que tu décides d'incarner un demi elf, avec des oreilles pointues, quand tu as fini ta parti, dans ta "vraie vie", tu n'es ni dans un univers d'héroique fantaisie et tu ne demeure pas un demi elf aux oreilles pointues il me semble?
C'est ça le role play.


🇺🇸You started a philosophical debate which could be interesting in another context, but which has no relation to the current subject.
We're talking about a game. Playing. Basically, role-playing is a board game, which is played around a table and you roll the dice.
With the development of the Internet, role-playing spread to forums, and then subsequently to other platforms.
Role playing is comparable to a character that you play in a play or a film. You embody and play him for a while. But when you're not in the middle of a role-playing game, on your computer, you're living your life. It's that simple. There is no philosophical debate, no head or tail to be had.
If, for example, in your role-playing game, you are in a heroic fantasy universe, and you decide to play a half-elf, with pointy ears, when you have finished your game, in your "real life", you Are you not in a universe of heroic fantasy and you do not remain a half-elf with pointy ears, it seems to me?
That's role play.

I understand what Atle is saying and Atle is correct in that most people in 3DX and platforms like it are roleplaying in some way, even if they have no idea what roleplay is. 
Its obviously not a structured or typical roleplay as most of us RP'ers know it, but unless you use your real name, real pics, and explain in your bio exactly who you really are, then you are by definition, roleplaying.

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5 hours ago, FelleJos said:

A question which is more intriguing is the following:

To what extent do you cheat on a real-life partner if you have virtual sex/sexual-oriented relationships in this game (with/without lovense aids),
while your real-life partner is not aware of this?;)

This is off-topic here, maybe I'll move it to another part of this forum...

It is fascinating and I've had this discussion with a lot of different people, at work, with casual friends, family, and there are a few different answers.

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On 5/14/2024 at 1:51 AM, FJB2BUA said:

A GAME is a structured type of play, usually undertaken for entertainment or fun, and sometimes used as an educational tool.
Many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) 
or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).
PLAYER: a participant in a game
PLAYER CHARACTER: a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player

By old-fashioned definition this is a 'video game', in which players are controlling one or more avatars, which is always a form of ROLEPLAYING.
Even if I would play myself in this game (which is not possible because this is a different (virtual)reality where fe. other physics apply...): 
-I'm still playing a role!
-my avatar does not exist outside this game.
-although I tend to keep my real life separate, I sometimes discuss real-life topics in chats, depending on the mood where I'm in

I like the freedom in this game, the freedom to dress like you want, to play who-ever you want to be at the moment, 
and more-or-less to do what you want to do - as long as you're not spamming or harrassing and treat other players with respect.

@Khallum Troy: your understanding of role-play is that certain rules have to be followed, like a certain type of behaviour, dresscodes,
 and playing a role which is bound (and limited) into a certain context or setting. There are some rooms in this game which are clearly
 setup for RP purpose, but it depends on the room manager on how strictly the RP 'rules' are to be followed.
Also, this game has a sexual orientation, RP rooms can have some kindof BDSM flavour.
Maybe you're better off with games like SecondLife, if you take this all (too) serious...

🇫🇷 Déjà faut-il connaitre ce qu'est le role play non ? La base de la base.
Tous ceux qui font du role play, savent que c'est purement fictif.

En suite, il ne t'appartient pas de me juger, sur le type de plateformes que je veux fréquenter, pour la pratique du role play, comme je n'ai pas à te dire, quel type de plateforme utiliser, pour tes propres activités.
D'autres part, c'est une plateforme à caractère sexuel, mais l'orientation  de cette plateforme tend à changer.
La majorité des rooms qui ouvrent, maintenant, sont des clubs, des bars, avec des personnes qui veulent être djs, ou de vrais djs viennent faire partager leurs musiques, ou encore des gens qui font des groupes de danses pour danser.
Donc, question. Plateforme orientée sur le sexe oui, mais qui a dit que le rp, ou les clubs, ou les bars, n'ont pas leurs place, ou que c'est incompatible?
D'autant plus, qu'il y a des role play à caractère érotique et sexuels, communément appelés ERP. (Erotic Role Play).
Donc, ton histoire de SecondLife est hors de propos.

En suite, tu parles de BDSM, ce qui n'a rien à voir avec du RP.
Je te déconseil par ailleurs d'aller à un vrai Dom ou un vrai soumis, qu'il fait du role play. Ce n'est pas du tout la même chose.
Dans le BDSM il y a des règles très strictes, mais ne défiez pas ces personnes en leur disant qu'il font du RP.

