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Everything posted by OliU

  1. Well...Sin is what ppl are making out of it. I'm not too sure on how to improve that. But I agree that some Rock DJ(s) could bring in some additional life into Sin Club.
  2. your opinion - sorry to hear that but it's okay. Funny thing is always: the ones crying most for tolerance are always showing no tolerance at all ppl differing from them in some things/attidues (of course also sexual things). Ingame prostitues are doing somehow a very honest thing: it's a deal - and by demanding a gift they make it out clearly. Probably more honest than some non-prostitutes here. And funny as you mention "but it was roleplay" to try to make clear that you aren't a paying customer. What if I told you that it could be that this is also RP for prostitutes as for their customers?
  3. I highly agree to Darkangel...won't miss that and will be there Cheers
  4. Great News. Wishing you a good start and of course lots of fun and guests
  5. and this is my desktop I use in these minutes (changing quite often)
  6. hehe - I know that game
  7. Come on Briana - sh.. may happen Just take your time and hopefully return soon *kisses and hugs* Oli
  8. I also prefer to "play" myself in this game because I like to be authentic and roleplaying every minute would be somehow too stressy for me. Besides from that I also roleplay in some certain moments So maybe you could call me somehow a switch? *lol*
  9. OliU

    Rock in May

    This was an incredible party and I enjoyed a lot. Thank you for everybody you crazy ppl
  10. OliU

    Rock in May

    well....I guess I will join too :D :D *kidding* Bang your head and tear down these walls
  11. Getting a real mouse friendly start menu can be also done with freeware: ClassicShell works very fine for me
  12. Congratulations to you 2. You are looking charming togeather
  13. Congratulations again Anna & Jon, it was a big honour for me to do the wedding ceremony and speech. Here is your wedding certificate (special thanks to JulianK) May your love never end. Best wishes & cheers Oli
  14. OliU

    The Pleasure Nest

    I'm sure you gals and guys will be back again in business soon
  15. OliU

    Music Events!

    Hi Ashbash, well..that's a hard decision. And I think if you ask 10 ppl here about music you will get about 11 different opinions If it's me I'd say the following: Sin Club - there has to be somehow "dirty" music, as the club is (at least for me) is also little dirty too...hehe. Perfect song for pole-dance is e.g. AD/DC "The jack" just to give you 1 expample what I call "dirty" music Night Club - I would say it's just okay the way it already is because this is already that kind of sound I would've expected there. Not my personal fav but it fits well Yacht - just perfect the way it already is Love Island - also okay. But I'd expect somehow more ballads there. Kool & the Gangs "Cherish" would fit perfectly there. Just one example. Beach - also okay, there is no music until now Maybe there could be also some music there from time to time, e.g. just somehow holiday vacation sound/Reggae. Also Beach Boys would fit. However: Music is just depending on personal taste. If I don't like/enjoy the current ingame music I just mute it listenting to my own preferred music. As I'm also little DJing here from time to time on FoA parties I know best that you can't make them all happy. Taste of music is just too individual. Just my 2 cents. Cheers Oli
  16. was also little wondering about the music in the last weeks although this is usually my fave style .. haha But for pole dance it's just not dirty enough Just my 2 cents
  17. Aha...so everybody voting with "no" is a bugger/jerk? Seriously? And always also male ("as HE would like")? omg.....but nevertheless: thank you for sharing your opinion.
  18. Voted with "no" as I think we don't neccessarily need ingame moderators. For me moderators would kill somehow the feeling of being really free. Freedom is really important for me. Don't misunderstand me: I'm not bugging anyone cause I will never understand why this should be fun. Fun is when it is fun for everybody involved. It's that simple. First step should be, as already mentioned, a good and fully working ignore function. Second would be to implement that cuddles/kisses are only working for friends. Maybe as an option. I really hate cold cuddles/kisses. Regarding newcomers: I started here about 4 or 5 weeks ago and I can say if you just chat/ask gently it won't take too long time to find some nice gal/person that is willing or even happy to show you the game. Just my 2 cents.
  19. wow - this is really a great story and perfectly illustrated *thumbs up*
  20. ja - es gibt durchaus einige Deutsche in 3dx
  21. so true....was going mad about this yesterday however: complaining is easy when being just a player. Quite sure devs will fix that soon.
  22. Absolutely agree to that. The design somehow looks like chewing gum. But just my 2 cents.
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