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Everything posted by Malene

  1. Just like any other game that uses DLC`s.
  2. Malene

    3DXChat on Steam

    This may sound harsh, but honestly no. The lack of communication with your existing community for one, and it has only gotten worse over the years The pandering to one clique and certain people in the game while ignoring the community as a whole is also something that annoys many Ignoring what we repeatedly said we wanted most in both forums and in polls and then make something no one asked for instead The speed of the updates are almost a joke. In 2012 there where 81 small updates, last year there where 2 The quality of many new items are not good either, clipping, misalignment and misplacement are more common than not If you look back on everything that has been made since 2012, it is really not much in 12 years and there is no red tread either, it is all over the place We still have dc`s and I vividly remember the dc`s during the covid surge, so i am honestly not looking forward to it happening again with Steam We still have bugs that have been here more or less since launch but we also got quite a few new ones with your updates Some of the really bad ones that broke our builds took ages to fix The bugs we used as a main feature in many rooms, such as hidden names are gone There have been a lot of changes over the years, some good, some bad, on some we got a choice but many where just taken away This game used to lead on everything, now it feels more like a punchline and that saddens me Over the years it has gone from my favorite game to just a game and finally to meh, maybe i`ll pop in later, but i still subscribe and i probably will for many more years to come even though i am hardly on anymore. I think many of us feel that way and pop in because it feels familiar, a bit of fun with friends or a bit of "fun" with someone else, maybe to let the creative juices flow and build, but you should not mistake the recurring player base for anything different. I have honestly never heard a single player that`s been here for more than a month say, "woooow, the content is so massive" . I have heard the opposite many times though, but we adapt and most of the time we just laugh at the dc`s bugs, lack of content and updates, and we make do. but is "make do" really something to rely on while expanding onto a new path ?
  3. Malene

