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Everything posted by Abbey

  1. Just came on my radio at home ✌ ♫ ♡♪
  2. Oh dear what a contribution...
  3. For you my best friend, my boyfriend, my man ♡ love you x
  4. I Will be there and happily looking forward to this event by yourself and Tezz ♡
  5. Something a little different but so sweet ♡
  6. It makes me happy to read this. I can see the other side of you that you hide. It can be hard but as long as you keep smiling and being brave and facing adversity, daring to change & lowering your defences down just a little to let people in. "You will find your way". Remember criticism of a mistake is not a judgement of the whole you, it is simply people caring enough to point out where you went wrong in one area. If no one cared at all they wouldn't take the time to tell you (this is how I see things). Welcome back, Wishing you happiness in the future ♡ Abbey x
  7. "Love & trust take time, if someone gives them to you be sure to cherish them as much as they cherish you ♡"

  8. "You know how I feel... ♡"
  9. Why do I have to wake up at 4am to go to work today!!!
  10. Congratulations to you both ! wishing you a lot of love and happiness together ♡
  11. ♡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=atz_aZA3rf0
  12. Abbey


    Remembers this event well and agrees with comment. Sadly you created all this drama by posting this thread and then being quite aggressive in your replies, without correcting your past upset. If you're truly not looking for drama then rise above it. Act how you proclaim to think and feel... I hope everyone can move forward and perhaps you have a better time in the future but an apology to the community you insulted previously probably wouldn't be a bad thing. Wishing you positive things in the future ♡.
  13. Something for the soul ❤
  14. Abbey

    Bye Bye

    Doll, Know that you will be missed very much ❤ You are a wonderful friend, you always brighten every ones world with laughter and warm feelings. That light will be missed by all your friends. I thank you for sharing your time with me and giving me your friendship and a lot of happiness, courage and support. I want to wish that all your wishes come true, your an amazing person never let anyone tell you different ◕‿↼ chase every dream ★ Lots of love to you my friend, Abbey (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ x
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QqwKDBSkxPs
  16. New Bug Patch 281 I have on several occasions so far had pm windows opened. Then mapped to new room, to find that one or more of the pm windows that I had open before have mysteriously dropped and closed on entering the new room Edit: I have noticed it is happening to only the same people I have pm box open for.
  17. Something to dance to ❤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n-iRnyf1GAE
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zjXFTzmSVPo
  19. Love without restraint ❤ Happy Valentines Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29GWMT0GB6s
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