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Hello everyone... and drama help wanted :)


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Hi everyone. I'm new and so far I'm really enjoying the game, and looking forward to more updates.

I do have a question if anyone has the time and inclination to give me any advice...

Exam question: Drama. I don't want it from others, and I don't want to cause it for others. Is this even possible?

I play because I want to, not because I have no other option. I want to get to know people, learn what they like, tell them what I like, and have fun together. I don't want marriage, exclusive relationships or RL contact.

I've already managed to cause someone to call me some very rude things and then ignore me, simply because I wasn't prepared to devote my entire being to them after two meetings!

Is this normal here? Can I avoid it? Am I being unreasonable? Or am I just destined to break hearts by playing like that? I don't want to do that, it makes me sad to think I'm doing it.

Thanks x

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Welcome to 3DX. 3DX Chat can be many things to many people and played in many ways, the one thing which annoys me the most is when players expect other people will always play it the way they do and get the things out of it they do. Some people treat it like a video game and expect everyone they come across to be ready and willing to fulfill every wish they have as a player themselves. They basically treat you like an NPC in an MMORPG. They see you there and they just expect you see it the way they see it and you will do what they expect you to, and get grumpy when you don't do what they want or expect. But that's just one kind of player, there are many approaches to how to enjoy this place. There are others who will try to control your avatar and talk you into what size breasts to have and what to wear, ignore those ones totally. Other people are there just to dance or build world creations or just be with friends and talk and laugh, the way to enjoy 3DX is endless. Best advice I can give you is decide for yourself what you want and how you want to live inside 3DX chat and do that and be strong-minded (it really is up to how strong-minded you are in yourself) about it and do not let others sway you away from that, write it in your profile and then it is up to everyone to take the time to read your profile and then respect your wishes for how you wish to play the game or enjoy the social media platform with sex or without sex, or whatever you want really. It's up to you. I think of 3DX chat as a sort of family I'm part of, and in families you always have people who rub you the wrong way but you're sort of stuck with them and have to put up with them. If you stay true to who you are and what you want out of it, you will eventually attract the people you are meant to be around.

Edited by Rockster
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And yes there can sometimes be lots of drama and adults behaving like little children and carrying-on, but you just learn to laugh at it and ignore it and not let it affect you. If it all gets too much for you and someone really really is irritating you and upsetting you too much, there is always the ignore function. Click them either in a chat window or directly from their avatar and there is an option to ignore also an option on their profile. Ignoring a player will make their avatar disappear totally for you and you for them, you both go behind a kind of invisible wall from each other. The person who does the ignore has the ultimate power over the situation and it stays on as long as they leave it on. You can't see their chats or interact with them any longer, nor can they, at least until/if you take them off again. Everyone treats ignore differently, some people hate using it and would rather not use it much, others use it at the drop of a hat for almost no reason at all, but it can be your best friend when someone really is giving you a headache and being really horrible or taking things out on you for no reason. You always need to remember you go there to have a good time and relax and entertain yourself, not to be unhappy, so if another player is consistently upsetting you, sometimes the easiest and best approach is just to put them on iggie. Even if for one day just to get them out of your face.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Rockster and Mei for the replies. Really interesting to read your thoughts on it. I think I'm getting there slowly, working it all out. It's like learning relationships irl I guess, but all in one go with literally no safeguards... except the obvious one of not being there heh.

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  • 5 months later...
On 7/27/2022 at 3:51 AM, LiChu said:

Hi everyone. I'm new and so far I'm really enjoying the game, and looking forward to more updates.

I do have a question if anyone has the time and inclination to give me any advice...

Exam question: Drama. I don't want it from others, and I don't want to cause it for others. Is this even possible?

I play because I want to, not because I have no other option. I want to get to know people, learn what they like, tell them what I like, and have fun together. I don't want marriage, exclusive relationships or RL contact.

I've already managed to cause someone to call me some very rude things and then ignore me, simply because I wasn't prepared to devote my entire being to them after two meetings!

Is this normal here? Can I avoid it? Am I being unreasonable? Or am I just destined to break hearts by playing like that? I don't want to do that, it makes me sad to think I'm doing it.

Thanks x

My advice to you is do as I do, you have to treat this game like RL.

What would you do in RL if someone called you names for something? You would, I would hope, think to yourself what a weirdo and forget it even happened and move on  knowing you never want to be around that rude person.

The ignore button works really well also. When you ignore someone, they get a message saying so.

Drama can only happen if you allow it too. It takes 2 people for it to work. ;)

I have found, some people enjoy drama and start it just cause it's fun.

So it is impossible to avoid in this game, it is what you do about it is what really should be important because it will rear its ugly head eventually unfortunately.

It is tuff at first, but you will eventually after time find the right groups of people to chill with. :D 

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"Drama can only happen if you allow it too. It takes 2 people for it to work."

Not necessarily true. I've seen one person create plenty with absolutely no input from the targeted party. Sometimes they just drag you into it and you have no choice.

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/7/2023 at 11:27 PM, Rockster said:

"Drama can only happen if you allow it too. It takes 2 people for it to work."

Not necessarily true. I've seen one person create plenty with absolutely no input from the targeted party. Sometimes they just drag you into it and you have no choice.

I think Rockster should cry more.

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