Alors évidement, il y a des gens, qui peuvent des rooms, RP, dont le thème est le BDSM. Où quelqu'un va incarner un Dom, un autre un soumis, etc... Etc... Une fois sortie de cette room et de retour dans leur vie irl, ce n'est pas pourtant des personnes qui pratiquent le BDSM, qui sont Dom ou soumis.

Il ne faut pas confonfdre jouer un role, et faire du role play à titre de jeu. Il faut bien savoir faire la différencce.


🇺🇲 You already need to know what role play is, right? The basis of the basis.
Anyone who role plays knows that it is purely fictional.

Subsequently, it is not up to you to judge me, on the type of platforms that I want to frequent, for the practice of role play, just as I do not have to tell you, what type of platform to use, for your own activities.

On the other hand, it is a platform of a sexual nature, but the orientation of this platform tends to change. The majority of rooms that are opening now are clubs, bars, with people who want to be DJs, or real DJs come to share their music, or even people who form dance groups to dance. So, question. Sex-oriented platform yes, but who said that RP, or clubs, or bars, don't have their place, or that it's incompatible? Especially since there are role plays of an erotic and sexual nature, commonly called ERP. (Erotic Role Play). So your SecondLife story is irrelevant.

Next, you're talking about BDSM, which has nothing to do with RP.
I also advise you not to go to a real Dom or a real submissive, who role plays.
It's not the same thing at all. In BDSM there are very strict rules, but don't challenge these people by telling them that they are RPing.

So obviously, there are people who can have rooms, RP, whose theme is BDSM. Where someone will play a Dom, another a submissive, etc... Etc... Once out of this room and back in their irl life, these are not people who practice BDSM, who are Dom or submissive.

You must not confuse playing a role with role playing as a game. You must know how to make the difference.

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On 5/13/2024 at 2:56 PM, JenC said:

I understand what Atle is saying and Atle is correct in that most people in 3DX and platforms like it are roleplaying in some way, even if they have no idea what roleplay is. 
Its obviously not a structured or typical roleplay as most of us RP'ers know it, but unless you use your real name, real pics, and explain in your bio exactly who you really are, then you are by definition, roleplaying.

🇫🇷 Euh... Non. Si j'utilise de vraies photos de moi, mon vrai nom, prénom etc de vraies informations sur moi, je suis par définition, dans la réalité, et non dans un RP.

Le RP étant par définition quelque chose de fictif et votre personnage est donc quelqu'un que vous n'êtes pas. Quand bien même, vous lui donneriez des traits de votre propre caractère.

Il faut bien comprendre que dans le role play, le jeu, ton personnage n'est pas sensé être toi, ni représenter ta vie réelle. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que nous ne donnons pas nos vrais noms et prénoms dans un jeu de role play. C'est pour éviter toute confusion.


🇺🇲 Uh no. If I use real photos of me, my real name, first name etc. real information about me, I am by definition, in reality, and not in an RP.

The RP is by definition something fictional and your character is therefore someone you are not. Even if you did, you would give him traits of your own character.

You must understand that in role play, the game, your character is not supposed to be you, nor represent your real life. This is also why we do not give our real first and last names in a role play game. This is to avoid any confusion.

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🇫🇷 J'ai bien compris ce que vous essayez de dire.
Mais il  ne faut pas confondre le fait de : jouer un role, de se faire passer pour quelqu'un que l'on est pas, de cacher son identité, de s'inventer une vie que l'on a pas, une personnalité que l'on a pas, qui a pour but d'induire les gens en erreur, avec le roleplay (le jeu).

Je vous renvoie à cette très bonne définition du RP faite par @CuckoldMe


🇺🇲 I understand what you are trying to say.
But we must not confuse the fact of: playing a role, of pretending to be someone that we are not, of hiding our identity, of inventing a life that we do not have, a personality that we do not have. we don't have, which aims to mislead people, with roleplay (the game).

I refer you to this very good definition of RP made by @CuckoldMe


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Posted (edited)

It all depends, I think that playing a rp about something can be a lot of fun, for example a fireman or a policeman, or anything that revolves around a profession, but you'd still need to have the right outfits each time, which with 3dx is far from being the case, so it quickly adds a limitation to all the rp possibilities that can be done with a partner, which I think is a real shame ;)
After all, as always, it all depends on the limit of each person's imagination during their role. Some will be very comfortable, and even limitless in their ideas, and others will quickly find themselves stuck at a certain limit of their imagination.

Edited by Zaven
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