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Posts posted by JanaX

  1. I've known people that had pictures of naked men up. Usually some muscley fellow holding a kitten or baby or something in black and white. There is a whole genre of it.


    In any case I've no problem seeing a dick... but... when I see it on a 3dx profile I tend to think... well -that- is an idiot and avoid them like the plague.


    If I'm intimate with someone... and they send me body part pictures... im cool with that... that's sexy - and it's more because of the feeling... the act of doing it.

  2. Another thing i find very annoying with the new beach is the amount of name tags that appear literally everywhere, and yes i know its mostly cause its a new place and everyone wants to go see it and use it... BUT i think there is more to it, i think its simply the way the whole place was designed, a lot of small hidden away areas that places name tags in what seems like odd places. What i suggest to fix this is instead of having the name tags being an on off option, make it a slider so you can set how far away from that you want name tags to show, if its just a few meters or if you want to see the entire location, that would be a great thing if you ask me, id very much like to be able to customise it. 


    Agree with Tauri. Actually I'd like also the ability to just see clearly name tags of people on my friends list, and maybe a distance for seeing them for everyone else.

  3. I don't believe it's an intentional scam... but I do believe that a person should wait and see before offering money. I've been in software development for a very long time... and I have seen projects that succeed and projects that fail.


    At the moment I believe this falls into the latter category... first they appear to me to be focusing on the fun stuff.... level making and making logos and trailers and loading screens and such.... but sooner or later you need to get to the hard stuff... network code and integration and optimisation... But when you get to the hard stuff this is when a project falls apart. Suddenly you realise it's an uphill battle and there are a hundred things to do and... none of them are fun.


    Secondly, I think they are over ambitious and over promising. The minute someone says "I hope it's got this" it seems frenchie says... "it's got that" and this is added to the list of requirements.. the problem is the scope of the project is growing so the deadline is inevitably moving further away.


    These are two reasons why I'm waiting to see. I honestly hope I'm wrong... but I've seen these basic mistakes occur too often in projects that ultimately end up failing.


    As I say... I hope I'm wrong... and I wish them all success... and I reiterate my offer to help. I have a considerable amount of the hard stuff done, already... but...

  4. In your room 1... the beach is backdrop and doesn't have the same triggers and collision detection... so if you want to go wandering there... you have to put down points for people to walk to.

  5. The music is -exactly- the same. Everything is -exactly- the same... right down to the people dancing and mostly not actually having sex.


    Why go... and not nightclub or yacht or whatever... I don't know... my guess is that the feeling is that the context is different.


    Personally speaking... I hate that functionality in the dlls... lots of people put real time and effort into their rooms and these beautiful creations deserve to be admired loved and used.

  6. Deeply shocked and saddened by this. I caught the news this morning and was moved to tears.


    This attack helps no one. Furthers no agenda. Impacts on no political decisions. The people hurt and killed, many children and teenagers, about as far removed from the Middle East as possible.


    It is pure barbarism and serves or helps nothing and no one.


    The people of the uk are saddened but resilient. Shocked but determined. And we all stand with Manchester.


    My heart is with all those affected and hurt and their families.

  7. More about VR:


    Sometimes you get "stuck" and cannot walk.... think this relates to virtual keyboard.

    Sometimes virtual keyboard.... is in the way of what you are typing.

    Sometimes virtual keyboard.... cannot be got rid of.

    VR interface should be resolution independant. If I play in highest resolution, interface is reasonably discreet. If I play 1280 by 900 or whatever.... interface is... always in the way of what you are looking at.

  8. Well... even the VR experience could use a little.... refinement....


    You might be able to have sex in the vr, but you certainly cannot roleplay. The labourious interface for text..... makes it impossible. Also in the vr... the interface is wayyy too intrusive.... keeps getting in the way of what you are looking at. Tried some kisses with a patient friend.... kept having to fight with the interface to see them....

  9. Using VR and xbox controller:


    Looks great.... however... you are too far above your own head which is missing.

    In VR mode..... can see no discernable way to stand up once you have sat down on a chair. Had to restart to stand up.

    Virtual keyboard... useless.... you look at the key.... press the button on the controller.... takes forever to type the simplest of messages.

    Walking around.... sort of works.... but disorientating because you are moving.... and not moving... it's a common vr problem.

    No way to turn around... without... physically turning around....

    Space bar should not be used to re-center menus - I had to resort to keyboard to type messages.... and.... kept re-centering.

    Very little instructions on gamepad controls in VR mode.

    Slowdance.... in first person mode... is too close.... looking through the top of their heads.... probably need adjustment to camera fov

  10. I just tried the rift and the new beta..... honestly.... the virtual keyboard.... using a rift... you sort of have to look at the key you want... then press on the controller.... takes... forever to type the simplest of messages....


    It... works... in the new beta.... but.... problems.... will post later some more comments.

  11. It does seem to me that release is imminent. There seems to be more activity and small attempts to inform and engage more with the community. It may be wishful thinking on my part... but I think and hope it's next couple of weeks.


    In terms of the comments you make... I kind of both agree and disagree. Although I do have an Oculus... and I get that being able to support it would be a big thing and a draw to VR players.... I know not many people have them.... and this game kind of needed a bunch of stuff as more of a priority.


    I'm looking forward to it myself, but we could have used a bunch of things more than VR support.

  12. I agree it would be kind of great, the reality it would be a little more complex to do than it sounds. Each base model of any clothing item has something called a uv map. This is essentially the representation of a 3D object unwrapped to 2 dimensions in order for a texture to go on it. The problem is that determines exactly how a texture, and decals such as designs will apply to the model and means that without having the uv map it's difficult to have the design look good when applied to the model.


    In addition I think the sgd team are very keen to retain. Some quality control, so like models means that designs would need probably some kind of approval process.


    Although I too love the idea of being able to upload our own designs... I have a feeling it won't be coming anytime soon.

    • how long you've been playing with the character you're reporting for

    Since about mid 2014, with a gap in between of about 2 years playing epithany.


    • how often you have been married in game so far

    Once only.


    • how long the marriage lasted

    Roughly six months.


    • if you would consider marriage again

    Yes, I think I probably would.


    • why you got divorced (but please spare us from all too nasty details, die hard romantics might get disenchanted)

    In the end, I think we just wanted and needed different things, however, we are still very very close friends and adore each other.

  13. I believe we are being taught a valuable lesson about expectations and disappointment. The lords of 3dx are actually zen masters and trying to show us when we clutch for something and have expectations it will ultimately disappear from our grasp like sands slipping from our clenched frustrated fists.


    Patience grasshopper, for we are not yet worthy.

  14. On the last question... well I've tried using unity with source control.... it is... far from perfect. My guess is they decided with less people to not implement much by the way of branching strategies so probably working in the same branch all the time... meaning you can't release piecemeal changes without also releasing game breaking changes if another piece of work is in mid development.


    That's my feeling what is happening here.


    You could mitigate this using feature toggles and iterative changes of course... but I doubt they are using agile or any methodology like this.

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