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Found 17 results

  1. Gold transfer between 3dxchat members. I see this feature as an investment in the quality of gameplay, interest for the game, as a platform for those who love to play and for those who love to be social. Just in a nutshell why I do the poll. I have seen many events such as fashion show, model photo contest, best dancer of the month etc. Most of event hosts want to reward their participants. I saw 5 gifts for the 1st place, 3 gifts for the 2nd etc. Why don't we reward them in a civilized way, by gold? Just this question was on my mind. Few days ago I was on fashion show(I will post few screenshots under spoiler) and it was fun, but something was lost in my subjective opinion. Some reward would be nice as a appreciation for participation. Not a gift, but gold. It would be awesome to spend it on everything you want. Right? We don't live and work for special tickets for bread, cheese or a pair of sneakers, as it was in some communist countries, but we are getting money. Just money and this is fair. Those gifts with pics are really cool in special situations, but seems we need a little bit more freedom. I hope, I am not alone with such a wish. How it was looking: How I see this with place for words from a sender: This feature can give us a reason and motivation to be longer in 3dxchat, to play more interesting, for helping friends, to create new events with rewarding, to buy a beer for a friend and so on In the end it will give us a breath of fresh air and freedom to use our money as we want. I tried to be short in words. Leave your comments.Thank you for your attention.
  2. As the title says. A filter for the Room Names. Try to name your room anything that uses specific offensive words or terms. (Rape/Underage/etc.) And the Interface just doesn’t allow you to share the room to public. Keeps the button inactive. This has to be possible from a technical standpoint because the server already filters and auto-bans specific words in chats.
  3. deleted pics to save up attachment space ^^
  4. It is interesting to know today. Feel free to leave your opinion. Have a good day.
  5. So my 5th Anniversary on 3dx is coming up but want to do something special but not sure so I'm seeking an answer from the community!
  6. through the decΒ·ades at abΒ·soΒ·lute As we are coming to the end of our Through the Decades series, I decided to hear what YOU have to say about songs that you favored through the decades and what influenced you in the music that you listen to today. This is your chance to speak up, be heard, get loud and define the very last set for Through the Decades series at Absolute. The music you choose will be highlighted as we go through all the decades, from the 70's through today, covering the hard rock and metal of each decade. So, make your choice of which song you found to be the most impactful of each decade OR if a song is not listed, write it into the comments section. Just keep it hard rock and metal please. I look forward to seeing what YOU have to say and what you determine I play in two weeks. This is post two of two. Make sure to check out the first post for the 70's, 80's and 90's decades. (this forum only lets you ask three questions in a poll) Rock on people!
  7. THIS IS A RE-POST AS THE FIRST POLL WAS DELETED. IF YOU VOTED, PLEASE DO SO AGAIN. THANK YOU. through the decΒ·ades at abΒ·soΒ·lute As we are coming to the end of our Through the Decades series, I decided to hear what YOU have to say about songs that you favored through the decades and what influenced you in the music that you listen to today. This is your chance to speak up, be heard, get loud and define the very last set for Through the Decades series at Absolute. The music you choose will be highlighted as we go through all the decades, from the 70's through today, covering the hard rock and metal of each decade. So, make your choice of which song you found to be the most impactful of each decade OR if a song is not listed, write it into the comments section. Just keep it hard rock and metal please. I look forward to seeing what YOU have to say and what you determine I play in two weeks. This is post one of two. Make sure to check out the first post for the 2000's and 2010's decades. (this forum only lets you ask three questions in a poll) Rock on people!
  8. As the title states choose what you would like to see in the next update
  9. There’s lots of different opinion on this. A poll might be interesting? Feel free to comment or suggest a better poll.
  10. Please share and give your opinion Sorry, of course the poll means XMAS gift and not AMAS poison. Translator error.... I started the poll with the members who bought the XMAS gift as playtime code and then started the code sometime in the current year. I didn't think it would be an advantage for people with a 1-month subscription.
  11. I made this after seeing how things are going on in the forum. It's simple for the questions and answers as these have been posed on this forum already over the course of far to many threads so making it easy for the devs to see. I can edit the choices if needed. Edited the choices. With IMVU you don't have options like here unless you pay for VIP. Paying the $9.99 a month allows you that choice on who you want to contact you so that is why I put that there.
  12. Ok you guys/girls! It's time to show 3DxChat just how business has boomed over these past 3 years. I KNOW that most of us have brought other players from other virtual world games over to 3DxChat! You can be discrete about it, and just vote, OR if you feel froggy, please do tell us how many people you brought over and who they are to you (boyfriend/exboyfriend, girlfriend/exgirlfriend, friend, lover/exlover, etc....... I look forward to seeing where this poll GOES!! AND I WILL START: I was brought here by a friend/sister, PrincessSparkleButt from the game IMVU. I then in return I brought my boyfriend at the time, on IMVU, but is now my exboyfriend.
  13. Well, just came in and to my mind... Pretty much fed of "same stuff of THIS" coming from DEVs. So I decided to draw people into multi staged POLL. Stage 1 (Ta-DAMM!) - next "THIS" POSE typo... like FM, FF, FFF, MM or MMM and rate them Stage 2 (Da- TAMM!) - next "THIS" POSE selection from this thread - http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/399-sex-positions/page-29- it has roughly 30 pages so the next poll may be arranged in the way that: best 10 pages out of 30 - then best 3 pages out of 10 and in the end best three poses out of 3 pages Stage 3 (doubts) - sending the people's choice to DEVs. It sounds a bit idealistic but hope there are people who are in. Comments and ideas are higly appreciated! Kisses, Olga~
  14. Guest

    Pleasuring yourself...

    Just thought this would be a fun question, seeing that this is a very sexual game and the answers are completely anonymous...Who is pleasuring themselves more on a weekly basis - men or women? c'mon vote (it's 2 seconds) and nobody's gonna know how you voted...
  15. Guest

    Would you leave 3dx if...

    Just curious what the general consensus would be, if faced with this question: If you were in a committed relationship (head over heels in love or married) in Real Life, would you continue here in 3dx?
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