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What to do when you don't want to talk to someone?


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Well if you dont want to be rude by unfriending them you could always try and tell them how things are and you just dont want to talk with them right now or well if its more like you really dont want to talk with them then its like no use to even be friends, i know its rude but that will kinda be the way out of it.


Know alot with people that just text you when you dont want to like talk to them and sometimes i just look like i'm AFK by not responding to those who i dont want to talk with, and if they dont stop i ask them to either stop and stuff like that :)

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The fact that you don't want to talk with them anymore is already somehow rude for them, so... I think most of the people tend to ignore someone, which is definitely not the best option. I would just try to explain politely what are the reasons and who knows, maybe they change and you'll want to talk to them again  :P

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Okay, well... Let's assume if we're here, we're all grown ups, right ?


Aaaaand let's assume as grown up human beings we can talk with fellow beings (Even though I'm an elf and definitely young for an elf, I include myself in that) *nods nods*


I still got you ? Fine, then mebee.... Talk to the one and explain him/her.


Don't be rude and just say things how they are, if it's a friend, then he/she will understand and make things go on the right path. If not... You can still delete friend or ignore.




This content has been provided under control of the Elven Elder Council after a debate for three long decades and approved by the supreme court on the 153th vote. Enjoy it :P

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One of the things I learned a long time ago on these forums and online chat programs is that though people are quite friendly, and we are able to "friend" them in program, they are only acquaintances until you know stuff about each other, real stuff. That means talking, telling them when you need space or letting them know you are not a highly chatty person in the first place are all respectable things to do. Tell them. If they keep bugging you then remove them. They are not really right for you anyway friend wise.

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Since I epically fail to multitask...(which is mostly a myth anyway btw :P)...I could never manage to talk properly to more than one person in game at a time. At best I'd just seem like I wasn't paying attention to anyone lol...so...I'd just say..."sorry I'm with just chatting with my friend/whatevs...chat later?"


Like pretty much everyone here has said...just act like it's a real person you're talking to...because um...it is lol.

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If someone texts me here, I try to answer and carry on a conversation. Quite often, I end up with numerous text boxes open, and I try to talk to everybody, but some people get impatient, or even mad that I dare to speak to someone else at the same time as them. Then the rapid fire "Why aren't you answering me, its been over 30 seconds" rants, that make me often just close the box and ignore their replies. I do find, with most of my good friends on here, that if I tell them I'm working on room, or involved in a role-play, they understand. Honesty and straight forwardness work for real friends, those who get mad, probably aren't so much. 

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