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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. And whiners were already whining, so nothing new. I maintain what i said, it's lots of stuff and that's cool Ofc this my opinion and you may not agree... but it's your choice and i don't really care Have a nice day.
  2. Update ain't even on live yet and some already complaining about it. Damn and i'm not even surprised xD

  3. Imo the massage is a really nice addition. This is a long time asked pose and finally we get it. So it's great. New hairstyles even for men, wow, cool. New way to make avatars look different is a always a good thing. The slap pose, not my thing but for the bdsm community i guess it's a good stuff. The strocking pose, well, no idea yet, need to see it in game. New materials for World Editor, great, like hairstyles the more the better. Return of the offline messages is a good thing too. But what i want to say is that updates are now way bigger than they used to be. They're maybe not faster but we got now lot's of stuff. So for me it's on a good way. Ofc whiners will always whine, that's their job i guess.
  4. I might be wrong but I think it's more a graphic/texture update than new poses for cumshots.
  5. Yep got the same room loading issue and also i can't upload pics in my gallery. Never had this problem before today.
  6. I don't really care about WC but the massage pose is a nice addition. Glad to see it coming at last.
  7. A library of free stuff: yes. A shop... no. I really don't understand why some ppl want to pay even in xgold. Seriously can someone explain me why it'd be better to pay instead of having everything for free?
  8. Ah here you are, this is too bad i can't enjoy it much lately but damn, still so good!
  9. We need an "Editor Editor" like this everybody could make the editor they really want.
  10. I used to go to the beach in extreme settings without any issues but since last couple of updates, need to set 30 fps. My PC hasn't changed so I guess it's updates related.
  11. If ppl really wants to waste their money, I can find a use to it.

  12. About to get really fat and it's not even Christmas yet! Thx room dramas, you made my day.
  13. Yeah that's why it's stup... not a good idea to "buy" a room here. Cause you don't really buy it, you only get a copy of a file that can still be sold and even be easily "stolen". But anyway, I could pay* to watch your dramas and you, guys, give them for free to all of us. You're awesome, thanks! * Actually i won't, so no need to send me your paypal, greedy ones!
  14. Great work, thx for sharing it
  15. A long time ago we could watch some random lame porn videos on tv screens in game. That's what Tsela meant i guess.
  16. Server's down. /me takes a sit and prepares to what is about to happen on forums Thx for the popcorn Edit: oh no! server's back, no time to enjoy the show !
  17. Or this community grows up and stop cheating and whining Well, I know, we can dream
  18. Serendipity

    Using /me

    You like first person? don't use the /me thing My 2 cents.
  19. I love the new dress.... so am I a weirdo?

    1. Nikki
    2. Serendipity


      Good like this nobody will look like me :D

  20. Till this morning i'd say Gizmo but since he gave us all 6k, not sure he is anymore.
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