    3DXChat on Steam

    Right now there are 34,949,285 people using Steam, so while i do think the added publicity is a good idea, I`m not so sure you thought this trough. There is no age verification on Steam other than the person themselves saying that they are over the legal limit by entering a birth date, so any 12 year old with a Steam gift certificate from Granny could in theory use that to buy the game and subscribe to if you allow the use of Steam wallet. Then there are the people that have left over the years, both the general grievers and the ones you have actually banned are now free to say exactly what they want both in reviews and the Steam forum. And they will. People buying games just to give a negative review and then refund it is not uncommon anymore. Neither are multi accounts just to spam negativity about a game and it takes a lot more to remove negative treads / reviews from Steam than you are used to from this site and Discord where you moderate it yourselves. Then there are the things we are not allowed to discuss in here that i am certain will be discussed on Steam at one point or another, and i don`t believe that "all pr is good pr" even less so when you give away the ability to control the flood of information and player / creator harassment, "outing" on who really made what, or who did what to whom and all the other drama people like to spread around in the client will be amplified on Steam. Certain hairstyles comes to mind. The players that actually like and play the game but are getting tired of the "maybe two" updates in a year will also can also be able to say what they like without fear of "retaliation" on a platform not run / owned by SGD or it`s affiliates, people that feel unfairly treated, builders that are redoing their creation for the 47`th time due to changes and bugs and so on and on. And of course the added exposure can lead to the right person asking a simple question. How may DJ`s in here actually pay royalties ?
  4. Or they could just hire someone to do a few new items every month for sale, it`s not like it`s a new idea, they used to have several different people making things for them. In most games today, you buy the base and then they release a DLC or have micro transactions. Even AAA games have it as it is highly profitable, both as single player games and subscription based ones. WoW makes more money on micro transactions now than they do in subscriptions. So does FFXIV and they also have different types of subscriptions to accommodate "everyone`s" wallet, with a base game on the bottom and added clothes, items and perks for the more expensive ones. I dunno ... I do know that the whole "get a pose or two, a few new items for the girls, maybe one for the guys and then wait for half a year before the same happens again " gets old, so maybe it`s just an " I`ll welcome anything new" thing.
  5. *shrugs They already selling the name tag that "everyone" said they did not want, but then they wanted it anyway when the price went down. People also use real money to buy items, furniture and rooms to get something they want and some use real money in the form of xgold to buy sex ... I still think the colored name is dumb, so l don`t use it, i can build what i want my self and getting some virtual dick is really not a problem, so that just leaves clothes, and i would honestly buy them if i liked the look, assuming they where not "rented" like the colored name or some sort of VIP pass and the quality was better than most of what we have now. It would have to be clothes only though, `cause if you start to sell poses it will be an even bigger "who has the biggest dick" competition, when some rooms owners and the cliques they "affiliate" with would buy it all, while others would "have" to in order to "compete" and others would use it as yet another reason to quit the game entirely if they could not afford to. I`ve often spent weeks running the same dungeons over and over in a "ton" of games to get the outfits i wanted, and i often buy DLC`s for them if there is anything i like, and if there is nothing i like, i mod the game and make an outfit my self, but that`s a bit harder here, so yeah i would buy clothes.
  6. Can you blame anyone for wanting more though ? In 2012 there where 81 small updates, in 2020 there where 20 and last year we had 2.
  7. Case in point, what i wore Friday
  8. All things come to those who wait [ A result of love for poems and metonymy ]
  9. The Demon Child [ A result of playing around with lights ]
  10. Of course it was rp, i love playing dress up and games, i just don`t like to read "400" lines of purple describing how my earlobes look when all i wanted was to gag on a cock... It is.
  11. The difference is that Bob is a bot, while every avatar has a human behind them, so even silent pose jumping with a stranger can be fun. Well, assuming they have a sense of rhythm and don`t jump across a lake and fourteen buildings to get to a new pose ... and the ones you feel are semi afk can also sod off. I had a guy from Japan that wanted to play "Time stop" from some anime, (as in him stopping time so i would "freeze in the moment" and then he took ages to just grope me) no words, but it got me going, and i know he had fun, so yeah it happens
  12. I had a guy telling me in walls and walls of purple how he was breathing on my earlobes ... while i was laying in a free fuck room wearing nothing but heels and a slut collar ...
  13. More stuff is always appreciated, but it is "a ton" of work to remake all of the items to match both genders, and they are not the fastest to add new stuff, let alone rework / merge the old tbh, so i highly doubt we will see anything like that for many many years, if ever ...
  14. I had the same issue and this worked for me : Move the entire game folder to another location, start it from there, dl the patch and when it is done just move it all back to where you had it.
  15. We only need one straight sheer / transparent texture. If you mix it with patterns or fabric we already have, the possibilities are almost endless. I honestly don`t get it why it is still missing. It is already in the game on other clothes and items. It is easy to implement and it would give both the male and female wardrobe a real lift.
  16. From launch in December 2012 and until December 2013 this game had 81 small updates.

    It must have been so fun to have a little surprise and something new waiting almost every time you logged in.

  17. " gobble gobble up with my booty up, french fries, thic thighs " [ A result of suddenly remembering Belle Delphine`s song ]
  18. Still waiting for sheer fabric.
  19. A friend of mine is renting out his cottage just like that, solar panels though, but the rest is a bare minimum, carry in water from a well, and a huge fire place with a self shot polar bear skin from Svalbard in front and it is always fully booked. :]
  20. This is Steam`s top 10 and 6 of them are free to play. Counter-Strike 2 Free To Play 1,312,422 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids Dota 2 Free To Play 735,880 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS Free To Play 567,537 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids Team Fortress 2 Free To Play 154,147 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids Apex Legends™ Free To Play 1323,845 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids Call of Duty Free To Play (Demo) 123.218 Players atm - Bot / Cheat infested and littered with kids There is a reason the 3`rd biggest tread on Steam Discussions are VAC bans ... Yes the player count goes up, but it does so at the expanse of something else. There is no such thing as a free lunch, you get what you pay for.
  21. My guess would be SL, but yeah, it looks good.
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